National Institute of Technology (NIT), Raipur

Raipur, Chhattisgarh

Your seniors at National Institute of Technology (NIT), Raipur were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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National Institute of Technology (NIT), Raipur Placement Interview Questions

Updated 11 Jan 2025

113 interviews found

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Pure technical.
Study Physical Metallurgy and mechanical metallurgy... as well as Iron and Steel Making.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: It is better to start gd. Give a good start. Whatever you speak, be confident and be loud. You should be very active during gd. Giving chance to the person who is silent throughout the gd will increase your point.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Question asked :
Name, position in class, project(industrial), about parents.
Corex process, Difference between corex and BF, Supply of O2 in Corex etc...
BF operations, RAFT, Temp. difference between slag and hot metal and reason for that difference, position of tuyers in bf and justify its position.
Types of steel in LD converter, Quenching medium and best quenchant.
Type of work you wish to do. How long you wish to work for this company, planning for further studies or not ..

General Tips: CPI is the most important thing. Along with CPI they also check weather the interviewee is having knowledge of basic things or not. In short CPI and knowledge both matters alot.
Skill Tips: Whatever you speak be confident in that. You should have very sound technical knowledge. Show interviewers that you are desperate to join their company. Sit straight and be bold and have confidence on yourself.
College Name: NIT RAIPUR
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical Interview

In my interview,they asked:Why all the lights were lit and fans were on just for 2 persons.I said its for you Sir.Whenever any person comes to our home it is our duty to make him comfortable and happy because mehmaan bhagwan hota h and also I said that it is not correct to waste energy and I switched off the lights and fans.

1.My subject was heat treatment(specialization)

2.They asked about hadfield steel,cct,ttt,annealing ,normalizing,tempering,cooling curves,why bainite not formed in cct

3.You should remain cool,calm and composed.

4.You should be spontaneous in your answers.

5. Be concise and clear.

6.Always tell the truth .If you don’t know the answer to any question simply admit it don’t stretch it.You can give the direction to the answer if you don’t know it fully.

7.Prepare training and project with full accuracy.
Tips: Try to achieve mastery in 1 or2 subjects so that u are able to crack all of the questions regarding to that and it will help a lot in ur interviews and try to keep ur cpi above 8 .I wish u all the best for ur future and hope all of u reach new heights.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR interview

In HR interview they asked me about

1.Training and project

2.My achievements

3.Be cool and calm in HR interview ,they try to confuse you. Be confident.

ABOUT myself

General Tips: Regarding effect of CPI, I think every company has some consideration about CPI,as it tells them that student is sincere in whatever field he is in.But in this selection I have observed that they haven’t selected on the basis of CPI. I have observed that they have taken some weightage of the written and interview and combined their score as a whole.AND you should be superb in your technical interview specially and hr interview too.*Be confident,composed,and express to HR that u really want to join this company.Make them believe that you are fit for this company and you strongly wish to join the company.ALL D BEST 
Skill Tips: Initially I had been very shy and participated very little in any conversation but I worked hard to overcome that.I started speaking to myself in front of mirror and learned to keep eye contact with others and developed a lot of confidence.Also I tried to have a lot of conversation with my friends.I practiced a lot at home, prepared for resume and PI.Also I tried speaking English with my family members.So I think a lot of practice help me improve gradually.
College Name: NIT RAIPUR
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user image Anonymous

posted on 16 Apr 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Ist round was writtn round, no neg marking (easy but be accurate),
total questions-90 (divided into 3 section) ,time alloted-90 min.
3 sections r as follows:-
sec A - 30 ques, technical(subjects including EDC,AIC,DLD,basic BEE)
sec B- 15 GK+15 quant(RS agrwal is more than enough )
sec C- 30 ques, bacis C and C++ (very easy)
they will judge u section wise
Tips: Most IMPORTANT part of placement is WRITTEN round, we were around 60-70 students in total and out of which only 7 were selected for further rounds
i suggest u all to prepare very well for this round and try to b very accurate,
solve RS agrawal or arun sharma(level 1 and solved question only) for quantitative aptitude, and for C questions solve from online site INDIABIX , you will find all questions are come from here only
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 90

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Next is PI technical and questions asked to me :-
1)Tell me about urself(do include brief intro about your internship if u have done any otherwise no problem)
2)About my internship

suddenly he started asked question from C-
4)Diff btw char array and int array?

