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Alsbridge Advisory Interview Questions and Answers

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I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed in Jan 2016. There were 6 interview rounds.

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. Questions on resume
  • Q2. Small Case study ( statistics )
  • Q3. Why analytics and goal in life
  • Ans. 

    Analytics helps me make informed decisions and achieve my goals in life.

    • Analytics provides valuable insights and data-driven solutions to complex problems.

    • Setting goals helps me stay focused and motivated towards achieving personal and professional success.

    • By analyzing data and setting specific goals, I can track my progress and make necessary adjustments to reach my objectives.

    • For example, in my previous role as a mar...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Dual Degree students with decent CPI, relevant projects and extras
Tips: Highlight subjects and projects involving data mining, machine learning, marketing research

Round: Test
Experience: PST had 26 questions to be done in an hour (3 cases) and 20 QUESTIONS in 30 mins general apti (level: 2-3 of Arun sharma)
Tips: practice!
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Questions: 46

Round: Technical + HR Interview
Experience: Since my resume was filled with

College Name: IIT Kanpur

Business Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

ZS user image Apurva Khaparde

posted on 21 Mar 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: bls hfkshfiji
Tips: jgjrighigidfjgildf

Round: Test
Experience: jgijdfibjdfgjod
Tips: nbdfnkhedigjid
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 10

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: bla bla bla
Tips: bal bla bla
Duration: 30 minutes

Round: Problem Statement
Experience: fisighrighrsioguoreigu
Tips: jfdgjfdighidhoid

Round: HR Interview
Experience: fjibjfibhodfhdgihetiogoe
Tips: jvidjgibjdigbjiodgoid

College Name: nit- bhopal

Interview Questionnaire 

6 Questions

  • Q1. Round 2 (Case Study)
  • Q2. Why do you want to join ZS?
  • Q3. What are your strengths/weaknesses in professional and personal environments?
  • Q4. How was your experience in your previous company, if any?
  • Q5. What extra would you bring to ZS if you are selected?
  • Q6. This was the third round of interview

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Written exam: This section contains basic aptitude questions – logical reasoning, math and english (vocabulary and comprehension). It is an outsourced test conducted by Aspiring Minds
Tips: NA

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: A 10-12 page case study would be given with a lot of data, tables, graphs and you need to solve it in 40 mins. Total 3 segments with 2 questions per segment. Later you need to debrief the case study to the interviewer and need to defend your answers. To answer these, you will have to apply basic Math and logical reasoning.The catch here is the debriefing interview where you will have to explain your reasoning and math behind each answer. The interviewer will try and point out flaws in your approach. You should be able to defend your reasoning by providing answers to the pointed-out-flaws. The interviewer will also ask other questions around the given case to test some more of your logic.
If you are able to defend your case, you would have rocked the round. The round is to simply test the application of data and rationale.
Tips: NA

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: Behavioral. Resume based questions, questions on your 4 years of college life, questions on your final year project. Guesstimate, brain teasers, puzzles etc. are also asked
Tips: NA

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This round is taken by one of the seniormost employees in India. In this round, the interviewer will ask you questions about your personal and professional lives. About your hobbies, strengths, weaknesses and so on.
Tips: NA

College Name: NA

Business Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

ZS user image P.Sakthi Viswanathan

posted on 23 Feb 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was good , needed a bit of thinking in the logical reasoning part .Fifty minutes of tough experience
Tips: I suggest the students to work really smart and hard on logical reasoning part
Because the cut off for the written round shortlisting is very high .
Duration: 50 minutes

General Tips: As the old saying goes , talent is natural , skill is developed by hours and hours of practice .Believe in yourself that you can make it.yes of course , luck does play a key part , but as long as u fight to the finish , you're guaranteed to be the winner
Skill Tips: Students are strictly advised to improve their skills in management areas .Doing a management project would be highly useful .Participate yourself in many club activities like entrepreneurship development , etc.
Skills: Management skills, communication skills, Team coordination , case study solving, puzzle solving
Motivation: I was basically into management /software and zs associates are a reputed firm who have been operating more than a decade across pune , gorgaon. There are many perks being an employee in the company
Funny Moments: The interviewer asked me which profile I was more into : management or software .without a doubt I said software .Then he said which company would you choose if zs rejected you .I said Oracle ! .We both laughed

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Test ( Quant, English, DI, Attention to detail) + Group discussion

Round: Interview
Experience: I was given a booklet describing a case involving a shoe manufacturer and his supply chain system. In addition there were a few other glitches in his profit generation. A total of 30 mins was allocated to solve the case, followed by an interview to discuss the case and suggest changes. In the second round of the same section basic math puzzle involving the surface area and volume concepts of a cube was asked. In round 3 of the same section. A role play wherein I was meeting a potential customer in an elevator and had 60 secs to inform him about what ‘We at ZS’ do. I lacked proper knowledge of the firm and had to do with limited information I had. I ensured I don’t go wrong on the little information I knew.

