Senior Automation Test Engineer

100+ Senior Automation Test Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 9 Jan 2025

Q51. How do you manage frames in Selenium?


Frames in Selenium can be managed using switchTo() method to navigate between frames.

  • Use driver.switchTo().frame() method to switch to a frame by index, name or WebElement

  • Use driver.switchTo().defaultContent() method to switch back to the main content

  • Use driver.switchTo().parentFrame() method to switch to the parent frame

Q52. How do you tell appium to run tests on ios or Android devices


To run tests on iOS or Android devices using Appium, specify the platformName capability in desired capabilities.

  • Specify platformName capability as 'iOS' for iOS devices and 'Android' for Android devices

  • Include other necessary desired capabilities like deviceName, platformVersion, appPackage, appActivity, etc.

  • Example: capabilities.setCapability('platformName', 'iOS');

Q53. Why mobile testing is important, how to scroll on phone,Touch Actions class,Selenium4 features,Appium 2.X features, one coding in Java


Mobile testing is important for ensuring the functionality and usability of applications on various devices. Techniques like scrolling and touch actions are essential for testing mobile apps.

  • Mobile testing ensures that applications work correctly on different devices and screen sizes.

  • Scrolling on a phone can be done using methods like swipe or scroll actions in automation tools like Appium.

  • The Touch Actions class in Selenium allows for performing complex touch gestures like more

Q54. SQL query to fetch managers who are having min 5 employees under them


Use SQL query to fetch managers with at least 5 employees under them

  • Use GROUP BY clause to group by manager

  • Use HAVING clause to filter managers with count of employees >= 5

  • Join manager table with employee table using manager_id

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Q55. How do you handel windows,frames in selenium


Windows and frames can be handled in Selenium using switchTo() method.

  • Use driver.switchTo().window() to switch between windows.

  • Use driver.switchTo().frame() to switch between frames.

  • To switch back to the default content, use driver.switchTo().defaultContent().

Q56. What is custom commands in Cypress


Custom commands in Cypress are user-defined functions that can be reused across multiple tests.

  • Custom commands can be defined in the 'commands.js' file in the Cypress support folder.

  • They can be used to encapsulate complex logic or to simplify repetitive tasks.

  • Custom commands can be chained with Cypress commands to create more complex test scenarios.

  • Examples of custom commands include logging in a user, navigating to a specific page, or interacting with a custom UI component.

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Q57. what is full join ?


Full join is a type of SQL join that returns all the rows from both tables, matching rows from both tables and nulls where there is no match.

  • Full join is also known as a full outer join.

  • It is used to combine data from two tables where some of the data may not match.

  • The result set includes all the rows from both tables, with nulls where there is no match.

  • Full join is represented by the keyword 'FULL OUTER JOIN' in SQL.

  • Example: SELECT * FROM table1 FULL OUTER JOIN table2 ON more

Q58. Explain the status codes used in API testing?


Status codes in API testing indicate the outcome of the request made to the API.

  • 200 - OK: Request was successful

  • 201 - Created: Request resulted in a new resource being created

  • 400 - Bad Request: Request was invalid

  • 401 - Unauthorized: Request requires authentication

  • 404 - Not Found: Resource not found

  • 500 - Internal Server Error: Server encountered an error

Senior Automation Test Engineer Jobs

Senior Automation Test Engineer 6-10 years
Oracle India Pvt. Ltd.
Bangalore / Bengaluru
Senior Test Automation Engineer_Thiruvananthapuram 4-6 years
Quest Global
Senior Test Automation Engineer_Thiruvananthapuram 4-6 years
Quest Global

Q59. What is the framework u used


I have used the Selenium WebDriver framework for test automation.

  • Selenium WebDriver is a popular open-source framework for automating web applications.

  • It supports multiple programming languages such as Java, Python, C#, etc.

  • It provides a rich set of APIs for interacting with web elements and performing actions.

  • It also supports various testing frameworks such as TestNG, JUnit, etc.

  • I have used Page Object Model (POM) design pattern for better code organization and maintenance.

