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DH Healthcare Software Services India Private Limited (Dedalus) Application Developer Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 28 Nov 2024

DH Healthcare Software Services India Private Limited (Dedalus) Application Developer Interview Experiences

1 interview found

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Round 1 - Technical 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Define Oops concepts in c#
  • Ans. 

    Oops concepts in C# are the principles of Object-Oriented Programming such as Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, and Abstraction.

    • Inheritance: Allows a class to inherit properties and behavior from another class.

    • Polymorphism: Allows objects to be treated as instances of their parent class.

    • Encapsulation: Bundles data and methods that operate on the data into a single unit.

    • Abstraction: Hides the complex implementat...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. What are solid principles in dotnet
  • Ans. 

    SOLID principles are a set of five design principles in object-oriented programming that help make software more maintainable, flexible, and scalable.

    • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) - A class should have only one reason to change.

    • Open/Closed Principle (OCP) - Software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification.

    • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) - Objects of a superclass should be replaceab...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Prepare basics of language

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview questions from similar companies

I was interviewed before Mar 2021.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

This was a test round where 10 aptitude based questions were to be solved in 60 minutes

  • Q1. You have 5 pirates and 100 gold coins. The challenge is to determine how the pirates will divide the coins among themselves based on their ranking and the rules they follow.
Round 2 - Face to Face 

(4 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

They took us to the lab for this on and we were each given a paper with a program on it. It was all mixed as in each person got a different paper, You have around an hour to finish coding. after which you have to explain your code. They also gave wrong or incorrect inputs and see how your code handles these exceptions.

  • Q1. 

    Reverse the String Problem Statement

    You are given a string STR which contains alphabets, numbers, and special characters. Your task is to reverse the string.


    STR = "abcde"
  • Ans. 

    Reverse a given string containing alphabets, numbers, and special characters.

    • Iterate through the string from the end to the beginning and append each character to a new string.

    • Use built-in functions like reverse() or StringBuilder in languages like Python or Java for efficient reversal.

    • Handle special characters and numbers along with alphabets while reversing the string.

    • Ensure to consider the constraints provided in th...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    K Largest Elements Problem Statement

    Given an unsorted array containing 'N' integers, you are required to find 'K' largest elements from the array and return them in non-decreasing order.


    The fir...
  • Ans. 

    Implement a function to find K largest elements in an unsorted array in non-decreasing order.

    • Create a min heap of size K and insert the first K elements of the array

    • For each remaining element, if it is larger than the root of the heap, replace the root with the element and heapify

    • Finally, the heap will contain the K largest elements in non-decreasing order

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. 

    Remove Character from String Problem Statement

    Given a string str and a character 'X', develop a function to eliminate all instances of 'X' from str and return the resulting string.


    The first lin...
  • Ans. 

    Develop a function to remove all instances of a given character from a string.

    • Iterate through the string and build a new string excluding the specified character.

    • Use a StringBuilder or similar data structure for efficient string manipulation.

    • Handle edge cases like empty string or character not found in the input string.

    • Ensure the function completes within the given time constraint.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. 

    Triangle of Numbers Pattern

    Ninja is tasked with printing a triangle pattern based on a given number 'N' for any test case.


    N = 4


    The pat...

  • Ans. 

    Print a triangle pattern of numbers based on a given number 'N'.

    • Iterate through each row and column to determine the numbers to print

    • Use a combination of spaces and numbers to align the pattern correctly

    • Increment the numbers in each row based on the row number

  • Answered by AI
Round 3 - Face to Face 

(4 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

Compared to the other round this is more tech oriented. Lot more tech questions. It is of normal difficulty and is not that hard to clear, you only need to know the basics.
Very basic of Data Structure and Oracle knowledge enough. Lots of simple questions from data structures(insert into heaps etc). They did not ask to write code for DS, but rather to explain the logic through diagrams. For some complicated question, they expect how much you brainstorm ideas in solving

  • Q1. 

