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30+ We Matter Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 18 Dec 2024
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Q1. Given 2 game scenarios for basketball, and given p as the probability of making a basket in an attempt, I have to understand the condition where game1 would be preferable over game2. In first game, I have one t...

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Comparing 2 basketball game scenarios with different number of trials and baskets required to win

  • Calculate the probability of winning in each game scenario using binomial distribution formula

  • Compare the probabilities to determine which game scenario is preferable

  • In game1, the probability of winning is p. In game2, the probability of winning is the sum of probabilities of making 2 or 3 baskets

  • If p is high, game1 is preferable. If p is low, game2 is preferable

  • For example, if p more

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Q2. Maximum equal elements after K operations

You are given an arbitrary array/list of integers 'ARR' of size ‘N’ and an integer ‘K’. You need to find the maximum number of elements which can be made equal to each more

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Q3. Ninja And The Dance Competetion

Ninja has been asked to organize a dance competition. Ninja decided that he will take individual entries and then will divide them into pairs. As part of the entry, he asked the more

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Q4. Maximum length sub-array having absolute difference of adjacent elements either 0 or 1.

Given an array ‘A’ of ‘N’ integers, you need to find the maximum length of the sub-array such that the absolute difference more

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Q5. LRU Cache Implementation

Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache to support the following operations:

1. get(key) - Return the value of the key if the key exists in the cache, more
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Q6. Valid String

You have been given a string 'S' containing only three types of characters, i.e. '(', ')' and '*'.

A Valid String is defined as follows:

1. Any left parenthesis '(' must have a corresponding right more
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Q7. What is most interesting thing about Visa?


Visa is a global payments technology company that connects consumers, businesses, banks and governments in more than 200 countries and territories.

  • Visa operates the world's largest retail electronic payments network.

  • VisaNet, the company's global processing system, handles more than 65,000 transaction messages a second.

  • Visa is constantly innovating to improve payment security and convenience, with initiatives such as Visa Checkout and tokenization.

  • Visa is committed to more

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Q8. Number of Pairs with Given Sum

You have been given an integer array/list(arr) and a number 'Sum'. Find and return the total number of pairs in the array/list which when added, results equal to the 'Sum'.

Note: more
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Q9. Which one would you solve and how and why?


Need more context on the question to provide an answer.

  • Please provide more information on the problem to be solved.

  • Without context, it is difficult to provide a solution.

  • Can you please provide more details on the problem statement?

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Q10. System Design problem

What to do if there are too many requests to a web server? Don’t know if they’re correct. I feel it was a more test to see your critical thinking and acquired knowledge.

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Q11. Minimum Cost to Reach End

You are given an array “ARR” of 'N' integers and an integer 'K'. You can move from any index 'i' to index 'j' if j ≤ i + K. The cost of moving from one index 'i' to the other index 'j' more

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Q12. Given the above Binary search tree, print in ascending order


Print the given Binary search tree in ascending order

  • Traverse the left subtree recursively

  • Print the root node

  • Traverse the right subtree recursively

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Q13. What are three problems Chennai faces?


Chennai faces problems related to water scarcity, traffic congestion, and pollution.

  • Water scarcity due to inadequate rainfall and poor management of water resources.

  • Traffic congestion due to the increasing number of vehicles and poor road infrastructure.

  • Pollution caused by industries, vehicular emissions, and improper waste disposal.

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Q14. Given an array, Implement Binary search tree


Implement Binary Search Tree using given array of strings.

  • Sort the array in ascending order

  • Find the middle element and make it the root of the tree

  • Recursively create left and right subtrees using the left and right halves of the array

  • Repeat until all elements are added to the tree

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Q15. Design autocomplete in IDEs


Autocomplete in IDEs helps developers write code faster by suggesting code snippets and completing code as they type.

  • Autocomplete should suggest code snippets based on the context of the code being written

  • Autocomplete should prioritize suggestions based on frequency of use

  • Autocomplete should also suggest variable and function names

  • Autocomplete should be customizable to allow for user-defined snippets and suggestions

  • Examples of IDEs with autocomplete include Visual Studio more

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Q16. Longest Common Subsequence

You have been given two Strings “STR1” and “STR2” of characters. Your task is to find the length of the longest common subsequence.