Round: Interview
Experience: The interview was by and large about my experiences in campus and how I had responded to different situations. Questions like “3 instances wherein you worked in a disordered environment and came out with flying colours“ , “ What is the most important quality in a team leader and why” etc . The round lasted for around 40 mins.

The interview was again primarily about my experiences in campus and how I had managed time etc. Questions like “ Why ZS” , “ 3 most valued principles of your life” etc were put forward. The round lasted for about 30 mins. At the end I was given time to ask questions and clarify my doubts about the kind of work, culture etc at the firm

General Tips: Make sure you read the cases VERY carefully. I learnt that a couple of my fellow students messed up the understanding part. Make sure you relate each and every significant achievement of yours to a particular quality or trait that defines you. This would help you answering HR questions effectively. Be thorough with each and every line of your master resume. HR interviews are all about knowing yourself and what you have done so far in life.
Skill Tips: My calculations were neat and I invested more time in understanding the problem which made the Q/A session with the interviewer a cake walk. I was relaxed during the entire conversation and was able to substantiate my answers with examples from my life experiences.
College Name: IIT KANPUR

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I mentioned about all my credentials in my resume in a very compact and precise manner, so that more information could be conveyed in as few words as possible. This I hoped would also impress the evaluators.
I had previously prepared a resume for my internship; I prepared my job resume with the help of this resume. I applied for only 2 companies and while applying in these companies I used the same resume but only ameliorated my areas of interest.

Round: Test
Experience: The first round was the interview round. The test was divided into three parts: aptitude, verbal ability and mathematics. All the three sections were very simple. The aptitude questions were very similar to those found in CAT preparation books. The only section that some found difficult to negotiate with was the verbal ability section.
Tips: Preparation for CAT or any other MBA entrance exam will help you ace the written test.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: The second round was conducted in 4 phases. The first phase was the case study and the second phase was an interview based on the case study. The case study was about a shoe company that wanted to optimize their output and we had to suggest measures that can be implemented to do the same. Since I had no experience in the case study I was eliminated after the second phase itself.
Tips: Prepare for Case Study before appearing for ZS Associate for interview.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: ZS Associates is a consultancy firm which uses quantitative skills to solve business problems for their clients(cases). It deals with various industries but has majority of clients from pharmaceutical sector. Learn more about the company by visiting its site.

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I used to discuss about the preparation of the resume with my friends, which is how I learnt to prepare a resume. I also received some valuable insights from my seniors for the same. I also made sure that I get thoroughly acquainted with whatever I mention in my resume so that I am able to answer any questions that I’m asked pertaining to the resume.

Round: Test
Experience: I purchased some study materials for the CAT examination (MBA entrance test for IIMs) for the preparation of the written tests. I and my friends would also at times discuss some difficult questions which helped a lot.
The first round in the recruitment process of ZS Associates was an aptitude test. The paper involved sections on quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning and English. The paper was similar to the CAT paper.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The second round was the GD. The there were 10 candidates in my GD. The topic under scrutiny was ‘Dirty Picture: Good Entertainment or Bad Entertainment.’ During the GD I was seated 2nd to the last and before me all the candidates had gone for the motion except for one. Before my turn arrived to speak I had decided to speak for the motion, but I realized that all the points for the motion had exhausted and I speak for the motion my points would certainly clash with someone else’s thus there would be no novelty in my points. Hence at the last moment I decided to speak against the motion. This improvisation seemed to have helped me. From my group 7 to 8 marched into the next round.
Tips: Everyone would tell you to keep your aggression under check while participating in a GD which you may tend to forget; I would particularly stress upon this do not let aggression get loose.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There are huge numbers of books available in market which discusses about dealing with interviews. I read some of these books. I studied some of the questions frequently asked in the interviews and while framing answers to these questions I looked back at the years that I spent in the institute and tried to remember some instances which if included in some answers might make them more presentable.In HR interview the interviews asked me to brief them on my resume. They inquired about my internships and projects. Since they interviews were unaware of the biotechnology they were particularly inquisitive about my projects. This was not an elimination round.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: The case study was about a shoe company who had both retail and wholesale clients. We had to suggest how the company should spread its representatives across the city. The constraint was that there were a limited number of representatives and maximum sales had to be achieved. The representatives had to be allocated to different areas considering the transportation, communication systems available in that area and the buyers in that area. I did not qualify for further rounds.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE

Business Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

ZS user image Pranay Vijayvargiya

posted on 18 Apr 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

4 Questions

  • Q1. Why ZS?
  • Q2. Where do you see yourself after 5 years?
  • Ans. 

