Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

Kharagpur, West Bengal

What if you can't knock at your Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur Placement Interview Questions

Updated 12 Jan 2025

316 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 4 Sections:
1. Qualitative and quantitaive aptitude (Quick calculations, Qualitative analysis)
2. English (Class 12th)
3. HSBC basic information (General information about company)
4. Financial Quotient (Basic finance knowledge)
Section 1, 2, and 3 have negative marking but section 4 doesn't.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: 1. They divded us into groups of 15 and each group had 4 GDs.
2. Topics
Is Arvind Kejriwal’s party good for India.
Role of retail FDI in Indian scenario.
3. Use references before making any argument during the discussion. Do not criticize somebody’s statement. Counter it with your perspective

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 1. One on one interview to filter your technical know how of the subject (here finance and statistical analysis), Quantitative and Qualitative decision making. 
2. Questions : 
As an Analyst at HSBC how can you support the organization with your technical skills (from your branch)? 
Questions based on financial aspects, current affairs and their effects over global financial markets.Some real life situations were given to gauge my attitude.
Tips: Be clear and crisp in your response.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 1. Checked multi-tasking abilities of the candidates. 
2. Questions: 
Personal Questions about family. They asked me about the creative things I had done so far. How you can bring change to society? 
3. Lasted for an hour.
Tips: DOs: Answer all the questions keeping in mind the position you’ve applied forand try to maintain your calm during the interview.

General Tips: Have a focused mind and since the whole process takes time, try to sleep well previous night.
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: A written test comprising of 4 sections - Quant, LA, About the Company and Accounting basics. Each section is given equal weightage and the duration of the test is 2/3 hours. Listen to the Company PPT as Section 3 (About the Company) questions are based on that. Section 4 can be cracked using the EECA course (IEM subject) content. There will be a seating arrangement for the test, so be well prepared. Maintain a CGPA > 7.5.
Tips: Basic information about Accounting (try going through the outline of Engineering Economy Costing and Accounting course of IEM); it comes very handy in the written test and Interview (basic information like Profitability, assets ratio, etc. will be sufficient). Some knowledge in Statistics (mostly Regression and some information in Data Mining may come handy). Try relating every work that you have done to statistics, if not numbers and show them how much you love numbers.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Group Discussion round where each group of 8-9 students is given 10-15 mins to discuss and everyone is asked to conclude. General topics which feature in the current news will be given; our topics were IAC (Aaam Aadmi Party), FDI in Retail, Anna Hazare, etc.
Tips: Talk to your group and plan before entering the room so that it will be a healthy discussion. State your points cogently but don’t try to dominate and don’t allow others to dominate over you; conclude well.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: A technical interview with general questions like “Walk me through your CV”, etc., followed by questions on statistics and a bit of finance (provided you mention that you have some knowledge of that field).
Tips: You might be asked guesstimate questions; I was asked to locate an AC shop in Kolkata and mention the factors that I would take into consideration. Don’t panic if you don’t know something; be confident of whatever you say.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The HR interview will be taken by a senior manager. The prime task of the interviewer is to intimidate you, so he will fire questions at you, some of which might be beyond your domain/knowledge.
Tips: Just remain calm and answer what you can; even correct answers will invoke bizarre looks from the interviewer. Remember that he is not testing your knowledge; he only wants to test how well you handle pressure. Reaching this round implies that you are nearly in. In our case, only 3 students were shortlisted for the HR Interview and all 3 got selected. However, that doesn’t mean that you can be overconfident. Just be casual and give it your best shot.

