What is the resistance value of tripping & closing coil of vcb?

The resistance value of tripping & closing coil of VCB varies depending on the manufacturer and model.
The resistance value can be found in the manufacturer's manual or datasheet.
It is important to use...read more

It depends on operative voltage of the particular system. For 24v & 48v system, it's around 8-9.5ohm.

It depends on operative voltage of the particular system. For 24v & 48v system, it's around 8-9.5ohm.

Depend on manufacturer of brakers,

It totally depends on how much force is required by latches. Larger the required magnetic force for latches lesser the resistance.

Trip coils are the release components in circuit breakers used in energy distribution for the switching of high currents. It is their task to interrupt fault currents/voltages so that downstream syste...read more
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