Xtranet Technologies
ITI Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. What is immutable and how we can create our own immutable class ?
Immutable objects are those whose state cannot be changed after creation.
Use final keyword to make class immutable
Make all fields private and final
Do not provide setter methods
If a field is mutable, return a copy of it instead of the original object
Examples: String, Integer, LocalDate
Q2. What is singleton and how to create singleton class and benefits ?
Singleton is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object.
To create a singleton class, make the constructor private, create a static method to get the instance of the class, and create a private static variable to hold the instance.
Benefits of singleton include ensuring only one instance of the class exists, providing a global point of access to the instance, and reducing the number of objects created in the system.
Example: java.lang.Runtime is a...read more
Q3. What is volatile ? And write program
Volatile is a keyword in Java used to indicate that a variable's value may be modified by multiple threads.
Volatile variables are not cached in thread's local memory
Changes made to volatile variables are immediately visible to other threads
Volatile keyword is used to ensure visibility and ordering of variables in multithreaded environment
Example: volatile int count = 0;
Q4. Difference between @component and @configuration ?
The @Component annotation is used to mark a class as a bean, while @Configuration is used to define a configuration class.
The @Component annotation is used to auto-detect and auto-configure beans using classpath scanning.
@Configuration classes are used to define beans and their dependencies explicitly.
A @Configuration class can contain @Bean methods that return bean instances.
A @Component class can be used as a bean in a Spring application context.
Q5. Write a program for customise exception
A program to create custom exceptions in Java.
Create a class that extends Exception or RuntimeException
Add constructors to the custom exception class
Throw the custom exception in the code when needed
Q6. How microservices communicate?
Microservices communicate through lightweight protocols like HTTP/REST or messaging systems like RabbitMQ.
Microservices can communicate through synchronous protocols like HTTP/REST, where one service sends a request to another service and waits for a response.
Microservices can also communicate through asynchronous messaging systems like RabbitMQ, where one service publishes a message to a queue and other services consume the message when they are ready.
Microservices can use l...read more
Q7. Count dublicate name in SQL .
To count duplicate names in SQL, use the GROUP BY clause with the COUNT function.
Use GROUP BY clause to group the names together
Use COUNT function to count the number of occurrences
Use HAVING clause to filter out names with count less than 2
Q8. New features of java 1.8
Java 1.8 introduced lambda expressions, default methods, and functional interfaces.
Lambda expressions allow functional programming in Java.
Default methods allow adding new methods to interfaces without breaking existing implementations.
Functional interfaces are interfaces with a single abstract method, used for lambda expressions.
Stream API for processing collections and arrays.
Date and Time API for easier handling of date and time.
Nashorn JavaScript engine for embedding Java...read more
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