Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani

Pilani, Rajasthan

Your seniors at Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani Placement Interview Questions

Updated 17 Jan 2025

108 interviews found

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: People with CGPA>8 were selected for the next round.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: GD took place in a group of 9.It was a case based GD,on social media.Its various aspects such as advantages,disadvantages, whether it should be regulated or not,were discussed.
Tips: Try to speak often,and meaningfully,but not at the cost of interrupting others.Try to start the GD,if possible.

Round: HR Interview
Tips: Remain calm during the interview,research on ICICI bank,and its various products. Project specific questions will be asked,know your resume well.

General Tips: Stay cool,know all that there is to know about the company .
Skills: Analytical Skills, 1)communication
College Name: BITS Pilani
Motivation: The brand name,and the profiles on offer.
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user image Chaitanya Inampudi

posted on 29 Aug 2016

I applied via Referral

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: It was pretty basic. Mailed my Resume/CV for the mentioned mail address. Got a swift reply suggesting that they're reviewing my Resume. Later, i was shortlisted and got an assessment for the next procedure
Tips: I was a fresher straight out of college, so i couldn't boast of previous working experience except summer internships. I think i was shortlisted instead for my analytical and communication skills which are exemplified in my resume.

Round: Test
Experience: It was a two part assessment which I've got. First part has technical question which were on a medium level, considering I'm a fresher. The second part constituted personal questions wherein i was asked to rate myself for a range of qualities, my salary expectations and other questions like why they should hire me and why i chose them
Tips: In part-1 the questions are designed in a manner which albeit containing technical queries, focused on how, a fresher can adapt to the market research field and the willingness to strive for success in it
Duration: 2 days minutes
Total Questions: 5

Round: Phone interview
Experience: Had a small talk (10-15 mins) over phone regarding my performance and got to know about their requirements of the profile and myself.

General Tips: Overall the interview is a positive experience and between medium and hard in terms of difficulty.
Skills: Analytical Skills, Soft Skills, Basics Of Market Research
College Name: BITS Pilani
Motivation: The salary and location are pretty good but the deciding factor for me was the work profile which was very interesting and has a lot of scope for improvement w.r.t the organizational structure.
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user image Jashyant Sikhakolli

posted on 18 Feb 2016

7 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Vodafone wants to launch 4G services in India. You are asked to send emails and messages to only the most eligible consumers to advertise about this service. more
  • Q2. Tell me about yourself, Strengths and Weakness
  • Q3. Why UHG; Analytics?
  • Q4. Can you work for extra hours and weekends?
  • Q5. Are you ok with working in Noida?
  • Q6. There are 100 people. 1st person has a sword. He kills 2nd person and gives the sword to 3rd person. He kills 4th and gives the sword to 5th person.99th person more
  • Q7. There are 8 balls out of which only one ball is heavier. You have a weighing balance. In how many attempts (Min and Max) can u find the heavier ball?
  • Q8. There are 11 balls out of which only one ball is heavier. You have a weighing balance. In how many attempts (Min) can u find the heavier ball?
  • Q9. There are 'n' balls out of which only one ball is heavier. You have a weighing balance. Come up with a formula to find the heavier ball
  • Q10. How many soft drinks can be sold on a particular day in J&K?
  • Q11. Estimate the market size of 4K and 8K display screens

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Difficult to complete all the questions in time. Level of questions is moderate.
Tips: Practice aptitude as much as possible. Speed and time matter a lot.
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 30

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: Knew answer for the first question but forgot the logic behind. Said the same to the interviewer. To ask the 4th question, 2nd and 3rd questions were asked. Easy to solve 2nd and 3rd. Was checked for my approach to getting the formula.
Tips: Practice a lot of interview questions. Most of the companies ask similar and popular questions only. Google for those

Round: Guesstimate Interview
Experience: Got carried away a couple of times. But the interviewer helped me through the questions.
Tips: Ask plenty of questions. Use latest statistics as much as possible. Give proper reasoning for the figures you utter while solving the question.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: Initially made a couple of mistakes while approaching the problem. But corrected them with inputs from the interviewer.
Tips: Listen to the interviewer.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It was cool.

