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Resonance Associate Lecturer Trainee Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 1 Dec 2015

Resonance Associate Lecturer Trainee Interview Experiences

3 interviews found

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. Tell me about yourself .
  • Ans. 

    I am a motivated and enthusiastic individual with a passion for teaching and learning.

    • I have a Bachelor's degree in Education and have completed various teaching internships.

    • I am skilled in lesson planning, classroom management, and student engagement.

    • I am a lifelong learner and enjoy staying up-to-date with the latest educational trends and research.

    • I am excited to bring my energy and expertise to the role of Associat

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  • Q2. Tell me something about your family
  • Ans. 

    My family is a close-knit unit of 5 members with diverse interests and personalities.

    • We enjoy spending time together, whether it's watching movies or going on vacations.

    • My parents are both retired teachers and my siblings are pursuing careers in engineering and journalism.

    • We value education and encourage each other to pursue our passions.

    • We have a pet dog named Max who is a beloved member of our family.

    • We come from a m...

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  • Q3. As being a girl , will you comfortable with the location that we will allot you ,in case if you get selected ?.
  • Ans. 

    Gender should not be a factor in location allotment. I am comfortable with any location.

    • Gender should not be a factor in location allotment

    • I am comfortable with any location

    • My gender does not affect my ability to perform my duties

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Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Basically there were two sections 1- Subjective Questions - 70 questions ( Questions were different for chemistry , physics , and mathematics applicants ) .In this section there were questions based on passage , calculation based questions that were supposed to be answered in numerals , and optional type. This section's questions were subject wise as per the applicants subject choice  .  2-Second section was comprised of Aptitude ,Logical reasoning , General English , and few questions of general knowledge and current affairs and it had 30 questions. Total 3 hours had been given to take test to each candidate but there was negative marking for each wrong answer.
Result of this written test was like this - " They selected only 8 candidates from each subject ,that are CHEMISTRY ,MATHEMATICS and PHYSICS out of whole lot for the next round of recruitment procedure. Those 8 candidates were screened based on the test scores.
Tips: Attempt those questions first ,which look easy to solve .As it had negative marking pattern ,so while answering, avoid making blind guesses and attempt those, which you are sure about in order to get clear in written . As I personally felt that time given to candidates was well enough to take test,so did not find time factor as problem.There were some question whose answer were supposed to be given in numerals/digits,so while attempting such questions make sure to solve them correctly as these sort of questions are like blessing in disguise but can be risky as well.As due to negative marking feature ,even 1 mark turned out as deciding factor, cause the passage for entering to next round was quite narrow ..means only 8 candidates were allowed to go next round for each subject .So give your best at test and take it sincerely and wisely .
Duration: 3 hours minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Actually HR interviews had gone parallelly  along with teaching demonstration round ,which was 2nd and of course last round . Very first question's been fired ....."Ohk then ,Tell me something about yourself ".Well this was the 1st question that had been asked to me when i entered inside the room to take demonstration class before the interviewer .As we(candidates ) had been told during PPT (pre placement talk ) ,that this teaching demonstration will be major and prime factor of selection and our whole probability of getting selected will solely depend on the way we'll nail the  teaching demonstration round . They asked some HR questions like "ok tell us about your family ,who are there in your family etc" . Answer it,just how you feel ,as these kind of questions are general type that one can easily answer, but yet frame the answer in your head before saying . As far as I have seen ,if a girl belongs to core branch ,she has to face one basic question ( not necessary in all cases :D ) " BEING A GIRL ,what are the qualities you posses that makes you different from other candidates ? " ...." Suppose if we hire you ,but BEING A GIRL , if we allocate you at any place  ,will you be comfortable ? "
                                            So basically girls you'll have to go through such questions if you will attend interview ,but never mind , one should know how to answer in best possible way :) ... 
Demonstration went for about 25-35 minutes ,and we had been told to choose any one of the topic related to the subject we had applied for,and were asked to take demo class like one that happens in school and coaching classes .
Tips: Like every other interviews ,interviewers shoot ICE BREAKING question                                                       " Tell me about yourself " ...Very basic 1 ,this is the perfect time to grab the whole attention and to outcast who and what you are  . Basically all they seek and want to know from you is " what specific skill and things you are good at , that would be useful to the post they are offering " 
GRAB the attention and take the conversation to the ways ,like you want .As the HR's probable next question ,that it may ask ,would be out of the one you told in your introduction part  .As I had missed telling about my family by little ,so out of curiosity ,they asked  to me to tell itself  . Well as i said the demonstration was all,that had mattered the most ,so do focus on the skills of teaching .
                                 The MOOL MANTRA  to answer any question to any interviewer is " One should be convinced and satisfied with it's answer, before telling it to someone ,cause if you are not convinced then how can we expect to convince someone else before us :) " 
Apart from it , be genuine and cool throughout the demonstration and interview, ( Never show any anxiety on face , cause they want human as there employee ,not a machine  :) ...Never fumble or go blank .If you not getting the right answer ,then don't get panic, as no one is PERFECT and they know it ,but one should know how to answer in other best possible way . During demonstration they had raised questions related to the content that i was teaching , and quenched down there curiosity by answering . Don't let your voice shiver ( as it's shows one's lack of confidence.Lucky if interviewer would take it as your nervousness, but make sure to not continue it for long ).

