Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani

Pilani, Rajasthan

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Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani Placement Interview Questions

Updated 17 Jan 2025

108 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 19 May 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: it consisted of 4 sections.1st section was quantitative aptitude. questions on pipe-cistern,work,percentages,profit loss etc., 2nd section was c. this was the easiest of all as nearly all questions were from test ur c skills...but all good questions only. 3rd section was ADA.. i.e algorithms. questions were mixed easy as well as hard. some basic questions like a tree is given wat is inorder traversal. some complex questions like the complexity. there were even questions on Graphs.4th section was Systems. questions were tricky. questions on race conditions.segmentation faults.code was given and race condition wat is final output. int a[100];for(i=0;i<=100;i++) a[i]=i; wat will happen?? questions on signals.... So overall it consisted of quant & technical sections of which the first one was on number theory and some calculations.tas stated earlier 3 subsections: C,DS,systems. in C section some codes were given and asked the output mostly they were recursive ,pointers,malloc stuff. in DS stacks,binary trees,sorting & searching,graphs(DFS,MST) it was fundoo. The last section was on compilers,CAO,OS which was tough.totally the test was of good quality.
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 1st Technical round :::It was 20-25 min interview. mostly on c and systems(my aoi) questions

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Initially I was disappointed as I couldn’t get through some of the companies which I expected,I would get through and finally I went for Net App and I was impressed a lot attending the PPT,and their area of work is on Data sotrage which involves OS,CO stuff in which I’m interested in.So I felt I chose the right company & luckily(perhaps) I was selected. Regardless of which company you are aiming for C,DS,OS are a must . You have to be very strong as these are the basics for a CSE student and ther are some companies which ask only algorithms and others cover all the CSE subjects.Coming to the interviews stay cool & think aloud so that if you misunderstood the problem ,he will help you out ....

College Name: BITS PILANI
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 19 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Technical question with few aptitude questions were asked in written test. Total of 50 questions were asked in technical section, there was no general apti. The questions were versatile, from all subjects . They were basic questions and do not need much time. Some 3 or 4 questions were asked from Production planning (Kanban etc..). Some questions were like, what is composition of Monel, some small numericals like finding damping frequency etc.. there were questions from turbo machinery (pumps, compressors) also.The questions were asked on all subjects of mechanical engineering like material science, design, strength of materials, heat transfer,ic engines etc.The questions were basically used to test the knowledge in the basics of the subjects.
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Technical Interview
They asked me what is your favourite subject , I replied IC engines but many of questions were from different areas. The questions were very basic, infact no need of preparing separately for the interview .They test your confidence, some of the questions wereExplain how power is transmitted from engine to wheels.
What is the role of differential in an automobile, how a rickshaw takes turn without differential.
Where is the differential located for maruti swift car.
Sketch connecting rod, why that shape?, material of connecting rod.
What type of manufacturing process is used for making automobile bodies?
What is CRDI technology?
What is ABS?Some questions were asked from my industrial training, project also..The next questions were regarding the type of compressors and the types, parts and various manufacturing processes employed for the manufacturing of the steam turbines. These questions were based on my industrial training which I undertook in BHEL,VAranasi ..

Round: HR Interview
Experience: INTERVIEW (HR) :: Routine HR questions, Tell me about yourself, about my hobbies. Are you preparing for GRE, CAT?Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? They asked me about my family background. They gave a hypothetical situation and asked my reaction , what would I do? lastly they asked me which department you want to work in, why? Then they queried about why I want to join their company. This was followed by questions regarding my hobbies and my knowledge in Hindi.
Tips: The experience of attending the interview was very good.The people who interviewed me were quite friendly.They gave me ample time to think an tell the answers.During the interview I felt very comfortable and the interview happened like a general discussion. Always be truthful about your hobbies,favorite subjects.This really helps because when they test you in those topics you will feel very confident in answering those questions which creates a better impression of you in their mind.

