Online Test: First was the online test for 1hr you have to solve 2 coding questions.(Street light coverage & Candy distribution) After clearing the coding round, HR called me scheduling for technical interview. Also provided the concepts for which interview will be focused(Micro service, java8, design patterns, etc.) Technical interview: Interview started with "Introduce about yourself !". On next minute the interviewer guy shared notepad from google drive and gave the problem statement. 1st (print greater right element) and told me write complete code on note pad. I have completed that so he asked to optimized it in O(n) this all happens in first 20 min itself. After that he asked 2nd coding question on note pad again (get LCA from binary tree in O(n) time) it was difficult to write complete code on notepad, and also i have told my approach to solve(pseudo code) it but he want complete code on Note-Pad itself. in discussion 20 min went . After spending : 5 min introduction + 20 min (problem discussion and coding) + 20 min (problem discussion and coding). Interviewer Ended a call :D ! Later found that the specific code and time complexity he was asking which is already present on geeksforgeeks he just referring that code to compare with mine(which is written in less than in 15 min) It just west of time !
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