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Tower Research Capital LLC Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Updated 5 Mar 2025

Top Tower Research Capital LLC Interview Questions and Answers

  • Q1. Print Nodes at Distance K from a Given Node Given an arbitrary binary tree, a node of the tree, and an integer 'K', find all nodes that are at a distance K from the spec ...read more
    asked in Software Developer interview
  • Q2. A group of n people is such that a symmetric relation of knowing another exists in the group. i.e. the relation is A knows B. and being symmetric if A knows B then B know ...read more
    asked in Strategist interview
  • Q3. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Problem Statement Given an array prices representing the prices of a stock where each element indicates the price at a given minute, dete ...read more
    asked in Software Engineer interview
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Tower Research Capital LLC Interview Experiences

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Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 21 Jan 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I had my first interview with Tower Research. The interview lasted one hour, and the interviewer started with my resume. He asked me to explain my MSc. Project, which I did. I think I managed to convey the central idea of the project, and he seemed happy with it. I had practiced this earlier and that helped.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Next, he went over the written test that we had taken the previous day. He asked me whether I had tried any of the questions after the test. I was honest and told him that I did not expect to get shortlisted for Tower, since I had not done the C/C++ intensive Computer Science questions in the test and had done only the language-neutral / algorithm-based questions, and because I had two other interviews today, I had spent my time preparing for those. He was happy with that answer and asked me to try some questions in the interview.

I came up with an answer to one question, to which he gave me two hints to improve. I managed to use them in making the algorithm more efficient. Then he asked me some reasonably easy puzzles which I answered without difficulty. Lastly, he asked me to solve another question using an algorithm and a similar sequence of hint-giving and algorithm-improving followed.

By the end of this interview, I was very confident and totally tension-free. This was because I had performed my very best in the Tower interview, and I couldn’t imagine how I could have done better, given my background (limited CS) and preparation. In that sense, this interview made me lose all my interview-anxiety, and was crucial to my placement day.

College Name: IIT KANPUR

Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 21 Jan 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test contained programming problems as well as puzzle type questions. It also had questions on C++.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: There were 4 interviews I had to appear for. The interviews had questions related to programming, puzzles and probability. For the final interview, it came to a one-on-one contest between two of us. Both were sitting in different rooms and were solving the same problem at the same time.
Tips: Be prepared for such situations and be ready to take the pressure and not get unnerved.

General Tips: Pre-Placement Preparation1) Selecting sectors or companiesSelect your group of target companies and sectors. You should realize what your interests are and what kind of job would suit you, and according to that you should prepare a list of companies that you are going to focus on primarily. This list should not be too narrow that you have too few companies to target and not too broad that you end up sitting for every company visiting the campus.2) Attending PPTsThe PPTs and the workshops organized by the companies form a key input in the decision process of choosing the companies. Be attentive during the PPTs and note key points mentioned – like the profile, compensation structure and the contacts of the people (especially alumni) in the company. This helps a lot during the preparation for the particular company.3) ResumeThe best way to start the preparation for the interview process is to start by making a list of all things that you have done in your life. This list should contain every small and big thing that you have done. Once the above list is made, make a master resume out of the list by retaining all the important things and putting them into formal language. The smaller works can be kept for narrating during interviews. If your master resume is properly made then preparing company tailored resume becomes very easy. After the master resume is done, it is time to make sector/company specific resumes. Every sector must have different resumes and, if possible, also make the resume specific to every company. Take feedback from your friends and seniors and make necessary adjustments.4) Communication skillsYou can make a GD group and conduct regular GDs to help you prepare for the GDs. In fact, also ask your friends to conduct mock interviews and record these interviews. You will actually come to know what to do and how you react during the interviews.5) Written TestsIf you are targeting companies that take CAT-like aptitude tests, then prepare for them by solving some CAT papers. These tests just check practice and someone who has been preparing will definitely have an edge over a person who is not in touch.6) HR InterviewsMake a list of the commonly asked HR questions and then prepare answers for them. Do not learn the answers by heart but make sure you know the important points that you want to mention for each question.7) Case InterviewsThe best way to prepare for a case interview is to form groups and solve case studies interactively as you would do in an interview.8) CSE PreparationFor the CSE companies, I brushed up basic data structures and algorithms as well as C/C++ and Java. Other than that, I also glanced through Operating Systems, Compilers, Networks and databases. Make sure that you understand the basic concepts behind these things as well as particular details of popular implementations of each of these systems.
College Name: IIT KANPUR
Tower Research Capital LLC Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
illustration image

Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 Jan 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Questions on C++(Virtual fns, inheritance). Two on probability, 12 on Algorithms.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: There were 4 rounds to my interview.

