Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Mumbai

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Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 29 May 2024

111 interviews found

user image Amey Joshi

posted on 28 Aug 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Click to add Your Experience
Tips: Go through campusgate site
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 30

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Click to add Your Experience
Tips: Click to add

College Name: Vidyalankar Institute Of Technology
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user image Siddhesh

posted on 28 Aug 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 30 questions to answer in 90 minutes. The test is tough and most of the filtering takes place in this section. Questions ranged from basic maths to probability and geometry.
Tips: 1. Avoid giving answers which you not sure of. ( negative marking)
2. Try to solve last 10 questions in each topic of R.S Agarwal.
3. Refer previous year questions from sites as indiabix etc.

Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 1

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Mostly all the questions asked were from whatever I mentioned in my résumé. Few basic questions about electronics ( as it was my core Field).
They are will make fun of you during interview by asking random just to check our patience.
Tips: 1. Study your projects thoroughly.
You will be asked many questions on it .
2. Study basic difference between JAVA and C++ ,c and c++, JAVA and C.
3. Study your favorite subject properly.
4. Don't FAKE

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The course of the interview was based on the answer given to first question. The HR will ask many counter questions on the answer which you gave. As I mentioned in my résumé that I was in publicity department of my college, HR told me to sell a pen. Similarly to TR, HR also asked questions about what all I mentioned in my résumé.
Tips: 1. Prepare ' Tell me about yourself' properly. Don't mug it up.
2. Analyse your résumé and ask yourself questions which the HR may ask .
3. Be confident and honest.
4. Visit the company site for latest news about the company

General Tips: Be confident while giving answers. Don't panic. Keep calm.
Skill Tips: Analyse yourself.
Analyse your résumé
Don't fake in résumé just to increase its content.
Skills: Technical skills, Vocabulary skills, Personal skills
College Name: Vidyalankar Institute Of Technology
Motivation: To make myself proud that whatever I learnt in 4 years of engineering got a good output.
Funny Moments: During technical interview
I: interviewer
M: Me

I: So what will you do after you are selected today ?
M: I'll call my parents and tell them about it and thanked them whatever they have done for me.
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user image Aditya Karmarkar

posted on 27 Aug 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

General Tips: Speak in English, as much as you can also listen to every good English speaker.
Skill Tips: Keep your ears open as they ask what you know but in a manner in which you don't know ( don't expect)
Skills: communication skills, java , database, computer networking
College Name: Vidyalankar Institute Of Technology
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user image Mrunmayi Shirke

posted on 27 Aug 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Question were tricky but easy too ....out of 30 questions 3 questions were for 3 marks each which were very tough ... There was email writting test too for. 1st 10 min but it was easy
Tips: For Tcs apti there is site called "campus gate " which have previous apti questions .... Go through them once cause u might see similar questions
Total Questions: 1 hour

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: As I m Extc student my technical interview was mainly on projects which I did and on technical subject
Tips: If you are Extc student then prepare a nice answer for the question " being Extc student why u want to join IT company?"
N the one who knows programming language be prepared to write programs or atleast explain logic

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR interview was good , give answers confidently
Tips: Try to give different introduction and be confident while giving answers. Also be prepared for questions on hobbies you have written

General Tips: Resume is very important document as it creates impression on interviewer
Skills: Communication skill , Technical knowledge, Confidence,
College Name: Vidyalankar Institute Of Technology
Funny Moments: People who wrote singing as their hobby were made to sing in front of pannel and lot more
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2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Interview
Experience: I did not hav hr and technical round was a combined interview which lasted for 15 min.. More than an intetview it was kind of a viva i can say. The main reason is at a time they were taking interview of 2 to 3 students.. It was more of a discussion...and it was fun!!
Tips: Just be you thats it

College Name: Vidyalankar Institute Of Technology
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was simple just all concept based question was their.
Tips: Get your 10th and 12th concept clear of maths and brush up basics formulas.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: It was simple topic, i just spoke whatever i felt right about it.
Tips: just be confident and give minimum 3-4 points and encourage others also to participate.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It was fine not that good but here also they check your confidence.
Tips: just be confident and if you don't know the ans just say don't know.

General Tips: keep calm and just enjoy the selection process.
Because company needs you.
Skill Tips: be more clear and expressive, do not be silent .
Skills: communication skill
College Name: Vidyalankar Institute Of Technology
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Interview Questions

user image Dashmeet Anand

posted on 26 Aug 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There were many different panels taking interview. Some had to go through series of interviews to get selected. But luckily I gave 1 interview only and so it was a combined Technical and HR interview. Firstly a panel was alotted to me in the morning. So I was waiting for my interview patiently. In the process I was getting tips from people who had already gone through the process. But at some time in the afternoon I was called by some different panel. I rushed there immediately. Asking the people around I came to know that they are here for HR interview and they had worst experience inside. I got very tensed. I was the last person in the panel. When my turn arrived it was already 4.45 in the evening. I knocked the door and they asked me to wait till they call me. I thought that they are checking my Facebook profile because I heard some rumors before. Then finally I entered. I greeted them and my interview started. Since the interview was combined, I was asked both technical and personal questions. They even asked me if I had lunch. I said no because I didn't get any time to have lunch. It was a nice gesture from them to offer me some biscuits. I gave my remaining interview eating biscuits. My interview was very positive and there were no double thought after the meeting.
Tips: First and for most important, Do Your Homework well. You need to know about the company you are joining.
Don't act over smart. Be polite because you are not doing a favor to them by joining.
Be confident. Also learn to accept when you are wrong.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: There were many different panels taking interview. Some had to go through series of interviews to get selected. But luckily I gave 1 interview only and so it was a combined Technical and HR interview. Firstly a panel was alotted to me in the morning. So I was waiting for my interview patiently. In the process I was getting tips from people who had already gone through the process. But at some time in the afternoon I was called by some different panel. I rushed there immediately. Asking the people around I came to know that they are here for HR interview and they had worst experience inside. I got very tensed. I was the last person in the panel. When my turn arrived it was already 4.45 in the evening. I knocked the door and they asked me to wait till they call me. I thought that they are checking my Facebook profile because I heard some rumors before. Then finally I entered. I greeted them and my interview started. Since the interview was combined, I was asked both technical and personal questions. They even asked me if I had lunch. I said no because I didn't get any time to have lunch. It was a nice gesture from them to offer me some biscuits. I gave my remaining interview eating biscuits. My interview was very positive and there were no double thought after the meeting.
Tips: First and for most important, Do Your Homework well. You need to know about the company you are joining.
Don't act over smart. Be polite because you are not doing a favor to them by joining.
Be confident. Also learn to accept when you are wrong.

