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100+ Jjrs Projects Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 22 Feb 2025
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Distinct Subarrays with At Most K Odd Elements

Given an array A of N integers, determine the total number of distinct subarrays that contain at most K odd elements.


A = [3, 2, 3], K = 1

Count the total number of distinct subarrays with at most K odd elements in an array.

  • Iterate through all subarrays and count the number of odd elements in each subarray.

  • Use a hashmap to keep track of the count of distinct subarrays with at most K odd elements.

  • Return the total count of distinct subarrays for each test case.

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Q2. Maximum Sum After Removing K Corner Elements

Given an array arr of 'N' integer elements, your goal is to remove 'K' elements from either the beginning or the end of the array. The task is to return the maximum more


Given an array of integers, remove K elements from either end to maximize sum of remaining elements.

  • Iterate through all possible combinations of removing K elements from start and end

  • Calculate sum of remaining elements for each combination

  • Return the maximum sum obtained

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Q3. Is is possible to implement stack using queues ?


Yes, it is possible to implement stack using queues.

  • Implement push operation by enqueueing elements to the queue.

  • Implement pop operation by dequeuing all elements except the last one and enqueueing them again.

  • The last element in the queue will be the top element of the stack.

  • Example: Queue: 1 2 3 4 5, Stack: 5 4 3 2 1

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Q4. Rotting Oranges Problem Statement

You are given a grid containing oranges where each cell of the grid can contain one of the three integer values:

  • 0 - representing an empty cell
  • 1 - representing a fresh more

Find the minimum time required to rot all fresh oranges in a grid.

  • Use Breadth First Search (BFS) to simulate the rotting process.

  • Track the time taken to rot all oranges and return the result.

  • Handle edge cases like no fresh oranges or unreachable fresh oranges.

  • Consider using a queue to efficiently process adjacent oranges.

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Q5. Sum of Two Elements Equals the Third

Determine if a given array contains a valid triplet of integers where two elements sum up to the third. Specifically, find indices i, j, and k such that i != j, j != k, and more


Check if a given array contains a valid triplet where two elements sum up to the third.

  • Iterate through all possible triplets in the array and check if any of the conditions are satisfied.

  • Use nested loops to compare each element with every other element in the array.

  • Handle cases where the elements are not distinct by ensuring i != j, j != k, and i != k.

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Q6. Tell me something about recursion also do you have idea about time and space complexity.


Recursion is a process in which a function calls itself. Time and space complexity are important factors to consider while using recursion.

  • Recursion is used to solve problems that can be broken down into smaller sub-problems.

  • It involves a base case and a recursive case.

  • Time complexity refers to the amount of time taken by an algorithm to run, while space complexity refers to the amount of memory used by an algorithm.

  • Recursion can have high time and space complexity, so it's more

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Q7. Idempotent Matrix Verification

Determine if a given N * N matrix is an idempotent matrix. A matrix is considered idempotent if it satisfies the following condition:

M * M = M


The first line contains a more

Check if a given matrix is idempotent by verifying if M * M equals M.

  • Calculate the product of the matrix with itself and compare it with the original matrix.

  • If the product equals the original matrix, then it is idempotent.

  • Iterate through the matrix elements to perform the necessary calculations.

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Q8. Circular Tour Problem Statement

Consider a circular path with N petrol pumps. Each pump is numbered from 0 to N-1. Every petrol pump provides:

  1. The amount of petrol available at the pump.
  2. The distance to the more

The task is to find the first petrol pump from which a truck can complete a full circle or determine if it's impossible.

  • Iterate through each petrol pump and calculate the remaining petrol after reaching the next pump.

  • If the remaining petrol is negative at any point, reset the starting pump to the next pump and continue.

  • If the total remaining petrol is non-negative after completing the circle, return the index of the starting pump.

  • If the total remaining petrol is negative more

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Q9. Min Stack Problem Statement

Design a special stack that supports the following operations in constant time:

  1. Push(num): Insert the given number into the stack.
  2. Pop: Remove and return the top element from the more

Design a special stack that supports constant time operations like push, pop, top, and getMin.

  • Use two stacks - one to store the elements and another to store the minimum values encountered so far

  • When pushing, check if the element is smaller than the current minimum and update the minimum stack accordingly

  • For pop, top, and getMin operations, simply access the top elements of the respective stacks

  • Ensure to handle cases where the stack is empty

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Q10. Unique Paths Problem Statement

Given the dimensions of an M x N matrix, determine the total number of unique paths from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner of the matrix.

Allowed moves are only to more


The problem involves finding the total number of unique paths from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner of an M x N matrix with allowed moves only to the right or down.

  • Use dynamic programming to solve the problem efficiently.

  • Create a 2D array to store the number of unique paths for each cell in the matrix.

  • Initialize the first row and first column with 1 as there is only one way to reach each cell in the first row and column.

