Malviya National Institute of Technology (NIT), Jaipur

Jaipur, Rajasthan

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Malviya National Institute of Technology (NIT), Jaipur Placement Interview Questions

Updated 9 Jan 2025

120 interviews found

user image Anonymous

posted on 4 Apr 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The Technical test had 20 questions and the aptitude test had 30 questions  with a time duration of 30 minutes each
Total Questions: 50

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Technical plus HR InterviewI believe 30% weight age goes to the projects. I had done a project on heat exchanger design and I had to answer a lot of questions about it.First they asked me about myself and my family background. After that they had questions about my training in IOCL Vadodara. Then they inquired about my favourite subjects to which I answered - RAC, Thermodynamics, Material science. After that, they had some elementary questions like iron carbon phase diagram, stress strain curve, first law, second law of thermodynamics, VCRC system. After this I was a given a situation regarding a pump compressor and was quizzed on the same. I answered all these questions correctly :D
Tips: During the training period you should prepare 2-3 subjects thoroughly so that you don’t have to face any problems during the interview.

General Tips: Do the best you can.Study the subjects and understand the concepts and hopefully you people can clear the interviews.
Skills: Communication Skills, Technical Skills
College Name: NIT JAIPUR
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 4 Apr 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR + Technical InterviewBoth of my interviews were quite general. In my first interview, the panel asked me questions from my favorite subject. One question that I remember is that they gave me a situation to assess the dependence of pressure on head and flow rate.
Next question was to tell the utility of pressure cooker and dependence of boiling point on pressure. HR questions included questions like why do you wish to join Reliance? Don't you have any problem in re-location? (This question was specifically targeted in all interviews that I gave before because I have been a day-scholar. So Jaipurites be prepared for this question ) .In the following interview I was asked the subject I hated the most. I was then asked questions about my family background and a few more technical questions. Overall both the interviews had a mixture of Technical and HR questions.
Tips: There is no one way to prepare for an interview. At the time of interview you just say what pop-ups in your mind. So it is one's day to day experience that prepares one for such a situation. But before going for an interview prepare for general HR and Technical questions which are easily available on the websites. Have a thorough knowledge of the things that you've mentioned in your CV. Most importantly keep your mind open, listen attentively and answer to the point.

General Tips: Extracurricular gives an impetus to your preparations and does prove that you are not just a book-worm or 'maggu' in our lingo. In fact, extracurricular builds up one's personality which is importantly noticed during an interview.
Skills: Interest in the job, Knowledge of the subject, Communication skills, technical skills
College Name: NIT JAIPUR
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3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: I wrote 1 written test comprising of 50 (25 aptitude + 25 technical) questions.
Each question carried 1 mark for correct answer and 0.5 mark for incorrect answer.
Total Questions: 50

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR + Technical Interview14 students were shortlisted for interview after the written round. As soon as I entered the room, I went straight to interviewers and shook hands and wished them. They smiled and said I was the first one to do so. Then they asked me to introduce myself. After that, they asked me to come up with my favourite subject other than the managment subjects, to which I responded I.C Engines. Then they put up various questions of I.C. Engines. They asked me to draw diesel cycle. After I had drawn the same, they asked me to show compression ratio in it. They further asked some questions about piston rings, combustion chamber, spark plug and some related to bearings such as types of bearings and how to design them. Then they asked me about ABS technology. Among the various questions asked, I was able to answer around 60% of questions correctly and the questions which I couldn't answer, they were correcting me up. Then they asked me If I would like to put up any query, to which I responded by asking about the city where they would be placing us .
Tips: One must have the basic knowledge of the core subjects . In almost every company they ask for your favourite subject so prepare one subject thoroughly. Prepare a detailed explanation of your projects that you had done. Keep a smiling face throughout your interview :-D.

General Tips: . I would suggest to do a project during one's industrial training. If you are planning to go for consultancy, extra curricular activities might give you that extra edge.
Skills: Communication Skills, Knowledge, Confidence
College Name: NIT JAIPUR
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Questions are easy but time is main constraint, try to complete each section with at least 80% accuracy.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Questions were mainly on C,C++(OOPS concepts) and Unix. If you don't know the answer of some of the questions just tell them don't try to give random answers. Be well prepared with your OOPs concepts as that will play crucial part in clearing the technical round.
Tips: Be positive and confident. If you know the answer or you can try then only answer otherwise just say sorry.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR round was more like a formality. The HR was asking same set of questions from everyone and all four who got into HR round got selected.
Tips: No tips required for this round :P