    In 5 years, I see myself as a senior business analyst leading a team and contributing to the growth of the company.

    • Leading a team of business analysts

    • Contributing to the growth of the company through data-driven insights

    • Continuing to develop my skills and knowledge in the field

    • Building strong relationships with stakeholders

    • Exploring new technologies and tools to improve processes

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. What is the total power requirement of India?
  • Ans. 

    The total power requirement of India is approximately 200,000 MW.

    • India's power demand is growing at a rate of 5-6% annually

    • As of 2021, India's installed power capacity is around 383 GW

    • The majority of India's power generation comes from coal-fired power plants

    • Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind are also being increasingly utilized

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Related to research paper

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: They kept a minimum CGPA criterion of 6.5, which is not hefty at all.

Round: Test
Experience: The written is taken by AMCAT and is really easy, so it is important that you perform exceptionally well to make it into the next shortlist. Also, although the company people don't admit it, I'm sure that there is an upper cut-off, so keep that in mind too.
Tips: Don't worry! It's not that difficult to perform well in the test. Brush up your aptitude a little. Data Interpretation is usually easy. Take help of your MBA aspirant buddies to help you with the preparation.
Total Questions: 60

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: GD is a fish market! Everyone would want to speak, no matter if they really have the points or not. Show some leadership, and keep a calm head, speak when you're absolutely sure of what you're saying.
Tips: GD is supposed to be a very dilute filter. You will definitely make it through unless you perform exceptionally bad.
Duration: 15 minutes

Round: Problem Statement
Experience: The case study is pretty straightforward, and mostly simple math is involved. It would help a great deal if you practice a few case studies prior to this round.
Tips: During the interview, the main focus is not on how correctly you solved the case study, but rather on your approach. So make sure that you take the interviewer through a detailed path of how you approached the case study and reached conclusions.

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: In this interview, your entire resume would be scanned and questions and guesstimates would be asked based on that. So make sure that you write only what you know in your resume.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This interview is taken by one of the principals of the company. Now these are people with mounds of experience so don't even try to bluff them! It is a pretty straightforward and cool interview where they'll ask you about your family, hobbies, and other general things.
Tips: It is a myth that the interviewer decides the course of the interview. In fact, that is always in your hands. Focus the interview on your skills and golden areas, and try to avoid speaking about your shortcomings. The interview will automatically flow into that direction.

Skills: Logical Reasoning, Analytical Skills
College Name: NIT BHOPAL
Motivation: One of the best companies visiting campus.

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Written test was on the CAT pattern. Verbal section and Quant section, level was also
comparable to CAT.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: A well organised GD, everyone was given time to start and conclude. The topic
was "should films like dirty picture be allowed in India". Marks were given for points given in the discussion.

Round: Problem Statement
Experience: first, a case study. It was mainly calculationbased, doable problem. had to understand some graphs for the calculations. It was more like a DataInterpretation problem in CAT.

Round: Interview
Experience: Second interview had parts of HR, was asked questions like 'strengths, weaknesses, way of doing work,how do you ensure your work is correct, any difficult situation faced, how do you cope with them, extracurricular activities' etc..I was also asked a guestimate, had to estimate the demand for a professionalmusic school all over india. This was asked because my extra activity was music. I guessed first the no. ofschools in india and then on that basis calculated no. of students that may be interested in music as aprofession.

Round: Interview
Experience: Third one was again mostly HR related.

Skill Tips: For the interviews, prepared basic HR
questions like 'tell me about yourself, strengths and weaknesses' etc.. Prepared for guesstimations from
random sources, available easily on the net. Prepared for case studies from vault guide for case interviews,
available on the net.
College Name: IIT Roorkee

Consultant Interview Questions & Answers

BCG user image Neha Kalra

posted on 21 Dec 2015

I applied via Walk-in

Interview Questionnaire 

7 Questions

  • Q1. Girls on the manufacturing floor”
  • Q2. Manufacturing as a career
  • Ans. 

    Manufacturing offers diverse career opportunities in various industries.

    • Manufacturing provides a wide range of job roles, from production line workers to engineers and managers.

