Sir Biotech Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. Have you worked on any file upload tasks previously ? Explain the process and how it saved in DB and retrieval process
Yes, I have experience with file upload tasks. Files are saved in DB by storing the file path and retrieval is done by fetching the file path from the DB.
Used multer middleware in Node.js to handle file uploads
Saved file path in MongoDB using Mongoose schema
Retrieved file by querying the database for the file path
Implemented file upload functionality in a project using React for the front end
Q2. Why $lookup , $project , ..ect are used ?
They are used in MongoDB aggregation pipeline to perform various operations like joining, filtering, projecting, etc.
Used in MongoDB aggregation pipeline for data manipulation
Perform operations like joining, filtering, projecting, etc.
Help in combining data from multiple collections
Use $lookup to perform a left outer join between two collections
Q3. What are react hooks and explain with a usecase
React hooks are functions that let you use state and other React features in functional components.
Allow functional components to have state and lifecycle methods
Replace class components with simpler functional components
Examples: useState, useEffect, useContext
Q4. Share your experience / task you worked on Node js
Developed a real-time chat application using Node.js with for instant messaging functionality.
Implemented server-side logic using Node.js to handle incoming messages and broadcast them to all connected clients
Utilized library to establish WebSocket connections for real-time communication
Integrated with MongoDB to store chat messages and user information
Implemented authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure secure messaging
Q5. What is Redux and why its used
Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps, used to manage application state in a centralized store.
Redux helps manage the state of an application in a predictable way
It allows for a single source of truth for the state of the application
Redux is commonly used with React to manage the state of components
Actions are dispatched to update the state in Redux store
Reducers specify how the state changes in response to actions
Q6. Give some crud operations in Mongo db
CRUD operations in MongoDB include create, read, update, and delete operations on documents in a collection.
Create: db.collection.insertOne()
Read: db.collection.find()
Update: db.collection.updateOne()
Delete: db.collection.deleteOne()
Q7. What is aggregation
Aggregation is the process of combining data from multiple sources to provide a summary or overview.
Aggregation in databases involves grouping and summarizing data to provide insights.
In MongoDB, aggregation pipelines are used to process data and return computed results.
Examples of aggregation functions include sum, average, count, and group by.
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