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Visa Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Updated 25 Feb 2025

Top Visa Interview Questions and Answers

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Software Engineer Interview Questions & Answers

user image Pranali Yawalkar

posted on 14 Dec 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

7 Questions

  • Q1. Discussion on my internships and course projects.
  • Q2. My field of interest, how well have I fared in it.
  • Q3. Design a mvc controller system where given a url, I am able to invoke the right controller. Eg, given "xyz.com/a/b/c", I should be able to invoke c controller by going through a and b
  • Q4. Design autocomplete in IDEs
  • Ans. 

    Autocomplete in IDEs helps developers write code faster by suggesting code snippets and completing code as they type.

    • Autocomplete should suggest code snippets based on the context of the code being written

    • Autocomplete should prioritize suggestions based on frequency of use

    • Autocomplete should also suggest variable and function names

    • Autocomplete should be customizable to allow for user-defined snippets and suggestions

    • Exa...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. What is my weakness
  • Ans. 

    My weakness is public speaking.

    • I tend to get nervous when speaking in front of large groups.

    • I am working on improving my public speaking skills by practicing and seeking feedback.

    • I have taken courses and attended workshops to help me overcome my fear of public speaking.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. Given 2 game scenarios for basketball, and given p as the probability of making a basket in an attempt, I have to understand the condition where game1 would be preferable over game2. In first game, I have ...
  • Ans. 

    Comparing 2 basketball game scenarios with different number of trials and baskets required to win

    • Calculate the probability of winning in each game scenario using binomial distribution formula

    • Compare the probabilities to determine which game scenario is preferable

    • In game1, the probability of winning is p. In game2, the probability of winning is the sum of probabilities of making 2 or 3 baskets

    • If p is high, game1 is pref...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Given a dictionary of words, I have to go from one word to another in least number of transitions where a transition is a defined as changing any letter of the current word such that the new word is also i...

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test was on hackerrank.
Tips: * Fast coding and problem solving required
* Time crunch
* The test is valued a LOT in the hiring process
Duration: 120 minutes
Total Questions: 4

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Question 1 : He tried to take the discussion to web based technologies to which I straightly told I don’t know. Not sure if that was a good decision. Nevertheless, he went over my resume a lot of times and asked about various projects.
Question 2 : Discussed the various projects related to it.
Question 3 : He asked this question because I had worked on django during my FB internship. I proposed a tree based structure. xyz.com/a/b/c ---> b is child of a, c is child of b.

Question 4 : Next he moved to a very interesting question. Given a simple text editor, I want to facilitate autocomplete feature. We discussed about syntactic methods using language specific keywords. I suggested a trie based implementation which he liked. Later he asked me to improve and redirected me to using scope of the variables, and grammar of the language. We discussed about all the steps I did in language translators lab (macrojava -> minijava -> typechecking -> miniIR -> microIR -> miniRA ->Mips) where we built a Java compiler in Java. We later hopped back to original question and I suggested that we can use grammar to to store multiple (nested kind of) tries for different scope. He asked me how would I define “scope”. He gave me a scenario which helped me come up with the nested trie structure
int a;
int b;
int c; //a b c can be used
int d; //a b d can be used
He then asked me details of how I would code. I said we could use the respective visitors and maintain the current trie root for scope. He liked it but I missed at 2 places :
1. He asked me about token generation used in a compiler and I said flex and bison. I was expected to elaborate a bit.
2. He asked me how the grammar is generated and how the visitors are invoked. I couldn’t explain properly because I was not thorough with it.
Tips: * Keep smiling in the interviews.
* My interviewer had hopped from Microsoft to Visa. We had a short detailed discussion on how the transition was and what drove him to do that.
* It’s always good to know about the company to pick up interesting discussions, read up latest articles and news
* The interviewers want to see if you are passionate about what they are building. Their PPT (Pre Placement Talk) was also focussed majorly on the technologies they are building.
* If you take a question in a direction, make sure you are very very thorough with it. I took it in the direction of compilers, but couldn't make the transition seamlessly because I wasn't thorough with a lot of things (like token generation, visitor invocation).
* Not sure if telling upfront that you don't know about web technologies when you are applying for a profile that might need it is a good idea or not.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I think he was a senior person and spoke very passionately about the work that is happening in visa Bangalore office.

