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Arcesium Software Developer Intern Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Updated 6 Jan 2022

Top Arcesium Software Developer Intern Interview Questions and Answers

  • Q1. Connect N Ropes With Minimum Cost You have been given 'N' ropes of different lengths, we need to connect these ropes into one rope. The cost to connect two ropes is equal ...read more
  • Q2. Left View Of a Binary Tree You have been given a binary tree of integers. You are supposed to find the left view of the binary tree. The left view of a binary tree is the ...read more
  • Q3. Topological Sort A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is a directed graph that contains no cycles. Topological Sorting of DAG is a linear ordering of vertices such that for eve ...read more
View all 15 questions

Arcesium Software Developer Intern Interview Experiences

5 interviews found

I was interviewed in Aug 2021.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 45 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

2 coding questions were given to solve in 45 minutes.

  • Q1. Left View Of a Binary Tree

    You have been given a binary tree of integers. You are supposed to find the left view of the binary tree. The left view of a binary tree is the set of all nodes that are visible ...

  • Ans. 

    A level order traversal based solution can be presented here. For each level, we need to print the first node i.e. the leftmost node of that level.
    Steps :
    1. Make a queue of node type and push the root node in the queue. 
    2. While the queue is not empty, do :
    2.1 Determine the current size of the queue. 
    2.2 Run a for loop to traverse all nodes of the current level and do :
    2.2.1 Remove the topmost node from the q...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. Number of Islands

    You have been given a non-empty grid consisting of only 0s and 1s. You have to find the number of islands in the given grid.

    An island is a group of 1s (representing land) connected hor...

  • Ans. 

    The question boils down to finding the number of connected components in an undirected graph. Now comparing the connected components of an undirected graph with this problem, the node of the graph will be the “1’s” (land) in the matrix. 
    BFS or DFS can be used to solve this problem. In each BFS call, a component or a sub-graph is visited. We will call BFS on the next un-visited component. The number of calls to BFS...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
Round 2 - Video Call 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

This was a 60 min technical interview round. The interviewer asked me to code 2 programming questions. 
Tip : Practice more to clear DSA problems. Medium level questions will be enough to clear the rounds.

  • Q1. Topological Sort

    A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is a directed graph that contains no cycles.

    Topological Sorting of DAG is a linear ordering of vertices such that for every directed edge from vertex ‘u’...

  • Ans. 

    Topological sorting of vertices of a Directed Acyclic Graph is an ordering of the vertices v1,v2,v3.....vn in such a way, that if there is an edge directed towards vertex vj from vertex vi , then vi comes before vj. Modified DFS can be used to solve topological sort problem. A stack can be used to implement it. Steps :
    1. Make a stack to store the nodes and a Boolean array to mark all visited nodes initialized to false....

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. N-th Node From The End

    You are given a Singly Linked List of integers. You have to find the N-th node from end.

    For Example
    If the given list is (1 -> -2 -> 0 -> 4) and N=2:

    Then the 2nd nod...

  • Ans. 

    A direct approach is to traverse the entire linked list and calculate its length. Traverse the list again and return the (length-N+1) node. But this approach involves two traversals of the linked list. 
    To further optimize the solution, the question can be solved in one traversal only. Two pointers can be used here. Steps :
    1. Initialize both the slow pointer and the fast pointer to the head node.
    2. First, move fast...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteriaAbove 7 CGPAArcesium interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures, Algorithms, OS, DBMS, Aptitude, OOPSTime required to prepare for the interview - 4 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Must do Previously asked Interview as well as Online Test Questions.
Tip 2 : Go through all the previous interview experiences from Codestudio and Leetcode.
Tip 3 : Do at-least 2 good projects and you must know every bit of them.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Have at-least 2 good projects explained in short with all important points covered.
Tip 2 : Every skill must be mentioned.
Tip 3 : Focus on skills, projects and experiences more.

Final outcome of the interviewRejected

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed in Jul 2021.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 45 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

It was an online coding round where we were supposed to solve 2 coding questions in 45 minutes.

  • Q1. Maximum meetings

    You are given the schedule of N meetings with their start time Start[i] and end time End[i]. But you have only 1 meeting room. So, you need to tell the meeting numbers you can organize in ...

  • Ans. 

