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Affine Senior Android Application Developer Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 9 Mar 2024

Affine Senior Android Application Developer Interview Experiences

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I applied via and was interviewed in Sep 2023. There was 1 interview round.

Round 1 - Technical 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. Activity life cycle Factorial and fabbonacci series lateiniti var vs lazy Var vs val
  • Ans. 

    Activity life cycle is a crucial concept in Android development. Factorial and Fibonacci series are common mathematical problems. lateinit var and lazy are used for initializing variables. Var and val are used for declaring variables.

    • Activity life cycle includes methods like onCreate, onStart, onResume, onPause, onStop, onDestroy.

    • Factorial is the product of all positive integers up to a given number. Example: 5! = 5*4*...

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Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Got selected in technical but HR didn't schedule client round, slow process.

Interview questions from similar companies

Interview Questionnaire 

2 Questions

  • Q1. Resume Summarisation
  • Q2. Common Puzzeles

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was a online test.
Tips: Time given was ample. Accuracy matteredin their test which was conducted by Do visit their site for sample questions
Duration: 60 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Tips: 9 people were in a group. Time for GD was 20 minutes including 5 minutes for summarising.
Duration: 20 minutes

Round: Interview
Experience: Firstly, I summarized and explained the key highlights of my resume in about 5-6 minutes. Then, based on my resume they started asking some HR questions and tried to grill me on those. After that, theyasked me some common puzzles.
Tips: There was a single PI round. The panel consisted of 3 members. The HR and resume based questions that are generally asked in an interview are different for every person. So, it's in the hands of the candidate to turn the tide of questions in his favor by ending the answer to the last question on a positive note. The next  question that the interviewer asks will be based on the last answered question.You will get the common puzzles on googling. Just write " 25 horses puzzle" and " 100 doors puzzle". They also asked me to form numbers from 1to 15 using only four 4's and any mathematical operator.

Skill Tips: ""
College Name: IIT ROORKEE

I was interviewed in Aug 2016.

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The questions were of moderate difficulty level
Duration: 1 hour

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: We were given a case study. Revenues and all sorts of data for each of 5 outlets of a company were given. We were asked to thoroughly study the data and come to a conclusion about which of the outlets should be shut down.

Round: Technical + HR Interview
Experience: Questions were asked from concepts of statistics and econometrics. They asked me about my studies, my internship and my future plans. The interviewers were friendly.

College Name: Jadavpur University, Kolkata

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. Tell us about yourself
  • Ans. 

    I am a business analyst with experience in data analysis and project management.

    • I have a degree in business administration

    • I have worked with various industries including healthcare and finance

    • I am skilled in data visualization and reporting

    • I have experience in leading cross-functional teams

    • I am proficient in SQL and Excel

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  • Q2. What is your area of interest?
  • Ans. 

    My area of interest is data analysis and visualization.

    • I enjoy working with large datasets and finding insights through data analysis.

    • I have experience using tools such as Excel, Tableau, and Python for data analysis and visualization.

    • I am interested in exploring new data sources and learning new techniques for data analysis.

    • For example, I recently worked on a project analyzing customer behavior data for a retail compa...

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  • Q3. What are the other companies you have applied to and how many rounds of the selection process have you cleared there?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: The selection process was open for students from all branches. Around 70 students were shortlisted based on their resume. Shortlisting was mainly on CGPA basis and on an average 5 top students were shortlisted from each branch.

Round: Test
Experience: There was a written test conducted for shortlisted candidates. The test was primarily based on the CAT pattern where questions were asked from verbal reasoning, logical reasoning and quantitative aptitude. The test comprised of 2 sections. First section comprised of 3 HR questions:
Why do you want to join this company?
Tell us about yourself.
Describe a situation where you displayed leadership skills.
These 3 questions were to be typed out in 150–200 words each in a total of 20 minutes. Second section started immediately after this. 25 minutes were given to answer 35 multiple choice questions from various sections including 10 coding based questions. The difficulty level was medium.
Duration: 45 minutes
Total Questions: 38

Round: HR Interview
Experience: They asked me to tell them about myself and also some puzzles and core field related questions. Interview was conducted using Skype. It started with basic HR question and then the interviewer asked me about my area of interest. He asked two questions from that field and then asked me to solve one guesstimate case. There was another question on the definition of data analysis.
My area of interest was Operations Research. First he asked me to explain transportation problem and second question was about solving a transshipment problem using Excel solver software. Other candidates were also asked some puzzles and several other HR questions.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE

Interview Questionnaire 

4 Questions

  • Q1. Since you do not have a background in analytics, is there anything you've done that would relate to it?
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I have experience in data analysis and visualization through Excel and Tableau.

    • I have worked on multiple projects where I had to analyze and visualize data using Excel and Tableau.

    • I have created dashboards and reports to present data insights to stakeholders.

    • I have also used statistical analysis to identify trends and patterns in data.

    • I am currently learning Python and SQL to further enhance my data analysis skill

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  • Q2. Since you know e-commerce so well, why not go for a start-up?
  • Ans. 

    I am interested in the stability and growth opportunities offered by an established company.