Question 1 : I said maybe I should have learnt a little about web based technologies. I think he was looking for a more generic answer.
Question 2 : I went ahead with calculating the expected score where my score random variable = 1 with probability p, and 0 with probability (1-p). I conditioned that expected score of game1 > game2 which would give me the range of p. I goofed up the equations twice but he said he liked my approach and I was just there

Question 3 : I suggested building a graph where a node is a word and an edge means a transition, and then performing BFS. He said that was obvious and that he was more interested in knowing how I build the graph. I suggested a method to reduce the number of string comparisons by storing a count vector with each word. Count vector is a 26 length vector where count[i] = number of times that letter occurs in the word. I would do string comparison to identify neighbours only if the difference in count vectors in 2. Eg, cot = cat - a + o. String comparison is still needed because of false positives. Eg, oct = cat - a + o but cat -> oct is not a valid transition. He liked my approach and asked me to code, discussed the complexity.
Tips: * Don't be naive around a senior engineer. Be confident.
* Explain your approach before going ahead solving it. I missed that in Q1 and for a long time he didn't know what I was heading towards.
* Write clean code, practice coding on paper to make sure you write compilable code. Shabby code is a turn off.
* Show passion for the company you are applying for.

General Tips: * Be friendly and keep smiling.
* Know about the company, well in detail. Recent news, articles, acquisitions, organisational changes, new offices, new product, etc.
* Know about the volume the company handles, certain mind boggling figures, what the company *does not* do
* If you are introducing yourself as an expert in a certain field, be prepared for questions like "How will you contribute to our company with your expertise" type of questions.
* Be very very thorough with every single thing you write on your resume. A small point you weren't sure about might become the basis of your whole interview. Don't write things you are unsure of, or have worked very little on.
Skill Tips: * I think I didn’t take Visa very seriously. I was assuming they won’t take a undergrad and they won’t take me because I have 0 knowledge in web based technologies. I might have acted a little cocky.
* They had nice pie diagrams which shows that they had done thorough research about each and every candidate based on resume and the coding test.
* They value the coding test a lot.
* Be very thorough with the projects you write on resume. They will give you a problem which won't be straightforward and will map onto one of your course projects. You are expected to do the mapping seamlessly. Every bit of the discussion you have with the interviewer can be your next problem.
* Brush up on web based technologies if you can.
* There will be a HR round as well if you clear the technical interviews.

Skills: Maths(esp Probability), Design, Passion, Web Technologies, Technical Skill And Speaking Skill, Coding Skills
College Name: IIT Madras
Motivation: * Been the leader since more than half a century, been through the technological revolution.
* Revolutionising payments architecture. Building something of greatest need, so elegant and optimised, yet producing such consistent performance.
* Keeping up with the need of the generation by introducing features which are brand new. Eg, “all-purpose credit card”.
* Loved their PPT (Pre Placement Talk). Volume of the data and processing is IMMENSE. Billions of transactions in a year voluming up to trillions. More than 200 countries in the world --> these stats are HUGE.
* Fraud detection is a space I would have loved to work on given that I come from a Data Mining background.

Funny Moments: Chucked out before HR round :P

Skills evaluated in this interview

Top Visa Software Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. Stock Buy and Sell Problem Statement You are given an array of integers PRICES where PRICES[i] represents the price of a stock on the i-th day, and an integer K representing the number of transactions you can perform. Your task is to determ... read more
View answer (1)

Software Engineer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Bridge and torch problem : Four people come to a river in the night. There is a narrow bridge, but it can only hold two people at a time. They have one torch and, because it's night, the torch has to be used when crossing the bridge. Person... read more
View answer (196)
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Less than 2 weeks
No response

I applied via LinkedIn and was interviewed in Jul 2024. There were 3 interview rounds.

Round 1 - HR 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. HR will call you and ask your current roles and responsibilities ?
  • Q2. Job designation senior system engineer (IAM, Azure portal, SaaS Applications, API integrations, Vulnerability Management)
Round 2 - Technical 

(7 Questions)

  • Q1. Do you anything related vulnerability management?
  • Q2. How do you support application for sso enablement?
  • Ans. 

