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WorldQuant Quantitative Researcher Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 17 Dec 2015

WorldQuant Quantitative Researcher Interview Experiences

3 interviews found

Interview Questionnaire 

9 Questions

  • Q1. Walk me through your resume
  • Ans. 

    I have a PhD in Mathematics and have worked as a Quantitative Researcher for 5 years.

    • PhD in Mathematics

    • 5 years of experience as a Quantitative Researcher

    • Expertise in statistical analysis and modeling

    • Developed and implemented trading strategies

    • Published research papers in top-tier journals

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Did you prepare for financial job?
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I prepared for financial job.

    • I pursued a degree in finance and economics.

    • I completed internships in finance-related roles.

    • I studied for and passed relevant certification exams such as CFA.

    • I regularly read financial news and research to stay up-to-date.

    • I participated in finance-related clubs and organizations in college.

    • I networked with professionals in the finance industry.

    • I practiced quantitative analysis and pro...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Did you develop some understanding by reading up about finance?
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I have extensively read about finance and developed a strong understanding of the subject.

    • I have read books on finance such as 'The Intelligent Investor' by Benjamin Graham

    • I have also taken online courses on finance and investment strategies

    • I regularly follow financial news and updates to stay up-to-date with the latest trends

    • My understanding of finance has helped me in developing quantitative models for investmen

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Tell me about your interests (beyond resume) and skills
  • Ans. 

    I enjoy playing chess, reading books, and learning new programming languages.

    • Passionate about chess and enjoy playing in local tournaments

    • Love reading books on history, philosophy, and science

    • Always eager to learn new programming languages and technologies

    • Enjoy attending tech meetups and networking with other professionals

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Why Worldquant?
  • Ans. 

    Worldquant offers a unique opportunity to work with cutting-edge technology and collaborate with top talent in the industry.

    • Access to proprietary data and advanced technology

    • Collaboration with top talent in the industry

    • Opportunities for professional growth and development

    • Global presence with offices in major financial centers

    • Strong emphasis on research and innovation

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. Clarification about what CPI stands(Is it the same as Grade Point Average?)
  • Ans. 

    CPI stands for Consumer Price Index, which measures the average change in prices of goods and services over time.

    • CPI is not the same as Grade Point Average (GPA)

    • CPI is a measure of inflation and is used to track changes in the cost of living

    • CPI is calculated by comparing the prices of a basket of goods and services over time

    • CPI is used by policymakers to make decisions about monetary policy and to adjust Social Securit...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Interest in further studies
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I am interested in pursuing further studies.

    • I believe that continuous learning is essential in this field.

    • I am interested in exploring advanced statistical models and techniques.

    • I am considering pursuing a PhD in a related field in the future.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. A question on game theory with no nash equilibrium (the game was not presented in such a manner; I formulated it as 2 by 2 matrix game with 2 players)
  • Q9. A question on a calculator with 10 functions exp, square, sin, cos, tan and their inverses. Convert 0 to 1 to 2 to 3 to -3

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: A Good Resume is the one with a clear message in one glance. One usually doesn't have much time go through the specifics. Also, most of the resumes look more or less the same if you start reading thoroughly. So what distinguishes you is how much you can convey to a third person in one glance. However a crucial point that one needs to keep in mind is - The third person may be an IITian or may be not. So your resume needs to be optimally elaborate and detailed. Good at glance and not boring with details.