  • For each cell (i, j), the number of more

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Q11. What is Frontend, Do you know Node js ?


Frontend is the part of a website or application that users interact with. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment.

  • Frontend refers to the user interface and user experience of a website or application.

  • It includes the design, layout, and functionality of the website or application.

  • Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to run JavaScript on the server-side.

  • It is commonly used for building scalable and high-performance web applications.

  • Node.js more

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Q12. Rotate Linked List Problem Statement

Given a linked list consisting of 'N' nodes and an integer 'K', your task is to rotate the linked list by 'K' positions in a clockwise direction.


Linked more

Rotate a linked list by K positions in a clockwise direction.

  • Traverse the linked list to find the length and the last node.

  • Connect the last node to the head to form a circular linked list.

  • Find the new head by moving (length - K) steps from the original head.

  • Break the circular list at the new head to get the rotated linked list.

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Q13. Binary Palindrome Check

Given an integer N, determine whether its binary representation is a palindrome.


The first line contains an integer 'T' representing the number of test cases. 
The next 'T' lines more

Check if the binary representation of a given integer is a palindrome.

  • Convert the integer to binary representation.

  • Check if the binary representation is a palindrome by comparing it with its reverse.

  • Return true if it is a palindrome, false otherwise.

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Q14. Reverse Rows of a Matrix Problem Statement

You are given a matrix and tasked with reversing the order of elements in each row. This needs to be done for every row in the matrix.

Help a participant named Ninja, more


Reverse the order of elements in each row of a given matrix.

  • Iterate through each row of the matrix

  • Reverse the elements in each row

  • Return the modified matrix

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Q15. Reverse Words in a String: Problem Statement

You are given a string of length N. Your task is to reverse the string word by word. The input may contain multiple spaces between words and may have leading or more


Reverse words in a string word by word, removing leading/trailing spaces and extra spaces between words.

  • Split the input string by spaces to get individual words

  • Reverse the order of the words

  • Join the reversed words with a single space in between

  • Remove any leading or trailing spaces

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Q16. what is the difference between list and tuple?


List and tuple are both data structures in Python, but list is mutable while tuple is immutable.

  • List is defined using square brackets [], while tuple is defined using parentheses ().

  • Elements in a list can be added, removed, or modified, while elements in a tuple cannot be modified.

  • Lists are used for collections of data that may change over time, while tuples are used for fixed collections of data.

  • Lists are generally faster for iteration and appending, while tuples are faster more

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Q17. What is the use of marquee tag?


The marquee tag is used in HTML to create a scrolling text or image effect on a webpage.

  • Used to create a scrolling effect for text or images on a webpage

  • Can specify direction, speed, and behavior of the scrolling

  • Example: <marquee behavior='scroll' direction='left'>Scrolling text</marquee>

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Q18. Find the Second Largest Element

Given an array or list of integers 'ARR', identify the second largest element in 'ARR'.

If a second largest element does not exist, return -1.


ARR = [2, 4, 5, 6, more

Find the second largest element in an array of integers. Return -1 if second largest does not exist.

  • Iterate through the array to find the largest and second largest elements.

  • Handle cases where all elements are identical by returning -1.

  • Consider edge cases like empty array or array with less than 2 elements.

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Q19. What is SDLC ? DDL and DML commands? What is right join explain it with an example? What is LIFO and LILO ? Real time application of python? What is linked list?


A set of questions related to software development, database management, and data structures.

  • SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle and is a process used to design, develop, and test software.

  • DDL (Data Definition Language) commands are used to create, modify, and delete database objects like tables, indexes, etc.

  • DML (Data Manipulation Language) commands are used to insert, update, and delete data in a database.

  • Right join is a type of SQL join that returns all the more

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Q20. Find nth smallest and largest element (optimal solution)


Finding nth smallest and largest element in an array

  • Sort the array and return the nth smallest/largest element

  • Use quickselect algorithm for optimal solution

  • For nth smallest element, partition the array around pivot until pivot index is n-1

  • For nth largest element, partition the array around pivot until pivot index is len(array)-n

  • Handle edge cases like n being greater than array length

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Q21. What are constructors and destructors?


Constructors and destructors are special member functions in object-oriented programming languages.

  • Constructors are used to initialize the object's data members when an object is created.

  • Destructors are used to free up the memory allocated to the object when it is destroyed.

  • Constructors have the same name as the class and no return type.

  • Destructors have the same name as the class preceded by a tilde (~) and no return type.

  • Example: class Car { public: Car(); ~Car(); };

  • more

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Q22. Which is fast c or python during execution? Difference between malloc and calloc ? What is memory allocation? What is method overriding? Why Jio?