    Convert Binary Tree to Mirror Tree

    Convert a given binary tree into its mirror tree, where the left and right children of all non-leaf nodes are interchanged.


    An integer ‘T’ denoting the number o...
  • Ans. 

    Convert a binary tree into its mirror tree by interchanging left and right children of non-leaf nodes.

    • Traverse the tree in postorder fashion and swap the left and right children of each node.

    • Use recursion to solve the problem efficiently.

    • Modify the binary tree in place without creating a new tree.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Heap Sort Problem Statement

    Given an array ARR consisting of N integers, your task is to use the Heap sort algorithm to arrange the array in non-decreasing order.


    The first line of the input cont...
  • Ans. 

    Implement the Heap sort algorithm to arrange an array in non-decreasing order.

    • Implement the Heap sort algorithm to sort the given array in non-decreasing order

    • Use a max heap to sort the array in non-decreasing order

    • Time complexity of Heap sort is O(n log n)

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. What is indexing in the context of databases?
  • Ans. 

    Indexing in databases is a technique used to improve the speed of data retrieval by creating a data structure that allows for quick lookups.

    • Indexes are created on specific columns in a database table to speed up queries that search for data in those columns.

    • Indexes work similar to the index of a book, allowing the database to quickly locate the desired data without having to scan the entire table.

    • Examples of indexes in...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Which data structure is better for your use case: a B Tree or a Hash Table?
  • Ans. 

    Hash Table is better for fast lookups and insertions, while B Tree is better for range queries and ordered traversal.

    • Use Hash Table for fast lookups and insertions with O(1) average time complexity.

    • Use B Tree for range queries and ordered traversal with O(log n) time complexity.

    • Consider the size of the dataset and the specific operations needed to determine the best data structure.

  • Answered by AI
Round 4 - HR 

Round duration - 30 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

This round lasted for around 30 minutes. It more of a character analysis round with a lot of HR type questions.

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteriaAbove 7 CGPAAthenahealth interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures, Algorithms, System Design, Aptitude, OOPSTime required to prepare for the interview - 6 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Must do Previously asked Interview as well as Online Test Questions.
Tip 2 : Go through all the previous interview experiences from Codestudio and Leetcode.
Tip 3 : Do at-least 2 good projects and you must know every bit of them.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Have at-least 2 good projects explained in short with all important points covered.
Tip 2 : Every skill must be mentioned.
Tip 3 : Focus on skills, projects and experiences more.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed before Mar 2021.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

10 Aptitude questions with difficulty level hard were asked in this test.

  • Q1. What is the minimum number of planes required to go around the world?
  • Ans. 

    The minimum number of planes required to go around the world is one.

    • One plane can fly around the world without needing to stop.

    • The plane can refuel mid-air or carry enough fuel for the entire journey.

    • Examples: Non-stop flights like the Boeing 787 Dreamliner or Airbus A350 can circumnavigate the globe with one plane.

  • Answered by AI
Round 2 - Face to Face 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

Technical Interview round with questions based on data structures and algorithms. Questions about previous projects done and my roles on it and my leadership capabilities. Few technical questions from Threads and multi-processing.

  • Q1. 

    Search in a Row-wise and Column-wise Sorted Matrix Problem Statement

    You are given an N * N matrix of integers where each row and each column is sorted in increasing order. Your task is to find the positi...

  • Ans. 

    Given a sorted N * N matrix, find the position of a target integer 'X'.

    • Start from the top-right corner of the matrix and compare the target with the element at that position.

    • Based on the comparison, move left or down in the matrix to narrow down the search.

    • Repeat the process until the target is found or the search goes out of bounds.

    • Return the position of the target if found, else return {-1, -1}.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Rectangular Numbers Problem Statement

    Ninja has a number 'N'. Your task is to generate a pattern where the outer rectangle is filled with the number 'N', and as you move inward, the numbers decrease conse...

