30+ Travel Corporation India Interview Questions and Answers
You are given a positive integer ‘N’. Your task is to print all prime numbers less than or equal to N.
Note: A prime number is a natural number that is divisible only by 1 and itself. Example ...read more
You are given a singly Linked List of integers. Your task is to return true if the given singly linked list is a palindrome otherwise returns false.
For example:
The given li...read more
You're given string ‘STR’ consisting solely of “{“, “}”, “(“, “)”, “[“ and “]” . Determine whether the parentheses are balanced.
Input Format:
The first line contains an Integer 'T' which denot...read more
You are given a string EXP which is a valid infix expression. Convert the given infix expression to postfix expression.
Infix expression is of the form a op b. Where operator is is between the o...read more
You are given a string 'S'. Your task is to check whether the string is palindrome or not. For checking palindrome, consider alphabets and numbers only and ignore the symbols ...read more
There are 25 horses among which you need to find out the fastest 3 horses. You can conduct race among at most 5 to find out their relative speed. At no point you can find out the actual speed of the horse...read more
You are given an M X N matrix of integers ARR. Your task is to find the maximum sum rectangle.
Maximum sum rectangle is a rectangle with the maximum value for the sum of integers present wi...read more
A shop sells chocolates @ Re.1 each. You can exchange 3 wrappers for 1 chocolate. If you have Rs.15/- how many chocolates can you get totally?
What is multithreading ?
What is diamond problem ?
He asked some technical questions related to my projects
Given two candles. Each of them burns for one hour. They burn unevenly in different parts though. In addition, let’s have a box of matches. Measure 45 minutes and 15 minutes.
Producer Consumer Problem using Semaphores
What is Banker's algorithm?
What is Belady's Anomaly ?
Q12. to write code to check linked list is palindrome or not, in a single traversal and without using any other data structure
Code to check if linked list is palindrome without using any other data structure and in a single traversal.
Traverse the linked list using two pointers, one slow and one fast
Reverse the first half of the linked list while traversing
Compare the reversed first half with the second half of the linked list
What is Paging and Segmentation?
What are abstract classes in C++?
Given two hourglass of 4 minutes and 7 minutes, the task is to measure 9 minutes.
Level order traversal in spiral form
What are the requirement for creating a Immutable Class in Java?
Q20. write a program for snake traversal of binary tree
Program for snake traversal of binary tree
Use a stack to keep track of nodes to be visited
Start with the root node and push it onto the stack
While the stack is not empty, pop a node and print its value
If the level is even, push the left child first and then the right child onto the stack
If the level is odd, push the right child first and then the left child onto the stack
Difference between String Buffer and String Builder
Q22. Puzzle: Measure a time of 45 minutes by burning 2 ropes each of which takes 30 min.
Burn one rope from both ends and the other rope from one end to measure 45 minutes.
Burn one rope from both ends and the other rope from one end simultaneously.
When the first rope burns out (30 minutes), light the other end of the second rope.
When the second rope burns out (15 minutes), 45 minutes have passed.
Total time taken to burn both ropes: 30 + 15 = 45 minutes.
Difference between Mutex and Semaphore
Q25. How to get the roll numbers of same subjects
To get roll numbers of same subjects, filter the data by subject and extract roll numbers.
Filter the data by subject using a loop or filter function
Extract roll numbers of filtered data using map or forEach function
Store the roll numbers in an array of strings
Difference between Abstract Class and Interface
Q27. Puzzles: suppose you have 10 boxes and each boxes contain 100 tablets.
There are 10 boxes, each containing 100 tablets.
Total number of tablets is 1000 (10 boxes x 100 tablets).
The number of boxes and tablets can be changed based on the requirement.
The tablets can be of any type or size.
The boxes can be labeled or numbered for easy identification.
Q29. how to get the average of marks in excel
To get the average of marks in Excel, use the AVERAGE function.
Select the range of cells containing the marks
Select the range of cells again
Close the parentheses and press Enter
The average of the marks will be displayed
Difference between Static methods and Instance methods
ClassNotFoundException Vs NoClassDefFoundError in Java
Difference between Error and Exception
Q34. Proficiency with excel and excel macros ??
Yes, I am proficient in Excel and Excel macros.
I have extensive experience in using Excel for data analysis and manipulation.
I am skilled in creating and modifying Excel macros to automate repetitive tasks.
I am familiar with advanced Excel functions such as VLOOKUP, PivotTables, and conditional formatting.
I have used Excel to create charts and graphs to visualize data.
I am comfortable working with large datasets in Excel and have experience cleaning and organizing data.
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