Round: Test
Experience: Various tests aim at identifying different skill sets. And each skill set testing needs different approach and different preparation material and style. Also, not all tests are actually looking for excellent performers. So sometimes you might be surprised to see not so good performers being preferred over the best ones.
Tips: Keep calm during all tests. No need to panic after seeing unfavourable results. It's just the beginning of an entirely new world. For preparation, begin well in advance. Take as light load as possible in your placement semester. Talk to seniors and the placed ones about the preparation style for various skill sets. There are several great books on most of the skill set, and just like JEE if you spend quality time on a book on a particular skill set you are likely to do well.For your core jobs preparation, you need to revise your basic concepts and prepare specifically for various areas that you are mostly interested in. For example, in EE, you can have a look at various job roles - system designing, power systems, device and circuits, communication, computer vision and image processing etc, which companies have come in the past for what kind of roles. And what were there expectations from the candidates.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: I sat for only one GD that was for ITC. I did not prepare at all for it and relied mostly on my speaking cum shouting skills that I developed over the years, thanks to my fundae sessions and most importantly TAship sessions. I enjoyed the GD which was a problem statement on a guy's death with a brief description of the circumstances, and was asked to discuss who was guilty for the guy's death. I enjoyed the discussion, and found the problem pretty exciting, but only to find out later that it was a routine problem for GDs.
Tips: My agenda was simple for the GD - I took it as yet another discussion session. Hearing others opinions and pointing out mine. Occasionally I also asked the quite ones to share their views. There are often several tricks that seniors tell the juniors - start early, take the lead, try to summarize, take everyone along etc etc. I like to put it this way - Don't speak non-sense, do speak some sense, let others speak, try to distinguish the sense and the non-sense from others views, and encourage the quite ones to speak a bit in order to have a sensible and wholesome group discussion. If you think you can lead, then lead. If you think you might want others opinions to kick start your thought process, then wait for some points from others. So basically do what seems sensible to you, but do something!

Round: HR Interview
Experience: All the questions that I was asked, I have already put up at my blog raazdwivedi.blogspot.in. And I am in no mood to repeat them here by classifying. I would summarize some key points in the tips section.
Tips: Before I forget, usually at the end of interviews, the interviewers ask you if you have some questions about them, be prepared with some questions which can be like - what do you usually look for in a good candidate, what is the work culture at the company, the career path of the individual in the company or otherwise etc etc. You can google things, or you can be innovative. Innovation might pay off very well or it may just kill your chances. But that's life - more risk, more reward.And another point, some of your interviews might be telephonic - in such cases, many more factors come into picture which might spoil the mood of the interview ( I would let you to think about the possible glitches that you might have because of this technological advancement). But as usual, I would advice you to keep calm and just give your best.Puzzles Interview:Prepare from the standard blogs and books, like cseblog and heard on the wall street. Ask seniors about the trending books.For the interview, do what is asked of you. Try to solve the problem. If you have already soled the proble, try to outline the steps and the solution, but don't be over or under excited any time. Sometimes the interviewer might be curious about the steps, and about your thought process. He might be looking for how many different ways you can think of attacking the same problem (At times they give a wrong problem just to check that!). However at times, you might not be that lucky and the person in front of you might value only accuracy and speed - that makes the task tougher - you have to be quick and you have to be correct, 
I would suggest you to trying being accurate, even if the guy in front of you is checking your patience by bugging you about your speed. In all cases, keep your calm.HR Interview:Technically, I didn't give an HR interview (at least I don't think I gave one!) but standard preparation includes questions of the sort - walk me through your resume, tell me about yourself, tell me about yourself BEYOND the resume (meaning what is not covered in the resume), strengths and weaknesses, your learning experience, capabilities as an individual, team player and team leader, some illustrations of them, why the XYZ role in ABC company probably over DEF company, why not higher education, why a job of this pay scale, your expectations of the firm etcCase Studies and Guesstimate:The only thing that I can think about such interviews (I had only one and I didn't do very well) - during some stage of preparation preferably 60-70% of it, prepare and discuss in groups, work many problems, and learn from your mistakes. As usual try to value the thought process than the answers only!
Before I forget, usually at the end of interviews, the interviewers ask you if you have some questions about them, be prepared with some questions which can be like - what do you usually look for in a good candidate, what is the work culture at the company, the career path of the individual in the company or otherwise etc etc. You can google things, or you can be innovative. Innovation might pay off very well or it may just kill your chances. But that's life - more risk, more reward.And another point, some of your interviews might be telephonic - in such cases, many more factors come into picture which might spoil the mood of the interview ( I would let you to think about the possible glitches that you might have because of this technological advancement). But as usual, I would advice you to keep calm and just give your best.Puzzles Interview:Prepare from the standard blogs and books, like cseblog and heard on the wall street. Ask seniors about the trending books.For the interview, do what is asked of you. Try to solve the problem. If you have already soled the problem, try to outline the steps and the solution, but don't be over or under excited any time. 
Sometimes the interviewer might be curious about the steps, and about your thought process. He might be looking for how many different ways you can think of attacking the same problem (At times they give a wrong problem just to check that!). However at times, you might not be that lucky and the person in front of you might value only accuracy and speed - that makes the task tougher - you have to be quick and you have to be correct, I would suggest you to trying being accurate, even if the guy in front of you is checking your patience by bugging you about your speed. In all cases, keep your calm.HR Interview:Technically, I didn't give an HR interview (at least I don't think I gave one!) but standard preparation includes questions of the sort - walk me through your resume, tell me about yourself, tell me about yourself BEYOND the resume (meaning what is not covered in the resume), strengths and weaknesses, your learning experience, capabilities as an individual, team player and team leader, some illustrations of them, why the XYZ role in ABC company probably over DEF company, why not higher education, why a job of this pay scale, your expectations of the firm etcCase Studies and Guesstimate:The only thing that I can think about such interviews (I had only one and I didn't do very well) - during some stage of preparation preferably 60-70% of it, prepare and discuss in groups, work many problems, and learn from your mistakes. As usual try to value the thought process than the answers only!

