
20+ PayPal Software Developer Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. Maximum Path Sum in a Matrix
Given an N*M matrix filled with integer numbers, determine the maximum sum that can be obtained from a path starting from any cell in the first row to any cell in the last row.
You ...read more
Find the maximum sum that can be obtained from a path in a matrix from the first row to the last row.
Use dynamic programming to keep track of the maximum sum at each cell in the matrix.
Start from the second row and update each cell with the maximum sum from the cell above and diagonally above left or right.
The maximum sum at the last row will be the answer for each test case.
Q2. Counting Sort Problem Statement
Ninja is learning about sorting algorithms, specifically those that do not rely on comparisons. Can you help Ninja implement the counting sort algorithm?
ARR = {-...read more
Implement counting sort algorithm to sort an array of integers without comparisons.
Count the frequency of each element in the input array.
Calculate the prefix sum of frequencies to determine the position of each element in the sorted array.
Place each element in its correct position based on the prefix sum.
Time complexity of counting sort is O(n+k), where n is the number of elements and k is the range of input.
Example: Input: ARR = {-2, 1, 2, -1, 0}, Output: {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2}
Q3. K Largest Elements Problem Statement
Given an unsorted array containing 'N' integers, you are required to find 'K' largest elements from the array and return them in non-decreasing order.
The first line ...read more
Find K largest elements in an unsorted array and return them in non-decreasing order.
Sort the array in non-decreasing order.
Return the last K elements of the sorted array.
Q4. Find All Pairs Adding Up to Target
Given an array of integers ARR
of length N
and an integer Target
, your task is to return all pairs of elements such that they add up to the Target
The first line conta...read more
Given an array of integers and a target, find all pairs of elements that add up to the target.
Iterate through the array and for each element, check if the target minus the element exists in a hash set.
If it exists, add the pair to the result. If not, add the element to the hash set.
Handle cases where the same element is used twice in a pair.
Return (-1, -1) if no pair is found.
Q5. Kth Largest Element Problem
Given an array containing N
distinct positive integers and a number K
, determine the Kth largest element in the array.
N = 6, K = 3, array = [2, 1, 5, 6, 3, 8]
Output...read more
Find the Kth largest element in an array of distinct positive integers.
Sort the array in non-increasing order and return the Kth element.
Handle multiple test cases efficiently.
Ensure all elements in the array are distinct.
Q6. Balanced Parentheses Combinations
Given an integer N
representing the number of pairs of parentheses, find all the possible combinations of balanced parentheses using the given number of pairs.
Con...read more
Generate all possible combinations of balanced parentheses for a given number of pairs.
Use backtracking to generate all possible combinations of balanced parentheses.
Keep track of the number of open and close parentheses used in each combination.
Recursively generate combinations by adding open parentheses if there are remaining, and closing parentheses if the number of open parentheses is greater than the number of close parentheses.
Return the list of valid combinations as an...read more
Q7. Minimum Cost Path Problem Statement
Given an N x M
matrix filled with integers, determine the minimum sum obtainable from a path that starts at a specified cell (x, y)
and ends at the top left corner of the mat...read more
The problem involves finding the minimum sum path from a specified cell to the top left corner of a matrix.
Start from the specified cell and calculate the minimum sum path to reach the top left corner using dynamic programming.
Consider the three possible moves: down, right, and down-right diagonal.
Keep track of the minimum sum at each cell and update it based on the minimum of the three possible moves.
Finally, the minimum sum at the top left corner will be the answer.
Q8. Subset Sum Equal To K Problem Statement
Given an array/list of positive integers and an integer K, determine if there exists a subset whose sum equals K.
Provide true
if such a subset exists, otherwise return f...read more
Given an array of positive integers and an integer K, determine if there exists a subset whose sum equals K.
Use dynamic programming to solve this problem efficiently
Create a 2D array to store if a subset with a particular sum exists
Iterate through the array and update the 2D array accordingly
Check if the value at the end of the iteration is true for the given K
Q9. Valid Parentheses Problem Statement
Given a string 'STR' consisting solely of the characters “{”, “}”, “(”, “)”, “[” and “]”, determine if the parentheses are balanced.
The first line contains an integer...read more
Check if given strings with parentheses are balanced or not.
Use a stack to keep track of opening parentheses
Iterate through the string and push opening parentheses onto the stack
When a closing parenthesis is encountered, pop from the stack and check if it matches the closing parenthesis
If stack is empty at the end and all parentheses are matched, the string is balanced
Q10. Delete a Node from a Linked List
You are provided with a linked list of integers. Your task is to implement a function that deletes a node located at a specified position 'POS'.
The first line contains a...read more
Implement a function to delete a node from a linked list at a specified position.
Traverse the linked list to find the node at the specified position.
Update the pointers of the previous and next nodes to skip the node to be deleted.
Handle edge cases such as deleting the head or tail of the linked list.
Ensure to free the memory of the deleted node to avoid memory leaks.
Q11. BFS Traversal in a Graph
Given an undirected and disconnected graph G(V, E) where V vertices are numbered from 0 to V-1, and E represents edges, your task is to output the BFS traversal starting from the 0th ve...read more
BFS traversal in a disconnected graph starting from vertex 0.
Implement BFS algorithm to traverse the graph starting from vertex 0.
Use a queue to keep track of visited nodes and their neighbors.
Ensure to print the traversal sequence in the correct order.
Handle disconnected components by checking for unvisited nodes.
Follow the BFS approach of exploring neighbors before moving to the next level.
Q12. Replace Spaces in a String
Given a string STR
consisting of words separated by spaces, your task is to replace all spaces between words with the characters "@40".