General Tips: Whatever you utter, say with confidence
Skills: LOGICAL THINKING ABILITIES, Logical And Structured Thinking
College Name: BITS Pilani
Motivation: It provides a right platform for a person who wants to do analytical work in medical context.
Funny Moments: Guys who stay in Pilani can stay anywhere
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user image MAYANK DEEP

posted on 25 Jan 2016

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were 3 Questions . One on String manipulation and two were on Binary Trees. All were easy but there was time constraint.
Tips: Practice as many question as possible.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 3

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I was given the problem to design a car pooling system complete with the required classes .. data structures which would be used ... how the database would look like etc..
Tips: General understanding of databases and OOP concepts would do.

Round: Technical Interview
Tips: Be thorough and have in-depth knowledge of each and every point of your resume.

College Name: BITS Pilani
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Interview Questions

user image Sagnik Datta

posted on 25 Nov 2015

I applied via Referral

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 1. On protocol
2. On my project in networking elective
3. On tcp/ip
Tips: story building helps generally. Make the guy feel comfortable and also showcase you are comfortable and chatty.

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: 1. Generic ones really copied from internet - he had a notebook from which he was reading out.
2. Something on balls, believe 8 of them... symmetry can't quite recollect (5 years back!)

Round: HR Interview
Experience: - smooth. They asked about writing myself in 2 min and he stares at you. He then asked questions on that. Make sure you bring out what company will benefit by hiring you and only you not next guy sitting. (I recollect telling him I may not know all but can definitely go out there and find what is really that all and get it done)

General Tips: Works if you don't care. It's tough actually do that when you really want it bad.

One way to fool your brain is by thinking next interview is what matters. Current one doesn't. So let's have fun.
College Name: BITS Pilani
Motivation: Money
Funny Moments: Just didn't care as it was com sc. I was from EEE and I knew I would be rejected. In spite Of that, I seemed to just keep on sailing through one interview after other (5 total)

Remember later to over analyze and brood whole evening all little mistakes that I made in interview and wrong answers etc. only till end, friend calls, I am in.
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user image Dhruv Tandon

posted on 14 Sep 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Answer Questions honestly and consistently because there are in built consistency checks.
Duration: 45-60 minutes
Total Questions: 110

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Was a tough GD since everyone was very combative. I spoke above average but not at the cost of interrupting people and sounding rude. I tried to add some structure to the conversation but largely failed because others were just speaking for the sake of their voice to be heard the most.
Tips: You need to show you are willing to listen to people and responsive to arguments brought up. Allowing people who haven't spoken before shows that you are a team player which is a quality that they are looking for.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There is only one interview which is resume based with all HR questions.
I explained my experience with design thinking which seemed to interest them as most of the questions i received were about my projects on the resume. Brushed up a little statistics before the interview.
Tips: Understand the profile offered and what the work entails and talk about how you match those skillsets.
Research about ICICI and their products.

Skills: Computation Skills , Data handling skills, Knowledge about company, Convincing skills
College Name: BITS Pilani
Funny Moments: I mentioned that I had an ICICI bank account after which my interviewer grinned.
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user image Dhruv Tandon

posted on 12 Sep 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Online test conducted before company comes down on campus . Questions have inbuilt consistency checks, so make sure you are being truthful.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: My GD experience was not good because the group was very unruly
Duration: 10 minutes

College Name: BITS Pilani
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Questions were from resume only. They will ask about any project and various technologies in it
  • Q2. Given and Array of A[1..n] bits, find the length of longest consecutive substring of 0 and 1 such that number of 0s and 1s are equal?
  • Q3. Given two sequences of length N, how to find the max window of matching patterns. The patterns can be mutated
  • Q4. For example, seq1 = “ABCDEFG”, seq2 = “DBCAPFG”, then the max window is 4. (ABCD from seq1 and DBCA from seq2)
  • Q5. How do you rotate a string of length n word by word with constant extra space in linear time ?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were two rounds of test. There was no time limit for both the rounds. The evaluation was done on basis of both time and accuracy.

It took 45-70 minutes for this round. 1) Section A: general aptitude questions. 2) Section B: A new programming language was given. You have to understand the programming language and answer the questions that follow.