Round 1(Madhuresh Agrawal):
He asked a lot of puzzles. Apart from knowing how to approach a problem, you should also know the mathematical reasoning for their correctness.

Round 2 (Abhishek Gaurav):
He asked some more puzzles and some probability (expectation) questions. Then, he modified one question asked in the written test and asked me write code for it on paper.

Round 3 (Anand Sinha):
He asked questions related to graphs. Several times, he tried to trick me by asking questions like "How would you tell whether a graph has a node with n degree?" whereas no node can have degree = n.

Round 4 (Anand Sinha):
He asked me write 2 programs: 1. Given k and DFS traversal string for a k-ary tree, construct the tree. The String contains P (if a parent) and L (if a leaf). E.g. - k=3, str="PPLLLLL" 2. All the strings are arranged in the following order: A,B,..,Z,AA,...AZ,BA,...,BZ,... That is, first according to length and then according to alphabet (assume there are k alphabets instead of 26). Now, given a string, finds its position in the mentioned sequence.
Tips: First of all, prepare all the questions asked in the test before going for the interviews.

General Tips: Well, for my story, I'll start right from the 3rd year. For me that was the time when I started thinking about what to do after graduation. Believe me, this is the toughest and the most important question that needs to be answered. For most people, they have a clear idea about what they want to do in future. But, if you are not one of those lucky ones, you should really spend some time thinking about your future. There are of course, some people who are confused and try their luck at everything. Take my advice, don't be that person. You would
end up nowhere that way. Now, the question remains, how to decide which way to go. Well, being an IITian, we all are good at problem solving. I tried something similar here. Try to know more about the various options available to you. To name a few: MBA, Civil Services, PhD, Job (core, IT, Consulting, Analytics, Finance, FMCG), NGO, Journalism etc. Although I've mentioned MBA and PhD in the list above, I didn't consider them as options. Those are merely the means for achieving a higher goal. So, I looked at the bigger picture, what I really wanted to do in my life. I attended some of the PPTs (don't worry 3rd yr. students are allowed to attend PPTs). And to clarify my doubts about a corporate life, I also chose a company intern. When I had enough information about my options, I matched them with my likes/dislikes. Now, you shouldn't chase big money unless it is the only thing that you
want. Even simple likings like partying, travelling or free time in evening do matter. If your job doesn't give you all that you won't be happy with your life. And if you are not happy with your job, you won't do well there as well. I didn't apply for McKinsey, ITC or Deutsche bank as that is not the kind of life I want to live. So, choose what you want to be (you may not be able to pinpoint it but at least narrow down your options). Then, find out what you
need to get there. For example, if you want to be a researcher or a professor, you would need
at least a PhD.

Then, came the task of deciding which companies to sit for. Once you know your goal, you can decide what type of companies you want to apply for. Attending the PPTs and the notes I made of them came in handy for this purpose. Don't just look at what company does; find out exactly what your role would be. Then comes the threshold. Shortlist the companies in which you would actually be interested in going. Don't apply in a company which you won't join if you get the job.
College Name: IIT KANPUR

Strategist Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 23 Jan 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

6 Questions

  • Q1. In a city represented as a 2-D plane there are buildings at different positions. The position of the buildings(x,y co-ordinates) and their heights are given. Write an efficient algorithm to determine the b...
  • Ans. 

    Algorithm to determine visible buildings in a 2D plane with given positions and heights

    • Sort the buildings by their x-coordinates

    • Traverse the sorted buildings from left to right

    • For each building, check if it is visible by comparing its height with the maximum height of previously visited buildings

    • If visible, add it to the list of visible buildings

    • Return the list of visible buildings

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. A group of n people is such that a symmetric relation of knowing another exists in the group. i.e. the relation is A knows B. and being symmetric if A knows B then B knows A. Prove that there exist atleast...
  • Ans. 

    In a group of people with a symmetric relation of knowing each other, there will always be at least two people who know the same number of people.

    • Consider the person who knows the maximum number of people in the group.

    • If there is no one who knows the same number of people, then everyone else must know a different number of people.

    • But this would mean that the total number of people known by everyone else is different fr...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. In a 2 D plane, every point is assigned a color either blue or red. Prove that there exists a rectangle with all corners of the same color
  • Ans. 

    Prove that there exists a rectangle with all corners of the same color in a 2D plane with blue and red points.