Q60. Wap in java to reverse string, exceptional handling, waits in selenium,


Java code to reverse a string with exception handling and waits in Selenium

  • Use StringBuilder to reverse the string

  • Use try-catch block for exception handling

  • Use implicit or explicit waits in Selenium for synchronization

  • Example: String originalString = "hello"; StringBuilder reversedString = new StringBuilder(originalString).reverse();

  • Example: try { // code that may throw exception } catch (Exception e) { // handle exception }

Q61. Given a string s1= Apple. Write a code to convert s1 to array and put the vowels to that array


Convert string to array and extract vowels into a new array

  • Iterate through each character in the string

  • Check if the character is a vowel (a, e, i, o, u)

  • Add the vowel to a new array of strings

Q62. Write a program to find sum of any two elements in an array is equal to x?(x=-1)


Program to find sum of any two elements in an array equal to -1

  • Iterate through the array and for each element, check if there exists another element whose sum is equal to -1

  • Use a hashmap to store the elements and their indices for faster lookup

  • Handle edge cases like empty array or array with less than 2 elements

  • Example: For array [-2, 3, 5, -3, 8], the pairs (-2, 1) and (3, -3) have sum equal to -1

Q63. Code to print the no of Times the letters present in a string


Code to count the occurrences of each letter in a string and print the result

  • Iterate through each character in the string

  • Use a dictionary to store the count of each letter

  • Print the count of each letter at the end

Q64. How many ways can provide authentication to API request


There are multiple ways to provide authentication to API requests, including API keys, OAuth tokens, and basic authentication.

  • API keys: A unique identifier passed in the request header to authenticate the API call.

  • OAuth tokens: Tokens generated by OAuth authentication flow to grant access to the API resources.

  • Basic authentication: Username and password encoded in the request header for authentication.

  • Bearer tokens: Tokens passed in the Authorization header to authenticate more

Q65. Write an automation code for handling multiple windows.


Automation code for handling multiple windows

  • Use getWindowHandles() method to get handles of all open windows

  • Switch between windows using switchTo().window() method

  • Perform actions on each window as needed

Q66. How to run tests parallel for mobile devices


Tests can be run parallel for mobile devices using test automation frameworks like Appium or Espresso.

  • Use test automation frameworks like Appium or Espresso to run tests parallel for mobile devices

  • Leverage cloud-based testing platforms like Sauce Labs or BrowserStack for parallel testing on multiple devices

  • Implement parallel test execution using tools like TestNG or JUnit in combination with Appium or Espresso

  • Utilize device farms to run tests in parallel on a large number of more

Q67. What are the ways to start a Appium server


Appium server can be started using command line, programmatically in code, or using Appium desktop app.

  • Start Appium server using command line by running 'appium' command

  • Start Appium server programmatically in code using Appium server programmatically in code using AppiumDriverLocalService class

  • Start Appium server using Appium desktop app by launching the app and starting the server

Q68. write a program to print occurrence of character from a given string


Program to print occurrence of characters in a given string

  • Create a map to store characters and their counts

  • Iterate through the string and update the counts in the map

  • Print the characters and their counts from the map

Q69. How we are using OOPS concept in our framework?


OOPS concepts are used in our framework for better code organization, reusability, and maintainability.

  • Encapsulation: Helps in bundling data and methods together to protect data from outside interference.

  • Inheritance: Allows for code reusability by creating new classes based on existing ones.

  • Polymorphism: Enables objects to be treated as instances of their parent class, leading to more flexible code.

  • Abstraction: Hides complex implementation details and only shows necessary more

Q70. How you execute the functions added in your FW


I execute functions in my FW by writing test scripts using automation tools like Selenium and executing them.

  • Write test scripts using automation tools like Selenium

  • Execute test scripts to run functions in the FW

  • Analyze test results and debug any issues

  • Integrate test scripts into CI/CD pipeline for automated testing

Q71. Difference between abstract class and Interface


Abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated and can have both abstract and non-abstract methods. Interface is a collection of abstract methods and constants.

  • Abstract class can have constructors while interface cannot

  • A class can implement multiple interfaces but can only inherit from one abstract class

  • Abstract class can have instance variables while interface cannot

  • Abstract class is used for code reusability while interface is used for achieving abstraction and more

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Q72. What was your experiences about Automation Testing


I have extensive experience in automation testing, including designing and implementing test frameworks and scripts.

  • Designed and implemented automation test frameworks using tools like Selenium and Appium

  • Developed and executed automated test scripts for web and mobile applications

  • Integrated automation tests into CI/CD pipelines for continuous testing

  • Performed regression testing using automation to ensure software stability

  • Collaborated with development and QA teams to more

Q73. Difference between selenium and Cypress


Selenium is a widely used open-source automation tool for web applications, while Cypress is a newer tool that offers faster test execution and better debugging capabilities.

