It has been a very smooth, informative journey. Every colleague of mine is very co-operative. PSD is well above Good organisation in some of the Unique locations where People can enjoy, learn his or her competencies, as well as balance the personal life by staying close to your hometown. The company targets small cities to have the development centres to target the local talent pool, because only Metro cities doesn't mean best Organisations. That's how PSD is geographically present in 4 cities in INDIA. HQ is NJ, also two other running offices in Florida and California. The root of the company is from 1997 and PSD is a Member of Software Technology Parks of India (STPI). Company caters to Industry like Finance, Telecom, Healthcare Transport. Best part of the company is it has a flat Hierarchy and the Technologies in which the Technical team is working is Niche and very different from the typical other services Industries. And due to the flat hierarchy, you can climb up the ladder fast compare to other organisations. We don't have multiple boss on your head in PSD You get a chance to present your self, you will be heard by Management. Your Idea's will be screened and implemented. The work place where you have the freedom of speech, is one of the best place to learn. PSD aims at building informative career rather then just sticking to the stereotype Service level work. We get Liberty to think & implement and in my tenure I have receive recognition for every Good Suggestion, Decisions are respected and evaluated to get the best out of it that will benefit both Employee & Employer's
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