    • It offers opportunities to work in different industries such as automotive, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and more.

    • Manufacturing careers often involve problem-solving, innovation, and continuous improvement.

    • There are various specializations with...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Why MBA?
  • Ans. 

    An MBA will provide me with the necessary skills, knowledge, and network to excel in the business world.

    • Acquire essential business knowledge and skills such as finance, marketing, and strategy

    • Develop leadership and management abilities through practical projects and case studies

    • Expand professional network through interactions with classmates, alumni, and industry professionals

    • Enhance career opportunities and earning po

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Why ISB?
  • Ans. 

    ISB offers a diverse and rigorous curriculum, top-notch faculty, strong alumni network, and excellent career opportunities.

    • ISB's diverse student body and faculty bring a global perspective to the learning experience.

    • The school's rigorous curriculum ensures students are well-prepared for the challenges of the business world.

    • ISB's strong alumni network provides valuable connections and support for career advancement.

    • The ...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. “there is a company in the telecom sector and has a product “X” – this X is a necessity in telecom and the company has been making good profits for the last 4 years – like 40% gross margin.. and now sudden...
  • Ans. 

    The CEO should diversify the company's product portfolio and explore new markets to overcome the stagnant revenue and profits in the telecom sector.

    • Diversify the product portfolio to reduce reliance on a single product

    • Explore new markets and industries where the product can be applicable

    • Invest in research and development to innovate and create new products

    • Improve marketing and sales strategies to reach a wider customer...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. “”Our client is in telecom, profitability is at 10% and they want 25%.. what should they do? ”
  • Ans. 

    To increase profitability from 10% to 25%, the telecom client should focus on cost reduction, revenue growth, and operational efficiency.

    • Identify and reduce unnecessary costs and expenses

    • Increase pricing or introduce new revenue streams

    • Improve customer retention and acquisition

    • Optimize operational processes and streamline workflows

    • Invest in technology and innovation to drive efficiency

    • Explore partnerships or mergers to...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. “Tata is coming with nano, what do you think it’s a threat or an opportunity for other players in the market..”
  • Ans. 

    The Tata Nano can be seen as both a threat and an opportunity for other players in the market.

    • Threat: The Tata Nano's low price and affordability may attract customers away from other players in the market.

    • Opportunity: The introduction of the Tata Nano may stimulate overall demand for small, affordable cars, benefiting all players in the market.

    • Threat: Other players may need to lower their prices or introduce competiti...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: I asked him about the product X? and how important it is for the telecom service providers? is it a big part of their costs ? – he said some arbit stuff – this was a hint that it was a bigger overall strategy case and not into details – so I defined the case as – the CEO wants to know, what to do to increase the profits both in short and long term – he said yes - I immediately moved to the standard profit loss framework and started looking at revenue first - he said OK – I said profit = Price* Quantity and went to pricing... he had said that the telecom service providers were not very sensitive to pricing in the business.. so I dint come to reducing the pricing... I asked about the competitive landscape – our client is 35% business... it went on and on an on ..... could not reach anywhere.. so we went to costs... discussed everything.. excess capacity.. joint ventures.. MnA,..still nothing..so he said.(the discussion was a very intelligent substance discussion.. not general profit loss cases.). – we had a great discussion on both prices and quantity,, why don’t u see decreasing the price – I said.. “ooooooo I thot of it, but then u said that the players are insensitive to price “ - he said “ they WERE, the whole industry as I told u is seeing some problems” – PICK UP THE HINTS... -- once he said this I went to the cost structure of the firm again – I said that our client can play price war only if a) his variable costs are lower than competitors variable costs and he is playing on high investment low variable cost model (reliance model) – he said YES it is exactly this way – I said OK , then let him price X above his variable cost but below the others variable costs and drive the competition away. – I also said, to speeden this up he should in fact price it lower than his variable costs also (extremely low and he can afford it because he has cash with him as he has been on 40% profits for the last 4 – 5 years.. so there should not be an issue on the working capital side – he sair “great” .. he wanted to stop and asked me to summarize the case.. – I summarized the case, and also gave some more ideas like .. seeing the cost and benefit of doing away with excess capacity rite now and adding again when the market is doing good, buying high fixed cost players in the sector.. etcc etc.. a lot more.. – he patiently listened to everything Then he asked me if I had anything to ask him? I asked similar question as I asked in Mck – “ has India become a net contributor to the knowledge base..- he told me about low cost Indian manufacturing.. I said cool... and he said super cool!
Tips: a) work on your resume b) Make the resume in such a way that irrespective of whatever – the you are able to guide the interviewer to THE thing you want to talk about – link all answers to that DO NOT OVERPREPARE – DON’T LOOSE YOUR NATURAL SELF