    Greedy approach can be applied to solve this problem. We sort the start and end time pairs for each meeting on the basis of the end time. Then we compare if the next meeting's start time is greater than the previous meeting's end time. If the start time is greater, we can count this meeting and we increase our meeting counter otherwise this meeting can't take place. In this manner, we traverse through all the meeting p...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. Connect N Ropes With Minimum Cost

    You have been given 'N' ropes of different lengths, we need to connect these ropes into one rope. The cost to connect two ropes is equal to sum of their lengths. W...

  • Ans. 

    Concept of min heap can be applied here. In each iteration, we need to pick the rope with minimum length because the value picked first will be included in the final answer multiple times. Hence, for minimum cost, we pick the longer length ropes later. 
    Approach :
    First of all, build minHeap (priority queue) from the given array of rope length. 
    In each iteration:
    1) Extract two ropes with minimum length from the...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
Round 2 - Video Call 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

The interview was conducted online. The interviewer asked me 2 programming questions and questions on OOPS concepts.

  • Q1. Bottom View Of Binary Tree

    Given a binary tree, print its bottom view from left to right. Assume, the left and the right child make a 45-degree angle with the parent.

    A binary tree is a tree in which eac...

  • Ans. 

    The basic idea is to use modified pre-order traversal. In this modified pre-order traversal, we keep track of horizontal distance of the node being visited from the root. We also keep track of height of that node. During this traversal, we use an ordered map that stores node's horizontal distance as key and value as tuple (current node's value, current node's level) if the node being visited is the bottommost node seen...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. Serialize/Deserialize The Binary Tree

    You have been given a binary tree of integers. You are supposed to serialize and deserialize (refer to notes) the given binary tree. You can choose any algorithm to se...

  • Ans. 

    DFS can be used for serializing and de-serializing. Process root node and then make recursive calls for left and right child.
    For serializing the tree into a list : 
    1. If node is null, store -1 in list to denote a null link. Return. 
    2. Store the data at current node in list.
    3. Call function recursively for left and right subtrees.
    4. Return the list.
    If we serialize using preorder traversal, apply the same preor...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q3. OOPS Question

    Virtual destructors in C++

  • Ans. 

    Using a virtual destructor, we can release the memory allocated by a derived class object or instance. In addition, we can delete instances of the derived class using a base class object pointer. The base class destructor uses the virtual keyword so that both the base class and the derived class destructor will be called at run time. However, the derived class will be called first and then the base class to free up the

  • Answered by CodingNinjas

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteriaAbove 7 CGPAArcesium interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures, Algorithms, System Design, Aptitude, OOPSTime required to prepare for the interview - 3 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Must do Previously asked Interview as well as Online Test Questions.
Tip 2 : Go through all the previous interview experiences from Codestudio and Leetcode.
Tip 3 : Do at-least 2 good projects and you must know every bit of them
Tip 4 : One should have strong DSA skills and knowledge of Basic OOPS. Its not necessary to learn OS and DBMS if it's not taught in your college yet.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Have at-least 2 good projects explained in short with all important points covered.
Tip 2 : Every skill must be mentioned.
Tip 3 : Focus on skills, projects and experiences more.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

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I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed in Jul 2021. There were 3 interview rounds.

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. 1) Maximum meetings in one room 2)Bottom view of tree 3) Serialize deserialize binary tree 4) Difference between Virtual destructor in java and c++
  • Ans. 

    Interview questions for Software Developer Intern

    • Maximum meetings in one room can be calculated using greedy approach

    • Bottom view of tree can be obtained using level order traversal and a map to store horizontal distance

    • Serialization and deserialization of binary tree can be done using preorder traversal

    • Virtual destructor in Java is automatically called while in C++ it needs to be explicitly defined

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - One should have strong DSA skills and knowledge of Basic OOPS. Its not necessary to learn OS and DBMS if it's not taught in your college yet

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed before Sep 2020.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 45 minutes
Round difficulty - Hard

Timing (Between 6pm -7pm)
Environment was friendly and 2 coding questions were given.

  • Q1. Connect N Ropes With Minimum Cost

    You have been given 'N' ropes of different lengths, we need to connect these ropes into one rope. The cost to connect two ropes is equal to sum of their lengths. W...

  • Ans. Brute Force Approach

    Clearly, the rope which is picked up first will be having its length included more than once in the final cost. If we pick a rope of larger length earlier, then we will be adding some extra cost to our final result.
    So, the idea is to pick ropes of smaller lengths initially to minimize the impact on our final cost.

