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Wintech Software Developer Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 7 Dec 2024

Wintech Software Developer Interview Experiences

1 interview found

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Process Duration
Round 1 - HR 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Concepts of oops
  • Q2. What is strings
  • Ans. 

    Strings are sequences of characters used to represent text in programming.

    • Strings are typically enclosed in quotation marks, such as 'hello world'.

    • Strings can be concatenated using the '+' operator, for example 'hello' + 'world'.

    • Strings can be indexed and sliced to access individual characters or substrings.

  • Answered by AI

Interview questions from similar companies

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: to.me totally there were three sections.verbal,apti and reasoning.each section carries 15,15 and 10 questions respectively.to me verabal and apti was little bit easy and it consumes more time to solve the apti questions.so i have been solved 8 apti questions and at last 1minute i.just qlicked the answers for remaining questions randomly becasue we didnt have negative mark and finally reasobing was much easier and solved every answers.
Tips: to get selected in the first round you should practice more online tests.then you can easily manage your time.and be cool. so dont worry every thing will become easier and do well.
all the best!!!

Round: HR Interview
Experience: when i faced my HR he asked me to tell three things about me, i.have told generosity,confidence and friendship.and he asked me to elobrate it and i have done well and he goes with the projects that i have done .afterwards he asked about my stream and why it.and i have answered that iam from electrical and electronics background but now a days IT has been entered into every sector and without IT there would be nothing in this world.thats why i choose IT.and asked about my extra curricular activities and iam a sports person too and finally few questions from C and C++.
Tips: Be confident in your speech and try to answer even if not knows the answer well,because they will see how we are trying to answer so dont hesitate to answer.and keep your mind free and every thing will be alright.be cool and all the best

General Tips: start to prpare atleast before one week from the interview.and be cool at any situations and to get speak english fluently practice with your friends and try to converse every thing in english even with customer care, it will be funny to and thats make you to survive your interviews easily...
College Name: sri krishna college of engineering and technology
Motivation: in this company there will be friendly environment and there will be less working pressure and have some cultural clubs to have fun with it
Funny Moments: before one week to our placements our friends get started to chat in english and every where we conversed in english it was funny and later we realised how it helped us. so dont bother about others and what they think. just go on with your friends confidently in english...

I applied via Recruitment Consultant and was interviewed before Jun 2020. There were 3 interview rounds.

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. DBMS questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Prepare thoroughly

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. Questions based on previous written test are asked. Most common being to optimize the solution further

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The quantitative section was tougher than usual. There were tricky questions from Trigonometry and Mensuration.
3 Coding Questions were asked. Any programming language including pseudo-code was allowed.
String Manipulation seemed to be a favorite topic
Tips: Go through formulas and shortcuts for the Quantitative Section
Duration: 120 minutes
Total Questions: 40

Round: Test
Experience: 3 Questions. 30 minutes for each. This test was at the company premises.
Tips: Try to have more than one approach figured out.
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 3

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Nice and Interactive interview. Interview to test flexibility in approach.

General Tips: Try to communicate well with the Interviewer. Don't hesitate in asking for feedback and advice after the interview is over with.
Skills: Coding, Problem Solving
College Name: NIT BHOPAL

Interview Questionnaire 

17 Questions

  • Q1. Tell me about yourself?
  • Ans. 

    I am a software developer with experience in multiple programming languages and a passion for problem-solving.

    • Experienced in Java, C++, and Python

    • Strong knowledge of data structures and algorithms

    • Proficient in web development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

    • Familiar with agile development methodologies

    • Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Define Automation framework?
  • Ans. 

    Automation framework is a set of guidelines, standards, and coding practices used to create automated test scripts.

    • It provides a structured way to develop and maintain automated tests

    • It includes tools, libraries, and reusable components

    • It helps in reducing the time and effort required for testing

    • Examples include Selenium, Appium, and Robot Framework

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Difference between High severity and low severity with example, what is important as QA point of view?
  • Ans. 

    High severity refers to critical defects that impact the core functionality of the software, while low severity refers to minor issues that have minimal impact on functionality.

    • High severity issues can cause the software to crash or result in data loss.

    • Low severity issues are cosmetic or minor usability problems.

    • From a QA point of view, high severity issues are more critical as they can significantly impact the user ex...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. There one form where username and password and remember-me field is given, write the test scenarios?
  • Q5. Around 5-6 more questions
  • Q6. Automation architecture?
  • Q7. Difference between class and interface?
  • Ans. 

    Class is a blueprint for creating objects while interface defines a contract for classes to implement.

    • A class can have attributes and methods while an interface only has method signatures.

    • A class can be instantiated while an interface cannot.

    • A class can only inherit from one class while it can implement multiple interfaces.

    • Example: Class - Animal, Interface - Flyable

    • Animal can have attributes like name, age, etc. and m...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. What is static keyword?
  • Ans. 