  • Ans. 

    Generate a pattern with outer rectangle filled with number 'N' and decreasing consecutively inward.

    • Start by filling the outermost rectangle with the number 'N'.

    • Decrease the numbers consecutively as you move inward towards the center.

    • Continue this pattern until you reach the center of the rectangle.

  • Answered by AI
Round 3 - Face to Face 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

DSA based questions were asked in this round. Questions on implementation of Linux directory structure were also asked.

  • Q1. 

    Binary Array Sorting Problem Statement

    You are provided with a binary array, i.e., an array containing only 0s and 1s. Your task is to sort this binary array and return it after sorting.


     The fir...
  • Ans. 

    Yes, the binary array sorting problem can be solved in linear time and constant space using a single traversal.

    • Use two pointers approach to swap 0s to the left and 1s to the right.

    • Maintain two pointers, one for 0s and one for 1s, and swap elements accordingly.

    • Example: Input: [1, 0, 1, 0, 1], Output: [0, 0, 1, 1, 1]

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Next Greater Element Problem Statement

    You are given an array arr of length N. For each element in the array, find the next greater element (NGE) that appears to the right. If there is no such greater ele...

  • Ans. 

    The task is to find the next greater element for each element in an array to its right, if no greater element exists, return -1.

    • Iterate through the array from right to left and use a stack to keep track of elements.

    • Pop elements from the stack until a greater element is found or the stack is empty.

    • Store the next greater element for each element in the output array.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. What is the difference between Binary Search Trees (BST) and Tries?
  • Ans. 

    BST is a binary tree structure where each node has at most two children, while Tries are tree structures used for storing strings.

    • BST is used for searching, inserting, and deleting elements in a sorted manner.

    • Tries are used for storing and searching strings efficiently.

    • BST has a hierarchical structure with left and right child nodes.

    • Tries have nodes representing characters, forming a tree-like structure for strings.

    • Exa...

  • Answered by AI
Round 4 - Face to Face 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

This was a technical round. Questions about previous projects and current one were asked. I was also asked about aptitude problems from the first round and how I understood and approached towards solution?

  • Q1. 

    N Queens Problem

    Given an integer N, find all possible placements of N queens on an N x N chessboard such that no two queens threaten each other.


    A queen can attack another queen if they ar...

  • Ans. 

    The N Queens Problem involves finding all possible placements of N queens on an N x N chessboard without threatening each other.

    • Use backtracking algorithm to explore all possible configurations.

    • Keep track of rows, columns, and diagonals to ensure queens do not threaten each other.

    • Generate valid configurations recursively and backtrack when a solution is not possible.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Form a Triangle Problem Statement

    You are provided with an integer array/list ARR of length N. Your task is to determine if it is possible to construct at least one non-degenerate triangle using the value...

  • Ans. 

    Check if it is possible to form a non-degenerate triangle using the sides provided in the array.

    • Check if the sum of any two sides is greater than the third side for all combinations.

    • If any such combination exists, return true; otherwise, return false.

    • Handle multiple test cases as per the constraints provided.

  • Answered by AI
Round 5 - HR 

Round duration - 30 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

Behavioral questions and team skills were discussed in this round.

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteriaAbove 7 CGPAAthenahealth interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures, Algorithms, System Design, Aptitude, OOPSTime required to prepare for the interview - 4 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Must do Previously asked Interview as well as Online Test Questions.
Tip 2 : Go through all the previous interview experiences from Codestudio and Leetcode.
Tip 3 : Do at-least 2 good projects and you must know every bit of them.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Have at-least 2 good projects explained in short with all important points covered.
Tip 2 : Every skill must be mentioned.
Tip 3 : Focus on skills, projects and experiences more.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. What is your activity
  • Ans. 

    As a software developer, my activity involves designing, coding, testing, and maintaining software applications.

