10+ Edstem Technologies Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. Number of Islands Problem Statement
You are provided with a 2-dimensional matrix having N
rows and M
columns, containing only 1s (land) and 0s (water). Your goal is to determine the number of islands in this ma...read more
Q2. Paint House Problem Statement
You have been given a set of 'N' houses, each house can be painted using one of three colors: green, red, or yellow. A cost matrix is provided with dimensions 'N' * 3, where each e...read more
Q3. Implementing Queue with Two Stacks
Your task is to implement a queue using two stacks. You are provided with ‘Q’ queries and need to handle them, where each query falls under one of these two operations:
- Enque...read more
Q4. Maximum Product Subarray Problem Statement
Given an array of integers, determine the contiguous subarray that produces the maximum product of its elements.
A subarray can be derived from the origin...read more
Q5. Inorder Traversal of Binary Tree
You are provided with a Binary Tree composed of 'N' nodes, each holding integer values. Your task is to compute the Inorder traversal of this binary tree.
For the given...read more
The task is to find the in-order traversal of a given binary tree.
Implement a recursive function to perform in-order traversal of the binary tree
Start from the left subtree, then visit the root node, and finally visit the right subtree
Use an array to store the values of the nodes in the in-order traversal
Q6. Search in a Row-wise and Column-wise Sorted Matrix Problem Statement
You are given an N * N matrix of integers where each row and each column is sorted in increasing order. Your task is to find the position of ...read more
Given a sorted matrix, find the position of a target integer in the matrix.
Iterate through each row and column of the matrix
Compare the target integer with the current element
If the target integer is found, return the position
If the target integer is not found, return {-1, -1}
Q7. Divide String Problem Statement
You are given a string WORD
consisting of lowercase alphabets. Your task is to divide WORD
into N
strings of equal length.
The first line contains an integer 'T' represent...read more
Q8. Matrix Chain Multiplication Problem
Given 'N' 2-dimensional matrices and an array ARR
of length N + 1
, where the first N
integers denote the number of rows in each matrix and the last integer represents the num...read more
Q9. Painting Fences Problem Statement
You are given ‘N’ fences. Your task is to compute the total number of ways to paint these fences using only 2 colors, such that no more than 2 adjacent fences have the same col...read more
The task is to find the total number of ways to paint fences using 2 colors such that at most 2 adjacent fences have the same color.
Use dynamic programming to solve the problem
Create a 2D array to store the number of ways to paint the fences
Initialize the base cases for the first two fences
Use recurrence relation to calculate the number of ways for the remaining fences
Return the result modulo 10^9 + 7
Q10. Roman Numeral to Integer Conversion
Convert a string representing a Roman numeral into its integer equivalent and return the result.
Roman numerals are represented by seven different symbols: I, V,...read more
Q11. Linear Probing in Hashing
Hashing is a technique to map large non-negative integers to smaller indices using a hash function. In the context of collision resolution in hash tables, 'Linear Probing' is employed,...read more
Q12. Internet Address Problem
You are given the task of reconstructing the address of an Internet resource from a given format.
The address format is:
is either "http" or "ftp".
is a non-em...read more
The task is to extract and print the internet resource address from a given string.
The internet resource address has a specific format:
:// .ru[/ ] The
can be either 'http' or 'ftp' The
is a non-empty string of lowercase English letters The
may or may not be present, and if present, it is a non-empty string of lowercase English letters If
is not present, the address has either two '/' characters (before the domain) or three (an extra one in front of the context)
Q13. M-Coloring Problem Statement
Given an undirected graph as an adjacency matrix and an integer M
, determine whether you can color the vertices of the graph using at most M
colors such that no two adjacent vertice...read more
Q14. Pair Sum Problem Statement
You are given an array of integers 'ARR' with a length 'N' and a specific integer 'Target'. Your objective is to determine and return all pairs of elements within the array whose sum ...read more
The inner join operation combines rows from two tables based on a common column (key).
Use the JOIN keyword in the SQL query to perform an inner join.
Specify the common column (key) in the ON clause of the join.
The result will contain only the matching rows from both tables.
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