Questions related to programming and Jio

  • Python is slower than C during execution

  • malloc allocates memory without initializing it, while calloc allocates and initializes memory to zero

  • Memory allocation is the process of reserving a portion of the computer's memory for a program to use

  • Method overriding is when a subclass provides a different implementation of a method that is already defined in its superclass

  • Jio is a popular Indian telecommunications company known for its more

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Q23. What are data types in python?


Data types in Python are the classification of data items that determine the operations that can be performed on them.

  • Python has several built-in data types such as integers, floats, strings, booleans, and complex numbers.

  • Lists, tuples, and dictionaries are also data types in Python.

  • Each data type has its own set of operations that can be performed on it.

  • For example, arithmetic operations can be performed on integers and floats, but not on strings.

  • Boolean data types can only more

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Q24. Write a query to print the no of employees having salary more than 5000/-


Query to print the number of employees with salary > 5000/-

  • Use SELECT COUNT(*) to count the number of employees

  • Add WHERE clause to filter employees with salary > 5000/-

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Q25. Is there difference between SQL and MySQL


Yes, there is a difference between SQL and MySQL.

  • SQL is a standardized language for managing relational databases, while MySQL is a specific relational database management system (RDBMS) that uses SQL as its language.

  • SQL is a language used to communicate with databases, while MySQL is a software that implements and manages databases.

  • MySQL is one of the many RDBMS options available, while SQL is a language used across different RDBMS platforms.

  • SQL can be used with other RDBMS more

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Q26. What BRS and what will be the journal entry for it?


BRS stands for Bank Reconciliation Statement. The journal entry for it is to record the adjustments made in the bank balance.

  • BRS is a statement that compares the bank balance as per the bank statement with the balance as per the company's books.

  • The journal entry for BRS is made to record the adjustments made in the bank balance to reconcile it with the company's books.

  • For example, if there are outstanding checks or deposits in transit, they need to be adjusted in the bank more

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Q27. Why is dbms used?


DBMS is used to manage and organize large amounts of data efficiently.

  • DBMS provides a centralized and secure way to store and retrieve data.

  • It allows multiple users to access and modify data simultaneously.

  • It ensures data integrity and consistency through various constraints and rules.

  • It provides backup and recovery mechanisms to prevent data loss.

  • Examples of DBMS include Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.

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Q28. what is a foreign key?


A foreign key is a column or set of columns in a database table that refers to the primary key of another table.

  • It establishes a link between two tables

  • It ensures referential integrity

  • It helps in maintaining data consistency

  • Example: CustomerID in Orders table refers to Customer table's primary key

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Q29. What is the journal entry for purchase of an asset? How will it change if tax is paid on it?


Journal entry for purchase of an asset and its tax implications.

  • The journal entry for purchase of an asset involves debiting the asset account and crediting the cash/bank account.

  • If tax is paid on the asset, the journal entry will include an additional debit to the tax account and a credit to the cash/bank account.

  • The tax paid on the asset will be added to the cost of the asset and will be depreciated over its useful life.

  • The tax paid on the asset can also be treated as an more

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Q30. Difference between python and java.


Python is a dynamically typed, interpreted language while Java is a statically typed, compiled language.

  • Python is easier to learn and write code quickly.

  • Java is more efficient and faster due to its compilation process.

  • Python is better for data analysis and machine learning while Java is better for enterprise applications.

  • Python has a simpler syntax and is more readable while Java has a more complex syntax.

  • Python has a larger library of pre-built modules while Java has a more

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Q31. Q. (Puzzle) you 9 ball , out of which 1 ball is defective its weight is more than other ball, in how many minimum attempts you find defective ball? Q. Write code to find loop in link list and tell approach?


To find the defective ball out of 9 balls with different weights, use a balance scale in minimum attempts.

  • Divide the 9 balls into 3 groups of 3 balls each.

  • Weigh 2 groups against each other. If one group is heavier, move to the next step. If they balance, the defective ball is in the third group.

  • Take the heavier group and weigh 2 balls against each other. The heavier ball is the defective one.

  • Example: Group 1: A, B, C; Group 2: D, E, F; Group 3: G, H, I. Weigh Group 1 vs more

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Q32. If user sent email that SAP system is system is working slow/not accessible then what you will do.


I would investigate the issue and take appropriate actions to resolve it.

  • Check the system logs to identify any errors or issues

  • Verify the network connectivity and bandwidth

  • Check the system resources such as CPU, memory, and disk usage

  • Communicate with the user to gather more information about the issue

  • Take appropriate actions to resolve the issue such as restarting the system or applying patches

  • Monitor the system to ensure that the issue is resolved and prevent it from more

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Q33. Write code for inorder triversal without using recursion.


Iterative inorder traversal using a stack

  • Create an empty stack to store nodes

  • Initialize current node as root

  • While current is not null or stack is not empty, keep traversing left subtree and pushing nodes onto stack

  • Pop a node from stack, print its value, and set current to its right child

  • Repeat until all nodes are traversed

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Q34. What is the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases?

