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a hr executive
Anyone having issue with Rapido cab refund?
Wallet money can’t be used for cab or auto! Like What!
I don’t use the bike at all. How stupid this is!🤷♀️
works at
Hi Folks,
I have a strong interest in the HR and tech industries and am seeking a career change. I place a high value on a positive and supportive work environment, where employees feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their best. I am particularly interested in learning more about the HR and tech culture at Rapido , specifically in terms of work-life balance, and opportunities for professional development.
I would be grateful if you could provide me with some insights into the following aspects of the HR and tech culture at Rapido. 😁
Rapido is waste because the don’t have customer care till free number today I was trying to call rapido from last 1hrs I can’t search number and rapido caption term called me when I was telling him the reason he cut my phone
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