    Static keyword is used to declare a variable or method that belongs to the class rather than an instance of the class.

    • Static variables are shared among all instances of a class

    • Static methods can be called without creating an instance of the class

    • Static blocks are used to initialize static variables

    • Static keyword can also be used to create nested classes

    • Example: public static int count;

  • Answered by AI
  • Q9. What are the different access modifiers and what is there uses?
  • Ans. 

    Access modifiers control the visibility and accessibility of class members.

    • Public: accessible from anywhere

    • Private: accessible only within the class

    • Protected: accessible within the class and its subclasses

    • Default: accessible within the same package

    • Used to enforce encapsulation and prevent unauthorized access

  • Answered by AI
  • Q10. Difference between interface and abstract?
  • Ans. 

    Interface defines only method signatures while abstract class can have both method signatures and implementations.

    • An interface can be implemented by multiple classes while an abstract class can only be extended by one class.

    • An abstract class can have constructors while an interface cannot.

    • An abstract class can have instance variables while an interface cannot.

    • An abstract class can provide default implementations for so...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q11. Write a program for given login scenario using defined automation architecture?
  • Ans. 

    A program for login scenario using defined automation architecture.

    • Identify the elements on the login page such as username, password, and login button

    • Use automation tools like Selenium to interact with the elements and input data

    • Verify successful login by checking for expected elements on the landing page

    • Implement error handling for incorrect login credentials

    • Use a modular and scalable architecture for maintainability

  • Answered by AI
  • Q12. Take an array, store the numbers and print the numbers using arrayList?
  • Ans. 

    To store and print numbers from an array using arrayList.

    • Create an arrayList object

    • Loop through the array and add each element to the arrayList using add() method

    • Print the arrayList using toString() method

    • Example: int[] arr = {1, 2, 3}; ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>(); for(int num : arr) { list.add(num); } System.out.println(list.toString());

Answered by AI
  • Q13. Write test scenario for download functionality of a songs website?
  • Ans. 

    Test scenario for download functionality of a songs website

    • Verify that the download button is visible and clickable

    • Check that the downloaded file is in the correct format

    • Ensure that the downloaded file is not corrupted

    • Test the download speed for different file sizes

    • Verify that the download progress is displayed to the user

  • Answered by AI
  • Q14. Difference between cache and cookies?
  • Ans. 

    Cache stores data temporarily to reduce server load while cookies store user information for website personalization.

    • Cache stores frequently accessed data to reduce server load and improve website performance.

    • Cookies store user information such as login credentials, preferences, and shopping cart items.

    • Cache is temporary and can be cleared at any time, while cookies can have an expiration date.

    • Cache is stored on the us...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q15. Solve the aptitude questions(2 – 3), she wanted to see the approach?
  • Q16. Make a 3*3 cube where you need to fill the numbers using 1-9, rows, columns and diagonal sum should be equal to 15
  • Q17. One more puzzle
  • Interview Preparation Tips

    Round: Test
    Total Questions: 2

    General Tips: Interview Experience was very good
    Skills: Algorithm, data structure
    College Name: na

    Skills evaluated in this interview

    Interview Questionnaire 

    9 Questions

    • Q1. Input an array and then print the repeating characters?? Example: Input:1,3,23,11,44,3,23,2,3. Output:3,23
    • Ans. 

      The question asks to input an array and print the repeating characters.

      • Iterate through the array and store each element in a hash table or dictionary.

      • If an element already exists in the hash table, it is a repeating character.

      • Print all the repeating characters found.

    • Answered by AI
    • Q2. Input an array and prints the second minimum in an array?? Example Input:34,45,21,12,54,67,15 Output:15
    • Ans. 

      Program to find the second minimum in an array.

      • Sort the array and return the second element.

      • Initialize two variables to store minimum and second minimum values.

      • Loop through the array and update the variables accordingly.

    • Answered by AI
    • Q3. Find the longest palendrom in a string? Example Input: abfgerccdedccfgfer Output: ccdedcc
    • Ans. 

      To find the longest palindrome in a given string.

      • Iterate through the string and check for palindromes of odd and even lengths.

      • Keep track of the longest palindrome found so far.

      • Use two pointers to check if the substring is a palindrome.

      • If the substring is a palindrome and its length is greater than the current longest palindrome, update the longest palindrome.

    • Answered by AI
    • Q4. Input a number and then find the next higher number such that for both the number (inputted and the next higher number) in binary representation contains equal number os ones. Example: Input:3(000000000000...
    • Ans. 

      Find the next higher number with equal number of ones in binary representation.

      • Convert input number to binary

      • Count number of ones in binary representation

      • Increment input number until binary representation has equal number of ones

      • Convert incremented number to decimal

    • Answered by AI
    • Q5. An array contain 6 different numbers, only 1 number is repeated for 5 times. So now total 10 numbers in array, Find that duplicate number in 2 steps only?
    • Ans. 