    • Divide the plane into a grid of squares.

    • By the pigeonhole principle, there must be at least one row or column with four points of the same color.

    • Consider the pairs of points in that row or column and check if any of them form a rectangle.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Prove that F_nk is divisible by F_n where F_i is the ith Fibonacci number. with f_0 = 0
  • Ans. 

    Prove that F_nk is divisible by F_n where F_i is the ith Fibonacci number. with f_0 = 0

    • Use mathematical induction to prove the statement

    • Base case: F_n0 = 0, F_n is also 0, so 0 is divisible by 0

    • Inductive step: Assume F_nk is divisible by F_n, prove F_n(k+1) is divisible by F_n

    • F_n(k+1) = F_nk + F_n(k-1), use the assumption to show that F_nk is divisible by F_n

    • Therefore, F_n(k+1) is also divisible by F_n

    • Hence, the statem

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. A tournament has to be conducted. The tournament has each team playing a single match and match is played by 2 teams. Every team has two ratings. X : batting rating and Y: bowling rating. Every match has a...
  • Q6. Given a string, find the largest substring which can be formed from repetition (>=2) of the smaller string
  • Ans. 

    Find the largest substring formed from repetition of a smaller string.

    • Identify all possible substrings of the given string.

    • Check if each substring can be formed by repeating a smaller string.

    • Return the largest substring that can be formed from repetition of a smaller string.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Unfortunately, I reached pretty late to this test and got only around half an hour to solve the questions. I picked up only algorithm questions to solve. I did not go through the entire paper. So can't comment much.
Duration: 120 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They asked me to write the entire code in C/C++/language of choice. I had three interviews (two of 40 min and the final of about 100 minutes). That is all I remember . There were many other questions though.

Skills: Data Structures, Algorithms Intermediate, Discrete Mathematics, Probability and Statistics
College Name: IIT KANPUR

Skills evaluated in this interview

Top Tower Research Capital LLC Strategist Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. A group of n people is such that a symmetric relation of knowing another exists in the group. i.e. the relation is A knows B. and being symmetric if A knows B then B knows A. Prove that there exist atleast 2 people who know same no. of peop... read more
View answer (1)

Strategist Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. A group of n people is such that a symmetric relation of knowing another exists in the group. i.e. the relation is A knows B. and being symmetric if A knows B then B knows A. Prove that there exist atleast 2 people who know same no. of peop... read more
View answer (1)

Tower Research Capital LLC interview questions for popular designations

 Software Developer




 Core Engineering


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 Senior Software Engineer


 Senior Information Technology Engineer


Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 25 Jan 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

13 Questions

  • Q1. Went through written test, asked me to attempt all questions I didn’t attempt
  • Q2. Went through Resume, talked about internship projects
  • Q3. Asked a bit about my finance project, asked a few questions like ’Which exchange would you find commodity futures traded on’. I knew some of the answers, didn’t know others - I guess I was asked these qu...
  • Q4. Would you prefer to develop mathematical models or to develop the trading infrastructure?
  • Ans. 

    I would prefer to develop mathematical models.

    • I enjoy the process of creating and testing mathematical models.

    • Developing trading infrastructure is important, but not my primary interest.

    • Mathematical models can be applied to various industries, not just trading.

    • Examples of mathematical models I have developed include predictive models for customer behavior and financial forecasting models.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Started with ’About you’
  • Q6. Questions from resume
  • Q7. Questions you have? I asked about how he decided to join Tower after his BTech. Asked about JEE Automation that he did and drew parallels with Placement Automation
  • Q8. There were 7 guests at a party + a host. 1st guest shook hands with 1 guy, 2nd guest with 2 guys .... kth guest with k guys. How many people did the host shake hands with? k was either 6 or 7, probably 7 ...
  • Ans. 

    At a party with 7 guests and a host, each guest shakes hands with a certain number of people. How many people did the host shake hands with?

    • The first guest shakes hands with 1 person, the second with 2 people, and so on.

    • The kth guest shakes hands with k people.

    • The host shakes hands with all 7 guests, so the number of people the host shakes hands with is the sum of 1 to 7.