    • Designing software architecture and user interfaces

    • Writing code in programming languages such as Java, Python, or C++

    • Testing software to ensure it meets requirements and is free of bugs

    • Maintaining and updating software to keep it running smoothly

    • Collaborating with other developers and stakeholders to ensure p

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Tell in detail about what happened
Tips: Provide tip for specily

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Tell in detail about what happened
Tips: Provide tip for specily

Round: Test
Experience: Tell in detail what all happened
Tips: Provide tips specially

Software Developer Interview Questions & Answers

Wipro user image V LAKSHMI NARAYANA

posted on 1 Dec 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Online written Test was conducted 54 students wrote the test. Interviews.13 people were shortlisted for this round.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Check out "Buckys tutorials" for learning programming languages The link is " -----/". Learning C and one object oriented language(C++ or JAVA) will prove helpful in the interviews. Be thorough with the concepts or subjects specific to your branch.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Be confident and be frank.Be what you are as the interviewers are smart enough to evaluate who you are. While answering the questions asked maintain eye contact with the interviewer.

General Tips: It was quite challenging nevertheless it was exhausting too as we were made to wait till evening. At the end of the day it was worth the effort.
Software Developer.One can ask questions in order to know the company better.Some examples are about company work culture, career growth...moving up in different verticals like Management and Technical etc.
Skill Tips: Focus Prepare C and general aptitude to get through the written test round.Try to learn things which aren't included in your curriculum and which may come handy at the time of interviews.For example, learning data structures, and C++ ,JAVA will be useful when someone goes for a software interview.
College Name: NIT Surathkal

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: to.me totally there were three sections.verbal,apti and reasoning.each section carries 15,15 and 10 questions respectively.to me verabal and apti was little bit easy and it consumes more time to solve the apti questions.so i have been solved 8 apti questions and at last 1minute i.just qlicked the answers for remaining questions randomly becasue we didnt have negative mark and finally reasobing was much easier and solved every answers.
Tips: to get selected in the first round you should practice more online tests.then you can easily manage your time.and be cool. so dont worry every thing will become easier and do well.
all the best!!!

Round: HR Interview
Experience: when i faced my HR he asked me to tell three things about me, i.have told generosity,confidence and friendship.and he asked me to elobrate it and i have done well and he goes with the projects that i have done .afterwards he asked about my stream and why it.and i have answered that iam from electrical and electronics background but now a days IT has been entered into every sector and without IT there would be nothing in this world.thats why i choose IT.and asked about my extra curricular activities and iam a sports person too and finally few questions from C and C++.
Tips: Be confident in your speech and try to answer even if not knows the answer well,because they will see how we are trying to answer so dont hesitate to answer.and keep your mind free and every thing will be alright.be cool and all the best

General Tips: start to prpare atleast before one week from the interview.and be cool at any situations and to get speak english fluently practice with your friends and try to converse every thing in english even with customer care, it will be funny to and thats make you to survive your interviews easily...
College Name: sri krishna college of engineering and technology
Motivation: in this company there will be friendly environment and there will be less working pressure and have some cultural clubs to have fun with it
Funny Moments: before one week to our placements our friends get started to chat in english and every where we conversed in english it was funny and later we realised how it helped us. so dont bother about others and what they think. just go on with your friends confidently in english...

I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed before Nov 2015. There were 5 interview rounds.

Interview Questionnaire 

2 Questions

  • Q1. Short interview to check knowledge and experience
  • Q2. Idk what this is called

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: simple!
Tips: keep calm and talk little, unless they ask, at which point you should explain everything as briefly as you can

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: be thorough with what your works, if are planning on putting something you have a very vague idea only, be warned!
Tips: keep calm and talk little, unless they ask, at which point you should explain everything as briefly as you can

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I went in, he asked me about my family, I said" mine is a small family, father, mother and I have sister", he asked me about languages, i said i know hindi english basic chinese ......, he stops me and asks me about the coding languages I know. I was sent out, don't know what this interview was even about
Tips: keep calm and talk little, unless they ask, at which point you should explain everything as briefly as you can

Skills: Approaching A Problem, Ability To Analyse, Basic Coding
Duration: 2
College Name: IIT Madras

I was interviewed in Oct 2016.