General Tips: Try relating your projects to statistics. If possible, choose projects related to stats or which demand the use of at least a statistical tool.
Prepare for CAT as it will come in handy not only for this test, but for all the placement tests. Go through statistics, mainly regression, and have a basic knowledge of accounting. Try taking some IEM subjects like EECA/Financial Engineering (prove to be quite useful for all the finance and analytic companies, which is about 20% of all the companies which come on campus).
Skill Tips: It’s an Analyst profile, so math ability is expected. MATLAB or MINITAB may give you an edge over others.
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 18 Feb 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: This was an one hour test comprising 50 MCQ questions. All questions carried 1 mark each and there were no Negative markings. It was conducted on morning of the day of the interview. The cut-off marks was around 25-30. The questions tested concepts in C, Data Structures and Operating Systems, Quantitative Analysis, Logical Reasoning, Basic Electronics and English.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The interview lasted for 20-30 mins. The panel consisted of 1 interviewer per candidate. There were around 5 such panels. In-depth knowledge of C,Data Structures and Operating Systems is necessary. Questions from Computer Networking were asked. These questions were basic in nature and did not require much knowledge. Puzzles were also given to be solved. Good quantitative skills will help. The interviewer will be more interested in the approach of the candidate in solving the problem than the final solution.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This interview lasted for around 10-15 mins. The panel, again, consisted of 1 interviewer per candidate. There was just 1 such panel. They interviewer asked questions about the specialization I’m pursuing from IIT Kgp, the courses I’ve opted for and how I think they are related to my specialization. I was asked questions about the other companies whose placement processes I’ve appeared for. There were questions like why I wanted to join Cisco and what kind of work I am interested in doing there.

General Tips: Unless the company is a core company for the student, the projects usually do not matter much - they simply see whether the candidate can explain his/her work and not the magnitude of work done.
Positive Body language during the interview and confident interaction helps.
Skill Tips: An in-depth knowledge of C and Data Structures,with adequate knowledge of Operating Systems. Sound Quantitative abilities and logical reasoning skills help during the written tests(non-technical section)
Skills: C, Data Structures
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 18 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: A CG of above 8 is preferred.MCQ on Aptitude, OS,C and Networking

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 1 or 2 interviews based on how your first interview goes.
Each and every point on your CV is questioned. Networking is important.
Tips: 1) Accept boldly if you do not know anything
2) Be confident when you are answering
3) Ask them questions once again if you do not understand
4) Ask time, if you feel you need more time to regroup

General Tips: Communication skills and enthusiasm towards work is necessary.
Give them the impression that you feel confident when you look at yourself and your profile. Do not use expressions like “may be, can be”, always make sure it is “will be” or “will not be”. All the best .
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user image Anonymous

posted on 18 Feb 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test conducted had three parts (each part is approximately one hour long).
Part-1: Tested mathematical and analytical skills. The questions were quite simple and one hour is more than necessary for this part. 
Part-2: Tested technical skills. The questions in this part are administered depending on your department (AE, ME, EE). Each of the three eligible department gets the appropriate technical test. I can only attest to the aerospace test. The aerospace test was mainly about fluid mechanics and jet propulsion. The questions can be easily answered if you have a good grasp of your third year syllabus on jet propulsion. 
Part-3: It was related to HR. They asked about why I thought GE was special, why I think I am special, what my career goals were, etc.
Tips: DOs: Be relaxed and answer the test attentively. GE places enormous importance on your technical knowledge. Therefore, do ensure that you prepare for the test by brushing up on your third-year jet propulsion course. 
DONTs: There will be enough time to complete the test, don’t rush.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical interview may in itself consist of two rounds (like I had). The three eligible departments are further divided based on your field of interest. In aerospace, there were three sub divisions: dynamics, structures, and aerodynamics. Each sub division has an expert panel to interview you. I went to the dynamics panel (two rounds). In the first round, they asked me fundamental questions about dynamics in aerospace engineering: vibration of a beam, natural frequencies, mode shapes, etc. Some questions on fundamentals of jet propulsion: Brayton cycle, parts of jet engine, etc. In the second round, they asked me questions more directly related to GE’s core interests: jet engines. Rotordynamics is an important aspect of jet engine R&D. They asked me about the various modes of a jet engine rotor: bouncing, pitching, bending, etc. They asked me about the critical speeds at which each of these modes would get excited.
Tips: DOs: The usual: be confident, relaxed, speak slowly and clearly. Be friendly.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The HR wants to know why you want to join GE. Don’t give cliched answers like GE is a big company, GE is great, etc. They already know that. They want to know why you feel GE is the right place for you. On the other hand, they also want to know why GE should take the trouble to hire you. Be confident and speak about your strengths and weaknesses, but don’t make it seem as though you are gloating. Having good communication skills will always help you in this round.
Tips: DOs: Speak freely, act like you are having a conversation and not a rigid interview. GE is a liberal company and they like people who are naturally confident and can speak comfortably. Smile. 
DONTs: Make it seem like your answers are rehearsed.

