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Genpact Assistant Global Sourcing Manager salaries in India

Annual salary range
6 - 10 years exp.
₹6.2 Lakhs - ₹9 Lakhs
Low Confidence
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Low confidence means that this average salary is based on data that was reported by very few people.
Salary of majority employees
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28% less than the average Assistant Global Sourcing Manager Salary in IT Services & Consulting Companies for 6 - 10 years of experience

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Salaries in different departments

Procurement & Supply Chain
Assistant Global Sourcing Manager Salary
6 - 10 years exp. (4 salaries)

₹6.2 L/yr - ₹7.7 L/yr

Customer Success, Service & Operations
Assistant Global Sourcing Manager Salary
10 years exp. (AmbitionBox Estimate)

₹8.1 L/yr - ₹9.9 L/yr

Last Updated: 17 Mar 2023

Companies similar to Genpact for Assistant Global Sourcing Manager

Company name Avg Annual Salary Open Jobs
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₹6.3 L/yr - ₹12.5 L/yr

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Assistant Global Sourcing Manager salary at Genpact ranges between ₹6.2 Lakhs to ₹9 Lakhs per year for employees with experience between 6 years to 10 years. Salary estimates are based on 5 latest salaries received from various employees of Genpact.

Latest annual salaries shared by Genpact Assistant Global Sourcing Manager

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8 years exp.
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10 years exp.
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7 years exp.
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6 years exp.
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10 years exp.

Experience wise Genpact Assistant Global Sourcing Manager salaries

Last Updated: 17 Mar 2023

Experience Avg Annual Salary
6 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

unlock blur

₹6.2 L/yr - ₹12.1 L/yr
7 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

unlock blur

₹2.8 L/yr - ₹7.5 L/yr
8 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

unlock blur

₹2.9 L/yr - ₹7.7 L/yr
9 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

unlock blur

₹6.9 L/yr - ₹8.8 L/yr
10 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

unlock blur

₹6.8 L/yr - ₹9 L/yr

Salary related reviews for Genpact

Full Time


Finance & Accounting Department

  •  posted on 06 Feb 2025

 for  Salary and Benefits


There was a time when Genpact was a good employer


The company has changed a lot in last 2 to 3 years , there is no promotions, no salary hikes and no job security. The Management and HR does not care about employees.

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  • Salary - Bad
  • +4 more

Full Time


Teaching & Training Department

  •  posted on 06 Feb 2025

 for  Salary and Benefits


You will have a job!

  • Skill development - Excellent
  • +1 more


salary, work culture, promotions, tone-deaf senior leadership I was pregnant with my first child and was due in April, during year -end review (mar) when I was seeking confirmation on my promotion (which was confirmed to me during Q4 previous year), my (female) manager asked me...how do you see yourself contributing in next 6 months.

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  • Salary - Bad
  • +2 more

Full Time


Content, Editorial & Journalism Department

  •  posted on 30 Jan 2025

 for  Salary and Benefits


Nothing good in my experience. It was good in the past, but now it’s becoming **worse day by day**. I wonder how people are working even more horror than a labor, just because they are jobless and have no other option for their livelihood.

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...ll-being. Management, for the most part, is incompetent and lacks basic empathy. Here Manager are like an as****ho*** know nothing than making labor exploitation They expect you to function like robots, pushing you to the edge for a shockingly low salary of just 1.9 LPA. Yes, there’s job security, but what’s the point if the work environment is toxic? People join, regret it almost immediately, and then spend their time planning their resignation. The few decent managers that exist are overshadowed by the sheer number of terrible ones. It feels less like an MNC and more like a chaotic startup where nobody knows what they’re doing, yet they expect employees to go above and beyond for peanuts. The constant micromanagement, lack of appreciation, and toxic atmosphere make this one of the worst places to work. Advice to Management: Start treating employees like humans. A stable job doesn’t mean people will tolerate a toxic work culture. Pay fairly, improve work-life balance, and stop exploiting employees before the company’s reputation sinks further. Bottom Line: You're better off being unemployed than ruining your mental health here. Think twice before joining

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  • Salary - Bad
  • +6 more

Full Time


Finance & Accounting Department

  •  posted on 22 Jan 2025

 for  Salary and Benefits


Nothing much but organization provide job security to performer employees at least.

  • Job security - Good


There are multiple things out of which few are ° Low compensation ° No skill development ° No perks ° Bad work life balance ° Mostly night shifts available ° No solution in conflict

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  • Salary - Bad
  • +5 more

Full Time


Customer Success, Service & Operations Department

  •  posted on 20 Jan 2025

 for  Salary and Benefits


Culture, ethical standards,policy, environment etc except salary structure.

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  • Job security - Excellent
  • +1 more


...process.really bad management lots of vintage employees exited from TMP process. Moreover since last many years I was highlighted in amber about salary structure.those who were vintage employees got less salary package while new joiner getting high pay of salary.please improve this issue.

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  • Salary - Bad
  • +2 more
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Genpact Assistant Global Sourcing Manager Salary FAQs

What is the salary of Assistant Global Sourcing Manager at Genpact ?
The average salary of a Assistant Global Sourcing Manager at Genpact in India typically ranges from ₹6.2 Lakhs to ₹9.0 Lakhs per year, depending on experience (from 6 years to 10 years).

The top 10% of Assistant Global Sourcing Manager at Genpact earn more than ₹9.0 Lakhs per year, and the top 1% earn over ₹9.0 Lakhs per year. Assistant Global Sourcing Manager Salaries at Genpact can be higher or lower depending on factors such as the specific team, level of experience, and additional benefits like bonuses and stock options.

These estimates are based on salary data submitted by 5 Genpact employees in India.
What is the estimated take home salary of a Assistant Global Sourcing Manager at Genpact in India?
The estimated take-home salary of a Assistant Global Sourcing Manager at Genpact in India typically ranges from ₹54,841 to ₹56,212 per month. This is based on the average salary range of ₹6.2 Lakhs to ₹9.0 Lakhs per year for employees with experience ranging from 6 years to 10 years.The take-home salary is calculated after accounting for standard deductions such as taxes, provident fund (PF), and insurance. Salary estimates are based on 5 salaries received from various employees of Genpact. Check how we calculate in-hand salary with our in-hand salary calculator.
Which companies offer higher salaries than Genpact for Assistant Global Sourcing Manager in India?
Crane Process Flow Technologies India ₹6.3 Lakhs to ₹12.5 Lakhs per year

These companies are known for offering competitive compensation packages that can exceed the salary offered by Genpact, depending on the role and experience level.
How the salary growth look like for a Assistant Global Sourcing Manager at Genpact in India?
The salary growth for a Assistant Global Sourcing Manager at Genpact depends on factors such as experience, performance, and promotions. On average, a Assistant Global Sourcing Manager can expect the following growth trajectory at Genpact:

Experience Average Salary Range
6 years ₹6.2 Lakhs to ₹12.1 Lakhs per year
7 years ₹2.8 Lakhs to ₹7.5 Lakhs per year
8 years ₹2.9 Lakhs to ₹7.7 Lakhs per year
9 years ₹6.9 Lakhs to ₹8.8 Lakhs per year
and so on.

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Genpact Assistant Global Sourcing Manager salary in India ranges between ₹6.2 Lakhs to ₹9 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹unlock blur. Salary estimates are based on 5 Genpact latest salaries received from various employees of Genpact.