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Logical Reasoning
Which of the following will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following sequence?PRODUCTIVITY, RODUCTIVIT, ODUCTIVI, ?
Complete the series 6, 24, 60,120, 210, ?
First Number = 1 *2 *3 = 6Second Number = 2*3*4 = 24Third Number = 3*4*5 = 60Fourth Number = 4*5*6 = 120Fifth Number = 5*6*7 = 210Sixth Number = 6*7*8 = 336.Alternatively,2*2*2-2=63*3*3-3=244*4*4-4=605*5*5-5=1206*6*6-6=2107*7*7-7=336.
Complete the series 6, 11, 31, 121, 601, ?
First Term = 6.Second term = 6*2 -1 = 11.Third term = 11* 3 - 2 = 31.Fourth term = 31 *4 - 3 = 124 -3 = 121.Fifth term = 121*5 - 4 = 601.Sixth term = 601 *6 = 3606 - 5 = 3601.
Complete the series 7, 11, 19, 35, 67, ?
Last Term *2 - 3 = Next Term.First Term = 7.Second Term = 7 *2 -3 = 11.Third Term = 11 *2 - 3 = 19.Fourth Term = 19 *2 - 3 = 35.Fifth Term = 35 *2 - 3 = 67.Sixth Term = 67 *2 -3 = 131.
Complete the series 8, 22, 64, 190, 568, ?
Logic:Previous Term *3 - 2 = Next term.First Term = 8.Second term = 8 *3 - 2 = 24 -2 = 22.Third term = 22 *3 -2 = 64.Fourth term = 64 *3 -2 = 190.Fifth Term = 190 *3 - 2 = 568.Sixth Term = 568 *3 -2 = 1704 -2 = 1702.
Complete the series 5760, 2880, 960, 240, 48, ?
First Term = 5760.Second term = 5760 /2 = 2880.Third Term = 2880/3 = 960.Fourth term = 960/4 = 240.Fifth term = 240/5 = 48.So,Required term = 48/6 = 8.
Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument
Statement :Should there be a complete ban on manufacture of fire-crackers in India ?
Arguments :I. No, this will render thousands of workers jobless.II. Yes, the fire-cracker manufacture use child labour to a large extent.
Only argument I is strong.
Only Argument II is strong.
Either I or II is strong
Neither I nor II is strong
Argument I is strong because when manufacturing of fire crackers is banned, a large workers involved in manufacturing it, will be jobless but II is vague because to stop child labour, it is not necessary to close the industry.
Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.
Statement : Should election expenses to Central and State legislatures be met by the government ?Arguments :I. Yes, it will put an end to political corruption.II. No, it is not used in any country.
As parties who are rich, spend more money in conversing, banners etc., to support the position while other parties are not able to meet these facilities. Therefore, the election expenses met by the Government, will put the political corruption to an end. Hence, I argument is strong.
Statement : Should the educated people work in villages ?Arguments :I. Yes, because they can revolutionize agriculture and revamp rural atmosphere.II. No, the educated should be employed in cities only otherwise their education will go waste.
By working of educated people in villages, their education will not be wasted but their will be the proper use of their education. On account of their education they will revolutionize agriculture and revamp rural atmosphere.
Statement : Should all the foreign investment be concentrated only in few States ?Arguments :I. No, this goes against the all round economic development of the country.II. Yes, as most of the States do not have the requisite infrastructure to attract foreign investments.
Harmonic development in all States is not possible so second argument is strong.
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