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Ceasefire Industries Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. What is delta lake and its architecture
Delta Lake is an open-source storage layer that brings ACID transactions to Apache Spark and big data workloads.
Delta Lake provides ACID transactions, scalable metadata handling, and unifies streaming and batch data processing.
It stores data in Parquet format and uses a transaction log to keep track of all the changes made to the data.
Delta Lake architecture includes a storage layer, a transaction log, and a metadata layer for managing schema evolution and data versioning.
Q2. Difference between Blob storage vs Data Lake
Blob storage is for unstructured data, while Data Lake is for structured and unstructured data with metadata.
Blob storage is optimized for storing large amounts of unstructured data like images, videos, and backups.
Data Lake is designed to store structured and unstructured data with additional metadata for easier organization and analysis.
Blob storage is typically used for simple storage needs, while Data Lake is used for more complex data processing and analytics.
Data Lake more
Q3. Explain mounting process in Databricks
Mounting process in Databricks allows users to access external data sources within the Databricks environment.
Mounting allows users to access external data sources like Azure Blob Storage, AWS S3, etc.
Users can mount a storage account to a Databricks File System (DBFS) path using the Databricks UI or CLI.
Mounted data can be accessed like regular DBFS paths in Databricks notebooks and jobs.
Q4. Tell me two truth facts....with explanation
Two true facts about myself
I am fluent in three languages: English, Spanish, and French
I have traveled to over 20 countries, including Japan, Australia, and Brazil
Q5. How to developed in financial system
Developing a financial system requires a thorough understanding of financial processes and technologies.
Identify the requirements of the financial system
Design the system architecture and select appropriate technologies
Develop and test the system
Implement the system and provide training and support
Continuously monitor and improve the system
Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements
Examples of financial systems include accounting software, payment processing systems, and more
Q6. Activities in ADF
Activities in ADF refer to the tasks or operations that can be performed in Azure Data Factory.
Activities can include data movement, data transformation, data processing, and data orchestration.
Examples of activities in ADF are Copy Data activity, Execute Pipeline activity, Lookup activity, and Web activity.
Activities can be chained together in pipelines to create end-to-end data workflows.
Each activity in ADF has properties that define its behavior and dependencies.
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