then he switched to embedded system-
6)About my Projects(i suggest u to all tell project related to embedded only)
7)FAV subject and question from it (do prepare atleast 2 subjects very well)
8)What is electronics, Telecommunication?
9)diff btw ETNT AND ECE?

then he asked some HR questions too:-
10)what is your STRENGTH AND WEAKNESS(support your answer with example)
11)where do u see urslf 5 yr from now?
12) hobby?
13) low pointer?
then he asked me to ask question:
i have asked 2 question:
14)who is your biggest competitor?
15)what is the hierarchy of this job post?
They will focus on 2 things only :
1)C(most imp) : even it is a core elex company but they will not going to take you if you dont know C,
must learn dis topics viz ARRAY, POINTER, STRUCTURE, 4 storage class,from yashwant kanetkar and solve question from INDIABIX

2) PROJECTS: Projects on EMBEDDED SYSTEMS only, as many projects as u have greater is the chance of your selection and try to explain it in detail as much as u can.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: its just a formality round if they called you for this round that means u r selected ,they just wanted to know if u r really interested for this job? and u willing to join there company or not..

Skill Tips: 2 kind of people can crack interviews in core companies,1 having good POINTERS , projects,good technical knowledgesecond having low pointer but MANY PROJECTS+GOOD TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE +CONFIDENCENo doubt i lie on second criteria. After 6th sem my CPI was 7.61 only , therefore i already knew that its gonna be tuff for me to be selected in core company but i have done 10+ projects in EMBEDDED SYSTEMS and INTERNSHIP too, so i found it not a big deal for me,always remember CONFIDENCE is the of luck \m/
College Name: NIT RAIPUR
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Tips: Common misunderstanding:- written test = quantitative aptitude.
Other sections must be covered as well.- LR, DI, verbal & non verbal problems etc.Try to cover maximum types of topics with a basic knowledge of each type, rather than practicing a few topic very deeply.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Reading the newspaper is sufficient.
Tips: Reading the newspaper is sufficient.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The panel was quite cooperative, except for one member,( he remained stiff and quite strict, not at all polite, used to ask questions out of nowhere & expected brief answers and interrupted in case they went any longer ). This obviously was a part of their approach, to check how I reacted to sudden strict questions.

Questions were mainly technical, along with some general queries related to family, hobbies & interests, what have you learned from your hobbies or simple basic questions to check whether you're lying.

Body language was being observed keenly.

There is no point rushing things and ending up being choked, looking for proper words to complete the sentence. (happens a lot in interviews)
I took my time in answering the questions, whenever i needed to think.
Tips: Know your strength as well as the weak points and be prepared with strong, positive answers.

Skill Tips: never mug up what you're going to say and never lie, if possible.Even if you know the answer (easy question) answer politely, stay calm.Collecting numerous certificates is of no real use, as far as placements are concerned.(core companies).
College Name: NIT RAIPUR
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user image Anonymous

posted on 14 Apr 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Aptitude of easy level.
Total Questions: 15

Round: Problem Statement
Experience: Learn the basics of a programming language. The problem solving round involved a psuedocode .For the video synthesis round question of our batch, Google "Toast for change" , there is a 5 minute video clipping and we were asked to synthesize it ( NOT summarize it!!! )

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The gd consisted of two sections. In the first section the students had to discuss the points to be considered while selecting a website. Some of the points we had put up included the site should provide tour packages which is favoured by a lot of people, the site should be linked to applications like Google maps which can provide access to information like location etc,
During the second part of the gd, the students were given five minutes to discuss and decide 3 main points out of all the points discussed previously.
After the gd, the students were asked to 1) write down all the points discussed in the sheets provided 2) write down all the points which they have not mentioned during the gd but are relevant the topic
Tips: 1) Use the time given to think properly. A proper set of points goes a long way in improving your performance during the gd
2) Read newspapers and articles on such topics. Will give an idea about such management issues
3) Be loud. Makes one look more confident
4) Listen to what the others have to say. The judging panel looks for a good speaker and a good listener. The advantage is twofold: firstly if you are out of points you can simply get something to speak about by combining what the others are saying and contradicting a few other like "I completely agree to what so and so have said but I would'nt quite agree to this because .....". The judges will note you as a good observer
5) Donot dominate over others. A group discussion is not a debate where you have to take a side.
6) try to add numbers and statistics in the discussion cause that's what analytics company want from their employees