College Name: BITS PILANI
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Written test (Aptitude + English)[Easy to crack].Pretty simple aptitude questions will be asked. English was bit tough but math was easy. Math: Percentage, ratio, ages, numbers pie chart bar chart, time and distance.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical Interview(Basic Question Related to C, C++, Java) [Question are mostly definition based] + Puzzles (Solve all puzzles from Shakuntala devi, It'll help you a lot) ["This round will decide your selection"

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR Interview (Time pass, Normal questions).
Tips: Factors of consideration: 1. Communication skills. 2. Physical and mental strengths Be Confident. All the Best.

College Name: BITS PILANI
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 19 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Where do we us transformer
  • Q2. Do we use transformer in our homes
  • Q3. What is the o/p voltage of mobile charger.Can u calculate the rating of transformer used in Mobile charger.calculate it taking o/p voltage as 3.5 V?
  • Q4. What is SCR n what protection we use for SCR?
  • Q5. How 3-phase magnetic field is produced and also derive taht its magnitude is constant?
  • Q6. How do we control frequency and voltage ?
  • Q7. What is ferranti effect
  • Q8. What happen to Generator and Motor during ferranti effect and also to transmission line?
  • Q9. What is armature reaction and interpole winding.why we use interpole winding?
  • Q10. What is the benefits of armature reaction?
  • Q11. How torque is produced in all type of M/c.{DC,Synch,Induc} ?
  • Q12. Principle of operation of induction m/c?
  • Q13. Slip and speed characteristic of Induction M/c?
  • Q14. What are classification of DC M/c ? 15. speed torque characteristic of all type of DC M/c ?
  • Q15. Importance of Power angle?
  • Q16. How we can reduce harmonics? (all type of winding done to reduce harmonic)
  • Q17. A ckt was given (was a chopper ckt).and said that if we give the o/p of this ckt to a transformer,what will be the o/p waveform?
  • Q18. What is hysteresis and eddy current loss ? ld is made sinusoidal in cylindrical and salient pole m/c? 26. Draw 3-phase AC waveform. 27. Which motor r we using more
  • Q19. What are the condition to be satisfied for production of torque in any m/c
  • Q20. What is two field revolving theory?
  • Q21. What is the reason of production of torque in synchronous M/c?
  • Q22. Basic of stability of M/c and why for transient stability load angle can go beyond 90 degree?
  • Q23. Basic of stability of M/c and why for transient stability load angle can go beyond 90 degree? 33. prove W=1/2*c*v^2 .
  • Q24. 1-2 basic n/w ckt. with inductor and capacitor.they also used tank ckt.they made some changes and ask for change in current in a particular branch

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Dear Juniors, I would like to share my feelings and interview experience so that u may be benefited from this. Gate 2013 turned to be so easy, so that anyone can easily get rank around 500 without any preparation. But Inspite of studying at made easy I get 1207 Rank. I was so depressed that I cant express in words. I was able to score under 50 rank but the result was very bad. BARC OCES/DGFS 2013 Program: Gate cut off was gate score 574 around 1400 rank and I was called for Interview.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Beside these some conditional and practical questions were there.I don't remember all the questions. around 45-50 questions was asked to me in 1 hr 40 min interview and i answered almost 45 of them. 2-3 question they give me hint.. They asked me to wait outside. After 2 min they called me and give the white slip and said that u have a very high probability of selection. I more thing I want to say that getting white slip doesn't ensure ur selection bcz in 2013 almost 200-250 student get the slip and only 10 are selected at BARC Mumbai. overall selection including IGCAR, RRCAT, NFC, VECC, BRIT and all through OCES 2013 program is 56 in electrical engineering.
Tips: I hope this will help u in future...wish u all d best ...!!!!