SQL databases are relational databases with structured data, while NoSQL databases are non-relational databases with flexible schema.

  • SQL databases use structured query language for defining and manipulating data, while NoSQL databases use different query languages or APIs.

  • SQL databases are table-based, with a predefined schema, while NoSQL databases are document, key-value, wide-column, or graph-based, with dynamic schema for unstructured data.

  • SQL databases are good for more

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Q35. 6. Overloading vs overriding 7. Sql? 8. What is rdbms? 9. Normalisation?


Overloading vs overriding, SQL, RDBMS, and Normalisation

  • Overloading is having multiple methods with the same name but different parameters

  • Overriding is having a method in a subclass with the same name and parameters as in the superclass

  • SQL is a programming language used to manage and manipulate relational databases

  • RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System, which is software used to manage relational databases

  • Normalisation is the process of organizing data in a more

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Q36. Print the count of words in a paragraph. (Easy)


Count the number of words in a paragraph.

  • Split the paragraph into words using whitespace as a delimiter.

  • Count the number of words in the resulting array.

  • Exclude any punctuation marks from the count.

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Q37. How to manage database, difference between mongoDB and SQL?


Managing databases involves understanding the differences between SQL and NoSQL databases like MongoDB.

  • SQL databases use a structured data model while NoSQL databases use an unstructured data model.

  • MongoDB is a document-oriented database while SQL databases are table-based.

  • SQL databases use a schema to define the structure of data while MongoDB uses dynamic schemas.

  • SQL databases are better suited for complex queries and transactions while MongoDB is better for handling large more

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Q38. Explain various flavours of AB Testing. What tools did you use?


AB Testing involves testing two or more versions of a webpage or app to see which one performs better.

  • A/B Testing: compares two versions of a webpage or app to see which one performs better

  • Multivariate Testing: tests multiple variables at once to see which combination is most effective

  • Split URL Testing: directs users to different URLs to test variations

  • Tools: Google Optimize, Optimizely, VWO, Adobe Target

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Q39. How will you use prioritization frameworks while grooming backlog in Azure DevOps?


Prioritization frameworks help in organizing and managing backlog efficiently in Azure DevOps.

  • Use frameworks like MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won't have) to categorize tasks based on priority

  • Consider factors like business value, effort required, and dependencies when prioritizing tasks

  • Regularly review and adjust priorities based on changing requirements and feedback

  • Example: Prioritize bug fixes over new feature development if they impact critical functionality

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Q40. Do You Know Computer and Internet Basics?


Yes, I have knowledge of computer and internet basics.

  • I am familiar with operating systems such as Windows and macOS.

  • I have experience using common software applications like Microsoft Office.

  • I understand how to navigate the internet and use web browsers effectively.

  • I am aware of basic computer security practices and how to protect against online threats.

  • I can troubleshoot common computer and internet issues.

  • I have knowledge of networking concepts and protocols.

  • I am more

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Q41. 1)What is GDPR? 2) why MBA ? 3) what are the steps in data privacy impact assessment? 4) how many controls in ISO 27001. 5)why GDPR? 6) any experience in information security assessment? 7) GDPR five principles...

read more
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Q42. Find middle node in Linkedin List.


To find the middle node in a linked list, use the slow and fast pointer approach.

  • Initialize two pointers, slow and fast, at the head of the linked list.

  • Move the slow pointer by one step and the fast pointer by two steps until the fast pointer reaches the end of the list.

  • The node pointed to by the slow pointer at this point is the middle node.

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Q43. What are functional and non-functional requirements?


Functional requirements specify what the system should do, while non-functional requirements specify how the system should perform.

  • Functional requirements describe the specific behavior or functions of the system, such as user authentication or data processing.

  • Non-functional requirements focus on qualities like performance, security, and usability, such as response time or scalability.

  • Functional requirements are typically documented in use cases or user stories, while more

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Q44. DSA qn: Given a string find a first repeating character. Eg: String is "abcbca" , ans &gt; "a"


Given a string, find the first repeating character.

  • Use a hash table to keep track of characters and their frequency.

  • Iterate through the string and check if the character is already in the hash table.

  • Return the first character with a frequency greater than 1.

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Q45. SQL qn: standard qn, find the 2nd highest salary Find the nth highest salary from table employee


SQL query to find nth highest salary from employee table

  • Use ORDER BY and LIMIT clauses

  • For 2nd highest salary use LIMIT 1,1

  • For nth highest salary use LIMIT n-1,1

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Q46. Write code for promise and explain. Write html form from scratch for js. Coding questions related to array


Answering coding questions related to promises, HTML forms, and arrays.

  • To create a promise in JavaScript, use the Promise constructor and pass in a function with resolve and reject parameters.