Round: Test
Experience: There were four coding questions. We just had to write the functions. Any programming language even pseudo code was allowed.
Q1. Convert a decimal number into fraction (e.g. input is 0.5 (float) output will be “1/2” (string))
Q2. There is a question which is slightly modified version of maximum-subarray problem.
Q3. Given n. Generate all numbers with number of digits equal to n, such that the digit to the right is greater than the left digit (ai+1 > ai). E.g. if n=3 (123,124,125,……129,234,…..789)
Q4. You can swap only two consecutive elements. You have to show all steps to convert a string into another string (both strings will be anagrams of each other). E.g. GUM to MUG

Round: HR Interview
Experience: They asked general HR questions. (Like: Why Epic? Strengh/ Weakness.., etc.)

College Name: BITS PILANI
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 19 May 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: First was the written round and it had two parts. First part was tech and consisted of 25 questions and second part was aptitude consisted of 21 questions and duration of exam was 50 minutes. The paper was very easy and i completed all the ques within 30 mins. Then began the waiting period, i done well in the written but not sure about the selection as the paper was very easy. Finally 18 people got selected and i was one of them.
Tips: I saw that Open Solutions is coming for recruitment. I was familiar with the company as it came last year too and offered internships to 3rd years. I searched about the company and came across several negative reviews so i talked to a good friend of mine who did her internship at Open Solutions and she assured me that all things given on net are crap and it is a very good company. She also gave me the advice to go through OOP and software engineering concepts as most of the company’s work is based on .net and c#. So keeping in mind the advice i prepared my resume accordingly.
Duration: 20 minutes
Total Questions: 46

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Next round was the tech interview. I was prepared for this round. The interviewer asked for my resume and i handed him one. His first impression was “One page resume…. nice”. The interview began with introduction. Then we talked about my projects mentioned on my resume. Then there were very basic questions from OOP like properties of OOP, difference between c and c++. After that i was asked to write down code for binary search. Then there were questions from DS and RDBMS. All the questions were very very basic and easy. After that the interviewer said “I am really impressed with you” and he gave me a toffee and an Open solution pen :)

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Next round was HR round and it was 3 on 1 interview. One member of the panel was very experienced and knowledgeable person. As my interest is Web Security, we talked about various hacking techniques. He said “Its great that you know about these things”. Then he named some terms which i was not familiar with like POJO etc. After that there were typical HR questions and a very easy puzzle. This ends my second interview.After second interview there was a gap of about 3 days and finally company selected 4 students for final interview with vice president and CTO of the company. Company arranged the cab for all 4 of us.

Round: OTHER interview
Experience: Final interview: We reached the Open Solution’s office. The office was very good and the environment was very friendly. We were welcomed by the HR and then we had lunch. After that we were told some DO’S and DON’T in the interview by our college seniors. After that we were interviewed by Mr Rashid Desai(VP and CTO of Open Solutions) one by one. It was less of an interview and more of a chat. That was a memorable experience. After interview we went to cafeteria and there was a big cake as it was 31st of the month and cake cutting is a tradition at Open Solutions every last day of the month. We had cake and returned home.The next day our TPO called me and informed that i was selected. Apparently all four of us got selected grin emoticon grin emoticon That was the happiest day of my life.

College Name: BITS PILANI
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 19 May 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: General Aptitude + technical questions (C, OOP, DBMS)Aptitude questions (with a few exceptions)were easy, technical questions were of moderate difficulty. C questions like recursive functions, finding output of some code etc.,15 x 1 mark, 10 x 3 marks and 3 x 10 marks questions and 1mark=1min1 mark questions were very simple…For 3 marks questions little bit thinking is necessary but easy ones… like matching kind of questionso 10 marks questions contains puzzles for e.g.: bulbs on/off, probability based questions Eg 1) Given a binary tree, such that each node contains a number. Find the maximum possible sum in going from one leaf node to another. 2) Suppose you have some guests arriving at a party. For each guest, you are given the arrival and departure time. When a guest arrives he is given a wine glass and when he leaves he returns that wine glass (it becomes available to be given to another guest). Find the minimum number of wine glasses needed to serve all the guests. The arrival and departure team can only be between 1800 to 2359 hours.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Round 1 Technical ::• The first round was algos round• Panel consisted of one interviewer• He asked me to tell him about myself• Then, he asked if I had passion for something. I talked about web development and we had a very long discussion on many web