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The HR PI was quite casual, slightly informal. I was asked about family members etc, followed by a question about the reason for my drop year. The first question after the introduction was "tell me about yourself". This question can be predicted as "tell me about your qualities that make you fit for our company". I used this question to describe all the traits that made me suitable for them, and normally I justify each quality I mention immediately. Also I would advise you to emphasize qualities that set you apart from the crowd and make you fit for their company. The HR asked me why I intended to join an analytics company if all my projects were based on biomedical. My answer to the question was that my projects were all soft computing based, and hence most of the work I do involves using a set of data to predict something which is quite similar to what they do in Mu Sigma. The only difference lies in the fact that the work I do is based on bioloigical data and biological parameters and they used market and business data( please note that I could only bring this up since most of my work is based on neural networks and soft computing, please do prepare something to relate what you have done to what they do or simply mention you were always interested in analytics and playing with nos from the start).
I was asked about a few projects of mine mentioned in my CV, I was asked to explain them, I was asked a few questions on neural networks(they only asked them cause I had mentioned it earlier)
In the end the HR asked me if there is anything I would like to ask him, so I asked him to criticize me so I could work on the points where I lack. He gave me 2 points.
Tips: Points to be noted about the hr pi:
1) Observe the nature and personality of the PI. The video presentation at the beginning of the placement process gives a very good idea about the hr's personality, the work culture etc. So use this information to predict his nature and present yourself accordingly
2) Relax. In my opinion the hr PI is the easiest and the most fun round in Mu Sigma.
3) Use the tell me about yourself and the free question well. What you ask and what you say will give a very good glimpse of your true personality
4) There is no need to be very formal and robotic but maintain politeness while answering.

Skill Tips: 1) Improve your aptitude solving ability.2) Learn the basics of a programming language. The problem solving round involved a psuedocode.3) For the video synthesis round question of our batch, Google "Toast for change" , there is a 5 minute video clipping and we were asked to synthesize it ( NOT summarize it!!! )
College Name: NIT RAIPUR
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Average level of difficulty.
Tips: Study mechanical and physical metallurgy as well as iron and steel making properly.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: There were 12 candidates in my GD group including me so you need to speak enough over the topic and you need to show some good GD atticates which will work in your favour.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: My PI consisted many ups and downs I.e. Silence of half an hour and then continuous speaking of about 20 min. As it was a kind of group interview but the questions were asked to individual and questions were not passed to the other candidate I.e. It was 3(HR) on 1 interview but two other candidates were also listening your interview.
Tips: My interview was based only on my industrial project and nothing else. Just know your project very well do it very seriously so that you are answerable to each and every question that will be bombarded over you!!!
And discover your passion till fourth year and accordingly choose the company. Do not experiment with your life and if confused talk to your seniors.

General Tips: The most important thing which matters is how passionate and how eager you are to work with them. Also most important is positive attitude towards every problem.
Skill Tips: If you ask any senior about cpi and if he says that it doesn't matter then he is definitely misguiding you!!!! Weightage of cpi and your technical is equal. If he says make your technical sound and you will be selected then it happens very rarely at least in our college. They want to see your performance in your academic session. They want to see how consistant you will be in their company and how serious you are towards your work and also towards your career. Less cpi even if you are constant through out, tells them that you will not grow after some point of time so they want growing and consistently growing performance which help them in their company. And backlog history matters more then your cpi because companies are nowadays asking for no backlog history so if you are not eligible for company then to whom you will show your pointers???
Skills: CGPA, Eagerness to work, Positive attitude
College Name: NIT RAIPUR
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user image Ayushi Gupta

posted on 8 Apr 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Tips: Prepare Aptitude very well (Arithmetic,Verbal,Logical reasoning) in such a way that no question takes more than 1 min to be solved.Practice previous years papers which are available online on various websites like ,

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I was asked 2 questions on programming

1. How to reverse a string in 3 ways

2. How to swap 2 numbers without using a third variable in 3 ways.

I was also asked the software development cycle and its types.
Tips: C and C++ is a must if you want to get into any software company . Other topics include DBMS,JAVA,OPERATING SYSTEM as per the company's requirement . Focus on basic programs like including strings, pointers,constructors and simple mathematical calculations which can be studied through various tutorials online available on websites like ,

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This was the best part of the whole selection process. I was asked to give my introduction in brief and then why i wanted to join the company.Other questions included whether i am flexible to work any where the company decides to post me to .
Tips: Confidence and a smile is the key to unlock this round .