  • Example: const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // code here });

  • To create an HTML form in JavaScript, use the document.createElement method to create form, input, and button elements.

  • Example: const form = document.createElement('form'); const input = document.createElement( more

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Q47. Describe the latency of code and how to manage it.


Latency refers to the time delay between a request and a response. It can be managed through various techniques.

  • Latency can be reduced by optimizing code and minimizing network calls.

  • Caching can also help reduce latency by storing frequently accessed data.

  • Load balancing and scaling can help distribute traffic and prevent bottlenecks.

  • Asynchronous programming can help improve performance by allowing multiple tasks to be executed simultaneously.

  • Using a Content Delivery Network ( more

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Q48. Explain decorators in python


Decorators in Python are functions that modify the behavior of other functions or methods.

  • Decorators are denoted by the @ symbol followed by the decorator function name.

  • They are commonly used for logging, timing, authentication, and more.

  • Decorators can be used to add functionality to existing functions without modifying their code.

  • They allow you to wrap another function in order to extend or modify its behavior.

  • An example of a decorator is the @staticmethod decorator in more

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Q49. How you will improve an image search of any app?


I would improve image search by implementing advanced image recognition technology and optimizing search algorithms.

  • Implement AI-powered image recognition technology to accurately identify objects in images

  • Optimize search algorithms to prioritize relevant images based on user input and behavior

  • Allow users to filter search results by various criteria such as color, size, and type

  • Incorporate user feedback to continuously improve search accuracy and relevance

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Q50. Uber saw a sudden surge in orders, analyze the reason for the same


Uber saw a sudden surge in orders due to increased demand during peak hours and promotions.

  • Increased demand during peak hours, such as rush hour or weekends

  • Promotions or discounts offered by Uber to attract more customers

  • Events or holidays leading to higher transportation needs

  • Improved app features or user experience driving more usage

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Q51. I was asked to find the second largest number in an array in O(n) time complexity.


Use a single pass algorithm to find the second largest number in an array of strings in O(n) time complexity.

  • Iterate through the array and keep track of the largest and second largest numbers encountered so far.

  • Update the second largest number whenever a new number greater than the current second largest is found.

  • Return the second largest number at the end of the iteration.

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Q52. What is the journal entry for assets purchased?


The journal entry for assets purchased involves debiting the asset account and crediting the cash or accounts payable account.

  • Debit the asset account for the cost of the asset purchased

  • Credit the cash account if purchased with cash or accounts payable if purchased on credit

  • Example: Purchase of equipment for $10,000 with cash would involve debiting Equipment for $10,000 and crediting Cash for $10,000

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Q53. Describe decision tree, xgboost, regression algorithms


Decision tree, xgboost, and regression are machine learning algorithms used for prediction and classification tasks.

  • Decision tree is a tree-like model that splits data based on the most significant attribute to make predictions.

  • XGBoost is an optimized implementation of gradient boosting that uses decision trees as base learners.

  • Regression algorithms are used to predict continuous values based on input features, such as linear regression or polynomial regression.

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Q54. There were 12 bytes of char and had to store that in 6 bytes reversing each byte.


To store 12 bytes of char in 6 bytes by reversing each byte, we can split the original bytes into pairs and reverse the order of each pair.

  • Split the 12 bytes into 6 pairs of 2 bytes each

  • Reverse the order of bytes in each pair

  • Store the reversed pairs in the 6 bytes of memory

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Q55. What is an aggregate function?

An aggregate function is a function where the values of multiple rows are grouped together to form a single summary value.

  • Used in SQL to perform calculations on sets of values

  • Examples include SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, MAX

  • Can be used with GROUP BY clause to group results

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Q56. Aggregate query on mysql. Difference between sql and nosql databases.


Aggregate queries in MySQL and differences between SQL and NoSQL databases.

  • Aggregate queries in MySQL are used to perform calculations on data and return a single value.

  • SQL databases are relational and use structured data while NoSQL databases are non-relational and use unstructured data.

  • SQL databases are better suited for complex queries and data consistency while NoSQL databases are better for scalability and flexibility.

  • Examples of SQL databases include MySQL, Oracle, and more

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Q57. What is 5 steps model to recognise revenue


The 5 steps model to recognize revenue involves identifying the contract, identifying performance obligations, determining the transaction price, allocating the transaction price, and recognizing revenue as performance obligations are satisfied.

  • Identify the contract: Determine the existence of a contract with a customer.

  • Identify performance obligations: Identify the promises to transfer goods or services to the customer.

  • Determine the transaction price: Determine the amount more

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Q58. How stack work difference between stack and queues


Stack and queue are data structures used to store and retrieve data. The main difference is in the order of retrieval.

  • Stack follows Last In First Out (LIFO) order, while Queue follows First In First Out (FIFO) order.

  • In a stack, the element added last is the first one to be removed, while in a queue, the element added first is the first one to be removed.