A String ‘a’ is a subsequence of a String ‘b’ if ‘a’ more

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Q17. What is class in java


A class in Java is a blueprint or template for creating objects that encapsulate data and behavior.

  • A class can contain fields, methods, constructors, and nested classes

  • Objects are instances of a class

  • Inheritance allows a class to inherit properties and methods from another class

  • Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as if they are of the same class

  • Example: class Car { String make; int year; void start() { ... } }

  • Example: Car myCar = new Car(); more

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Q18. Four Keys Keyboard

Imagine you have a special keyboard with the following four keys:

Key 1: (A): Print one ‘A’ on screen. Key 2: (Ctrl-A): Select the whole screen. Key 3: (Ctrl-C): Copy selection to buffer. Key more
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Q19. Second Most Repeated Word

You are given an array of strings ‘ARR’. You have to find out the second most repeated word in the array ‘ARR’. It is guaranteed every string occurs a unique number of times in the more

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Q20. Graph Connectivity Queries.

You have been given a graph consisting of ‘N’ nodes and a threshold value ‘THRESHOLDVALUE’. Two different nodes ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are directly connected to each other if and only if there more

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Q21. N Queens

You are given an integer 'N'. For a given 'N' x 'N' chessboard, find a way to place 'N' queens such that no queen can attack any other queen on the chessboard.

A queen can be killed when it lies in the more

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Q22. Snake and Ladder

You have been given a Snake and Ladder Board with 'N' rows and 'N' columns with the numbers written from 1 to (N*N) starting from the bottom left of the board, and alternating direction each more

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Q23. Analytic que- Two trains start from equator and start running in different direction and they will never collide…so which train will have more wear n tear first…9use concept of rotation,relative motion and air ...

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Two trains starting from equator in opposite directions will not collide. Which train will have more wear and tear first?

  • The train moving towards the east will have more wear and tear due to the rotation of the earth

  • The train moving towards the west will have less wear and tear due to the rotation of the earth

  • Air resistance will also affect the wear and tear of the trains

  • The train moving towards the east will face more air resistance than the train moving towards the west

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Q24. Where should u prefer BUS topology instead of ring topology and vice verse


BUS topology is preferred for small networks while ring topology is preferred for larger networks.

  • BUS topology is easier to install and maintain than ring topology.

  • Ring topology is more fault-tolerant than BUS topology.

  • BUS topology is suitable for small networks with few devices while ring topology is suitable for larger networks with many devices.

  • Ring topology is more expensive than BUS topology.

  • Examples of BUS topology include Ethernet and USB while examples of ring more

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Q25. Explain the Concepts of OOPS , abstraction inheritance polymorphism and encapsulation.


OOPS concepts include abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.

  • Abstraction: Hiding implementation details and showing only necessary information.

  • Inheritance: Creating new classes from existing ones, inheriting properties and methods.

  • Polymorphism: Using a single method to perform different actions based on the object type.

  • Encapsulation: Binding data and methods together, protecting data from outside interference.

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Q26. SDLC and different type of model and steps in different model


SDLC refers to the process of software development. Different models include Waterfall, Agile, Spiral, and V-Model.

  • Waterfall model follows a linear sequential approach with distinct phases like planning, design, development, testing, and maintenance.

  • Agile model emphasizes on iterative and incremental development with continuous feedback and collaboration between cross-functional teams.

  • Spiral model combines the elements of both Waterfall and Agile models with risk analysis more

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Q27. Tell me your expected monthly income?


I am expecting a competitive salary based on my experience and the responsibilities of the role.

  • I am open to negotiation based on the company's budget and benefits package.

  • I have researched the average salary range for this position in the industry and location.

  • I am confident in my skills and experience and believe I can bring value to the company.

  • I am looking for a fair and reasonable compensation package that reflects my contributions to the company's success.

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Q28. design google-pay


Design Google Pay - a digital wallet platform for online payments and transactions.

  • Allow users to securely store payment information such as credit/debit cards, bank accounts, and loyalty cards.

  • Enable users to make payments in stores, online, and within apps using their stored payment methods.

  • Implement security features like biometric authentication, tokenization, and encryption to protect user data.

  • Provide features for splitting bills, requesting money, and sending money to more

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Q29. HLD of recursive


High Level Design (HLD) of recursive functions in software development.