General Tips: Be clear with what you want to answer. Do practice aptitude question ,as everyone is good enough to solve aptitude questions ,but what matters is SPEED and ACCURACY. So practice to solve them in time . If one is not getting answer ,then don't stick with it ,and hit the next question. As sometime many test papers are designed in such a way that initial question's solutions are lengthy enough that it kills most of the given test time, hence we miss many simple questions that could help us to clear the written round . So have a good look on questions and smartly take test ,Cause eventually the score will decide ,not  the way like how one started answering from question no. 1 :)))
Skill Tips: Be good with the points that one is supposed to take demo class on. Do questions to yourself and try to frame how to answer . Answer should be good enough to clear doubt not to increase it .
Skills: Teaching, how one clears the doubt during teaching session , Interacting
College Name: National Institute Of Technology ,Raipur
Well there was nothing much  funny that had happened during interview ,as these moments already quite create  tense atmosphere . But still to divert our mind from such anxiety ,take your attention to somewhere and fix it to something . Well during the time span of written and demo round, it was about 2 hours of break and i had come back to room but what i was doing ,was playing games :P  unaware of written's result :D .Meanwhile I got call from one of my friend who were there  at college at that moment  " Abey ho gya tera next round ke liye :P ,aaja college "  ,and Then i closed the game and went like BOSS 8-) .Must be thinking what was funny ?? Agreed ,it wasn't funny but yeah I found it helpful as when one ponder about results , consequences , and interview as battle ,it nervous  a person even more ,So take it like nothing is happening and all you have to do is being yourself and let your talent come out  :D :P

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. Tell me about yourself ?
  • Ans. 

    I am a motivated and enthusiastic individual with a passion for teaching and learning.

    • I have a Bachelor's degree in Education and have completed several teaching internships.

    • I am skilled in creating engaging lesson plans and fostering a positive learning environment.

    • I have experience working with diverse student populations and adapting instruction to meet individual needs.

    • I am committed to ongoing professional develop...

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  • Q2. Will you be comfortable in working PAN India location?
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I am comfortable working PAN India as it will provide me with diverse experiences and opportunities.

    • I am open to new experiences and challenges.

    • I believe working in different locations will help me gain a better understanding of different cultures and work environments.

    • I am willing to adapt to new surroundings and work with people from different backgrounds.

    • I am excited about the prospect of exploring different pa...

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  • Q3. Interested in teaching ?
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I am very interested in teaching.

    • I have experience tutoring students in my field of expertise.

    • I enjoy sharing my knowledge and helping others learn.

    • I am excited about the opportunity to inspire and guide future generations.

    • I am committed to creating a positive and engaging learning environment.