  • Selenium supports multiple programming languages and browsers, while Cypress only supports JavaScript and Chrome

  • Cypress offers a unique architecture that allows it to run directly in the browser, while Selenium requires a separate driver to interact with the browser

  • Cypress provides real-time reloading more

Q74. Test ng annotations attributes parallel execution


TestNG annotations allow for parallel execution of test methods using attributes like 'parallel' and 'thread-count'.

  • TestNG annotations like @Test, @BeforeTest, @AfterTest can be used with attributes like 'parallel' to specify parallel execution of test methods.

  • The 'parallel' attribute can have values like 'methods', 'tests', 'classes', 'instances' to define the scope of parallel execution.

  • The 'thread-count' attribute can be used to specify the number of threads to be used more

Q75. How do you automate otp in mobile


Automating OTP in mobile involves using automation tools to interact with the OTP input field and validate the received OTP.

  • Use automation tools like Appium or Espresso to interact with the OTP input field

  • Extract the OTP from the message received on the mobile device

  • Validate the extracted OTP with the OTP input field

  • Handle scenarios where OTP validation fails

Q76. How to set up automation for ios devices


Setting up automation for iOS devices involves using tools like Appium and Xcode for testing mobile applications.

  • Install Xcode on your Mac machine

  • Set up Appium for iOS automation

  • Connect your iOS device to the Mac machine

  • Create test scripts using Appium for iOS apps

  • Execute the test scripts on the connected iOS device

Q77. different types of exceptions we face during automation


Various types of exceptions in automation testing

  • Checked exceptions

  • Unchecked exceptions

  • Timeout exceptions

  • Element not found exceptions

  • Stale element reference exceptions

  • Invalid element state exceptions

  • Element not interactable exceptions

Q78. Who performs unit testing?


Developers perform unit testing to ensure individual units of code are working correctly.

  • Developers are responsible for writing unit tests for their own code.

  • Unit testing is typically done using testing frameworks like JUnit, NUnit, or pytest.

  • Unit tests focus on testing small, isolated parts of the codebase, such as functions or methods.

  • Unit testing helps identify bugs early in the development process.

  • Automated unit tests are often run as part of the continuous integration more

Q79. Write a program to read a data from excel


Program to read data from Excel

  • Use a library like Apache POI or Openpyxl to read Excel files

  • Identify the sheet and cell from which data needs to be read

  • Handle exceptions like file not found or incorrect cell format

Q80. Count occurrences of each character in a string


Count occurrences of each character in a string

  • Create a map to store character counts

  • Iterate through the string and update counts in the map

  • Return the map with character counts

Q81. difficulty faced during automating a application


Difficulty faced in automating an application is handling dynamic elements on the webpage.

  • Identifying and handling dynamic IDs or classes

  • Using dynamic XPath or CSS selectors

  • Implementing wait strategies for dynamic content to load

  • Updating locators frequently due to changes in the application

Q82. Write a program to handle runtime exception


Program to handle runtime exception

  • Use try-catch blocks to handle exceptions

  • Catch specific exceptions to handle them differently

  • Use finally block to execute code regardless of exception

  • Throw custom exceptions when needed

Q83. What is TestNG and its Real time usage


TestNG is a testing framework for Java that supports various testing levels and annotations.

  • TestNG allows for easy configuration of test suites, test cases, and test methods.

  • It supports parallel execution of tests, data-driven testing, and parameterization.

  • TestNG provides detailed test reports and allows for grouping of test methods.

  • Real-time usage includes automating test cases for web applications, API testing, and integration testing.

Q84. What are the keywords used in Java


Keywords in Java are reserved words that have special meaning and cannot be used as identifiers.

  • public

  • static

  • void

  • class

  • extends

Q85. Write program to find count of vowels in a string.


Program to find count of vowels in a string

  • Iterate through each character in the string

  • Check if the character is a vowel (a, e, i, o, u)

  • Increment a counter for each vowel found

Q86. Tell me about java,String,Array


Java is a programming language, String is a data type to store text, and Array is a collection of elements of the same type.

  • Java is an object-oriented language widely used for developing applications.

  • String is a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes.

  • Array is a container that holds a fixed number of elements of the same type.

  • Example: String name = "John"; int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3};

Q87. tell about automation framework


An automation framework is a set of guidelines, rules, and tools that help in creating and executing automated tests.

  • Automation frameworks provide structure and organization to automated tests

  • They help in reducing maintenance efforts by promoting reusability of code

  • Frameworks can be data-driven, keyword-driven, or hybrid in nature

  • Examples of popular automation frameworks include Selenium, TestNG, and Cucumber

Q88. What are desired capabilities


Desired capabilities are a set of properties or attributes that define the behavior of a browser or mobile device in Selenium automation testing.