    So, each time we will be finding two smallest ropes, connecting them and

    adding the resu...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. Optimize Memory Usage

    Alex has a computer with ‘K’ memory spaces. He has a list of ‘N’ different document downloads that he would like to do, each of which consumes some unique memory usage. He also has ‘M...

  • Ans. Brute Force

    Firstly, we will check all the possible pairs exhaustively to find out the maximum permitted memory usage. Then, we will insert all optimal pairs into an array and return it.


    The steps are as follows:

    • Initialize max_usage as the largest number less than or equal to ‘K’ from either ‘game’ or ‘ download’ array. This is to check the corner case where only a game or download is chosen.
    • Then we run a loop ‘i’ ...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
Round 2 - Video Call 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 40 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

Timing (6pm -7 pm)
Environment was user friendly
In first 10-15 minutes He asked my current company’s work and some behavioral questions. Then he jumped to coding problems

  • Q1. Spiral Order Traversal of a Binary Tree

    You have been given a binary tree of 'N' nodes. Print the Spiral Order traversal of this binary tree.

    For example
    For the given binary tree [1, 2, 3, -1, -...
  • Ans. Level Order Traversal

    We can use level order traversal (recursive) to explore all levels of the tree. Also, at each level nodes should be printed in alternating order. 


    For example - The first level of the tree should be printed in left to the right manner, the Second level of the tree should be printed in right to the left manner, Third again in left to right order and so on


    So, we will use a Direction v...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas

Interview Preparation Tips

Professional and academic backgroundI completed Computer Science Engineering from Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur. I applied for the job as SDE - Intern in BangaloreEligibility criteriaAbove 7 cgpaArcesium interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Operating System, System Design, Data structure, Trees, Graph, Dynamic ProgrammingTime required to prepare for the interview - 3 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Prepare DSA Questions from coding ninja or interview bit
Tip 2 : Have knowledge about SQL and datbases
Tip 3 : Practice Atleast 200 coding questions from gfg

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Have some good projects Web Dev projects are preferred
Tip 2 : Resume should be of 1 page

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

Arcesium interview questions for designations

 Software Engineer Intern


 Software Developer


 SDE Intern




 Software Engineer


 Finance Intern


 Senior Developer


 Senior Software Engineer


I was interviewed before Sep 2020.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 45 minutes
Round difficulty - Hard

Round was scheduled in the early afternoon hours most probably from 1 to 2 on hackerrank.

  • Q1. BST to greater tree

    Given a binary search tree of integers with N number of nodes. Your task is to convert it to a Greater Tree.

    A Greater Tree is formed when data of every node of the original BST is ch...

  • Ans. Brute Force
    • This is a basic brute force approach, in which for every single node, we will traverse the whole tree to find all the elements which are greater or equal to the current node.
    • First, we will store all the nodes in an array or a similar data structure.
    • Further, we will traverse the tree again and for each node of the tree, we will loop over the array and find the sum of all the elements which are greater than or...
  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. Ninja and BInary String

    Ninja is given a binary string ‘S’ of size ‘N’ by his friend, the task is to check if the binary string ‘S’ can be sorted in decreasing order by removing any number of the non-adjac...

  • Ans. Greedy

    The idea here is to use the fact that while traversing from the end if we encounter 2 consecutive 1s then we can sort the string in decreasing order if and only if after the index which we have found 2 consecutive 1s we have-

    • 0-1,1-0 adjacent pair characters- In this case, we can sort the string in decreasing order by removing 0’s from the string as they are not adjacent to each other. For example “1101011” we fin...
  • Answered by CodingNinjas
Round 2 - Video Call 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 40 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

This round was conducted on Code Share platform. I was shared the invitation link one day prior to the interview and also was told the name of my interviewer. I looked at the profile of the interviewer at linked.in and got a better understanding of what kind of person he was and prepared accordingly. The round was scheduled at 3 :00 pm on 25th August and I was eagerly waiting for the clock hands to reach 3 o'clock since morning and finally I went in front of him after wearing a white shirt and a black coat over it along with a tie over it.

  • Q1. Spiral Order Traversal of a Binary Tree

    You have been given a binary tree of 'N' nodes. Print the Spiral Order traversal of this binary tree.