    • I value the stability and resources of an established company

    • I am interested in the opportunity to work with a diverse range of clients and industries

    • I believe my skills and experience are better suited to a larger organization

    • I am open to exploring start-up opportunities in the future

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  • Q3. Do you have any plans for higher studies?
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I am planning to pursue a Master's degree in Business Administration.

    • I have researched various MBA programs and have shortlisted a few that align with my career goals.

    • I plan to take the GMAT exam and apply to these programs in the next year.

    • I believe that a higher education degree will equip me with advanced skills and knowledge to excel in my role as a Business Analyst.

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  • Q4. Estimate the size of racks of rice in a store in any area
  • Ans. 

    The size of racks of rice in a store can vary depending on the store's location, size, and target market.

    • The size of the store can determine the size of the racks

    • The target market can determine the quantity of rice sold and therefore the size of the racks

    • The location of the store can determine the size of the racks based on the available space

    • The type of rice sold can also determine the size of the racks

    • Observation of ...

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Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The tests are held using the platform of Cocubes. First section has HR questions such as "why Axtria?" and other stuff. I don't think its really necessary and I presume that nobody looks at it. The sections 2, 3 and 4 are fairly easy. But since the test is easy, you should also keep this in mind that the cutoff might be high. The coding section had basic question of C, C++ and Java. Don't worry even if you don't know java. All in all, the questions are very "do-able" and one should easily crack them.
Tips: I'd advice aspirants to go through the concepts of OOPs; just a brief glance at it, not necessarily mastering it. There's no negative marking, so try attempting all the questions. Also the test is of 2 hours with 60 minutes for sections 2, 3 and 4.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The GD round is quite simple. A group is formed of 8-10 people. Everyone gets a chance to speak, unless it's your bad day with a cartoon character in the same group with you.
One person didn't really want, but was forced to appear for the selection process. So from the very beginning, he was trying for a "suicide". So there was a bit of negation in arguments which might have killed us all. But the interviewers really want everyone to put up their points and gave equal opportunities.
Before proceeding with your points, each of us had to introduce ourselves and then put up our points. There was a lot of desperation in my GD, so there were moments when people were actually arguing. So one really had to grab their chance when speaking.
The other groups had topics like, "Social media in daily life", "Pros and cons of using Cloud", etc. Their GD was very methodical, everyone speaking turn by turn and in the end anyone was asked to conclude the session.
In the end, about 2 people are eliminated, so in order to fail, you really have to suck at public speaking. Otherwise, take it for granted that you're going through for the next round.
Tips: I'd suggest people to have a go at number 3 or 4, once you've gauged the nature of the discussion. Try to put up all your points very briefly, giving an example or two. Don't negate other people's arguments and agree with people who's thoughts are in line with yours. Even if you want to negate others, do it very subtly. Try to be involved as much as possible. Be the best listener, moderate the GD when you're not active and when you're speaking, be very confident.
Duration: 10-12 minutes

Round: Guesstimate Interview
Experience: Since I did not have any background in analytics, the interviewer had to ask me other questions. At first she asked me about statistics, which I was not really confident about. At this point, I was almost certain to crash out. But luckily, the next question she asked me was the above guesstimate. This being one of my stronger skills, was quite OK for me, and I handled this question well enough. The interviewer was quite impressed with my approach and was smiling as if advertising for Colgate, at the end of the interview. This instilled some confidence in me, that I was going through, at least for this round. But this was, as one would say, lady luck, saving me. Other candidates, who had a background in analytics, were asked only about their previous internships (not too technical).
Tips: If you have a background in analytics, then just go through all your projects. If you do not have any such skills, then brush up your guesstimates. Other person who was like me, was asked to estimate the time after which a boiler needed maintenance (he was from Mechanical). Another guy was asked how would one determine that a person is fraud or not; if he withdrew about 10K in first three months and then 50K in the 4th month, from his credit card. So case-study and guesstimates are a must if you don't have analytics on your CV.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There was a panel of 3 interviewers. Other candidates (analytics guys) were simply asked to convince them that they would work for the company for the foresee-able future. I, on the other hand, was asked to convince them, why I am the guy for Axtria. I had to defend myself, for having internships in different backgrounds and how would I be suitable for analytics. Then they asked me that since I had worked in an logistics company, why did not I go for my own start-up. Again I said a few things, which was basically running around, why do I want to work for Axtria. Luckily, I managed to convince them in the end. But still I did not have that good a feeling about this round. When asked about higher studies, I told them that I had plans but not in the near future.
Tips: This one was pretty dependent on how you'd defend your CV. But otherwise, it should be a very simple experience for analytics guys. Axtria goes for elimination rather than selection in its process. So unless you really suck at giving interviews, you can give yourself a fair chance of getting selected. Also, since they have a 3 month long training period, it is not really necessary that you have analytics on you CV. But for a guy like me, you have to be very convincing about yourself and make them believe that Axtria and you are a match made in heaven.

