ShubhAarogya Healthcare Services
Amazon Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. What is the use of frame layout?
FrameLayout is a layout manager that allows multiple child views to be stacked on top of each other.
FrameLayout is used to display a single view at a time.
It is commonly used for displaying fragments, dialogs, and popups.
It is also useful for creating custom views with overlapping elements.
The child views are positioned relative to the top-left corner of the layout.
The last child added to the layout is displayed on top of the others.
Q2. What are features available in firebase?
Firebase offers a variety of features for mobile and web app development.
Realtime Database
Cloud Firestore
Cloud Storage
Cloud Functions
Performance Monitoring
Remote Config
Dynamic Links
Q3. Types of network calls available in android
There are two types of network calls available in Android: Synchronous and Asynchronous.
Synchronous network calls are executed on the main thread and block the UI until the response is received.
Asynchronous network calls are executed on a separate thread and do not block the UI.
Examples of synchronous network calls include HttpUrlConnection and OkHttp.
Examples of asynchronous network calls include Retrofit and Volley.
Q4. What services in android?
Services in Android are background processes that can run even when the app is not in foreground.
Services are used for long-running operations such as playing music or downloading files.
They can be started and stopped using startService() and stopService() methods.
Services can also be bound to an activity using bindService() method.
Foreground services are used for tasks that require user attention such as playing music.
IntentService is a subclass of Service that handles more
Q5. What is broadcast receiver?
Broadcast receiver is a component that receives and responds to system-wide broadcast announcements.
Broadcast receiver is a part of the Android system that listens to system-wide broadcast announcements.
It can be used to receive and respond to events such as battery low, network connectivity changes, incoming SMS, etc.
It can be registered either statically in the AndroidManifest.xml file or dynamically in code.
Once registered, it can receive broadcasts even if the app is not more
Q6. What is coordinating layout?
Coordinating layout is a type of layout in Android that allows multiple child views to be positioned relative to each other.
Coordinating layout is used to create complex and dynamic user interfaces.
It allows views to be positioned relative to each other using constraints.
It is more flexible than other types of layouts like LinearLayout and RelativeLayout.
Examples of coordinating layouts include ConstraintLayout and CoordinatorLayout.
Q7. How many types of intents?
There are two types of intents in Android: Explicit and Implicit.
Explicit Intents are used to start a specific activity within the app.
Implicit Intents are used to request an action from another app or system component.
Implicit Intents can be used to open a web page, send an email, or make a phone call.
Intents can also carry data between activities or apps.
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