Interview Questionnaire 

14 Questions

  • Q1. How you will print even number of elements in an array.
  • Ans. 

    Loop through the array and print only even indexed elements.

    • Use a for loop to iterate through the array.

    • Use the modulus operator to check if the index is even.

    • Print the element if the index is even.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. What is cloud computing
  • Ans. 

    Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the internet.

    • Cloud computing allows users to access data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection.

    • It eliminates the need for physical servers and hardware, reducing costs and increasing scalability.

    • Examples of cloud computing services include Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. What is linear regression
  • Ans. 

    Linear regression is a statistical method used to model the relationship between two variables.

    • It involves finding the line of best fit that describes the relationship between the variables.

    • It is commonly used in predicting future values based on past data.

    • It assumes a linear relationship between the variables.

    • It can be used for both simple and multiple regression analysis.

    • Example: predicting the price of a house based

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. What is clustering
  • Ans. 

    Clustering is a technique used to group similar data points together based on their characteristics.

    • Clustering is an unsupervised machine learning technique

    • It involves grouping data points based on their similarity

    • Common clustering algorithms include k-means, hierarchical clustering, and DBSCAN

    • Clustering is used in various fields such as marketing, biology, and image processing

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. A particular scenario was given, and i was told to make a program using inheritance
  • Q6. What is dynamic dispatch
  • Ans. 

    Dynamic dispatch is a mechanism where the appropriate implementation of a method is selected at runtime based on the type of object.

    • Also known as runtime polymorphism or late binding

    • Used in object-oriented programming languages

    • Allows for more flexible and extensible code

    • Example: calling a method on a superclass reference that is overridden in a subclass will execute the subclass's implementation

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Tell me about yourself
  • Ans. 

    I am a software developer with experience in Java and Python. I enjoy problem-solving and learning new technologies.

    • Experienced in Java and Python

    • Passionate about problem-solving

    • Quick learner of new technologies

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. Where you did your schooling
  • Ans. 

    I completed my schooling from XYZ School.

    • Attended XYZ School from grades 1-12

    • Participated in various extracurricular activities such as debate club and robotics team

    • Graduated with honors in 20XX

  • Answered by AI
  • Q9. What are your weaknesses?
  • Ans. 

    I tend to overthink and sometimes struggle with time management.

    • Overthinking can lead to analysis paralysis

    • I am working on improving my time management skills through prioritization and delegation

    • I am open to feedback and willing to learn from my mistakes

  • Answered by AI
  • Q10. Are you overcoming them, and if yes, how?
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I am constantly overcoming challenges by staying up-to-date with new technologies and seeking help from colleagues.

    • Continuously learning new technologies and programming languages

    • Collaborating with colleagues to solve complex problems

    • Breaking down large tasks into smaller, manageable ones

    • Using online resources and forums to find solutions to problems

    • Attending conferences and workshops to stay current with industry

  • Answered by AI
  • Q11. What do you know about the company
  • Ans. 

    The company is a software development firm.

    • Provides custom software solutions to clients

    • Offers web and mobile app development services

    • Has a team of experienced developers

    • Works with various industries such as healthcare and finance

  • Answered by AI
  • Q12. What was the name of the person who took your tech interview
  • Ans. 

    I'm sorry, I don't have that information.

    • N/A

  • Answered by AI
  • Q13. Why you want to join here
  • Ans. 

    I am excited to join this company because of its reputation for innovation and its commitment to employee growth and development.

    • I am impressed by the company's track record of developing cutting-edge software solutions.

    • I am excited about the opportunity to work with a talented team of developers and learn from their expertise.