technologies, protocols, interoperability, vendor locking, cloud storage, cloud computing, web OSes, domains, DNS, server technologies, web databases. This is where I scored huge points in my interview.• Then he asked very simple questions on merging two sorted arrays, finding the kth element in two sorted arrays, permutations of merging two series such that their relative order is maintainedEg ::1) Suppose you have strings like A, B…, Z, AA, AB, ….AZ and so on. This is similar to the way the columns of excel are named. Given a number you have to find the corresponding string. (e.g. 27 would map to AA). I had to give the algorithm and write the pseudo code for this.2) Given n biased coins, with each coin giving heads with probability Pi, find the probability that on tossing the n coins I will obtain exactly k heads. I had to write the formula for this (i.e. the expression that would give us P (n, k)).3) Given n positive real numbers, find whether there exists a triplet among this set such that, the sum of the triplet is in the range (1, 2). Do it in linear time and O (1) space..

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Roound 3 Technical Interview • This was my longest (105 minutes) and toughest interview yet.• Q1: Given an array AA = { 4 0 0 3 6 5 4 7 1 0 1 2 }

You start at the first element. From here, you can jump as many places ahead as the value of the cell you are at. E.g. from the initial 4, you can jump to 0, 0, 3 and 6. You are stuck if you end up at a 0. Give an efficient algorithm to find the path with minimum jumps from start of the array to the end. (Note: the most obvious solutions are not the best ones)

• + is string concatenation operator

a1 = “()”

a2 = “(“ + a1 + “)”

a3 = “(“ + a1 + a2 + “)”

a4 = “(“ + a1 + a2 + a3 + “)”



an = “(“ + a1 + a2 + a3 + …….. + an-1 + “)”

Given n and p, find which bracket would come at pth position in an.• He asked how much programming experience I had, what all programming languages I knew, if I had studied DBMS. Then he asked me questions on javascript, PHP, mySQL.• Then there were questions on OS (like multithreading) and networks (OSI model, TCP/IP model, DNS functioning, IMAP, POP

protocols, encryption etc)• Questions on data structures (difference between trees and hash tables), their applications.Eg :::The length and breadth of my knowledge regarding Databases, networks and data structures was tested. Some of the questions asked were:What are relationships? How are they represented in a database?

What is indexing? Explain it with an example.

What is a hash table?

What is an IP address?

What is a MAC address?

If a MAC address exists why do we need an IP address?

Give the use cases of binary tree?

What is the advantage of an M-ary tree over binary tree?

Given the different prices of a stock over a time period, find the maximum profit that a person can make by buying and selling the stock within the given time period. The number of such entries can run into millions, so time complexity is important. E.g. the prices are 70, 60,100,150,110. The maximum possible profit in this case is (150-60=90).Special Part ::This was the end of the telephonic interview. Probably he was in two minds after this because I was called again after 10 minutes, and two quick questions were asked:How can I contribute to Directi?

What exactly did I do in my internship and how did I benefit my team?

Why I chose ECE if I was so much interested in computer science.

In the end, he gave feedback of how did in the interview and told that I’ll be informed of result later by the HR.But i think The response to these two questions sealed the deal and I was ‘hired’ by Directi .
Tips: Students spend majority of their time doing problems related to data structures and algorithms. However most of students ignore the other core CS subjects. You MUST devote equal time to these subjects, because almost all companies require you to possess a solid understanding of the basic fundamentals of Operating Systems, Databases, Networks, Classes (depending on the profile they are hiring you for).. The way you express yourself is really important. If you are unable to express yourself clearly or lack enthusiasm organizations would see that as a potential red flag. If you are weak in English, practice speaking in front of a mirror (believe me, it helps) or still better give mock interviews to your friends Think out aloud. Whatever idea comes to your mind, share it with the interviewer. Always start by giving a brute force solution to the problem (it helps the interviewer know that you have understood the problem).. Don’t give up on a problem until the last moment. Keep on discussing things with the interviewer; he will give you hints if you are on the right path. CSE guyz might be asked networks, DBMS also.Good problem solving/analytical skills are required.Most of all, passion/zeal for something (like web development in my case) is looked for in applicants.Candidates are expected to know a little bit of everything, but superficial knowledge won’t work.Some experience of working with websites/web apps will be a huge plus.

College Name: BITS PILANI
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