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: Upfront questions – where in the value chain? – ans.. they make towers and maintain them .. and into providing services too.—so I asked details on the portfolio of services and portfolio of work of tower etc. – he gave me everything including margins.. so margins in tower making etc were low – I asked him if he is sure that its not just an accounting issue.—he appreciated the point and said .. no, they do ABC and might be small accounting issues but not really one—I said ok.. and moved on to profitability framework .. revenue – costs --- so I said we will look at the tower making etc.. (pareto) – he said perfect.. – went to revenue... he hinted therez nothing there , I said great! Jumped to costs (didn’t waste time at all) - asked him costs heads .. he gave the following .. – a) Tower making, b) people c) administration (I don’t remember the terminology correctly but the remember the discussion) Discussion on tower making – I said “ so Navneet, what does it include” – he said making and servicing and maintaining and some back office work – so I said following can be wrong (BE CREATIVE, I started throwing solutions/ideas) (i) are the people skilled? Know how much material are they using (extra material = extra cost) (ii) is the quality of material too high (more than required quality increases the costs) (iii) is there rework happening? – are people good?(iv) What kind of designs are there – he said there are various different types of designs – I asked why? – he said no one knows – I said .. are they required? – he said , no – I said then standardize the design! He looked happy – so I started throwing more ! – he said no, lets move on to other ones Discussion on people – people cost = wage * numbera) are outsourced people expensive – yes they are – are they doing some specialized job? – not really, they can be replaced – then replace them b) can we multiskill people – yeah we can – then do that! c) Can we move our service centers to low cost destinations – yes we can d) Can we reallocate people to reduce number of people – yes we can – but can we fire them? – are they unionized? – yes they are and he appreciated the point that I touched upon the fact that the unions are tough to handle ( learning : know your industry, small things can make you win the case Discussion on administration a) planning happening ok? – no – so scheduling, audits have to be done again and again (I did not come up with this point alone. It was a result of a thorough discussion .

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: i said – its an opportunity (no structure , we were taking a walk after all) because it opens up a full market – he said ‘ what shud the competitors do” – I kept on saying a lot of things... - they should lobby with government to stop this .. bla bla bla bla – the discussion was round and round and round.. I was tired with my high heels—then suddenly I said – Arvind can you tell me if I am on the right track ? , am little tired – he smiled and said, ok I again ask you “ what can they do to stop the nano or get ready for the market” – this statement gave me clarity and I said “ ok we can stop nano from coming, or do some other stuff” – he said great , so lets discuss both one by one – (remember that once you asked for clarity then you have to crack the rest of the case, else you are dead) –so I picked up stopping nano to hit the market discussion on stopping Nano to hit the market –
(i) demand side hit – lobby with the activists and say that the infrastructure isn’t ready and hence nano should not be allowed ( he liked it)
(ii) demand side hit -Increase the advertisements on how “Indians have to be sensitive about infrastructure” ( he liked it)
(iii) supply side hit – can we buy out the suppliers? – can we promise them some other meat? – like get them under long term agreements etc
(iv) Supply side hit – can we buy out the low cost suppliers to tatas ( I told them, that my thinking was to stop providing necessary materil that gets into nana
(v) Supply side – can we buy their engineers
(vi) And some more discussion, I don’t quite remember .but ya on similar lines What else they can do till they develop their own low cost (i) can they give fire to second hand car market ( as this is the immediate competition to nano) (ii) he kept on probing me on public transport till I said – why cant they collaborate with the government and make the public transport so easy and good and safe that people don’t need nano! BINGO.. ( he loved it- tho he only got that in my head – amazing guide he is) he still looked dissatisfied and asked me there is something else that is missing.. – something that is a real threat to the competitors of tatas. – we kept on discussing, till I suddenly remembered the team that made the engine is of 30 years average age (READ THE CURRENT ISSUES, IT HELPS BUILD PERSPECTIVE) – so I said “ they have the engineering skills, which can be used to enter other segments (like they can make cheaper engines for indigo .. or come up with new car in ford Ikon category etc).. and this resource is just too good! – BINGO
Tips: a) Be genuine b) Be grounded c) Be yourself d) Be confident e) Be transparent f) Be blunt (but carry it ) g) Connect with the interviewer – genuinely h) Be aware of the current issues

Skills: Case Solving Ability, Case Analysis
College Name: Indian School Of Business (ISB)

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