    • The sum of 1 to n is n(n+1)/2, so the host shake

  • Answered by AI
  • Q9. The Red-Blue Hat Prisoners puzzle: if prisoner guesses colour of his hat he lives else dies. Idea is to save as many prisoners as possible. Actual solution saves n-1 prisoners but I hadn’t heard this puzz...
  • Q10. Given a round table and a lot of round disks, develop a strategy where you win always given that you and opponent have to alternately place disks and the last guy to place a disk wins
  • Q11. Puzzle where you have a square spiral path. In one move you can move forward as many times as you want if you go straight or if you are at a corner, move inward to the next corner. The person to reach th...
  • Q12. He asked me the 8 ball weighing question but I told him I had heard it
  • Q13. Questions you have? I asked about his plans for the next few years

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Duration: 45 min minutes

Round: Interview
Experience: There are 25 horses, and you can have races where 5 horses can race at a time. Find 3 fastest horses in minimum number of races (7 races).
– Given a bar, if you cut it at 2 points, what is the probability that you can form a triangle?
– Given k sorted arrays of size n, merge them into a sorted array in O(nk log (k)) time (use minheap to extract the minimum of k elements).
– There a lot of coins placed in a line some heads, some tails. You know total coins, number of heads, are blindfolded, can't see or feel a head or tail. Divide into two piles such that both have equal number of heads.

College Name: IIT KANPUR

Get interview-ready with Top Tower Research Capital LLC Interview Questions

Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Jan 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The written test was subjective type and had questions mainly on C/C++, UNIX, Algorithms and Data Structures, Probability. The focus was on Algorithms and Data Structures, and in many of the questions you were supposed to code the algorithm you propose.

Round: Interview
Experience: I got shortlisted for the interviews and had 3 rounds. All the interviews were of about 1 hour duration. They mainly asked questions on algorithms and puzzles. Sometimes after I gave them the algorithm they asked me to code it. I felt after the process that I could have made it had I revised the algorithm courses thoroughly.
Tips: Thoroughly revise all the data structures and algorithms courses you have done. Get hold of a book like Cormen and solve the questions given at the end of each chapter. Also code the algorithms to get some practice.

General Tips: After spending three or four years enjoying the IITK adventure, one suddenly feels a jolt when he/she arrives in the final year. You find yourself wondering at times, asking yourself the pertinent question, what next? And seriously, the best way to start preparing for placements, GRE, CAT or any other exam for that matter is answering this question honestly. Take a few minutes of your precious time and think what you want to do with your life? Where does your heart truly lie? I know it’s not that easy to decide on this but at least give this a good thought and prioritize your options. Make a list of them on paper if that helps. Once you are done with this, the real planning starts. Take each option one by one and do a truthful analysis of yourself from the perspective of that option. For e.g., say you have CAT as your first priority, and then analyze your strengths and weaknesses from CAT’s perspective. What all areas you need to improve on? How much time and effort would it take? How much time you have got left? By doing this exercise you will really get to know the work that needs to be done and will help you plan for the remaining time.

I am sure you would have heard it umpteen times but still I will repeat it to stress the point, take resume making seriously! A good resume would drive your interview in the direction you want it to go, a bad resume on the other hand might end the chances of you even getting interviewed! Start by trying to remember each and every achievement of your life and write it down. Spend a few days on this part till you are sure you have got almost everything. Now write it down properly in formal language in the form of a master resume. This would serve
as a repository of information for all your subsequent resumes. And on top of that, having a fresh memory of your achievements would help you in answering the questions in interviews (especially HR questions). Ideally you should have a separate resume for every company you sit for. The way to do this is make sector specific resumes and edit them accordingly for the different companies of that sector. For example, make a single resume for all the core CSE companies and then you can probably change the list of projects (or their order of appearance) targeting individual companies.

If you are serious about getting job in a company, you cannot afford to miss its pre placement talk. PPT is not only an opportunity to know about the company, but it also gives you the chance to know what the company is looking for. This will give you the basic idea around which you should structure your resume and preparation for that company.
Core Computer Science Companies: All the core CS companies first take a written test which contains questions on C/C++, may have JAVA, UNIX, Algorithms, Data Structures, basics of Operating Systems and Compilers, some questions on basic networking in case the company works in that field. Almost all the companies have a couple of questions in which you are required to write code on paper. Some companies also have a few questions on aptitude, simple maths or data interpretations. You can find the company specific details in the placement feedback guide. This is the major
shortlisting step for core companies, so you cannot take it lightly. You can start preparing by revising the relevant courses you did (like Data Structures, Algorithms, Operating Systems, and Compilers). Practice a few questions available in the various placement preparation guides on LAN. Most importantly, practice writing code on paper. This is something we are not used to and requires some practice. This not only will do you good in the written test, but also help you in the interviews.
Non Core Companies (Finance, Consulting, and Analytics):
The written tests of most of these companies are quite similar to CAT. So if you are not preparing for CAT, get hold of some CAT preparation material for practice. These tests are more speed based than knowledge, so practice is absolutely essential. Revising some basic mathematics (like probability, progressions etc.) would also do you good. Apart from that, you need to have some basic knowledge and understanding of the field the company works in. For example, if you are appearing for a finance company, learn the basic concepts and common terminologies of finance. The least it would do is show that you are sincerely interested in the field the company works in.
College Name: IIT KANPUR