    Supporting application for SSO enablement involves configuring authentication settings, integrating with identity providers, and testing functionality.

    • Configure authentication settings within the application to enable SSO

    • Integrate the application with identity providers such as Okta, Azure AD, or PingFederate

    • Test the SSO functionality to ensure seamless user experience

    • Provide documentation and training for users on how

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Haw you handle outages and any regular task you performed?
  • Ans. 

    I handle outages by following established procedures and prioritize tasks based on impact.

    • Immediately assess the situation to determine the root cause of the outage

    • Communicate with stakeholders to keep them informed of the issue and expected resolution time

    • Work with cross-functional teams to troubleshoot and resolve the outage as quickly as possible

    • Document the outage incident and steps taken for future reference and i...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. How you deal with change management?
  • Ans. 

    I handle change management by implementing structured processes, communication, and stakeholder involvement.

    • Implementing a change management process to track and document changes

    • Communicating changes effectively to all stakeholders

    • Involving key stakeholders in decision-making and planning

    • Ensuring proper testing and validation of changes before implementation

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. How do you enable sso for applications for saas?
  • Ans. 

    Enable SSO for SaaS applications by integrating with identity providers and configuring authentication protocols.

    • Integrate with identity providers such as Okta, Azure AD, or Google Workspace

    • Configure authentication protocols like SAML, OAuth, or OpenID Connect

    • Implement single sign-on functionality in the application code

    • Ensure secure communication between the application and the identity provider

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. What is RTO in disaster recovery?
  • Ans. 

    RTO stands for Recovery Time Objective in disaster recovery, representing the targeted duration of time within which a business process must be restored after a disaster.

    • RTO is a crucial metric in disaster recovery planning, indicating the maximum acceptable downtime for a system or process.

    • It helps organizations determine the resources and strategies needed to recover from a disaster within a specific timeframe.

    • For ex...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Which application you are using to connect servers?
  • Ans. 

    I primarily use SSH (Secure Shell) to connect servers.

    • SSH (Secure Shell) is a widely used application for securely connecting to servers

    • Other applications like PuTTY, OpenSSH, and WinSCP can also be used for server connections

  • Answered by AI
Round 3 - Behavioral 

(4 Questions)

  • Q1. Hiring manager will brief about jd and ask questions based on related job and you are working
  • Q2. Do you vulnerability management?
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I am experienced in vulnerability management.

    • I have experience in identifying, prioritizing, and mitigating vulnerabilities in systems and networks.

    • I am proficient in using vulnerability scanning tools such as Nessus, Qualys, and OpenVAS.

    • I have implemented patch management processes to address vulnerabilities in a timely manner.

    • I have conducted vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify weakness...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. You worked applications were connected or disconnected one?
  • Ans. 

    I have experience working with both connected and disconnected applications.

    • I have experience developing applications that can function both online and offline.

    • I have worked on projects where data synchronization is crucial for seamless user experience.

    • Examples include mobile apps that can work offline and sync data when connected to the internet.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Have you taken care of Authorization part?
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I have experience in taking care of the Authorization part in various projects.

    • Implemented role-based access control (RBAC) to manage user permissions

    • Configured and managed authentication protocols such as OAuth and SAML

    • Worked on setting up access control lists (ACLs) for network security

    • Experience with managing user roles and permissions in Active Directory

    • Utilized single sign-on (SSO) solutions for seamless user

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Prepare well be confident do some research on the jd

Skills evaluated in this interview

Top Visa Senior Systems Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. Which application you are using to connect servers?
View answer (1)

Senior Systems Engineer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. 2. Explain COMP, COMP-2, COMP-3 and Display. What are the difference between Continue and Next Sentence? Why does SOC7 occur?
View answer (4)
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
No response

I applied via Job Portal

Round 1 - Technical 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Explain the react lifecycle functions and how they work
  • Ans. 

    React lifecycle functions are methods that are automatically called at specific points in a component's life cycle.