  • Stacks are used in undo-redo functionality, while queues are used in scheduling tasks and printing jobs.

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Q59. What is Python and what are its uses?


Python is a high-level programming language known for its simplicity and readability.

  • Python is used for web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and more

  • It is popular for its extensive libraries and frameworks like Django, NumPy, and TensorFlow

  • Python is versatile and can be used for both small scripts and large-scale applications

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Q60. what is software development life cycle ?


Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process followed by software development teams to design, develop and test high-quality software.

  • SDLC consists of several phases including planning, analysis, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

  • Each phase has its own set of activities and deliverables that must be completed before moving on to the next phase.

  • SDLC models include Waterfall, Agile, and DevOps, each with its own approach to software development.

  • more

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Q61. What is the calling agent means?


A calling agent is a person who makes phone calls on behalf of a company or organization to promote their products or services.

  • Calling agents are also known as telemarketers or phone sales representatives.

  • They use scripts to guide their conversations with potential customers.

  • Their goal is to generate leads and sales for the company they work for.

  • Calling agents may also handle customer service inquiries or complaints.

  • Examples of industries that use calling agents include more

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Q62. Write react component code for use memo use callback


React component code using useMemo and useCallback

  • Use useMemo to memoize a value and useCallback to memoize a function

  • Example: const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => computeExpensiveValue(a, b), [a, b]);

  • Example: const memoizedCallback = useCallback(() => { doSomething(a, b); }, [a, b]);

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Q63. Functional code for any patterns and trees or linked list

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Q64. What is data science?


Data science is the field of extracting insights and knowledge from data using various statistical and computational techniques.

  • Data science involves collecting, cleaning, and analyzing large datasets to extract meaningful insights.

  • It uses various statistical and computational techniques such as machine learning, data mining, and predictive analytics.

  • Data science is used in various industries such as healthcare, finance, and e-commerce to make data-driven decisions.

  • Examples more

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Q65. Explain key metrics for B2B product launch.


Key metrics for B2B product launch include customer acquisition cost, customer lifetime value, conversion rate, and churn rate.

  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) - the cost of acquiring a new customer, including marketing and sales expenses.

  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) - the total revenue a customer is expected to generate over their lifetime.

  • Conversion Rate - the percentage of leads that result in a sale or desired action.

  • Churn Rate - the rate at which customers stop using more

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Q66. Sort student based on first name


Sort an array of student names based on their first names.

  • Use a sorting algorithm like bubble sort or quicksort to sort the array.

  • Compare the first names of each pair of students and swap them if necessary.

  • Repeat the process until the array is sorted.

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Q67. Llm model understanding how to implement


Implementing a LLM model involves understanding its architecture and parameters.

  • Understand the architecture of the LLM model, which typically involves multiple layers of neurons.

  • Implement the model using a deep learning framework like TensorFlow or PyTorch.

  • Fine-tune the model by adjusting hyperparameters such as learning rate and batch size.

  • Train the model on a dataset with labeled examples to learn patterns and make predictions.

  • Evaluate the model's performance using metrics more

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Q68. Difference between spring and spring boot


Spring is a framework for building Java applications, while Spring Boot is a tool for quickly creating Spring-based applications.

  • Spring provides a comprehensive framework for building Java applications, including features like dependency injection, AOP, and MVC.

  • Spring Boot is a tool that simplifies the process of creating Spring-based applications by providing auto-configuration and embedded servers.

  • Spring Boot also includes features like health checks, metrics, and more

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Q69. What is letest Update in windows


The latest update in Windows is the Windows 11 release.

  • Windows 11 was officially released on October 5, 2021.

  • It comes with a redesigned Start menu, new snap layouts, and improved gaming features.

  • Windows 11 requires compatible hardware for installation.

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Q70. 10.Sdlc? 11. Phases of SDLC?


SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle, which is a process used to design, develop, and maintain software.

  • The phases of SDLC include planning, analysis, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

  • During the planning phase, the project scope, goals, and requirements are defined.

  • In the analysis phase, the requirements are analyzed and documented.

  • The design phase involves creating a detailed design of the software.

  • During the development phase, the more

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Q71. Pillars of oops, stack , queue and some algorithms


Pillars of OOPs are Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism. Stack and Queue are data structures. Algorithms include sorting, searching, and graph traversal.

  • Abstraction: Hiding implementation details

  • Encapsulation: Binding data and functions together

  • Inheritance: Reusing code from parent classes

  • Polymorphism: Multiple forms of a function or object

  • Stack: Last In First Out (LIFO) data structure

  • Queue: First In First Out (FIFO) data structure

  • Sorting algorithms: more

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Q72. SOLID , DRY, K.I.S.S principles


SOLID, DRY, K.I.S.S are software design principles to ensure code quality and maintainability.