General Tips: GE needs to be convinced that you will not go on for higher studies. You have to convince them that you will work for them for a long period of time.
Strong technical basics, good academic profile, good and relevant projects are basic requirements. Publications are an added bonus. GE goes the extra length to make sure that they don’t hire students who will end up going abroad for higher studies. They literally grill you about your higher educational goals versus your professional goals and seek to know which is more important to you. All the best!
Skill Tips: Math ability is quite important but quantitative ability as required in CAT is not really necessary.
Programming: MATLAB, C, C++
Software: Simulink, ANSYS, FLUENT
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user image Anonymous

posted on 18 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: CGPA of 8 is the minimum criteria.
10 aptitude questions: 15 minutes, no negative marking, level: medium/easy 
10 technical questions: 15 minutes, no negative marking, level: easy/medium (there were 2 sets: 1. structures; 2. aero/thermal; we had to choose one as per our interest) Basics should be clear, no formula was required to solve the technical paper.
Tips: Solve the technical paper related to your project field irrespective of the toughness of the paper.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Basic questions about:-
Subjects related to the project
Academic interests
50% of technical interview was based on projects.
Tips: The fundamentals should be strong.
You should have a clear idea of your project.

Skill Tips: Important subjects for structure are: FEM, Vibration, Mechanics etc.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 13 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Not mentioned before but later in the offer letter i found that CGPA must be more than 7.5. It was a technical test. Heat transfer, thermodynamics, stress, material strength, fluid mechanics were all asked. Time management and accuracy is essential.
Tips: Questions are not hard (average) but time is very less . So one must be quick and accurate. Don’t waste time on a single question if you are stuck.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical interview for short listed students based on their field (thermal or structures). I am from thermal background. All my questions were based on heat transfer and my project. Some of my friends were asked questions on fluid mechanics, turbo machinery. The questions which were asked to me were: 1. They gave me a plate and asked to discuss the heat transfer through it . Later they asked me about how to find the heat transfer coefficient (I answered: Nu=h*l/K). Then they asked me the significance of Nu. After this they asked me about Re, Pr numbers (some other numbers in fluid mechanics). They asked about Bi number, significance of Bi number , lumped body assumption and when this assumption can be taken. They also asked me to prove that. They asked me about CFD modelling, Finite Element Analysis as my projects were based on that. They are very particular about physical significance of terms and majority of my questions were on that.
Tips: Do not mug up concepts as they ask every question in detail. Your answer to the first question leads them to their next question. Even if you do not know the answer, try to work out from basic concepts. You might even get help from the interviewer if your approach is good. If you are completely unaware of the question, tell them frankly about that and they might ask you other question where you might be able to impress them rather than wasting time with something you don’t know the answer to.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: General HR questions for short listed candidates (Technical is a bit difficult, once you clear that be confident; HR is very simple)
Tips: Be confident and maintain eye contact. In the middle of the HR interview, he might ask you suddenly about your academic project. So, stay conscious.

Skill Tips: People with knowledge or experience in CFD modelling have an edge(especially for thermal and aerospace). People who are very good at stress analysis, strength and structures are preferred ( for Manufacturing specialization and aerospace)
Academic credentials (My CGPA 8.18) was not that great but i answered all the questions in the interview) are very important . All the questions are related to the basic concepts but student must be well aware of them.
Be thorough with the basics of Thermodynamics, heat transfer , fluid mechanics (for thermal and aerospace students) stress analysis, material strengths , design of machine elements (for manufacturing specialization). Don’t mug up the formulae , know about their physical significance. Most of the questions will be on basics, don’t waste ur time mugging big equations and derivations. The GATE book saved me a lot of my time. I went through it to get a basic idea of all the concepts and for each concept present there, I browsed the internet to get a further insight.
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 13 Feb 2015

7 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. What do you expect from your first job and how do you think working as BAA at ZS would fulfill your requirements of a first job?
  • Q2. Tell me about yourself
  • Q3. Give me an instance when your team was in a crisis and how did your solution to the crisis helped your team to get out of it?
  • Q4. Tell me about an initiative that you have taken and what was its result?
  • Q5. Mention an instance which explains your team skills
  • Q6. What is your exact contribution to this event you organised?
  • Q7. Mention an instance when you had to deal with a lot of complex senseless data and what was your reaction to it?
  • Q8. Explain your BTP in layman terms and give me some examples where this could be used
  • Q9. Explain your internship.
  • Q10. Guesstimate: Estimate the number of dams in India