Round: Summary
Tips: There are many things that I would like to convey to the students regarding the placement process.On the preparation side, one must give his best - visit websites, read blogs, attend presentationsand various related sessions, ask seniors who have been placed, talk to anyone who you think canprovide some help. These practices will give you enormous data - and your job is to filter and use itwisely, at your own discretion. Read relevant material from books and internet, practice problemsand tests, do mock interviews and GDs with your friends, prepare your resume well - in short - dowhat is to be done. Depending on job pro files that you target, the preparation keeps varying, askaround and work hard.With that being said, I would like to say that placement is not simply about merit - independent ofwhether you appreciate this fact or not. 
Various companies value compatibility over the merit of thestudent (which is quite logical thing to do!) and sometimes you may under-qualify and sometimesover-qualify on those standards - and rarely will you be just at an optimal level. Consequently, manyresults(in fact most, to be even more precise all except one) will not go in your favour - either accept them or challenge them (if you think you have beendenied of something that you truly deserve) but never lose your heart - this is simply a welcomesong to the real world. In the long run, this short and (most likely a difficult and) tough experiencewill prove to be one of the most memorable and a great learning experience.
In a nut shell "Keep Calm and Give your Best! - Karm karte raho, fal ki chinta mat karo."

Round: Puzzle Interview
Tips: Prepare from the standard blogs and books, like cseblog and heard on the wall street. Ask seniors about the trending books. For the interview, do what is asked of you. Try to solve the problem. If you have already solved the problem, try to outline the steps and the solution, but don't be over or under excited any time. Sometimes the interviewer might be curious about the steps, and about your thought process. He might be looking for how many different ways you can think of attacking the same problem (At times they give a wrong problem just to check that!). However at times, you might not be that lucky and the person in front of you might value only accuracy and speed - that makes the task tougher - you have to be quick and you have to be correct, I would suggest you to trying being accurate, even if the guy in front of you is checking your patience by bugging you about your speed. In all cases, keep your calm.

General Tips: There are many things that I would like to convey to the students regarding the placement process.On the preparation side, one must give his best - visit websites, read blogs, attend presentationsand various related sessions, ask seniors who have been placed, talk to anyone who you think canprovide some help. These practices will give you enormous data - and your job is to filter and use itwisely, at your own discretion. Read relevant material from books and internet, practice problemsand tests, do mock interviews and GDs with your friends, prepare your resume well - in short - dowhat is to be done. Depending on job pro files that you target, the preparation keeps varying, askaround and work hard.

With that being said, I would like to say that placement is not simply about merit - independent ofwhether you appreciate this fact or not. Various companies value compatibility over the merit of the student (which is quite logical thing to do!) and sometimes you may under-qualify and sometimesover-qualify on those standards - and rarely will you be just at an optimal level. Consequently, manyresults(in fact most, to be even more precise all except one) will not go in your favour - either accept them or challenge them (if you think you have been denied of something that you truly deserve) but never lose your heart - this is simply a welcome song to the real world. In the long run, this short and (most likely a difficult and) tough experience will prove to be one of the most memorable and a great learning experience.