  • SOLID: Encourages writing clean, maintainable, and scalable code by following five principles - Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion.

  • DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself): Avoids duplication in code by extracting common functionality into reusable components or functions.

  • K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple, Stupid): Emphasizes simplicity in more

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Q73. What is encapsulation


Encapsulation is the process of hiding implementation details and providing a public interface for accessing the functionality.

  • Encapsulation helps in achieving data abstraction and information hiding

  • It prevents direct access to the internal state of an object

  • It allows for better control over the data and prevents unintended modification

  • Example: A class with private variables and public methods to access them

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Q74. What data types in python


Python has several built-in data types including integers, floats, strings, booleans, lists, tuples, and dictionaries.

  • Integers are whole numbers, positive or negative

  • Floats are decimal numbers

  • Strings are sequences of characters

  • Booleans are either True or False

  • Lists are ordered collections of items

  • Tuples are ordered, immutable collections of items

  • Dictionaries are unordered collections of key-value pairs

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Q75. Describe loss function of deep learning.


Loss function measures the difference between predicted and actual values.

  • It is used to optimize the model during training.

  • Common loss functions include mean squared error, binary cross-entropy, and categorical cross-entropy.

  • The choice of loss function depends on the problem being solved and the type of output.

  • The goal is to minimize the loss function to improve the accuracy of the model.

  • Loss function can be customized based on the specific needs of the problem.

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Q76. Frameworks used in development of web application


Frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue are commonly used in web application development.

  • Angular is a popular framework developed by Google for building dynamic web applications.

  • React is a JavaScript library maintained by Facebook for building user interfaces.

  • Vue is a progressive framework for building interactive web interfaces.

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Q77. Get random, push, and pop. All in O(1) time.


Use a combination of a stack and a queue to achieve O(1) time complexity for random, push, and pop operations.

  • Use a stack to push elements and pop them in O(1) time.

  • Use a queue to enqueue elements and dequeue them in O(1) time.

  • To achieve random access in O(1) time, maintain an array to store the elements and use a hash map to store the indices of each element.

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Q78. What is java About your project About sql


Java is a popular programming language known for its portability, versatility, and performance.

  • Java is an object-oriented language used for developing applications and software.

  • It is platform-independent, meaning it can run on any device with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

  • Java is commonly used for web development, mobile applications, and enterprise software.

  • SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language used for managing and manipulating databases.

  • It allows users to query, more

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Q79. Why Java is independent


Java is independent due to its platform-independent nature and write once, run anywhere principle.

  • Java programs are compiled into bytecode, which can be executed on any platform with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

  • Java follows the principle of 'write once, run anywhere', allowing developers to write code on one platform and run it on any other platform without modification

  • Java's platform independence is achieved through the use of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which abstracts more

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Q80. Linked list sorting by two pointer


Sorting a linked list using two pointers

  • Use two pointers to traverse the linked list and compare values

  • Implement sorting algorithm like bubble sort or merge sort

  • Update the links between nodes to rearrange them in sorted order

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Q81. 12. Testing in sdlc?


Testing is a crucial part of SDLC to ensure quality and functionality of the software.

  • Testing should be done at every stage of SDLC

  • Types of testing include unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing

  • Testing helps identify and fix defects and bugs before the software is released

  • Automated testing can save time and improve efficiency

  • Testing should be planned and documented

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Q82. Store management experience, handling of stores


I have over 5 years of experience in store management, overseeing operations, inventory control, and staff supervision.

  • Managed multiple store locations, ensuring consistent branding and customer experience

  • Implemented inventory management systems to optimize stock levels and reduce waste

  • Trained and supervised staff to provide excellent customer service and meet sales targets

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Q83. Write a program to print vowels


A program to print vowels in a given string

  • Loop through the string and check if each character is a vowel

  • Print the vowel if it is found

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Q84. Print Fibonacci series


Print Fibonacci series

  • Start with 0 and 1 as the first two numbers

  • Add the previous two numbers to get the next number in the series

  • Repeat until desired number of terms is reached

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Q85. What is jio platform ?


Jio Platform is a digital platform developed by Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited.

  • It offers a range of digital services such as JioSaavn, JioCinema, JioTV, JioMart, and more.

  • It also includes JioMoney, a digital wallet service.

  • Jio Platform has partnerships with various companies such as Facebook, Google, and Microsoft.

  • It aims to provide affordable and accessible digital services to millions of people in India.

  • Jio Platform has played a significant role in the digital more

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Q86. Which area are u from


I am from the bustling city of Mumbai, known for its vibrant culture and diverse population.

  • I am from Mumbai, a city in the state of Maharashtra, India

  • Mumbai is famous for its Bollywood film industry and historical landmarks like the Gateway of India

  • The city is known for its fast-paced lifestyle and diverse culinary scene

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Q87. What is entry for accrual


Accrual entry is a journal entry made to record revenue or expenses that have been earned or incurred, but have not yet been received or paid.