General Tips: If you're confident with conversing in English and are convincing enough, it shouldn't be really difficult. Also, the conversion rate is about 0.5 i.e. half of the shortlisted people are going to get selected. So there's no need to be nervous.
Skills: Data Analysis, Probability And Statistics, Guesstimation Cases
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
Funny Moments: After selection was complete, a girl asked: Sir, do we have to work on Sundays?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The questions were of medium to high difficulty. What set this test apart was the fact that each question had different weightage ranging from 0.5 to 3 marks per question. Time was a major factor. So my strategy was to attempt all the 1 and 1.5 marks questions which constitute the major chunk of the paper in around 40 minutes and spend the remaining 20 minutes for the 2 and 3 mark questions. I did not even bother reading the 0.5 mark questions. The 2 and 3 mark questions were difficult and those will differentiate you from others. 1600 students wrote the test and only 86 got shortlisted for the next round.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 40

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I was asked to write a C program to print the Fibonacci sequence and a basic SQL query. Apart from this I was asked a puzzle and other questions related to my resume. Out of the 86, only 26 students were called for the next round which again was a technical interview.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: This was similar to the first technical interview. I had to write a C program to print the prime numbers between 1 and 100 and a puzzle was asked again. Apart from this a guesstimate to find the number of cars between 2 places was asked and a scenario based question too was asked. These were followed by resume related questions.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: All the 26 students who attended the second technical round were allowed to attend HR round as well. This was just for 4 - 5 minutes. I was asked about my family background and why I should be hired. My fondest memories from school days were asked too. Finally offer letter was given to 10 students out of the 1600 who wrote the test :P

General Tips: Just keep a calm head and attempt the questions. Ask for time to think if you are not able to answer the questions immediately. Be bold and confident. That is sufficient :)
Skills: Puzzle Solving Capability, Ability To Think, SQL, C Programming
College Name: VIT Vellore

Interview Questionnaire 

8 Questions

  • Q1. Questions on descriptive statistics
  • Q2. What is mean, median, mode, etc?
  • Ans. 

    Mean, median, and mode are measures of central tendency used in statistics.

    • Mean is the average of a set of numbers. It is calculated by adding all the numbers and dividing by the total count.

    • Median is the middle value in a set of numbers. It is calculated by arranging the numbers in order and finding the middle value.

    • Mode is the most frequently occurring value in a set of numbers.

    • These measures are used to describe the...

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  • Q3. Some basic problems on differentiation/integration
  • Q4. Some basic problems on series (formulas etc)
  • Q5. Internship and college projects
  • Q6. Reason for choosing Analytics as career over technology jobs
  • Ans. 

    Analytics offers a unique blend of technology and business acumen, providing insights that drive strategic decisions.

    • Analytics allows me to work with data and technology while also understanding the business implications of my findings.

    • I enjoy the challenge of finding patterns and insights in data that can help businesses make informed decisions.

    • Analytics is a growing field with a high demand for skilled professionals,...

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  • Q7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • Ans. 

    In 5 years, I see myself as a senior business analyst leading a team of analysts and contributing to the growth of the company.

    • Leading a team of analysts

    • Contributing to the growth of the company

    • Developing new skills and knowledge

    • Building strong relationships with stakeholders

    • Taking on more responsibilities

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  • Q8. Did not ask puzzles in my interview although they were asked in some of the interviews (basic puzzles)

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: LR, DI, Verbal (Not very tough, speed is important)

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Topic for debate - Role of social media in present day revolutions

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 1. Internship and college projects

2. Reason for choosing Analytics as career over technology jobs

3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

4. Did not ask puzzles in my interview although they were asked in some of the interviews (basic puzzles)

College Name: NA

I was interviewed in Mar 2017.

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. Views on their recruiting process
  • Ans. 

    I believe the recruiting process is thorough and well-organized.

    • The company uses a combination of resume screening, interviews, and assessments to evaluate candidates.

    • They have a clear timeline for the hiring process and keep candidates informed of their progress.

    • Feedback is provided to candidates after interviews to help them improve for future opportunities.

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Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test

I was interviewed in Oct 2016.

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was a simple test, mostly judgement based questions were there and some aptitude related questions were there.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Around 10 members were there for the gd, I would suggest to understand what actually gd is .
Tips: Its a discussion and not a debate, if you are placing your points correct and are leading the group, your chances would be high.

Round: Technical + HR Interview
Experience: I was asked mostly about my internship, some students were asked puzzles and guesstimates as well.

College Name: NIT Kurukshetra

I applied via Referral and was interviewed in May 2021. There were 3 interview rounds.

Interview Questionnaire 

2 Questions

  • Q1. Explain your project in PowerBI.
  • Q2. What is Append and Merge?
  • Ans. 

    Append and Merge are two methods used to combine data from multiple sources into a single dataset.

    • Append adds new rows to an existing dataset.

    • Merge combines two or more datasets based on a common column or key.

    • Append is useful when adding new data to an existing dataset, while Merge is useful for combining datasets with related information.

    • Example: Appending new sales data to an existing sales dataset.

    • Example: Merging ...

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Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Since I applied for the role of PowerBI developer, I was asked questions on PowerBI and statistics which mainly included probability.

Skills evaluated in this interview

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Affine interview process usually has 1 rounds. The most common rounds in the Affine interview process are Technical.

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