College Name: NIT RAIPUR
Motivation: The training provided in Infosys is one of the best in India.
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user image Anamika Verma

posted on 3 Apr 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Basically there were two sections 1- Subjective Questions - 70 questions ( Questions were different for chemistry , physics , and mathematics applicants ) .In this section there were questions based on passage , calculation based questions that were supposed to be answered in numerals , and optional type. This section's questions were subject wise as per the applicants subject choice  .  2-Second section was comprised of Aptitude ,Logical reasoning , General English , and few questions of general knowledge and current affairs and it had 30 questions. Total 3 hours had been given to take test to each candidate but there was negative marking for each wrong answer.
Result of this written test was like this - " They selected only 8 candidates from each subject ,that are CHEMISTRY ,MATHEMATICS and PHYSICS out of whole lot for the next round of recruitment procedure. Those 8 candidates were screened based on the test scores.
Tips: Attempt those questions first ,which look easy to solve .As it had negative marking pattern ,so while answering, avoid making blind guesses and attempt those, which you are sure about in order to get clear in written . As I personally felt that time given to candidates was well enough to take test,so did not find time factor as problem.There were some question whose answer were supposed to be given in numerals/digits,so while attempting such questions make sure to solve them correctly as these sort of questions are like blessing in disguise but can be risky as well.As due to negative marking feature ,even 1 mark turned out as deciding factor, cause the passage for entering to next round was quite narrow ..means only 8 candidates were allowed to go next round for each subject .So give your best at test and take it sincerely and wisely .
Duration: 3 hours minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Actually HR interviews had gone parallelly  along with teaching demonstration round ,which was 2nd and of course last round . Very first question's been fired ....."Ohk then ,Tell me something about yourself ".Well this was the 1st question that had been asked to me when i entered inside the room to take demonstration class before the interviewer .As we(candidates ) had been told during PPT (pre placement talk ) ,that this teaching demonstration will be major and prime factor of selection and our whole probability of getting selected will solely depend on the way we'll nail the  teaching demonstration round . They asked some HR questions like "ok tell us about your family ,who are there in your family etc" . Answer it,just how you feel ,as these kind of questions are general type that one can easily answer, but yet frame the answer in your head before saying . As far as I have seen ,if a girl belongs to core branch ,she has to face one basic question ( not necessary in all cases :D ) " BEING A GIRL ,what are the qualities you posses that makes you different from other candidates ? " ...." Suppose if we hire you ,but BEING A GIRL , if we allocate you at any place  ,will you be comfortable ? "
                                            So basically girls you'll have to go through such questions if you will attend interview ,but never mind , one should know how to answer in best possible way :) ... 
Demonstration went for about 25-35 minutes ,and we had been told to choose any one of the topic related to the subject we had applied for,and were asked to take demo class like one that happens in school and coaching classes .
Tips: Like every other interviews ,interviewers shoot ICE BREAKING question                                                       " Tell me about yourself " ...Very basic 1 ,this is the perfect time to grab the whole attention and to outcast who and what you are  . Basically all they seek and want to know from you is " what specific skill and things you are good at , that would be useful to the post they are offering " 
GRAB the attention and take the conversation to the ways ,like you want .As the HR's probable next question ,that it may ask ,would be out of the one you told in your introduction part  .As I had missed telling about my family by little ,so out of curiosity ,they asked  to me to tell itself  . Well as i said the demonstration was all,that had mattered the most ,so do focus on the skills of teaching .
                                 The MOOL MANTRA  to answer any question to any interviewer is " One should be convinced and satisfied with it's answer, before telling it to someone ,cause if you are not convinced then how can we expect to convince someone else before us :) " 
Apart from it , be genuine and cool throughout the demonstration and interview, ( Never show any anxiety on face , cause they want human as there employee ,not a machine  :) ...Never fumble or go blank .If you not getting the right answer ,then don't get panic, as no one is PERFECT and they know it ,but one should know how to answer in other best possible way . During demonstration they had raised questions related to the content that i was teaching , and quenched down there curiosity by answering . Don't let your voice shiver ( as it's shows one's lack of confidence.Lucky if interviewer would take it as your nervousness, but make sure to not continue it for long ).