  • Recursive functions call themselves to solve smaller instances of the same problem.

  • HLD of recursive functions involves defining the base case, recursive case, and termination condition.

  • Example: HLD of a recursive function to calculate factorial of a number involves defining base case as factorial(0) = 1.

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Q30. Sorting algorithms in any language


Sorting algorithms are used to arrange elements in a specific order in an array.

  • Common sorting algorithms include Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, and Heap Sort.

  • Each algorithm has its own time complexity and best/worst case scenarios.

  • For example, Merge Sort has a time complexity of O(n log n) and is efficient for large datasets.

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Q31. Difference b/w Micro kernel and macro kernel


Microkernel is a minimalistic approach where only essential services are kept in kernel space while macrokernel has more services in kernel space.

  • Microkernel has a small kernel with minimal services while macrokernel has a large kernel with many services.

  • In microkernel, most services run in user space while in macrokernel, most services run in kernel space.

  • Microkernel is more secure and reliable while macrokernel is faster and more efficient.

  • Examples of microkernel-based more

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Q32. Diff between rdbms dbms


RDBMS is a type of DBMS that stores data in a structured format with relationships between tables.

  • RDBMS enforces ACID properties for database transactions.

  • RDBMS uses SQL for querying and managing data.

  • DBMS is a general term for any system that manages databases, while RDBMS is a specific type.

  • DBMS may not support relationships between tables like RDBMS does.

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Q33. Diff b/w Interface and Abstract class


Interface is a blueprint of a class while Abstract class is a partially implemented class.

  • An interface can only have abstract methods while an abstract class can have both abstract and non-abstract methods.

  • A class can implement multiple interfaces but can only inherit from one abstract class.

  • Interfaces are used to achieve multiple inheritance while abstract classes are used to provide a common base for related classes.

  • Interfaces are used to define contracts while abstract more

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Q34. function to create a transaction bin column


Create a function to generate a transaction bin column based on transaction amounts.

  • Create bins based on transaction amounts (e.g. $0-$100, $101-$200, etc.)

  • Use pandas cut() function in Python to create bins

  • Assign bin labels to the transactions based on the bin ranges

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Q35. Opps concept in java


Oops concept in Java refers to Object-Oriented Programming principles like Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, and Abstraction.

  • Inheritance allows a class to inherit properties and behavior from another class.

  • Encapsulation involves bundling data and methods that operate on the data into a single unit.

  • Polymorphism allows objects to be treated as instances of their parent class.

  • Abstraction hides the implementation details and only shows the necessary features to the more

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Q36. Difference b/w argument and parameter


Argument is the actual value passed to a function, while parameter is a variable used to define a function.

  • Parameter is a variable in the function declaration, while argument is the actual value passed to the function.

  • Parameter is used to initialize the function's variables, while argument is used to pass values to the function.

  • Example: function add(a, b) { return a + b; } add(2, 3); Here, a and b are parameters, while 2 and 3 are arguments.

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Q37. Different topology in networking


Different topology refers to the arrangement of nodes in a network.

  • Common topologies include bus, star, ring, mesh, and hybrid

  • Bus topology connects all devices to a single cable

  • Star topology connects all devices to a central hub

  • Ring topology connects devices in a circular loop

  • Mesh topology connects devices in a network where each device has a direct connection to every other device

  • Hybrid topology is a combination of two or more topologies

  • Topology affects network performance, more

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Q38. Explain working of IDS and IPS


IDS and IPS are security systems that monitor network traffic for malicious activity and prevent attacks.

  • IDS (Intrusion Detection System) detects and alerts about potential attacks by analyzing network traffic and comparing it to known attack patterns.

  • IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) goes a step further by actively blocking malicious traffic and preventing attacks from happening.

  • Both systems use a combination of signature-based and behavior-based detection methods to more

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Q39. Indexes in DBMS


Indexes in DBMS are used to improve the performance of database queries.

  • Indexes are data structures that allow for faster retrieval of data from a database.

  • They work by creating a separate structure that contains a subset of the data in the table, organized in a way that makes it faster to search.

  • Indexes can be created on one or more columns in a table.

  • Examples of indexes include primary keys, unique indexes, and clustered indexes.

  • Indexes can also be used to enforce more

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