    For example
    For the given binary tree [1, 2, 3, -1, -...
  • Ans. Level Order Traversal

    We can use level order traversal (recursive) to explore all levels of the tree. Also, at each level nodes should be printed in alternating order. 


    For example - The first level of the tree should be printed in left to the right manner, the Second level of the tree should be printed in right to the left manner, Third again in left to right order and so on


    So, we will use a Direction v...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. Operating System Questions

    Producer consumer problem and it's possible solution?
    What is virtual memory and physical memory?
    What is garbage collector?
    Difference b/w thread and process.

Interview Preparation Tips

Professional and academic backgroundI completed Electronics & Communication Engineering from Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur. I applied for the job as SDE - Intern in HyderabadEligibility criteriaComputer science allowedArcesium interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures and Algorithms, Pointers, OOPS, System Design, Algorithms, Dynamic ProgrammingTime required to prepare for the interview - 3 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Prepare DSA Questions from coding ninja or interview bit
Tip 2 : Have knowledge about SQL and datbases
Tip 3 : Practice Atleast 200 coding questions from gfg

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Attach links to coding profiles
Tip 2 : Mention short description of your team projects and individual as well

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

Get interview-ready with Top Arcesium Interview Questions

Interview questions from similar companies

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Less than 2 weeks
Not Selected

I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed in Jun 2024. There were 2 interview rounds.

Round 1 - Aptitude Test 

Technical MCQ questions on core computer science subjects were asked.

Round 2 - One-on-one 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. How to find whether the given linked list has loop in it?
  • Q2. Explain osi model with example of browser.

I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed in Oct 2022. There were 3 interview rounds.

Round 1 - Aptitude Test 

There was apti round with good apti questions and also code debugging

Round 2 - Technical 

(3 Questions)

  • Q1. About polymorphism ,code polymorphism and inheritance
  • Ans. Coded it in cpp in notepad
  • Answered Anonymously
  • Q2. 3 apti question and also discussion on resume
  • Q3. Angle between hands of clock on 10:25? Trains traveling towards eachother give speed where will they collide?
  • Ans. 

    Angle between hands of clock at 10:25 is 147.5 degrees. Trains will collide at midpoint of their initial positions.

    • To calculate angle between hands of clock, use formula: |(30*H)-(11/2)*M|

    • For 10:25, H=10 and M=25, so angle = |(30*10)-(11/2)*25| = 147.5 degrees

    • When two trains are traveling towards each other, their relative speed is added to get the collision speed.

    • The collision point is the midpoint of their initial po...

  • Answered by AI
Round 3 - HR 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. General resume based
  • Q2. Strength and weakness

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Be confident it depends on interviewer what he would ask
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Less than 2 weeks
Selected Selected

I applied via Google updates and was interviewed before Oct 2022. There were 3 interview rounds.

Round 1 - Resume Shortlist 
Pro Tip by AmbitionBox:
Keep your resume crisp and to the point. A recruiter looks at your resume for an average of 6 seconds, make sure to leave the best impression.
View all tips
Round 2 - Technical 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. There are three technical rounds one round will be tough
Round 3 - HR 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. They didn't ask me anything
  • Q2. Will give U false promises and showoff about the company

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Prepare well for DSA , but with that knowledge try for any product based company not only one in limelight you can try any other but not Accolite, because though you clear all those 3 rounds and get hired , there is nothing in this company other than false promises and mere showoff. They are either terminating or extending the internship for of no reason amid doing projects, and also you will not get the work you are trained and desired for , they will use U for QA testing rather being hired as developer

I was interviewed in Oct 2020.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 90 mintues
Round difficulty - Easy

The round contain 20 MCQ and 2 coding questions.

  • Q1. Jar of Candies

    There is a jar full of candies for sale at a mall counter. Jar has the capacity ‘N’. That is, jar can contain maximum ‘N’ candies when a jar is full. At any point in time jar can not have 0 ...

  • Ans. Comparing Candies

    The main idea is to check if K is greater than N or not.

    • If K is lesser than N, therefore, we can give the customer K candies and return the remaining candies in the jar by subtracting K from N.
    • If K is greater than N therefore, we can't give customer K candies, Hence return -1.
    Space Complexity: O(1)Explanation:



    Since we are not using any extra space to keep track of the elements.