The first line contains an integer ‘T’ d...read more
Replace spaces in a string with '@40'.
Iterate through each character in the string
Replace spaces with '@40'
Return the modified string
Q13. Character Counting Challenge
Create a program that counts and prints the total number of specific character types from user input. Specifically, you need to count lowercase English alphabets, numeric digits (0-...read more
Create a program to count lowercase alphabets, digits, and white spaces from user input until '$' is encountered.
Read characters from input stream until '$' is encountered
Count lowercase alphabets, digits, and white spaces separately
Print the counts of each character type as three integers separated by spaces
To check internet connection on a system, you can use various methods like pinging a website or checking network status.
Use ping command to check connectivity to a website (e.g. ping www.google.com)
Check network status using network settings or command line tools
Try accessing a website or online service to verify internet connection
The Fibonacci series has applications in various fields such as mathematics, computer science, art, and nature.
Used in algorithms for optimization problems and dynamic programming.
Found in nature, such as the arrangement of leaves on a stem, the branching of trees, and the spiral shapes of shells.
Applied in financial markets for predicting stock prices and analyzing market trends.
Utilized in art and design for creating visually appealing patterns and compositions.
You can find a defective ball among 10 given balls in 2 attempts using a two-pan balance scale.
Divide the 10 balls into two groups of 5 each.
Weigh the two groups on the balance scale.
If one group is heavier, it contains the defective ball. If they are equal, the defective ball is in the remaining 5 balls.
Divide the group of 5 balls with the defective one into two groups of 2 and 3 balls.
Weigh the two groups on the balance scale.
If one group is heavier, it contains the defecti...read more
Q17. Explain the concepts of Object Oriented Programming
Object Oriented Programming is a programming paradigm that uses objects to represent real-world entities.
Encapsulation: bundling data and methods that operate on that data within one unit
Inheritance: creating new classes from existing ones, inheriting their properties and methods
Polymorphism: ability of objects to take on multiple forms or behaviors
Abstraction: hiding complex implementation details and providing a simplified interface
Example: A car object can have properties ...read more
When you type a URL in a web browser, the browser sends a request to the server hosting the website, which then responds with the necessary files to display the webpage.
Browser checks cache for DNS resolution
If not found, browser sends a DNS query to resolve the domain name to an IP address
Browser establishes a TCP connection with the server
Browser sends an HTTP request to the server for the webpage
Server processes the request and sends back the necessary files (HTML, CSS, JS...read more
Q19. Given an array of numbers find the subset of numbers that give zero sum.
Find subset of numbers in array that sum up to zero.
Use a nested loop to iterate through all possible subsets.
Calculate the sum of each subset and check if it equals zero.
Store the subset if the sum is zero.
Optimize the solution by using a hash set to store the cumulative sum of elements.
OOP is a programming paradigm based on the concept of objects, which can contain data in the form of fields and code in the form of procedures.
OOP focuses on creating objects that interact with each other to solve problems.
Key concepts include encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
Encapsulation involves bundling data and methods that operate on the data into a single unit.
Inheritance allows classes to inherit attributes and methods from other classes.
Polymorphism enabl...read more
Q21. Give examples of abstraction and polymorphism
Abstraction is hiding implementation details while polymorphism is using a single interface for multiple types.
Abstraction: Encapsulation, Interfaces, Abstract classes
Polymorphism: Method Overloading, Method Overriding, Interfaces
Abstraction Example: Car - we don't need to know how the engine works to drive it
Polymorphism Example: Animal - different animals have different sounds but they all have a 'makeSound' method
SQL query to find the nth highest salary
Use the ORDER BY clause to sort salaries in descending order
Use the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses to skip the first n-1 highest salaries
Combine the above steps in a single query to find the nth highest salary
Design a Cinema Ticket Reservation System
Use a database to store movie information, showtimes, and seat availability
Allow users to search for movies, select showtimes, and choose seats
Implement a payment system for ticket purchases
Send confirmation emails with QR codes for ticket validation
Q24. What does PayPal do?
PayPal is an online payment system that allows individuals and businesses to transfer funds electronically.
Allows users to make payments and money transfers online
Offers a secure and convenient way to pay for goods and services
Provides a platform for businesses to accept payments online
Offers buyer and seller protection for eligible transactions
Can be used to send and receive money internationally
Q25. Explain how bfs works?
BFS (Breadth-First Search) is a graph traversal algorithm that explores all the vertices of a graph in breadth-first order.
BFS starts at a given vertex and explores all its neighbors before moving to the next level of vertices.
It uses a queue data structure to keep track of the vertices to be visited.
BFS guarantees that it visits all the vertices of a connected graph.
It can be used to find the shortest path between two vertices in an unweighted graph.
Virtual functions are functions in a base class that are overridden in derived classes to achieve runtime polymorphism.
Virtual functions are declared in a base class with the 'virtual' keyword.
They are overridden in derived classes using the 'override' keyword.
They allow a function to be called based on the runtime type of an object.
Virtual functions enable dynamic binding and late binding in C++.
Example: virtual void display() = 0; in base class and void display() override {...read more
Q27. LRU cache with multi level caching
LRU cache with multi level caching involves implementing a cache with multiple levels of storage, where the least recently used items are evicted first.
Implement a two-level cache system with a primary cache (e.g. in-memory) and a secondary cache (e.g. disk-based).
Use a data structure like a doubly linked list and a hash map to efficiently manage the cache and track the least recently used items.
When an item is accessed, move it to the front of the cache to mark it as the mos...read more
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