    • Mounting: constructor, render, componentDidMount

    • Updating: render, componentDidUpdate

    • Unmounting: componentWillUnmount

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Css box model, difference between padding and margin
  • Ans. 

    Padding is the space inside the border of an element, while margin is the space outside the border.

    • Padding is used to create space between the content and the border of an element.

    • Margin is used to create space between the border of an element and other elements.

    • Padding affects the size of the content area, while margin affects the positioning of the element.

    • Example: padding: 10px will create 10 pixels of space inside ...

  • Answered by AI
Round 2 - HR 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. What are your salary expectations in CTC and variables?
  • Q2. Will you relocate to the location required?

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - prepare everything bookish! don't only speak related to your experience

Skills evaluated in this interview

Top Visa Software Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. Stock Buy and Sell Problem Statement You are given an array of integers PRICES where PRICES[i] represents the price of a stock on the i-th day, and an integer K representing the number of transactions you can perform. Your task is to determ... read more
View answer (1)

Software Engineer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Bridge and torch problem : Four people come to a river in the night. There is a narrow bridge, but it can only hold two people at a time. They have one torch and, because it's night, the torch has to be used when crossing the bridge. Person... read more
View answer (196)

Data Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Vishwesh Dayama

posted on 18 Dec 2024

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Round 1 - One-on-one 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. SQL Joins and remove duplicates
  • Q2. Function to create a transaction bin column
  • Ans. 

    Create a function to generate a transaction bin column based on transaction amounts.

    • Create bins based on transaction amounts (e.g. $0-$100, $101-$200, etc.)

    • Use pandas cut() function in Python to create bins

    • Assign bin labels to the transactions based on the bin ranges

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Data Analyst Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Suppose there is a room in the office and X people enter room throughout the day, Y people leave throughout the day [continuously people are entering the room, some are staying there, and rest are going out] .. so tell me the code to calcul... read more
View answer (11)

Visa interview questions for popular designations

 Software Engineer


 Senior Software Engineer


 Software Developer


 Data Scientist


 Software Engineer Intern Trainee


 Data Engineer


 Staff Engineer


 Product Manager


Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Not Selected

I applied via Referral and was interviewed in Sep 2024. There was 1 interview round.

Round 1 - Technical 

(3 Questions)

  • Q1. Closures, setTimeout, Eventloop in javascript
  • Q2. How to center a div in css3
  • Ans. 

    To center a div in CSS3, use the 'margin: auto;' property along with a set width.

    • Set the width of the div

    • Use 'margin: auto;' to center the div horizontally

    • Make sure the parent container has a defined width

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Call , bind and apply functions in javascript
  • Ans. 

    call, bind, and apply are methods used to manipulate the context of a function in JavaScript.

    • call() is used to invoke a function with a specified 'this' value and arguments provided individually.

    • bind() is used to create a new function with a specified 'this' value and initial arguments.

    • apply() is used to invoke a function with a specified 'this' value and arguments provided as an array.

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Skills evaluated in this interview

Front end Developer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Non-Decreasing Array Problem Statement Given an integer array ARR of size N, determine if it can be transformed into a non-decreasing array by modifying at most one element. An array is defined as non-decreasing if ARR[i] <= ARR[i + 1] f... read more
View answer (3)

Get interview-ready with Top Visa Interview Questions

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Round 1 - One-on-one 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Spark question on optimization
  • Q2. SQL writting and optimization

Data Engineer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Optimal Strategy for a Coin Game You are playing a coin game with your friend Ninjax. There are N coins placed in a straight line. Here are the rules of the game: 1. Each coin has a value associated with it. 2. The game involves two players... read more
View answer (1)

Jobs at Visa

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Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Round 1 - One-on-one 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. What is impairment
  • Ans. 

    Impairment refers to a reduction in the value of an asset on the balance sheet.

    • Impairment occurs when the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount.

    • It is typically recorded as a non-cash charge on the income statement.

    • Common examples include impairment of goodwill, intangible assets, and property, plant, and equipment.

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  • Q2. How do you reconcile mismatch between Gl and subledger
  • Ans. 

    Reconciling GL and subledger involves identifying and resolving discrepancies between the two accounts.