Jobs at Tower Research Capital LLC

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Strategist Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 5 Feb 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

5 Questions

  • Q1. Given a unit circle with center at origin, I choose three points on the circle. Find the expected length of the segment containing (1.0). Hint: answer is not 2*pi/3
  • Ans. 

    Expected length of segment containing (1,0) on a unit circle with three random points.

    • Use law of cosines to find length of each segment.

    • Calculate expected value using probability density function.

    • Answer is (4/pi) + (2/3).

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Given an undirected graph, if dist(u,v)>n/2. Show that there exists a vertex x such that removing x makes u and v go to different connected components.
  • Ans. 

    If dist(u,v)>n/2 in an undirected graph, there exists a vertex x such that removing x makes u and v go to different connected components.

    • Find the shortest path between u and v

    • If the path length is greater than n/2, then there must be a vertex x on the path

    • Removing x will separate u and v into different connected components

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Consider the set S of the first 2n numbers, then show that for any subset of size n+1 of the set S, there exists 2 numbers u and v such that u divides v
  • Ans. 

    For any subset of size n+1 of the set S of the first 2n numbers, there exists 2 numbers u and v such that u divides v.

    • Divide the set S into two subsets of n numbers each.

    • By the pigeonhole principle, at least one of the subsets contains two numbers whose ratio is an integer.

    • If the subset contains n+1 numbers, then one of the numbers must be in the subset with the two numbers whose ratio is an integer.

    • Therefore, there ex

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Show that for a grid of size n*n, if n is odd then there cannot be a Hamiltonian cycle in the graph
  • Ans. 

    For an odd-sized grid, there cannot be a Hamiltonian cycle in the graph.

    • A Hamiltonian cycle is a path that visits every vertex exactly once and ends at the starting vertex.

    • In an n*n grid, there are n^2 vertices and each vertex has degree 4.

    • For an odd n, the total degree of all vertices is odd, which means there cannot be a Hamiltonian cycle.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. I start with 1001 stones. I put them in a pile. Then I can do the following: Step 1- choose a pile, step 2- remove 1 stone from the pile, step 3- divide it into two nonzero piles. Can we reach a configurat...

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was for 100 marks and was based on OOPS, programming,maths and probablity
Total Questions: 10

Round: Interview
Experience: Had two rounds, 1 hour each.

General Tips: Do not take the placements lightly.
Do read OS and DBMS, as you can miss your dream company just
because objective questions on these topics went wrong. In my case the company was Google.Make sure you have at least 1 wing mate with you during the entire process.Carry a lot of fluids and some snacks as the day will be demanding.Do not sit for more than 3 companies on the same day.Do not panic. Enjoy the day and in the end you will be rewarded.Give your best, speak with confidence.
College Name: IIT KANPUR
Motivation: I had two offers at the end of slot 1, day 1- one from Tower research and the other from Oracle US. Tower had a much better reputation and had a stronger growth curve. base pay was higher.

Skills evaluated in this interview

Top Tower Research Capital LLC Strategist Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. A group of n people is such that a symmetric relation of knowing another exists in the group. i.e. the relation is A knows B. and being symmetric if A knows B then B knows A. Prove that there exist atleast 2 people who know same no. of peop... read more
View answer (1)

Strategist Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. A group of n people is such that a symmetric relation of knowing another exists in the group. i.e. the relation is A knows B. and being symmetric if A knows B then B knows A. Prove that there exist atleast 2 people who know same no. of peop... read more
View answer (1)

Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 15 Mar 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I looked at resumes of previously successful candidates with profiles similar to mine. After reaching a level I thought fit, I sent it for review to several friends, mostly those who'd already appeared for placements the previous years. In particular, I sent it to people in companies where I was applying. Feedback from them dramatically changed my resume.
Tips: The PPTs helped me eliminate (rather than choose) companies I'd want to apply for. I usually found people in the companies I thought I'd like to apply to or people in similar positions in other companies.

