How do you calculate shrinkage and attrition ?

Shrinkage and attrition can be calculated by analyzing data on employee turnover and productivity.
Shrinkage is calculated by dividing the total hours lost due to employee absence or unproductive time ...read more

Shrinkage :-Number of Absenties÷Total Number of head count. Attrition:- Number of Attried ÷opening count+closing count÷2

Shrinkage -Planned+unplanned/schedule headcount Attrition -no.of att./opening count +closing head count/2*100

To calculate unplanned shringe- total absent count/Total roster*100 For overall shrinkage- =(1-(total present/total head count))*100

Planned Shrinkage + Unplanned Shrinkage. Planned Shrinkage = [Total number of leaves + Total number of week-offs] / Total headcount. Unplanned Shrinkage = [Total number of absent + (Half-day/2)] / Tot...read more

Here is the Attrition Rate Formula: Attrition Rate % = (Number of employees that left during period) ÷ (Average number of employees for period) × 100.

Unplanned+planned/total scheduled*100

The attrition rate calculation, also known as the attrition calculation, is relatively simple – and you can use this formula in Excel.
Here is the Attrition Rate Formula:
Attrition Rate % = (Number of e...read more

Attrition: No. Of attrites/Average of Opening & closing headcount * 100 *12 Average of opening and closing headcount = opening +closing headcount/2 *12 = annualized attrition Shrinkage: Non productive...read more
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