Longest Unique Substring

Given a string input of length n, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters i.e return a substring that does not have any repeating characters.

Substring is the continuous sub-part of the string formed by removing zero or more characters from both ends.

Input format:
 The first and the only line consists of a string of length n containing lowercase alphabets.
Output format:
 You need to print the length of the longest unique characters substring.
 1<= n <=10^5

Time Limit: 1 sec
All Substring Approach
  • Create all the substrings of the string.
  • For every substring, check if it consists of unique characters.
  • To check if the substring has duplicate characters, we will use a HashSet. ...read more
Sliding Window Approach
  • Take two pointers (start and end) initially both at 0th index and a set which will be storing the characters between start and end index.
  • While both pointers are less than the le...read more
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