In a nut shell "Keep Calm and Give your Best! - Karm karte raho, fal ki chinta mat karo."
College Name: IIT BOMBAY

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Resumes are shorlisted based on GPA of 8.5 for Computer Science and Mathematics and Computing and 9.0 for Electronics and Electrical Engineering Students.

Round: Test
Experience: Questions were individually timed, and were a blend of very simple, interesting and tough questions. Most of them are based on Probability and Random Processes or Combinatorics. Some of them would be solvable by geometrical techniques, some by reduction and some by mere brute force!
Tips: I would recommend revising probability and permutations and combinations. If really interested, a book on Algorithmic Puzzles by Levitin and Levitin might help.
Duration: 120 minutes

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: The interview rounds consist of 6-7 telephonic interviews (on your mobile, so try to have a good connection) from different WQ offices around the world. Also, they start sharp at the time allotted (in my case, they started at 4 AM and I was late!), so be sure to be ready at the time.

Each round is of about 25 mins, with a 3 min chat about resume and the rest on puzzles/questions. About 2-3 puzzles can be asked during that time. The problems are algorithmic puzzles of the same kind but slightly tougher than those in the test. I recall one question that was solvable by application of Markov Chains, another was a variation of the Binary Search Algorithm.

There is no HR round!
Tips: The questions are tough, but you need to remember they are tough for everyone. The interviewer is more interested in your approach than your solution. So, keep talking to him while you attempt to work out the solution. He would keep providing you hints and help to get through those problems. Also, there are some very simple questions thrown in between tough questions, try to not get those wrong.

General Tips: Be conversant in algorithms and quantitative analysis.
Skills: Algorithms And Data Structures, Algorithmic Approach To Problem Solving, Quantitative Aptitude, Quant+Math
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
Motivation: Good work (if interested in mathematics and algorithms), opportunity to learn, good money
Funny Moments: I was late on morning of December 1, but since WQ had telephonic interview, the first interviewer called me when I was still cycling to the placement center in my institute. So, I had to park my cycle in the middle of the road. And my first interview was with me sitting on the ground near my hall in Kharagpur.

Quantitative Researcher Interview Questions Asked at Other Companies

asked in WorldQuant
Q1. Clarification about what CPI stands(Is it the same as Grade Point ... read more
asked in Jane Street
Q2. How to simulate a 10 sided die using a 6 sided die
Q3. Write a pseudo code to find the k'th largest element in a array
Q4. 1) What is attention mechanism (since it was mentionned in my res ... read more
Q5. Why do brands launch their products in South India despite consum ... read more

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Top 10 students from CSE are asked to send their resumes. The Company generally selects top 4 students after going through the resume.

Round: Test
Experience: Online test checking your mathematical skills mostly. Statistics, Probability, P & C is a must.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: 9 rounds of telephonic interview (Generally in continuous sets of 3 interviews) Mostly an hour each. They revert back with results after some days.

General Tips: It was challenging and exhausting too. Have the will power to go on as 37 lakhs is a hugea mount. Keep trying and never give up. At least read your mind aloud so that the interviewer knows the lines on which you think.WorldQuant even has other profiles like Software Engineer, Data Analyst etc where the salary is around 16 lakhs. So, clarify the post for which the interview is being taken.
Skill Tips: Any book on Combinatorics. Probability is the major component of most interview questions.Financial knowledge( on shares, stocks etc.) always helps.You actually don't need preparation. If you are naturally good at maths, it shall reflect in your interview. Solve as many puzzles as possible to gain confidence. Take some rest before the interviews.

Interview questions from similar companies

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Round 1 - Technical 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Linear Regression Indepth Questions
  • Q2. Pandas Questions

I appeared for an interview before Jun 2016.

Interview Questionnaire 

2 Questions

  • Q1.  Given k and DFS traversal string for a k-ary tree, construct the tree. The String contains P (if a parent) and L (if a leaf). E.g. - k=3, str="PPLLLLL" 2. All the strings are arranged in the following ord...
  • Ans. 