General Tips: Be clear with what you want to answer. Do practice aptitude question ,as everyone is good enough to solve aptitude questions ,but what matters is SPEED and ACCURACY. So practice to solve them in time . If one is not getting answer ,then don't stick with it ,and hit the next question. As sometime many test papers are designed in such a way that initial question's solutions are lengthy enough that it kills most of the given test time, hence we miss many simple questions that could help us to clear the written round . So have a good look on questions and smartly take test ,Cause eventually the score will decide ,not  the way like how one started answering from question no. 1 :)))
Skill Tips: Be good with the points that one is supposed to take demo class on. Do questions to yourself and try to frame how to answer . Answer should be good enough to clear doubt not to increase it .
Skills: Teaching, how one clears the doubt during teaching session , Interacting
College Name: National Institute Of Technology ,Raipur
Well there was nothing much  funny that had happened during interview ,as these moments already quite create  tense atmosphere . But still to divert our mind from such anxiety ,take your attention to somewhere and fix it to something . Well during the time span of written and demo round, it was about 2 hours of break and i had come back to room but what i was doing ,was playing games :P  unaware of written's result :D .Meanwhile I got call from one of my friend who were there  at college at that moment  " Abey ho gya tera next round ke liye :P ,aaja college "  ,and Then i closed the game and went like BOSS 8-) .Must be thinking what was funny ?? Agreed ,it wasn't funny but yeah I found it helpful as when one ponder about results , consequences , and interview as battle ,it nervous  a person even more ,So take it like nothing is happening and all you have to do is being yourself and let your talent come out  :D :P
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The questions were basic but speed was tested throughout the paper. Accuracy matters a lot as many questions were having negative scores fr wrong answers.
Tips: Start with a cool mind and just skip anything that even seems to take time; you can come to it afterwards. Answer only if you are damn sure of the solution.
Duration: 29 minutes
Total Questions: 75

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The first interview was very very cool. I was very much comfortable with the interviewer. All he wanted to know was the real me. He was asking questions to open up myself, completely.
Tips: Be Honest. Be yourself. Never try to manipulate in such kind of free going interview, because they already know what you would answer if you were frank enough.

Round: Stress Interview
Experience: The Stress Interview is really an interview of a lifetime. The interviewer always showed unsatisfactory expressions. Yet he was throwing me with manipulative questions. All I was able to do is bear a shameless smile throughout the interview. Hobbies were also an interesting subject for questioning.
Tips: Being honest is necessary, but Diplomacy plays a very huge role. They try to corner you with your own answers. So chose your words carefully. Even humiliation may be used  by them as a weapon. Just stay calm and cool. Be confidant about whatever you say. Confidence is the Key to Performance.

General Tips: Self Belief is a must. Confidence shows your stability during decision making. Less or no preparation is a must.
Skill Tips: Any kind of tension would spoil the interviews. So stay as cool as possible.
Skills: Entrepreneurial skills, Decision taking capability, Stress control, Quick maths
College Name: NIT RAIPUR
Motivation: My skillset steered me towards such a job profile.
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6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: general wareness consists of one liner questions that are easy but the time provided would be less... say 20 mins for 40-50 questions..this section basically checks your speed
aptitude consists of general aptitude questions basically maths , geometry and reasoning which are also easy and time provided is sufficient
Tips: dont loose your calm and avoid any silly mistakes...... try to improve your speed by regular practice coz the questions provided are easy and rest assured that you are capable enough to solve then right but all that you need to go ahead in this cut throat competition is you speed ,your confidence and your calm mind
P.S - this tip applies to almost all aptitude tests for any campus recruitment

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Hr questions are basically those questions to which you could answer easily coz they are questions about you.its as if you are introducing yourself to a stranger but then try to be a bit witty in your answers ..thats what catches the attention of the interviewer the most
Tips: do not go to an interview with the same old conventional mugged up answers....IT should be like you are meeting a person for the first time and you need to impress him/her with your answers

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: the technical interview was a bit of everything infact.. YOU need to know your branch need to know the maths studied in 9th and 10th need to know a bit of programming (not compulsory)....and ya try to go through some google puzzles before going for the interview...or at least try to use a bit of your logical sense for such questions
Tips: I know it becomes hard to be able to be a master in all fields....but at least dnt try to look dumb or arrogant by just saying i dont them the attitude that you are atleast trying to solve the question even if you dont know how to ..beforehand,,,,,,and a huge tip is that you are the one who actually decides which way your interview turns to...the way you answer,,the terms you use ...etc is what helps the interviewer to frame the next question from your answer always try to bring up those points about which you want your interviewer to ask questions to you

Skills: puzzle solving skills, programming skills, maths(basics)
College Name: NIT RAIPUR
Motivation: self motivation is the best policy ever
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