  • Desired capabilities are key-value pairs that are used to configure the WebDriver instances in Selenium.

  • They can be used to set properties like browser name, version, platform, and other settings.

  • For example, setting 'browserName' to 'chrome' will launch the Chrome browser during the test execution.

Q89. Exceptions in selenium


Exceptions in Selenium are errors that occur during test execution.

  • Selenium throws exceptions when it encounters errors during test execution

  • Common exceptions include NoSuchElementException, TimeoutException, and StaleElementReferenceException

  • Handling exceptions is important for creating stable and reliable test scripts

Q90. Find the peak elements in java


Peak elements in an array are greater than their neighbors.

  • Iterate through the array and check if the current element is greater than its neighbors.

  • If the element is the first or last element, only check the neighbor on one side.

  • Return the peak elements found in the array.

Q91. Find xpath for a given element


Use browser developer tools to inspect element and generate xpath

  • Inspect element using browser developer tools

  • Right click on element and select 'Copy' -> 'Copy XPath'

  • Modify generated xpath if needed to make it more robust

Q92. Folder structure of current project


The folder structure of the current project is organized by modules and features.

  • Main folder for project

  • Subfolders for each module

  • Subfolders for each feature within modules

  • Separate folders for test scripts, test data, and test reports

Q93. Difference between hashset and hashcode


HashSet is a collection that does not allow duplicate elements, while hashCode is a method used to generate a unique integer value for an object.

  • HashSet is a collection class in Java that does not allow duplicate elements.

  • HashCode is a method in Java that returns a unique integer value for an object.

  • HashSet uses hashCode method to determine uniqueness of elements.

  • Example: HashSet set = new HashSet<>(); set.add("apple"); set.add("banana");

  • Example: int hashCode = more

Q94. Oops concepts from programming language


Oops concepts are fundamental to object-oriented programming and include inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction.

  • Inheritance allows a class to inherit properties and methods from a parent class.

  • Polymorphism allows objects to take on multiple forms and behave differently depending on the context.

  • Encapsulation hides the implementation details of a class and only exposes necessary information.

  • Abstraction focuses on the essential features of an object and hides more

Q95. What is constructor?


Constructor is a special type of method in a class which is used to initialize objects.

  • Constructor has the same name as the class.

  • It does not have a return type.

  • It is called automatically when an object is created.

  • Constructors can be parameterized or default.

  • Example: public class Car { public Car() { // default constructor } }

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Q96. Python pytest framework explanation


Python pytest is a testing framework that makes it easy to write simple and scalable tests.

  • Python pytest is a testing framework for writing simple and scalable tests in Python.

  • It allows for easy test setup, execution, and reporting.

  • Pytest fixtures can be used to set up preconditions for tests.

  • Parametrize decorator can be used for data-driven testing.

  • Assertions can be made using assert statements.

  • Plugins can be used to extend pytest's functionality.

Q97. Explain Company Business


Company is a leading software development firm specializing in automation testing solutions.

  • Company offers a wide range of automation testing services for various industries.

  • They have a team of experienced automation test engineers who develop custom testing solutions for clients.

  • Company focuses on continuous improvement and innovation in automation testing techniques.

  • They have successfully implemented automation testing projects for clients in finance, healthcare, and more

Q98. Api Testing with Rest API


API testing with Rest API involves testing the functionality, performance, and security of API endpoints.

  • Understand the API documentation to identify endpoints, parameters, and expected responses

  • Test different HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

  • Verify response codes, headers, and payload data

  • Perform boundary value analysis and negative testing

  • Use tools like Postman or RestAssured for automation testing

  • Validate authentication and authorization mechanisms

  • Check for data more

Q99. Explain about Agile process?


Agile process is a software development methodology that promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continuous improvement.

  • Iterative and incremental development

  • Cross-functional teams

  • Regular feedback and adaptation

  • Customer collaboration

  • Time-boxed iterations (sprints)

  • Continuous integration and testing

Q100. different types of locators


Locators are used in automation testing to identify web elements on a page. Common types include ID, class name, name, xpath, css selector, link text, and partial link text.

  • ID: Unique identifier for an element

  • Class name: Class attribute value of an element

  • Name: Name attribute value of an element

  • XPath: XML Path language to locate elements

  • CSS Selector: CSS syntax to locate elements

  • Link text: Text of a link element

  • Partial link text: Partial text of a link element

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