    The question asks to construct a k-ary tree using the given k and DFS traversal string.

    • Iterate through the DFS traversal string

    • If the current character is 'P', create a parent node

    • If the current character is 'L', create a leaf node

    • Link the nodes according to the DFS traversal order

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. "How would you tell whether a graph has a node with n degree?"
  • Ans. 

    To determine if a graph has a node with n degree, iterate through all nodes and count their edges.

    • Iterate through each node in the graph

    • Count the number of edges connected to each node

    • If any node has n edges, then the graph has a node with n degree

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Questions on C++(Virtual fns, inheritance). Two on probability, 12 on Algorithms
Duration: 45 minutes

Round: Technical + HR Interview
Experience: He asked some more puzzles and some probability (expectation) questions. Then, he modified one question asked in the written test and asked me write code for it on paper.
Tips: First of all, prepare all the questions asked in the test before going for the interviews.

Skills evaluated in this interview

I appeared for an interview before Dec 2020.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 87 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

Timing : It was conducted in evening at 3 PM
The pacreception environment was very user friendly .
The platform was audio and video proctored.

  • Q1. 

    Binary to Decimal Conversion

    Convert a given binary number, represented as a string 'S' of size 'N', into its decimal equivalent integer and output it.


    The first line contains an integer 'T', den...
  • Ans. 

    Convert a binary string to its decimal equivalent integer.

    • Iterate through the binary string from right to left, multiplying each digit by 2 raised to the power of its position.

    • Add the results of the multiplication to get the decimal equivalent.

    • Ensure the binary string consists only of '0' and '1' characters.

    • Handle multiple test cases by repeating the conversion process for each case.

  • Answered by AI
Round 2 - Face to Face 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 80 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

So This was a very interactive round . There were two interviewers , one male and one female . The male interviewer was quite experienced where as female interviewer was relatively new . The Interview started by a small introduction followed by some OOPS related questions where I was tested on how i perceive the concept of OOPS in real life . Then this conversation was followed by some core concepts of JAVA like abstract classes and interfaces . Then I was asked about my projects that i mentioned in my resume , then after some healthy discussion on those projects , the interviewer started to question about DBMS , I was asked some basic queries followed by some advanced queries and then followed by a discussion on SQL vs NoSQL . Then Interviewers asked me about my tech stack and the source of my technical knowledge. Then at last I was asked that why Blackrock and this concluded my Interview.

  • Q1. 

    Ninja And The Triangle Problem Statement

    Ninja is provided with 'N' stars and the task is to construct a triangle such that the 'i'th level of the triangle uses 'i' number of stars. The goal is to make th...

  • Ans. 

    Given 'N' stars, construct a triangle with maximum height using 'i' stars in 'i'th level.

    • Calculate the maximum height of the triangle using the formula: height = floor((-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * N)) / 2)

    • Iterate through each test case and calculate the maximum height for each 'N'.

    • Output the maximum height for each test case.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Professional and academic backgroundI completed Computer Science Engineering from TIET - Thapar Institute of Engineering And Technology. I applied for the job as SDE - 1 in MumbaiEligibility criteriaAbove 7 CGPABlackrock interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures , Algorithms , Operation Systems , OOPS , DBMS , Web DevelopmentTime required to prepare for the interview - 4 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Be precise about what to do and what not to do.
Tip 2 : Always Revise the concepts you have done in past , use prime day revision theory.
Tip 3 : Do as many projects as you can but always mention those projects in which you are very well versed.
Tip 4 : Keep on reading random news related to your favourite tech and always have an in depth knowledge of what tech you currently use.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Keep it short , precise and effective .
Tip 2 : Mention even small things that you did had an impact on other people.

Final outcome of the interviewRejected

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Round 1 - Resume Shortlist 
Pro Tip by AmbitionBox:
Keep your resume crisp and to the point. A recruiter looks at your resume for an average of 6 seconds, make sure to leave the best impression.
View all tips
Round 2 - Technical 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. About projects in resume
  • Q2. Resume related questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - prepare well and be confident speak properly in the interview
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
2-4 weeks
Not Selected

I applied via LinkedIn and was interviewed before Apr 2022. There were 3 interview rounds.