    • Compare transactions in GL and subledger to identify discrepancies

    • Investigate any differences in balances or transactions

    • Adjust entries in GL or subledger to reconcile the accounts

    • Ensure proper documentation of reconciliation process

    • Communicate with relevant stakeholders to resolve discrepancies

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Finance Manager Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. What are the major adjustments need to be done while finalization of Accounts ?
View answer (2)
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Round 1 - One-on-one 

(4 Questions)

  • Q1. Introduction and experience demonstration in 1-1.5 minutes
  • Q2. Why we should hire you?
  • Q3. Articulate Product Strategy for a market migration/mass enablement
  • Ans. 

    Develop a product strategy to enable mass migration in the market.

    • Conduct market research to identify target segments and their needs

    • Create a roadmap for product development and deployment

    • Implement marketing campaigns to educate and attract customers

    • Provide training and support for users transitioning to the new product

    • Monitor and analyze feedback to make continuous improvements

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  • Q4. Leadership style question with example
Round 2 - Case Study 

Create a Project Plan and Presentation on a Market Migration Case Study

Round 3 - One-on-one 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Same as round 1 questions
  • Q2. Describe yourself in 3 words

Product Manager Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. You see the number of people cancelling the order increasing. Cancel window 24 hours. What would you do?
View answer (26)
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Selected Selected
Round 1 - Coding Test 

1. medium dp question on busrst ballon
2. graph quetion on flood fill

Round 2 - Technical 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Design File Search
  • Ans. 

    Design a file search feature for a software application.

    • Implement a search bar where users can input keywords or phrases to search for files.

    • Include filters for file type, date modified, and other relevant criteria.

    • Display search results in a user-friendly format with relevant file details.

    • Allow users to preview files before opening or downloading them.

    • Consider implementing search suggestions or autocomplete functional...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Design BookMyShow
Round 3 - Coding Test 

TrieNode common prefix
Graph dkistra algo find least time to fill

Senior Software Development Engineer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Level order traversal of a binary search tree from leaf to root? Print in a single line or Print new line for every level.
View answer (3)
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Round 1 - Technical 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Tell me about yourself
  • Ans. 

    I am a dedicated and experienced Product Support Engineer with a strong background in troubleshooting and customer service.

    • Experienced in providing technical support for software and hardware products

    • Skilled in diagnosing and resolving customer issues in a timely manner

    • Strong communication skills to effectively communicate with customers and internal teams

    • Familiar with various troubleshooting tools and techniques

    • Passio

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. What does SQL stand for?
  • Ans. 

    SQL stands for Structured Query Language.

    • SQL is a standard language for accessing and manipulating databases.

    • It is used to communicate with databases to perform tasks such as querying data, updating data, and creating tables.

    • Examples of SQL commands include SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and CREATE.

  • Answered by AI

Skills evaluated in this interview

Product Support Engineer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. What is DSP (Demand Side Platform) and SSP ( Sell side platform?
View answer (1)

Support Engineer Interview Questions & Answers

user image Rima Chatterjee

posted on 18 Oct 2024

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Round 1 - Technical 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. Different SQL and business related question for BFS

Support Engineer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. How to handle escalations/ your approach to solve any issues/ why do you want to join support when already you are working on development
View answer (2)

Visa Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in Visa interview?
Visa interview process usually has 2-3 rounds. The most common rounds in the Visa interview process are Technical, Coding Test and One-on-one Round.
How to prepare for Visa interview?
Go through your CV in detail and study all the technologies mentioned in your CV. Prepare at least two technologies or languages in depth if you are appearing for a technical interview at Visa. The most common topics and skills that interviewers at Visa expect are Python, Computer science, Agile, SQL and Linux.
What are the top questions asked in Visa interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the Visa interview -

  1. Given a grid containing 0s and 1s and source row and column, in how many ways, ...read more
  2. Given 2 game scenarios for basketball, and given p as the probability of making...read more
  3. 1. High Level System Design -> Design Uber like Service. Follow up -> What woul...read more
How long is the Visa interview process?

The duration of Visa interview process can vary, but typically it takes about less than 2 weeks to complete.

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Visa Interview Process

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