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The company does not look much into CGPA once you clear the test. The recruited students had CGPA’s ranging from 7.22 (mine) to 9.An online test which consists of quantitative, verbal, logical reasoning and attention to detail sections. It is a simple test for about an hour. CAT preparation is sufficient. As the test is easy, one should be able to solve almost all the questions correctly. The recruiters receive a detailed analysis of your test performance(like the time allocated to different questions etc. I got a glimpse of my performance sheet during one of the interview rounds) and it will be used until the last minute of their recruitment process.
Tips: Don’t waste much time on any single question. The questions are easy and you cannot move onto the next question until a question is answered. The time is also less and the individual sections are also timed. So act wisely

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Each group consisted of 10 members. The topic was same to all the groups. ‘Arvind Kejriwal’ was the topic of discussion.
Tips: Discuss sensibly. Don’t dominate others. Listening is as important as talking. Listen to what others have to say and make your point when you have something to say.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: During this phase a booklet consisting of a case is given to every one and you are expected to solve the questions in the case booklet in 30 minutes. We were given a case on market entry of a credit card company. There were questions on choosing a customer segment out of given set of segments, allocating different policies for different customer segments, advertising and marketing strategies etc.The case was pretty long and it took around 10 -15 mins just to understand the case. 8 -10 questions are present in the case booklet at certain intervals under different topics. It’s better to go through the entire case before solving any questions for some questions require knowledge from the topics in the earlier pages. Most of the questions require you to interpret various data and working with numbers to choose between different alternatives.The case usually looks complex but as you proceed with patience it will all start making sense. After the case solving is over and the booklets are collected, an interviewer takes the case interview on the same case after some time. She will, in all probability, ask you to explain everything that was done in the case booklet and also some more questions that are not present in the case booklet. I willingly left one-liners as answers for questions like advertising and marketing strategy because I wanted her to ask me the question again so that I could explain my answers in detail.
Tips: You have to be quick with numbers in the data interpretation questions. Questions might be a bit tougher than the usual CAT level. Apart from data interpretation and numbers, some questions on marketing and advertising strategies are also present. Don’t get psyched out by looking at the case. It is not so difficult but the ten page booklet with numbers and graphs might spin your head out of balance.

In case you could n’t solve any question in time, don’t worry, you will have ample amount of time to think and come up with an answer before the case interview. While solving the case don’t strain yourself by writing clear and detailed explanations, your won’t have enough time. Work the figures and present the answers. But while you are presenting the case to the interviewer explain everything in detail.

These non-numeric questions generally test your creativity and use this opportunity to impress the interviewer with some good answers. Trust me this will go a long way during the entire recruitment process. Practice cases from ‘case in point’ to get a hang of some good cases related to advertising and marketing strategies.

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: A 40 minute one on one HR round with some senior ZS official. In my case, it was an american working in the Indian office who pretty much asked every possible HR question followed by guesstimate.
Tips: Be thorough with your CV. You should able to discuss ,for 2 minutes at-least, anything that is mentioned in your CV. Have some answers ready for the general HR questions. When asked, don’t just spit them out. Speak as if you are having a conversation with the interviewer. Do not panic during the interview. If you’re unable to understand a question, feel free to ask the question again, interviewers appreciate this. Take a few seconds before answering an unexpected question, this will help you in framing your answer well. In the CV, make sure you mention your exact role during an event/ sport and the result of your work as well. Be prompt and expect the unexpected. While solving the guesstimate make sure you have the right approach to solve the problem. When i was solving the guesstimate, I got stuck after a few minutes. So I told him that I wanted to solve the guesstimate using a different approach. I did but ended up with the wrong answer as i assumed some wrong statistics. It didn’t matter as my approach was right. So don’t worry about the answer, focus on the approach.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This round of interview was with the partner of one of the ZS offices. 9 out of 10 people who made it to this round were hired. This round is to make sure that you’re a perfect fit for the organisation. Again a 20-30 minute HR interview ,mostly based on your CV and your interest in a particular job profile, was held.

