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Is this fair?

On one hand, some women are taking benefit of this extended maternity leave policy by quitting or switching the jobs once the leave is over. Whereas on the other hand, to avoid such scenarios, companies are firing married women by giving lame reasons. Even a friend of mine working in a startup went on her maternity leave but was later laid off in between the leave stating some organization level restructuring. What do you think is the solution to this? I feel, making a new rule which stops women from quitting the job after atleast 1 or 2 years of the maternity leave will improve this situation, what say?
a senior executive
2mo (edited)
I know it's unfortunate that some employees might misuse maternity leave policies, but hey its unfair to penalize all women for the actions of a few. Why don't we try focusing on creating a positive work environment so people dont of doing this
A Digital Markter
This issue is complex, companies should create fair policies without discrimination and women should also plan responsibly What do you think?
currently not working
But i think companies should stop giving paid maternity leaves so that no one can misuse it 😑. any other suggestions ?
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This is really unacceptable in these times. Women make great team leaders and employees, and every company should give them proper maternity leaves and welcome them back. The solution is accountability should be from women too - its understandable they don't know what their situation would be after they have the baby. It can be overwhelming to manage both work and baby, and it may be tougher than they accepted. So they should provide some sort of commitment and find a way to help the company out if they cant join back
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