General Tips: Don't let the interview affect you mentally because the mental pressure will eventually degrade your performance.
Considering that this is the first and the last opportunity you will get for the job is also wrong as it will again reflect in your performance.
I cleared the interview because these things did'dm
Skills: Confidence, Politeness, Positive Attitude, Calmness
College Name: Vidyalankar Institute Of Technology
Motivation: It wasn't about motivation frankly. It was the first company that visited our Campus. So there was no other choice, but even considering the brand, TCS is one of the best Indian Multinational Companies.
Funny Moments: Funny moment was when I was asked to wait outside. All the rumors started flowing in my mind.
Secondly when I was offered a biscuit and the rest interview was more of a casual one than formal.
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user image Monish M

posted on 25 Aug 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: TCS apti test is a challenging one. Not demoralizing, but yes to complete the questions in given time is a bit tough job. Don't worry, tips to crack this is quite interesting. TIP 2 is very very important.
Tips: 1. Before the actual test, just go through the mock test of tcs available on the website(I don't remember the actual one)
2. Given a chance to select which batch you want to b in for the test, always get into last batch or atleast the penultimate one. The questions in each batch was repeating which gave advantage for last batch students. So , leave ur policy of giving honest exam n be wise to choose the decision.:P
Total Questions: 1

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It was good .
Tips: 1. Have a happy face. No tension. Even they are human beings.
2. Keep your point of view verysimple n stick to it .
3. Answers should almost be like, even if my parents are at emergency, I won't violate the traffic rules if given a chance.

General Tips: Have an attitude of learning things . or atleast pretend to :p

Skills: calmness, presence of mind, Learning skills
College Name: Vidyalankar Institute Of Technology
Motivation: If u clear apti test, u r almost in. So just make sure u r not doing anything wiered during interviews.
The worst thing that could happen is ,U may not get selected. So Wat ? U r an engineer, u definitely get another one, may b a better cup of tea . all the best (y)
Funny Moments: If u play any instruments or write stories, etc. Carry the instruments to check how well have u prepared . I did the same. Took my violin for the interview, never thought they will ask me play that, so forgot to tune it. It sounded very very bad n they we're like pls stop or else they will leave the ca
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: For TCS we had aptitude test of 30 questions and we got 1 hr to complete it. As we engineers are good at preparing at the last moment, I did the same thing. I googled TCS aptitude sample paper and tried to study there paper, like what types of questions you get, which topic has the highest weightage etc. Studying this all papers I made a list of topics I need to cover.
Then I started practicing. when my test started I was confident about the 21 questions I answered out of 30. As there was negative marking so I didn't attempt the test. Most of the questions are answered were from the topic I covered earlier.
Tips: 1) Don't do donkey work, be SMART. Before attacking on apptitude books and start solving questions, do a bit of homework; shortlist the topics and then practice.
2) Connect to different college students where the company has already visited and try to get some information from them.
3) If there is negative marking, Attempt the questions only if you are 100% confident.
4) Keep calm during the test.
Duration: 00 minute
Total Questions: 1

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There were three inerviewers in the panel. Like all other candidates I have memorised the introduction.
One of the interviewer asked me introduce myself in a different way as she was boared of listening the same introduction again and again.
So I started with the meaning of my name and then started basic information like that where do I start, schooling, hobbies, family etc.
Tips: Be prepared for the suitation. Go through different interviews on youtube.
Be calm and smile while talking.
Dont get panic, Introduction matters but if that doesn't go well don't worry you still have chances.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They asked me to explain the final year project. I explained them drawing a daigram. If you think you are not able to convince them then use a metaphor. Give them examples of the real world scenario.
Tips: 1) Before going for interview keep that in mind that interviewer is not stupid and you can't fool him. If you are trying to fool him then he will know and it might not be good for you.
2) If you don't know about anything they asked, don't keep beating around the bush, be honest and tell them you don't know. That shows your one quality that you are honest.
3) Keep an eye contact with everyone in panel, try to get them in a conversation.

Skills: Confidence, Honesty, Politeness,
College Name: Vidyalankar Institute Of Technology
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user image Jayesh Sakpal

posted on 22 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: aptitude test
Experience: Experience was good.I have aptitude in pune

Round: interview
Experience: Interview experience was good. Interviewer was a cool guy. First he introduced himself and made me comfortable. Asked some basic questions about project and programming. Also asked about which new technologies you r familiar. As this was technical plus hr interview he asked some questions on hobbies.
Tips: Don't loose focus though the interviewer make you comfortable don't go out of the scope. Stick to the questions he or she ask.

Skill Tips: Be confident and put your points clearly
Skills: communication skills
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