I was asked to describe a situation when people looked down upon me and what I did to come out of it and how I got everyone to appreciate me after that. As to the answer for this question, I described my school journey from an average student to the state topper of RMO.
Tips: Have a solid answer for why you want this particular job. This round is a little bit intimidating but don’t give in. Feel free to ask questions. Asking questions is very important for several reasons during this round. One, you can change the tune of the interview by preventing the interviewer from cross questioning based on flawed answers. Two, it shows how much you have researched and thought about this job. The interviewer answered my questions for more than 10 mins and he actually seemed interested to answer my questions rather than rebuking me for asking too many. To ask some good questions, you must study the company in and out.
If there is anything special about you, this is your best chance to prove it and the impression you make on somebody like a partner will help a lot.

General Tips: Involvement in some kind of extracurricular activity is helpful in acing the behavioral rounds of the interview. This is particularly important because ZS generally employs rigorous behavioral rounds. Most of the recruits have had decent extra-academics. You can expect a good number of questions on various aspects of leadership qualities, team skills etc., from the extra academics mentioned. Involvement in hall activities, societies,sports - anything will do as long as you present them well.

Projects do matter. Recruiters are interested in knowing the practical applications of the projects like BTP. You must prepared to explain your projects in layman terms. Same With the internships, it doesn’t matter even if you have big names under your internship column.The work that was done during the period is all important.

Don’t worry too much about anything, be it CG or extra acads or whatever during the placements period. There isn’t much you can do now. Just prepare well. That’s all you can do. On top of everything, have that brash confidence that you are just as qualified as everyone else out there. After all we all have cleared same JEE. Good luck and happy hunting.
Skill Tips: CAT preparation helps a lot.
Skills: Quantitative skills, Case solving, logical reasoning skills
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 6 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: CAT like aptitude test. Easy questions, but a lot of them. Hence, speed would be of essence. Verbal, quantitative, DI and “attention to detail”-these are the skills that matter. Do not linger on any question. CAT-centric preparation may come in handy.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Shortlisting done on the basis of test cum profile. Not many people were eliminated during this round. Communication skills will help you. They give current topics usually. We were asked to discuss Kejriwal’s methods.
Tips: Speak clearly and make coherent points. Be polite and composed.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The interview lasted for 20-25 minutes. I was asked in detail about internships and projects. I had to solve a guesstimate as well.
Tips: Go through casebooks. Be thoroughly prepared with the details in your CV.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: One hour to solve a case booklet followed by a discussion. Question was about devising an incentive framework for the sales force of a company.
Tips: Basic logic and DI skills should suffice. Pace yourself to go through the entire booklet.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: Basic logic and DI skills should suffice.
Tips: Pace yourself to go through the entire booklet.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This is the final round if you manage to get past the previous rounds. Fifteen minute interview with the principal with another guy looking on. I was also asked to solve a math problem/puzzle involving some calculation; it’s difficulty slightly enhanced by the principal’s efforts to unsettle me.
Tips: The good news is that, if you make it to this round, you’re “almost” selected. Mostly an HR interview with pointed follow-up questions and cross questioning. So, think before you speak and be prepared backup your answers.

General Tips: A high CG is preferrable, although I was a lower 7. Extraordinary achievements are not required. However, an involvement in something beyond academics should be demonstrated. Core industry, core academic and consulting internships/ projects help. Prior experience in consulting probably helped my case. They do look for a good technical background and a well rounded personality. Parting Advice: Case books. CAT preparation. CV revision. That’s the mantra, more or less.
Skill Tips: For my profile, Business Operations Associate, good aptitude would be required to clear the written test and communication skills, elementary case solving abilities to ace the interviews.
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 4 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Subject paper related to the branch undertaken in UG/PG.
Tips: Strong academic knowledge proficiency, confidence and having a clear idea about where you would like to see yourself after 5 years with the company would help. Try to be clean and specific about your answers.

Round: Interview
Experience: Face to Face interview with company officials.

General Tips: Keep a strong academic knowledge of your field and show your interest in the company during the interviews as it helps a lot. And try to improve your English proficiency.
Skill Tips: Surely CGPA matters to get shortlisted to Interviews. Extra-Academic involvement matters but to a small extent. Project and internship are most likely to have an impact during the interview phase. Probably companies are more interested in students who have done internships/projects in the similar areas of work matching with the company profile. Doing such a project, which is affecting the society for some good reasons like project for water purification of some locality, environment assessment would be appreciated.
Skills: Quantitative ability, English proficiency, SAP 2000, ETABS, Autocad, Revit, C, C++ language, Orion
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