    • I appreciate the company's focus on employee development and growth, and I am eager to take a...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q14. What is your achievement
  • Ans. 

    Developed a web application that increased productivity by 30%

    • Designed and implemented a user-friendly interface

    • Optimized database queries for faster data retrieval

    • Implemented automated testing to ensure quality code

    • Collaborated with team members to meet project deadlines

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was a pen and paper test. There were two options for the candidates. One was C/C++, and the other one was JAVA.
I chose Java.
There were around 58 multiple choice questions. They were easy and direct. Questions included sections of java commands, inheritance, overloading, output questions, data structures, etc.
There were two coding questions also.
One was really easy- some advancement in Fibonacci series,
and the other one was related to the caleneder.
Tips: Not much preparation is required, it has the basic questions that you have already studied in your college course.
Just maintain your speed of attempting questions.
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Questions: 60

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Prepare well for everything written in your CV. Java and data structures is a must.
Tips: Don't write things in your CV, about which you don't even remember the basics.
The less you write, the easier your interview goes.

Round: HR Interview
Tips: Just be calm and tell about yourself truthfully. Don't fake around because they'll figure out when you are just blabbering out answers from somewhere else.

Round: Hiring and Manager Round
Experience: They asked about myself, what are my ambitions and where i see myself in next 10 years.
Also, questions about the company were asked.
They will try to know you in depth by asking personal questions about your life.

Skills: Communication And Confidence, Java Programming, Data Structures, Adaptability, Commitment
College Name: Manipal University Jaipur

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed before May 2016.

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. Inheritance
  • Ans. 

    Inheritance is a mechanism in object-oriented programming where a new class is created by inheriting properties of an existing class.

    • Inheritance allows for code reuse and promotes code organization.

    • The new class is called the subclass or derived class, and the existing class is called the superclass or base class.

    • The subclass inherits all the properties and methods of the superclass, and can also add new properties and...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Oops concepts
  • Q3. Database management

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Tips: Aptitude level was very high so work on it
Duration: 1 hour

Round: Technical Interview
Tips: Make your command on one subject wheather dbms,c++,java anyone

Skills: Confidence , Technical skills
College Name: Khalsa college for women

I was interviewed before May 2016.

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. Tell me abt yourself???
  • Ans. 

    I am a passionate software developer with experience in building web applications using various technologies.

    • Experienced in developing web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React and Angular

    • Proficient in backend development with Node.js and databases like MongoDB and MySQL

    • Familiar with version control systems like Git and deployment tools like Heroku

    • Strong problem-solving skills and ability

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: It was a typical group discussion round . there were 8 of us in room seated in a circular manner facing each other .our topic for gd was increasing crime rate everybody started sharing their opinions. as the gd proceeded i shared my opinion. in my opinion crime rate is increasing due to inflation , keeping unlicensed guns, unemployment. i elaborated all my points in a concise manner.
Tips: Look confident.
Be confident.
Put forward your opinion assertively.
Never shout . Be respectful
Duration: 10 hours

Round: Technical + HR Interview
Experience: in the beginning he asked me " tell ne about yourself?" to which i replied by telling briefly abt myself . educational qualification and my strong points then he asked me a few technical questions . i was able to answer 3 out of 5. then he asked me that why i think i am the best suited for this job.
Tips: you should know about the company .
what you are good at and what you are not

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DH Healthcare Software Services India Private Limited (Dedalus) Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in DH Healthcare Software Services India Private Limited (Dedalus) Application Developer interview?
DH Healthcare Software Services India Private Limited (Dedalus) interview process usually has 1 rounds. The most common rounds in the DH Healthcare Software Services India Private Limited (Dedalus) interview process are Technical.
What are the top questions asked in DH Healthcare Software Services India Private Limited (Dedalus) Application Developer interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the DH Healthcare Software Services India Private Limited (Dedalus) Application Developer interview -

  1. What are solid principles in dot...read more
  2. Define Oops concepts in...read more

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