Logical Reasoning Questions and Answers
Each of the following questions contains a small paragraph followed by a question on it. Read each paragraph carefully and answer the question given below it.
The only true education comes through the stimulation of the child's power by the demands of the social situations in which he finds himself. Through these demands he is stimulated to act as a member of a unity, to emerge from his original narrowness of action and feeling, and to conceive himself from the standpoint of the welfare of the group to which he belongs.
The passage best supports the statement that real education.
Answer: Option 4
Each of the following questions contains a small paragraph followed by a question on it. Read each paragraph carefully and answer the question given below it.
Though the waste of time or the expenditure on fashions is very large, yet fashions have come to stay. They will not go, what may. However, what is now required is that strong efforts should be made to displace the excessive craze for fashion from the minds of these youngsters.
The passage best supports the statement that :
Answer:Option 3
Each of the following questions contains a small paragraph followed by a question on it. Read each paragraph carefully and answer the question given below it.
It is up to our government and planners to devise ways and means for the mobilisation of about ten crore workers whose families total up about forty crore men, women and children. Our agriculture is over-manned. A lesser number of agriculturists would mean more purchasing or spending power to every agriculturist. This will result in the shortage of man-power for many commodities to be produced for which there will be a new demand from a prosperous agrarian class. This shortage will be removed by surplus man-power released from agriculture as suggested above.
The passage best supports the statement that:
Answer: Option 2
Each of the following questions contains a small paragraph followed by a question on it. Read each paragraph carefully and answer the question given below it.
Satisfaction with co-workers, promotion opportunities, the nature of work, and pay goes with high performance among those with strong growth needs. Among those with weak growth needs, no such relationship is present - and, infact, satisfaction with promotion opportunities goes with low performance
This passage best supports the statement that:
Answer: Option 3
Each of the following questions contains a small paragraph followed by a question on it. Read each paragraph carefully and answer the question given below it.
The press should not be afraid of upholding and supporting a just and righteous cause. It should not be afraid of criticising the government in a healthy manner. The press has to be eternally vigilant to protect the rights of the workers, backward and suppressed sections of the society. It should also give a balanced view of the things so that people can be helped in the formation of a healthy public opinion.
The passage best supports the statement that
Answer: Option 3