General Tips: Try to complete the first round in time, Once you clear the written test be confident and positive in next rounds and you will certainly go through it.
Skills: OOPS, C, Unix, DBMS
College Name: NIT JAIPUR
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user image Bharti Khatri

posted on 4 Apr 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. They asked me about my training and basic questions of communication and they asked me to explain the whole communication system and so many basic electronics more

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Tips: in technical basics should be clear
Duration: 1hr minute
Total Questions: 60

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: that was an awesome experience, actually during training period i learned so many things about nuclear radiations so that was beneficial for me.
Tips: instead of speaking any thing, listen the topic carefully and try to remember what do you know about that and simply put meaningful points.
Duration: 15 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Tips: be confident

Skills: basics of technical, communication skill
College Name: NIT JAIPUR
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user image Neeraj Lawaniya

posted on 4 Apr 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Each part was having its own time. Aptitude and Technical part was having basic questions but Reasoning and English part might create a little problem.
Tips: Just be careful while solving reasoning part and attend sufficient questions of every part compulsorily.Take a little preparation of every part using internet or book.
Duration: 1 hour 30 min minute
Total Questions: 15+10+15+20

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Its was my first GD and went well. I started the GD. Observer gave us 1 min time to think about the topic and make points.
Tips: Be confident. Put your points at the starting itself otherwise you may lose your confident.Do not be seated simple, they observe your gestures too.If you don't have any idea regarding to the topic then first listen to other people and make some points and put according to your understanding
Duration: 15 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It was a combined interview(Tech+ HR). there were 3 people in the interview jury. All the questions were from my summer internship in the starting. They  asked very basic questions regarding the internship.

And in the last they asked HR questions, basic HR questions. Since my interview was held at very last so they skipped 'tell us about yourself' part. 

Basically i can say it was a chill n cool interview although it was my first interview
Tips: As i said they asked questions from the summer training so just prepare basic questions from your summer training.

Don't take pressure of interview, just assume you are sitting in a class viva. Be confident and don't thing whether  you will be selected or not.

General Tips: In the interview, be honest no need to lie about anything. Answer the questions which you really know otherwise say directly that ' sorry sir i don't know', that's it. Be in touch with your colleagues who have already placed.
Skill Tips: You can easily pass the Test part and GD part. For GD take help from youtube. But you should have basic knowledge of your stream, that will be more than sufficient. At last very important, do your summer training very seriously, no matter from where you are doing it. Just do it honestly.
Skills: Summer training
College Name: MNIT Jaipur
Motivation: Let me join this company first then i'll share about it :P
Funny Moments: This is the first Campus Recruitment test which i cracked, it was first GD and interview too.

i cracked GD and interview in the first attempt which seem very funny to me cause i didn't expect that.
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 4 Apr 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Other Interview
Experience: 3 Algorithm coding rounds, where the first round was way too easy.
  People who took  the interviews were very nice. They wanted to see the approach and the will to solve the problem. They actually helped to think to some extent in the  right direction.Then they put up some questions like: Find the anangrams of a string, reverse each K nodes in linked list, if location of leftmost node is origin, find the location of the root.
Find the possible pattern locks in the smartphones. for ex-125, 12, 7, 459, 1236, etc
Tips: Be calm and confident. Do not just keep quiet while solving a problem. Keep talking to the interviewer about whatever is coming to your mind. Try giving an interview to your friend. Do not rush to a solution. Think before you speak. If you don’t know anything, admit it. Don’t try to fool the other person by telling him something he didn’t ask.

General Tips: Try to maintain your cgpa as good  as you can. Some companies do have cgpa criteria. It will also help you when you switch your company. Summer training also does help. For the projects undertaken, it depends on the field of project. It would help if it is related to the company you are sitting for. It is always good if you have worked on something new. If your project is currently in it's working state, then it's an advantage.For instance, an online website is far better than an offline one.
College Name: Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 4 Apr 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: The Company asked to submit resume prior coming to college and 50% ranking was done before their visit only and the rest 50% marks were of the written round. CGPAWhile getting shortlisted for interview, CGPA played a decent role combined with overall profile. Among the 6 selected for interview, I had the second last CGPA and the gap was quite considerable, so I guess not much credit to be given. In my opinion, CGPA helps you to clear a minimum bar or in other words it is a filter used by some companies to reject a candidate rather than used for selecting one.
Tips: Organize your resume and be prepared for cross questioning, do not write anything that you are not confident of.