Round 1 - Resume Shortlist 
Pro Tip by AmbitionBox:
Keep your resume crisp and to the point. A recruiter looks at your resume for an average of 6 seconds, make sure to leave the best impression.
View all tips
Round 2 - Aptitude Test 

Tell me about a time where you resolve a conflict

Round 3 - Coding Test 

Reverse a string, identify anagram

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Keep calm and be confident in yourself
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Round 1 - Resume Shortlist 
Pro Tip by AmbitionBox:
Keep your resume crisp and to the point. A recruiter looks at your resume for an average of 6 seconds, make sure to leave the best impression.
View all tips
Round 2 - Coding Test 

70 minutes test, and 4 questions

Round 3 - One-on-one 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. Behavioural Queston

I appeared for an interview in Dec 2020.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

This was the qualification round which comprised of several MCQs and 3 coding questions.
It was held on Hackerearth from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
Use of any other IDE was prohibited.

  • Q1. Given a problem statement and a piece of code, how would you find and correct the bug in the code?
  • Ans. 

    To find and correct a bug in code, analyze problem statement, review code, use debugging tools, and test different scenarios.

    • Understand the problem statement and expected output.

    • Review the code for syntax errors, logical errors, and potential bugs.

    • Use debugging tools like breakpoints, print statements, and IDE debuggers.

    • Test the code with different inputs to identify the bug.

    • Make necessary corrections based on the iden...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Print Nodes at Distance K from a Given Node

    Given an arbitrary binary tree, a node of the tree, and an integer 'K', find all nodes that are at a distance K from the specified node, and return a list of th...

  • Ans. 

    Given a binary tree, a target node, and an integer K, find all nodes at distance K from the target node.

    • Traverse the binary tree to find the target node.

    • Use BFS to traverse the tree from the target node to nodes at distance K.

    • Keep track of the distance while traversing the tree.

    • Return the values of nodes at distance K in any order.

  • Answered by AI
Round 2 - Video Call 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 90 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

I was shared a link of Google Meet and the Google Docs was shared where there was 1 coding problem to be coded there and then the code was run on an IDE to check the sample tests.
Then the interview was followed by a lot of Operating System and Computer System Architecture Questions.
There were 2 Interviewers and both were helpful.
The timing was from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM

  • Q1. 

    Subarray Challenge: Largest Equal 0s and 1s

    Determine the length of the largest subarray within a given array of 0s and 1s, such that the subarray contains an equal number of 0s and 1s.


    Input beg...

  • Ans. 

    Find the length of the largest subarray with equal number of 0s and 1s in a given array.

    • Iterate through the array and maintain a count of 0s and 1s encountered so far.

    • Store the count difference in a hashmap with the index as the key.

    • If the same count difference is encountered again, the subarray between the two indices has equal 0s and 1s.

    • Return the length of the longest subarray found.

  • Answered by AI
Round 3 - HR 

Round duration - 45 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

The round was held on Google Meet with HR from 2:30 PM to 3:15 PM.
The HR was friendly and asked the basic questions.

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteriaNeeded Work Experience in a leading Tech CompanyTower Research Capital interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Dynamic Programming, Data Structures - Sets, HashMap, Priority Queue, SQL, OOPS, Operating System, AlgorithmsTime required to prepare for the interview - 4 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Practice daily 4-5 medium level problems on sites like Leetcode, CodeZen, Hackerearth
Tip 2 : Even though Data Structures and Algorithms is the base but study Course Subjects like DBMS,OS,OOPS too.
Tip 3 : Try to Participate in Contests on LeetCode,Codeforces.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Mention the projects you worked on in your past work experience and how it helped your company.
Tip 2 : Keep your resume up to date in accordance with the role you are applying for
Tip 3 : Don't put false things on your resume.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

WorldQuant Interview FAQs

What are the top questions asked in WorldQuant Quantitative Researcher interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the WorldQuant Quantitative Researcher interview -

  1. Clarification about what CPI stands(Is it the same as Grade Point Averag...read more
  2. Interest in further stud...read more
  3. A question on a calculator with 10 functions exp, square, sin, cos, tan and the...read more

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