1. What you understand the requirement of shuttering material at project site?

Shuttering material refers to temporary structures used in construction projects to support concrete during the curing process.
Shuttering material is required to provide formwork support for concrete ...read more

For Safety and Perfect Structure.

Shuttering in construction refers to temporary metal, plywood, timber, or other materials used to offer support to wet concrete mix till it ...

Shuttering in construction refers to temporary metal, plywood, timber, or other materials used to offer support to wet concrete mix till it ...

as per project site structure department required qty

The shuttering must be utilised when no building or soil is poured to safeguard the concrete and keep it in the proper form. Shuttering is generally required for the following reasons:
Solid building c...read more

Yes I am understand the requirement of shuttering material at project of site

M.S Shuttering Plate,M.S Channel,Ledger Pipe ,Couplock pipe , Tie rod,Wing nut ,Nut Bolt,U jack,Base jack,prop jack,Hunch plate,Bracket Plate,I.S.M Been ,Joint Pin,Crass Barier Plate,Cribs,M.S Challi,...read more

Ply batten nails sikanja tie rod Ghuggu props u jaick base jaick ms channel standard Ledger

Ply batten nails sikanja tie rod Ghuggu props u jaick base jaick ms channel standard Ledger

Ply batten nails sikanja tie rod Ghuggu props u jaick base jaick ms channel standard Ledger

Ply batten nails sikanja tie rod Ghuggu props u jaick base jaick ms channel standard Ledger

Ply batten nails sikanja tie rod Ghuggu props u jaick base jaick ms channel standard Ledger

Ply batten nails sikanja tie rod Ghuggu props u jaick base jaick ms channel standard Ledger

Good morning sir
I will handle 90%

Yes sir I will handle 100%

Requirements of good shuttering work shuldbe economical ,eas e available to produce maximum repetition after reuser.disign and of shuttering work,all components in preferred sequence without damage to...read more
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