HR - Why your pointer is so low? Me - (Pointer - 7.4, Eligibility criteria - 7) Sir, I am an active member of the college... HR - (Cutting in the middle, asking rudely) You came here for studies or for co-curricular activities? Me - I came here for my overall development and not for studies only. HR - You have any job offers? Me - Not yet HR - Have you tried? Me - I sat for XYZ company but got rejected in HR round, HR - Any other? Me - Just sat for various IT companies, but don't want one. I want a company where I can learn something, can do my personal growth. HR - If you want a great company, you should have great grades too. Me - I don't think marks matter, I think knowledge matters. HR - We'll test your knowledge too. Me - Sure Sir. Technical Person - (Sitting silently)
The candidate explains their low pointer by highlighting their active involvement in co-curricular activities and their focus on overall development.
Active involvement in college co-curricular more
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