    Time Complexi...
  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. Fitness Test In Indian Navy

    Selection in the Indian Navy includes a fitness test which is conducted in the seawater. In this test, there will be a group of 3 trainees appearing for the swimming test in the...

  • Ans. Brute Force

    The idea behind this approach is to calculate the average of all the rounds and store them in an array/list and then calculate the maximum of all the average remaining oxygen levels. If more than one have the same value then print the trainee number and if average is less than 70 then simply print “Unfit”.


    Here is the complete algorithm:

    • Make an array/list ‘answer’ of type string to store the final answe...
  • Answered by CodingNinjas
Round 2 - Video Call 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 45 mintues
Round difficulty - Easy

Easy question where asked basic type like what is difference between inteprator and compiler. Method to prevent deadlock and best way to implement Fibonacci series.

  • Q1. Nth Element Of Modified Fibonacci Series

    You have been given two integers ‘X’ and ‘Y’ which are the first two integers of a series and an integer ‘N’. You have to find the Nth number of the series using th...

  • Ans. Dynamic Programming

    Let’s define a dp array of size N, where dp[i] represents the i-th Fibonacci number. For each block, let’s compute the answer in a top-down fashion, starting with the leftmost blocks (dp[0] and dp[1]). We will iterate through the array for i = 2 to N and then we can fill the array in a top-down manner like:



  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. Reverse Alternate Nodes of a Singly Linked List

    For a given Singly Linked List of integers, you are required to reverse alternate nodes and append them to the end of the list.

    For Example:

    The given lin...
  • Ans. 

    Take 2 variable fast and slow , fast=temp->next and slow = temp and then transverse slow will be at the middle of the linked list.

  • Answered by CodingNinjas

Interview Preparation Tips

Professional and academic backgroundI completed Computer Science Engineering from Netaji Subhas University Of Technology. I applied for the job as SDE - Intern in BangaloreEligibility criteriamore than 6 CGPATata Consultancy Services (TCS) interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Recursion,array,BST,Binary Tree,DP , Backtracking and pointer.Time required to prepare for the interview - 2 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Practice as many question you can 
Tip 2 : Focus on key concept
Tip 3 : Practice previous year question

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Specify at least one good project
Tip 2 : Write only those things which you know in detail

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed before Oct 2020.

Round 1 - Video Call 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 120 Minutes
Round difficulty - Hard

  • Q1. Search In A Row Wise And Column Wise Sorted Matrix

    You are given an N * N matrix of integers where each row and each column is sorted in increasing order. You are given a target integer 'X'. Find t...

  • Ans. Brute Force
    • Run a loop from i = 0 to N - 1, to check each row.
      • Run a loop from j = 0 to N - 1, to check each element of the row.
        • If there is a match, return {i, j}.
    • If the element is not found in the entire matrix, return {-1, -1}
    Space Complexity: O(1)Explanation:



    Since only constant extra space is required.

    Time Complexity: O(n^2)Explanation:

    O(N ^ 2), where ‘N’ is the number of rows or columns in the matrix.


  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. String Palindrome

    Given a string, determine if it is a palindrome, considering only alphanumeric characters.

    A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequences of characters which read...
  • Ans. Space Complexity: Explanation: Time Complexity: Explanation:
  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q3. Covid Vaccination

    We are suffering from the Second wave of Covid-19. The Government is trying to increase its vaccination drives. Ninja wants to help the Government to plan an effective method to help incr...

  • Ans. Brute force

    The idea is to choose a peak value at the ‘dayNumber’ th index. Then we can create the array like a mountain with the peak of the mountain being at the  ‘dayNumber’ th index. The sum of the elements of this array must be less than or equal to maxVaccines.If we find that the sum is greater, then we have chosen a high peak value, and if it is less, then it means we have chosen a smaller peak value. So we ...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
Round 2 - HR 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 20 Minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

  • Q1. Basic HR Questions

    Tell us about yourself ?
    Your dream company?
    Why should we hire you?

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteriaNANewgen Software Technology interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures, Pointers, OOPS, System Design, Algorithms, Dynamic ProgrammingTime required to prepare for the interview - 1 MonthInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Practice Atleast 250 Questions
Tip 2 : Do atleast 2 projects

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Have some projects on resume.
Tip 2 : Do not put false things on resume.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

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