Kasyap Sweetners
Satva InfoTech Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. What do you know about Autoclave and how did they work?
Autoclave is a device used for sterilization by subjecting objects to high-pressure steam.
Autoclaves are commonly used in medical and laboratory settings.
They work by using high-pressure steam to kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms.
Autoclaves can sterilize a variety of materials, including surgical instruments, glassware, and textiles.
The sterilization process typically takes around 15-20 minutes.
Autoclaves have safety features to prevent explosions or other acci...read more
Q2. What do you mean by Saccharification reactor?
A saccharification reactor is used in the production of biofuels and converts starch into sugars.
It is a vessel where starch is mixed with enzymes to break down the starch into simple sugars.
The simple sugars are then fermented to produce ethanol or other biofuels.
The reactor is typically operated at high temperatures and pressures to optimize the saccharification process.
Examples of enzymes used in the process include alpha-amylase and glucoamylase.
Q3. What is ION Exchange?
ION Exchange is a process of removing ions from a solution and replacing them with other ions of similar charge.
It is commonly used in water treatment to remove impurities.
It is also used in the production of pharmaceuticals and electronics.
The process involves passing the solution through a resin bed that contains exchangeable ions.
The resin can be regenerated by washing it with a solution of the desired ions.
Q4. What is reactor?
A reactor is a vessel or device used for chemical reactions, nuclear reactions, or power generation.
Reactors are used in various industries such as chemical, pharmaceutical, and nuclear.
Chemical reactors are used to produce chemicals by mixing reactants together.
Nuclear reactors are used to generate electricity by harnessing the energy released from nuclear reactions.
Reactor design depends on the type of reaction, reactants, and desired outcome.
Examples of reactors include ba...read more
Q5. Working process of cooling tower?
Cooling tower is a heat rejection device that removes waste heat from the water-cooled system.
Water is circulated through the tower and sprayed over the fill material.
Air is drawn through the tower by the fan, which cools the water by evaporation.
The cooled water is then returned to the system.
The tower can be of different types such as natural draft, mechanical draft, crossflow, counterflow, etc.
Q6. Describe cation, Anion and Mixbed
Cation is a positively charged ion, Anion is a negatively charged ion, and Mixbed is a combination of cation and anion exchange resins.
Cation is an ion with a positive charge, such as Na+ or Ca2+.
Anion is an ion with a negative charge, such as Cl- or SO42-.
Mixbed is a combination of cation and anion exchange resins used to produce high-purity water.
Cation exchange resins remove positively charged ions, while anion exchange resins remove negatively charged ions.
Mixbed is commo...read more
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