  • Accrual entry is used to match revenue and expenses with the period in which they are earned or incurred, regardless of when the cash is actually received or paid.

  • For example, if a company provides services in December but does not receive payment until January, an accrual entry would be made in December to recognize the revenue.

  • more

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Q88. String Match KMP algorithm


The KMP algorithm is used for pattern matching in strings.

  • KMP algorithm avoids unnecessary comparisons by utilizing a prefix-suffix table.

  • It has a time complexity of O(n + m), where n is the length of the text and m is the length of the pattern.

  • The algorithm is efficient for large texts and patterns with repetitive characters.

  • Example: Searching for 'abc' in 'ababcabc' using KMP algorithm will return the index 2.

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Q89. Quick sort implementation


Quick sort is a popular sorting algorithm that uses divide and conquer strategy.

  • Divide the array into two sub-arrays based on a pivot element

  • Recursively sort the sub-arrays

  • Combine the sorted sub-arrays to get the final sorted array

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Q90. Difference between c and c++


C++ is an extension of C with object-oriented programming features.

  • C++ supports classes and objects while C does not.

  • C++ has better support for function overloading and templates.

  • C++ has a built-in exception handling mechanism.

  • C++ supports references while C does not.

  • C++ has a standard library that includes many useful functions.

  • C++ is more complex than C and requires more memory.

  • C++ is often used for developing large-scale applications.

  • C is often used for system programming more

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Q91. rolling hash dsa problem


Rolling hash is a hashing technique used in data structures and algorithms to efficiently compare substrings of text.

  • Rolling hash is used in algorithms like Rabin-Karp string matching algorithm.

  • It involves updating the hash value of a substring by removing the contribution of the first character and adding the contribution of the next character.

  • It is useful for comparing substrings in constant time complexity.

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Q92. What is entry for unearned


Unearned revenue is a liability account that represents advance payments from customers for goods or services that have not yet been provided.

  • Unearned revenue is recorded as a liability on the balance sheet until the goods or services are delivered.

  • Once the goods or services are provided, the unearned revenue is recognized as revenue on the income statement.

  • Examples of unearned revenue include magazine subscriptions paid in advance or prepaid rent for a lease agreement.

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Q93. Multi Threading in Java


Multi threading in Java allows multiple threads to execute concurrently, improving performance and responsiveness.

  • Multi threading is achieved in Java by extending the Thread class or implementing the Runnable interface.

  • Threads share the same memory space, allowing them to communicate and synchronize using methods like wait(), notify(), and notifyAll().

  • Concurrency issues like race conditions and deadlocks can occur in multi-threaded applications and must be carefully managed.

  • more

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Q94. Synchronization in Java


Synchronization in Java ensures that only one thread can access a shared resource at a time.

  • Synchronization is achieved using the synchronized keyword in Java.

  • It can be applied to methods or blocks of code.

  • Example: synchronized void myMethod() { // code }

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Q95. What is the BRS?


BRS stands for Bank Reconciliation Statement, which is a document that compares the bank's records with the company's records of its checking account.

  • BRS helps in identifying any discrepancies between the two sets of records.

  • It includes items such as deposits in transit, outstanding checks, bank errors, and service charges.

  • The purpose of BRS is to ensure the accuracy of the company's financial records and to reconcile any differences with the bank.

  • Example: If a company's more

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Q96. How to ftth OLT NOKIA


To connect a FTTH OLT NOKIA, follow the installation guide provided by the manufacturer.

  • Ensure all necessary equipment and cables are available

  • Follow the step-by-step instructions in the installation manual

  • Configure the OLT settings according to your network requirements

  • Test the connection to ensure it is working properly

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Q97. Explain merge sort code


Merge sort is a divide and conquer algorithm that recursively splits an array into halves, sorts them, and then merges them back together.

  • Divide the array into two halves

  • Recursively sort each half

  • Merge the sorted halves back together

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Q98. what are java 8 features


Java 8 features include lambda expressions, functional interfaces, streams, and default methods.

  • Lambda expressions allow functional programming in Java

  • Functional interfaces enable the use of lambda expressions

  • Streams provide a concise way to process collections

  • Default methods allow interfaces to have implementation

  • Date and Time API improvements

  • Nashorn JavaScript engine

  • Parallel array sorting

  • Type annotations

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Q99. Remove duplicates from array


Use a Set to remove duplicates from an array of strings.

  • Create a Set from the array to automatically remove duplicates

  • Convert the Set back to an array to get the final result

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Q100. Reverse linked list problem


Reverse a linked list by changing the direction of pointers

  • Create a new linked list with reversed order of nodes

  • Iterate through the original linked list and insert each node at the beginning of the new list

  • Update the head of the new list to point to the last node inserted

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