Round: Test
Experience: There was only one written test which consisted of 15 Aptitude + 30 Technical questions.
Total Questions: 45

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There was only one round with two interviewers in the panel and a combined Technical and HR interview was there.  They were very keen about the summer internship and discussed a lot about it. I had done a Research Intern from Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai and also a project which I undertook there fascinated them. 
The projects that I undertook helped me a lot. All credits to not only my research project but also to a Six Sigma Project (open elective). Nowadays, most of the private companies have some sort of Six Sigma Project going on. So attending this elective with a project gave an extra edge.
Tips: Research about the company before its visit, read its ‘About Us’ section and go to the profiles of its employees.Market yourself according to the kind of requirement they came for. We learn a lot of things in our UG programme but at the time of interview project your side that they require.
 E.g. if a ‘design company’ comes show that you have a zeal for softwares and if a ‘plant job’ kind (RIL) of company comes then show your basic knowledge of unit operations.Make your profile versatile, do online certification courses (coursera, edx), attend conferences and seminars.For Chemical engineering girls, I suggest opting ‘Design companies’ rather than plant jobs. It’s a white collar job and they are not located in remote areas like most of the plants.

General Tips: Research about the company beforehand.Whatever you write on your resume should be correct and you should be able to justify yourselfBe ready for some grilling!
Skills: Communication Skills, Technical Skills, Long term efficiancy
College Name: NIT Jaipur
Funny Moments: There were many light moments during the interview, one I like to quote:
Interviewer: Ok last question! Why we should hire you? What makes you different from others?
Me: Apart from having good academics, which you can find in every student here, I have a basic programming knowledge, with good command on softwares like ChemCAD and MATLAB. Moreover I can also lead and work in team more efficiently. (Giving example of my extracurricular)
Interviewer (laughing): So, you are saying you are a ‘Combo Package’!! In price of one we get an extra benefit.
Me: Yeah! I guess so, thank you.

So that's how I impressed the interviewer.
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Overall it is a balanced paperIn aptitude, No of questions is 30 in 30 min. most of the question were easy and mostly they are from topics like work, speed, time, distance, series. Some questions are from English like word meaning, antonym, synonym etc.In technical, no. of questions is 50 in 30 min. The questions were from whole of the chemical engg like from thermo, mass, heat, cre but not from process control or instrumentation or from chemical technology. Most of the questions were conceptual and are just theoretical.
Tips: For apti, try to solve questions from www.indiabix.comFor technical, brush up ur conceptual knowledge and try to learn more and more of mass, heat, themo and cre.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 80

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Overall my interview experience is good. I gave around 70 percent of the answers. My interview is purely technical but it was not so with my friend. His interview is 90% HR.So u never know what type of interview u r going to face when u walk in there.In my interview the questions were mostly asked from thermodynamics and its applications.
Tips: Be calm and confident.Try not to get nervous.Never try to attempt the questions of which u don't know the answers. Attempting those questions and thereafter not giving answers properly gives a bad impression.

General Tips: As I previously told try to remain calm and not get nervous.If u do so no one can take that job from u.And by chance u don't get selected, then do not get disheartened and just think about ur mistakes and try to improve them as U are the best judge of yourself.
Skill Tips: Do not get nervous in the interview.Do not try to solve the whole technical paper rather go through it and attempt the questions u think u can do.For improving communication skill, try to communicate with ur friends in English. Read newspaper and communicate with urself in mirror ( this method will particularly help u a lot in improving ur communication skills and will also free u from any kind of presentation fears).
Skills: Confidence, Time Management, Communication
College Name: MNIT
Motivation: yeah RIL is a very good company, very large and with a lot of scope.So just go for it as if u want to build ur repo then it is one of the best platform to do so.
Funny Moments: one of my friend got injured before the interview. So when he entered for the interview,HR saw his hand and asked what happened. So he hold HR that he got slipped on stairs. After that HR said to him "khudko ko sambhal nhi pa rhe company ko kya sambhaloge".. So try not to lose ur senses if u face such kind of things .They just purposely do that to check how u can perform under pressure.And that friend of mine was also selected for the job.
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user image Jay Panjiyar

posted on 3 Apr 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: maximum question are from material science , and few question from solid mechanics and other subject , i have practiced from n other objective question book bank .
Tips: all student should have clear and deep knowledge of subject related to company siting for,,U can see indiabix and other objective question bank for pratice
Duration: 1 hr minute
Total Questions: 50

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: they have asked 10 question few are easy and few are tough ,they are also trying to make me confuse but i stand on my answer
Tips: have confident on answer, if u dnt knw frankly say u dnt knw rather wasting time and saying wroung answer

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR interview is good bt i was quite nervous because that was final round , they just looking my menatality whether i will work or not , i will leave company after year or nt .
Tips: let HR knw u r mentally and pshyicaly ready to work in the compnay in any worst condition and in part of company

College Name: NIT JAIPUR
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