Day to Day Office
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Is Busyness a Badge of Honour?

I’m so tired of people who brag about how hard they work like it’s a badge of honour. I was chatting with my neighbour the other day, and he asked me about my job. I told him I work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and he was like, "That’s nothing! I used to work 60 hours a week." It’s like these people think they’re superior because they have no time for anything else. They live to work, not work to live. It’s exhausting😫
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It’s one thing to be proud of hard work that you accomplish within the time frame It’s a whole different thing to be proud of being in corporate
an assistant manager
I had a coworker like this. Super nice guy, but either had no life outside of work or wasn’t efficient. I feel like it was the former because I sat near him and he was really good at his job.
a sales executive
It's always the older people too. 😭 Like you bought a house for 2 bucks and a dream
a sales executive
user 2
That doesn't sound like hardworking. Sounds more like someone bragging about long work.
A Senior Software Engineer
The previous generation of my family is like this. They believe that spending long hours at work makes you a "good person". To the elders in my family, its not about doing "hard work", it's just about how much time you spend at work. Sounds like your person felt the same. They love to brag about it and shame others who don't work as much as them. Or talk about how "isn't it amazing how xxx works from xxx until xxx every day??" "It's so amazing" "I'm worried about them"
a sales executive
user 3
I usually respond by saying "it's either because you're greedy or have no hobbies" without changing my tone.
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