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Spencer's Retail Chief Marketing Manager salaries in Kolkata

Annual salary range
11 - 17 years exp.
₹17.2 Lakhs - ₹26 Lakhs
Salary of majority employees
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10% less than the average Chief Marketing Manager Salary in Retail Companies for 11 - 17 years of experience

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Salaries in different departments

Marketing & Communication
Chief Marketing Manager Salary
15 - 17 years exp. (AmbitionBox Estimate)

₹17.2 L/yr - ₹21.7 L/yr

UX, Design & Architecture
Chief Marketing Manager Salary
12 years exp. (AmbitionBox Estimate)

₹20.7 L/yr - ₹26 L/yr

Last Updated: 14 Dec 2023

Companies similar to Spencer's Retail for Chief Marketing Manager in Kolkata

Spencer's Retail Chief Marketing Manager Salary

11 - 17 years exp. (6 salaries)

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₹17.2 L/yr - ₹26 L/yr

Company name Avg Annual Salary Open Jobs
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₹26 L/yr - ₹32.5 L/yr

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₹16 L/yr - ₹18 L/yr

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Chief Marketing Manager salary at Spencer's Retail ranges between ₹17.2 Lakhs to ₹26 Lakhs per year for employees with experience between 11 years to 17 years. Salary estimates are based on 6 latest salaries received from various employees of Spencer's Retail.

Latest annual salaries shared by Spencer's Retail Chief Marketing Manager in Kolkata

1y ago
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17 years exp.
1y ago
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15 years exp.

Experience wise Spencer's Retail Chief Marketing Manager salaries in Kolkata

Last Updated: 14 Dec 2023

Experience Avg Annual Salary
11 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

unlock blur

₹7.7 L/yr - ₹26 L/yr
12 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹18 L/yr - ₹26 L/yr
13 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹8.1 L/yr - ₹25 L/yr
14 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹18.6 L/yr - ₹23.7 L/yr
15+ years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹17.2 L/yr - ₹21.7 L/yr

Similar Designation salaries in Spencer's Retail

unlock blur
₹6.2 L/yr - ₹7.1 L/yr

Salary related reviews for Spencer's Retail

Full Time


Research & Development Department

  •  posted on 29 Sep 2024

 for  Salary and Benefits


...people are keeping their relatives by doing politics and firing their employees. The company needs to pay attention to this.

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  • Salary - Excellent
  • +5 more


There is politics going on at Spencer right now that is detrimental to the company.

Full Time


Administration & Facilities Department

  •  posted on 21 Jan 2024

 for  Salary and Benefits


...company. It was a much better organisation but destroyed by son of the promoter. You get your salary on time and in case you are joining new they will offer above the market price as no one wants to continue after 3 months of joining.

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  • Salary - Good


It is a classic case of over zealous promoters destroying a business. Non competent son of the promoter thinks himself as God and all employees as piece of furniture. Management changes after every 3 years. Some CXOs leaves even before that. Every year people gets fired as cost cutting is the only tool for sustainability, as per the promoter. Do not join even if they offer a higher than market price also.

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  • Skill development - Bad
  • +4 more

Full Time


Customer Success, Service & Operations Department

  •  posted on 05 Aug 2024

 for  Salary and Benefits


Good work life balance. On time salary.

  • Company culture - Good
  • +1 more


Inter Department politics. VP - BD thinks he is the owner of the company. Puts undue pressure on other departments to cover own department’s incompetence. Unethical approach towards work resulting in haphazard and rushed decisions. To quote Neerav Sejpal, “let’s get things done, if any thing crops up, let the company face after 10 years, we won’t be there then.”

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  • Salary - Poor
  • +1 more

Full Time


Finance & Accounting Department

  •  posted on 24 Jun 2022

 for  Salary and Benefits


Spencers do not fired any employee during lockdown and it credited salary within specific time,

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  • Job security - Good


There is no motivational work and also here is no career growth untill you do butter oiling. Here is no increment even you do hard work. If you work hardly, but you can't do butter oiling, then you are not able to attract your senior, only the person who do the butter oiling properly, then he/she attract by seniors. Most of the employee give resign for this *NEPOTISM*

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  • Salary - Poor
  • +2 more

Full Time


Other Department

  •  posted on 10 Apr 2022

 for  Salary and Benefits


It's one of the company which is belong to best group in west bengal i.e RPSG group and job security and compensation benefits is petty better then others.

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  • Salary - Good
  • +3 more


Spencer's management should be look after the work life balance.

  • Work-life balance - Poor
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Spencer's Retail Chief Marketing Manager Salary FAQs

What is the salary of Chief Marketing Manager at Spencer's Retail Kolkata?
Chief Marketing Manager salary at Spencer's Retail in Kolkata ranges between ₹17.2 Lakhs to ₹26.0 Lakhs for experience between 11 years to 17 years. According to our estimates it is 10% less than the average Chief Marketing Manager Salary in India. Salary estimates are based on 6 latest salaries received from various employees of Spencer's Retail Kolkata.
How does the salary of a Chief Marketing Manager at Spencer's Retail Kolkata compare with the average salary range for this job?
The average salary of a Chief Marketing Manager at Spencer's Retail is 10% less than the average salary of a Chief Marketing Manager in Kolkata. To know exact salary insights, login to view.
Which similar companies are paying more than Spencer's Retail to a Chief Marketing Manager in Kolkata?
  • Haldia Petrochemicals Chief Marketing Manager Salary - ₹26.0 Lakhs to ₹32.5 Lakhs per year
What is the salary of a Chief Marketing Manager in companies similar to Spencer's Retail in Kolkata?
  • Texmaco Rail and Engineering Chief Marketing Manager Salary - ₹16.0 Lakhs to ₹18.0 Lakhs per year
What is the estimated take home salary of a Chief Marketing Manager at Spencer's Retail in Kolkata?
The estimated take-home salary of a Chief Marketing Manager at Spencer's Retail ranges between ₹1,35,013 per month to ₹1,39,981 per month in Kolkata. The take-home salary calculation is based on the average Spencer's Retail Chief Marketing Manager salary in India which ranges between ₹17.2 Lakhs to ₹26.0 Lakhs per year for employees with experience between 11 years to 17 years. Check how did we calculate take home salary?
What is the notice period for Chief Marketing Manager at Spencer's Retail in Kolkata?
According to AmbitionBox, 100% of the Spencer's Retail Chief Marketing Managers in Kolkata reported a notice period of 2 Months.This is based on 1 response on AmbitionBox in last 2 years.

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Spencer's Retail Chief Marketing Manager salary in Kolkata ranges between ₹17.2 Lakhs to ₹26 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹unlock blur. Salary estimates are based on 6 Spencer's Retail latest salaries received from various employees of Spencer's Retail.