College Name: BITS PILANI
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 19 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 1st round :::was standard apti questions with level comparable 2 cat , english section was really tough, rest was workable. From here on it was a cake walk

Round: Other Interview
Experience: 2nd round :::: was extempore. I was asked to choose d topic myself, I chose 2 speak on "Anna Hazare" then he added d twist dat I would speak both for n against anna on same points, a minute each ( l xtended dat minute into 15-20 mins)

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: In round3 :: I was asked 3 puzzles I answered 1st 2 In a jiffy bt was unable to answer 3rd den he asked very basic sql question-types of relationship in tables I had sealed my berth in round2 as d interviewer was 2 pleased with my narrative on anna n kept on praising me 4 dat!
Tips: The entire process was very easy. Best of luck guys

College Name: BITS PILANI
Motivation: History of EXL ::EXL Service is a provider of decision-analytics&#44;operation management,outsourcing and transformation services. EXL's services are structured around insurance, banking, financial services, utilities, healthcare,transportation and travel industries.EXL was incorporated in April 1999 in Delaware, USA, by a group including Vikram Talwar and Rohit Kapoor. Vikram was then the Chief executive officer and Managing Director of Ernst & Young, and Rohit managed international investments for clients at Deutsche Bank.In August 2001, Conseco acquired EXL and operated as its wholly owned subsidiary. Later, in November 2002, Oak Hill Capital Partners and FTVentures along with some members of the senior management team bought EXL from Conseco making it a third party pure-play business process outsourcing service provider.In 2007 it was ranked 10th among India's ITES-BPO (IT enabled services  Business process outsourcing) exporters .
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user image Anonymous

posted on 18 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were two rounds of test. About half were shortlisted for the round 2. There was no time limit for both the rounds. The evaluation was done on basis of both time and accuracy. It took 45-70 minutes for this round. 1) Section A: general aptitude questions. 2)Section B: A new programming language was given. You have to understand the programming language and answer the questions that follow.
Tips: Total number of students appeared for written: 130 around Number of students shortlisted for interview: 20 (Interviews were Telephonic)
Duration: 40-70 minutes

Round: Test
Experience: There were four coding questions. We just had to write the functions. Any programming language even pseudo code was allowed. Q1. Convert a decimal number into fraction (e.g. input is 0.5 (float) output will be “1/2” (string)) Q2. There is a question which is slightly modified version of maximum-subarray problem. Q3. Given n. Generate all numbers with number of digits equal to n, such that the digit to the right is greater than the left digit (ai+1 > ai). E.g. if n=3 (123,124,125,......129,234,.....789) Q4. You can swap only two consecutive elements. You have to show all steps to convert a string into another string (both strings will be anagrams of each other). E.g. GUM to MUGGUM



Duration: 50 minutes
Total Questions: 4

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Round 3: Telephonic Interview (15-30 minutes) Technical: Questions were from resume only. They will ask about any project and various technologies in it.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Round 4: Telephonic Interview (15-30 minutes) HR:They asked general HR questions. (Like: Why Epic? Strengh/ Weakness.., etc.)

General Tips: Written rounds are more important than the interviews. In the written (Round 2) test try to focus on code quality and time. Write comment as much as possible. Don’t waste time in peeping from others. Earlier submission will give you an advantage over others
College Name: BITS PILANI
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user image Anonymous