Round: Test
Experience: There was an initial resume shortlisting (mostly based on CPI) & around 15 people shortlisted. This was followed by a written round & 10 people shortlisted. Two interview rounds, 1 hour each. Final offers were made to 4 people.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The interviews had three basic parts:   resume/HR  where the interviewer looked at the resume and asked questions about specific points. Was also asked about a time when I achieved much in less time.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical  these were pure algorithm kind of questions. Some questions based on c++   Puzzles this was the bulk of the interview. Lot of time was given to figure out the puzzles and thinking out loud was encouraged. Help was also provided.

General Tips: a. dress in formals (suits probably not required for most  at least not the technical ones)   b. carry a pack of biscuits and a bottle of water/juice in a bag. You may not get time to have a proper lunch   c. keep calm. the interviewers aren't here to punish you.
College Name: IIT BOMBAY

Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 15 Mar 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I was geared up for applying to universities for Ph. D. I, therefore prepared my resume to highlight my undergraduate research, course work and academic achievements, programming skills. I read a few resumes from seniors who applied to and did get scholarships from good universities.

Round: Test
Experience: Written + technical interviews. No HR at all. Were good math problems and puzzles. 16 were shortlisted from resume. 4 were offered a job.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Problem examples:   Given m sorted lists, each of length n, merge them to form a single list of length mn.   Given two eggs and a hundred story building. The eggs break when dropped from a particular floor 'k' or higher. Find minimum number of total drops required to determine k.
Tips: Algorithms and Programming, that's all..... Nothing else required :)Just keep your mind alert. These are not at all hard questions. When worked through, they can be cracked pretty easily :)

College Name: IIT BOMBAY

Core Engineering Interview Questions & Answers

user image Shikhar Murty

posted on 4 Feb 2017

I was interviewed in Dec 2016.

Interview Questionnaire 

2 Questions

  • Q1. Check if a graph has a unique Topological sort
  • Ans. 

    A graph has a unique topological sort if and only if it is a directed acyclic graph (DAG).

    • A topological sort is a linear ordering of the vertices of a graph such that for every directed edge (u, v), vertex u comes before vertex v in the ordering.

    • To check if a graph has a unique topological sort, we can use depth-first search (DFS) or breadth-first search (BFS) algorithms.

    • If during the DFS or BFS traversal, we encounter...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Check if a string containing parenthesis is balanced
  • Ans. 

    Check if a string containing parenthesis is balanced

    • Use a stack to keep track of opening parenthesis

    • Iterate through the string and push opening parenthesis onto the stack

    • If a closing parenthesis is encountered, check if the stack is empty or if the top of the stack is the corresponding opening parenthesis

    • If the stack is empty or the top of the stack doesn't match, the string is not balanced

    • After iterating through the s...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The written test was basically meant to screen people. It had easy problems in programming, moderately hard OS problems, reasonably hard discrete math and moderately hard algorithms.
Tips: Read CLRS/Cracking the coding interview for Algorithms/Programming.

Revise your OS course thoroughly as a lot of problems were from OS.

Also brush up on C++
Duration: 2 hours

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: 2 puzzles were asked based on probability/discrete maths.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Discussed projects listed in my resume, along with lots of OS problems. Also asked some problems on C++ (related to computer architecture more than C++ syntax)
Tips: Make sure your OS skills are sharp and revise what you did for your projects.

Skills: Programming, OS Architecture, Algorithmic Approach To Problem Solving, Puzzle Solving Capability
College Name: IIT Delhi

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Core Engineering Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Why Diesel Engines have higher compression ratio than SI engines
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Tower Research Capital LLC Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in Tower Research Capital LLC interview?
Tower Research Capital LLC interview process usually has 2-3 rounds. The most common rounds in the Tower Research Capital LLC interview process are Technical, Coding Test and One-on-one Round.
How to prepare for Tower Research Capital LLC interview?
Go through your CV in detail and study all the technologies mentioned in your CV. Prepare at least two technologies or languages in depth if you are appearing for a technical interview at Tower Research Capital LLC. The most common topics and skills that interviewers at Tower Research Capital LLC expect are Python, Linux, Computer science, SQL and Automation.
What are the top questions asked in Tower Research Capital LLC interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the Tower Research Capital LLC interview -

  1. There were 7 guests at a party + a host. 1st guest shook hands with 1 guy, 2nd ...read more
  2. A group of n people is such that a symmetric relation of knowing another exists...read more
  3. The Red-Blue Hat Prisoners puzzle: if prisoner guesses colour of his hat he liv...read more

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Software Engineer III

Gurgaon / Gurugram

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