      Find the duplicate number in an array of 10 numbers with only 2 steps.

      • Use a hash set to keep track of visited numbers.

      • Iterate through the array and check if the number is already in the set.

      • If it is, then it is the duplicate number.

      • If not, add it to the set.

      • At the end, the duplicate number will be found.

    • Answered by AI
    • Q6. Write a program to print elements of a linked list in reverse order by using same single linked list?
    • Ans. 

      Program to print elements of a linked list in reverse order using same single linked list

      • Traverse the linked list and push each element onto a stack

      • Pop elements from the stack and print them in reverse order

    • Answered by AI
    • Q7. Questions on improving complexity of questions given in coding round
    • Q8. Html tags & ct their no of occurance of each tag & also check whether it correct or not?
    • Ans. 

      To check the occurrence and correctness of HTML tags, we can use various tools and techniques.

      • One way is to use a browser's developer tools to inspect the HTML code and see the tags and their frequency.

      • Another way is to use an online HTML validator tool that checks for correct syntax and tag usage.

      • We can also use programming languages like Python to parse HTML and count the occurrence of each tag.

      • Regular expressions ca...

    • Answered by AI
    • Q9. Few questions were on database tables and sql queries?

    Interview Preparation Tips

    Skills: Algorithm, data structures
    College Name: na

    Skills evaluated in this interview

    Interview Preparation Tips

    Round: HR Interview
    Experience: This interview is meant to check candidate's background and candidates's interest towards the company.

    College Name: NIT BHOPAL

    Interview Questionnaire 

    6 Questions

    • Q2. Reverse a linked list (iterative AND Recursive)
    • Ans. 

      Reverse a linked list using iterative and recursive methods.

      • Iterative method involves traversing the list and changing the pointers to reverse the order.

      • Recursive method involves calling the function recursively on the next node and changing the pointers.

      • Both methods have O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity.

      • Example: 1->2->3->4->5 becomes 5->4->3->2->1.

    • Answered by AI
    • Q3. Clone a FULL linked list given a pointer and a random pointer
    • Ans. 

      Clone a linked list with a random pointer.

      • Create a new node for each node in the original list.

      • Use a hash table to map the original nodes to their clones.

      • Iterate through the original list again and update the random pointers of the clone nodes.

    • Answered by AI

    Interview Preparation Tips

    Round: Test
    Total Questions: 50

    Round: Test
    1) Given a string like
    2) Print all sub strings of maximum length having 2 unique characters
    INPUT : "hellomorning"
    OUTPUT : "ell","llo","omo","nin"
    3) Find the max length of subarray having ZERO SUM
    INPUT : {3,2,1,1,0,-2,1,3,-5,1,2,1,4} OUTPUT: 7

    Round: Test
    Experience: 1) An array has 2N elements with N elements are same and another n are mutually different.
    So find this repeating element in O(N) time with O(1) space
    INPUT : {1,2,3,1}
    OUTPUT: 1

    2) Print the common words from given two sentences
    INPUT: sentence:1:: "HI ALL,RAMESH is mt brother,he has topped in the exam AND MY NAME IS NOT IN THE LIST"

    sentence:2:: "all students are advised to READ THE LIST and say hi to RAMESH"


    3) Sort the give dates collection given in special format like 10-04-2013,10-05-2005,29-02-2000 IN ASCENDING ORDER

    OUTPUT: 29-02-2000,10-05-2005,10-04-2013

    Round: Technical Interview
    Experience: Then he started talking about my projects,Again jumped into coding questions
    2. Reverse a linked list (iterative AND Recursive)
    3. Clone a FULL linked list given a pointer and a random pointer

    Round: HR Interview



    College Name: NA

    Skills evaluated in this interview

    I applied via Recruitment Consulltant and was interviewed before Jan 2021. There were 2 interview rounds.

    Round 1 - Resume Shortlist 
    Pro Tip by AmbitionBox:
    Keep your resume crisp and to the point. A recruiter looks at your resume for an average of 6 seconds, make sure to leave the best impression.
    View all tips
    Round 2 - Coding Test 

    Python coding test

    Interview Preparation Tips

    Topics to prepare for Deloitte Software Developer interview:
    • Python
    Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - always practice coding
    ex: python, java etc

    Interview Questionnaire 

    1 Question

    • Q1. Basic OOPS questions like 4 pillars of OOPS and their real life applications. Abstract class. DBMS Inner join and Outer join.

    Wintech Interview FAQs

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    Wintech interview process usually has 1 rounds. The most common rounds in the Wintech interview process are HR.
    What are the top questions asked in Wintech Software Developer interview?

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    2. concepts of o...read more

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