posted on 9 May 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Initially they took an online round but due to some network problem, they had to scrap it. Next morning, they came up with a paper based round. There were 2 sections. One was aptitude and one was coding, both being objective type. The aptitude section was as lengthy as difficult. No one could have solved all 30 questions in 30 minutes time. Infact, I was only able to attempt 10. Next 40 minutes or so was reserved for the coding test. The questions they asked covered almost all the topics they mentioned in their pre-placement presentation. But the maximum number of questions were related to getting output or finding errors in C, C++ and JAVA codes. The questions they asked from theoretical subjects were more or less the basics and easy. In those questions (which were quite a few in number), you will be given a huge chunk of code with some part missing and you have to identify which snippet among the options best fits in there. Sometimes its given what the code is supposed to do, but in some questions it was also your task to find out. So I think the differentiating factor is how well your actual coding skills are. And you need to know these 3 languages atleast – C, C++ and JAVA. Again, similar to aptitude section the coding section was also very lengthy with some programs extending upto 1 or more pages. I’d recommend to skip those programs initially and jump to other easy problems first. Then if you have time, you can come back and attempt them.In the end of the coding round, they had one special subjective test in which they asked you to write the full code in any language for the give problem statement. In my case, the problem was : “Given a tree, find the depth of the largest binary search tree it contains.” I know it sounds simple enough but only until you start coding it. And while writing codes of such problems, make sure to display your data-structures and algorithmic skills and not your knowledge of STL libraries. Even if you’re not able to solve the problem and you used some complicated data structures (by using, I mean you created them from scratch without any help from STL libraries) and some good algorithms, then they are likely to appreciate your coding skills if not your problem-solving skills. And just a hint although I think you already know this – BST are the favourites of all software companies . Overall, I sat for 2 companies including Amazon and both of them had a coding problem related to BST only.
Duration: 70 minutes
Total Questions: 2

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Anyways, then there were usual HR questions like your hobbies, interests, family background, history of my town, etc. He did ask me some technical questions also like on seeing the word ‘Hacking’ in my resume, we started discussing upon hacking, its types and laws related to it.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They started off with puzzles, which were quite easy and common ones. Then only after 2 puzzles they started asking me about my favourite subject and language. I told them OS, Networks and C++. But instead they asked me all about Java ! I kept telling them I hadn’t revised Java but that didn’t help. They’ll ask some question and I’ll write the code in C++ and they would ask me to convert it to Java. They’d also ask the equivalents of C++ OOP concepts in Java. Its not that I know nothing of Java, I have actually done a lot of coding in it, but that day and time, I was totally unprepared. So I kept guessing a lot based on my poor memory and later to my surprise, I found I got many of them right .They also asked some design questions in which they asked me to write the class and related functions (just the prototypes) for implementing a parking lot management system. Then there were questions on hacking and security. They also asked about the network problem they faced the previous day when the online round was going on, due to which they had to scrap it. They asked what could be the reason behind it and what could be the solution. Overall, again the majority of the questions were coding type with C++ concepts like virtual functions, JAVA OOP, and design problems. This round went on for 15-20 minutes past 1 hour or so.

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: Finally, after few hours I was called for my last interview round. It was more like a casual round in which the D.E.Shaw associate director was taking my interview. The first thing he said was “I just wanted to meet you once myself” and he asked a few HR questions again. He asked me if I had any higher studies plan, my strengths and 2 weaknesses, why their company, etc. It was a cool round with the atmosphere also easy and it went on for just 20 minutes or so.

Skill Tips: Criteria :Cs/IT/ECE And CGPA min of 7.0[CSE] .For ECE =7.5
D. E. Shaw generally prefers computer science branch students but they’re not as strict as Amazon or Google and for for CS students it was only 7.0 . Luckily, my CGPA was above the cutoff and I was allowed to sit for the process.
Skills: C++, Java, DBMS, OOP
College Name: BITS PILANI
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user image Sharat chandra

posted on 29 Jan 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Asked many Dbsa questions. You need to be thorough about the joins in the databases.

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Practice questions on Indiabix.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Operating Systems basics, Dbsa basics

General Tips: 1: Be Confident.
2: Keep Smiling.
3: Do not be Panic.
4: Remember they are here to hire you but not reject you.
5: Do not loose hope.
6: Believe at yourself.
7: Start preparing early.
8: Do demo interviews with your friend.
Skill Tips: Make sure you do a course on object oriented programming
Skills: C, Sql, Java
College Name: BITS PILANI
Motivation: Every body joins a comapny for making a software or earning money. But I was always motivated to MAKE MONEY. I have taken this job because they have very extensive work in Share Market and they have lots of MBA from IIM's, Lots of CAs, CS. Thats why i have choosen Edelweiss. I have rejected epic System USA for this profile.
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