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Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: As expected, the written round was there to test our subjective knowledge. We have to opt for one subject from PCM before going for selection procedure. There were 100 questions out of which, 80 were based on the subject, 10 on Quantitative Aptitude and 10 were on Current Affairs. Level of subject questions was quite good, most of the question were from the basic concepts which we have gone through during our 11th & 12th class.
Tips: Go through NCERT books of 11th & 12th
Duration: 180 minutes
Total Questions: 100

Round: Other Interview
Experience: It was basically a DEMO LECTURE round in which we have to present a topic of our choice from the selected subject to the panel. The main aim behind this round was to check our demonstration skills, how we perform under pressure, how we deliver a lecture. Some cross questions were also raised during this round only to check our performance.
Tips: Stay calm & focused, just assume you are teaching a panel of some idiots ;), then it automatically comes out from you. Remember, this round is just to test your teaching skills, so try to teach in a manner in which you always wanted. Because no one wants a boring lecture, try to make it as interesting as possible.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Just a normal HR question and everyone knows to answer it.
Tips: Tips... umm just google it you will find many answers there but one sincere advice, try to be yourself only, don't fake anything, be calm there is no point in showing hurry/getting nervous... HR panel people are just normal people who are there only to know you. Consider it as you are meeting a normal person or remember the first time meet with your gf/bf (only diff is it is formal one: means no bakchodi) and answer them normally tell them everything about yourself.

General Tips: Stay Calm & focused because in the end its all written in destiny!! Give your 100% every time, and then destiny will take care of all other things. Enjoy these 4 years to the fullest because this the time man to explore out every thing ;) but don't forget your primary task, the reason for which you are there. Be honest to yourself because in the end "Jaisa karoge Vaisa Bharoge" and have courage to face rejection, a rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success.
Skill Tips: Go through NCERT books for subject knowledge.
Skills: Teaching Skills, Core Subjects Knowledge
College Name: NIT Raipur
Motivation: As I came from a Teaching background so was highly interested for this job & it will give me a responsibility and opportunity to shape minds and ideas.
Funny Moments: The night before the placement day, was having few pegs of vodka, don't take this as a advice :D

Associate Lecturer Trainee Interview Questions Asked at Other Companies

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Questions are comprehension based,so no need to be panic about the formulae and concept.They explain the theory and will ask questions related to that theory only.Questions are from the part that you have already read in 11th&12th during JEE preparation
Tips: If possible go through basic concepts.Using any book available to you,will be sufficient enough.If you know theory and formulae prior then you can save your time of reading comprehension and tackle questions directly.Level of questions are average.To attempt more question you have to brush up your basics.Score more marks in written will give you an edge.BEWARE OF NEGATIVE MARKING
Duration: 120 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Other Interview
Experience: HR persons are cool.They will ask common questions like TEEL ME ABOUT YOURSELF? WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN US?........Then demo round will be there.After that they will cross question related to demo...If time allows then will talk about your FAMILY,YOUR PERSONAL LIFE etc..Entire team consists of 1 HR and 1Subject Faculty
Tips: IN DEMO be NATURAL.Don't try to be fake.be cool and calm.answers to every questions asked by them is not important,important is your way of thinking.just think first and then answer the question..

General Tips: BE COOL AND CALM.BE CONFIDENT but don't be over confident
Skill Tips: Be NATURAL,Keep smiling,represent your self confidently considering them as you student..
Skills: Dedication, Confidence
College Name: NIT Jamshedpur
Motivation: It's my dream,i love to help students.I am born to TEACH
Funny Moments: Bhai they ask me would you like to ask anything from me?I replied NO sir actually i want to say you something.Something about me,my passion,my goals..Phir BACKCHODI starts for half an hour...and finally

Interview questions from similar companies

Interview Questionnaire 

4 Questions

  • Q1. Write a C code for printing Febonacci Series upto n elements
  • Ans. 

    C code for printing Fibonacci Series upto n elements

    • Declare three variables to store the current, previous and next numbers in the series

    • Initialize the previous and current variables to 0 and 1 respectively

    • Use a loop to print the next number in the series by adding the previous two numbers

    • Loop should run n times to print n elements in the series

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  • Q2. Question related to family background
  • Q3. What are your hobbies?
  • Q4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Questions were from easy to moderate level. No negative marking, so attempt all.
Tips: Keep your mind open and practice aptitude problems on a daily basis.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: There were 21 students selected out of which two teams of 10 and 11 students were formed. Both the groups were given a topic and each one of us had to express our views.
Tips: Don't get nervous, just speak whatever you think. Don't yell or speak at loudly, just keep calm and put your points forward.
Duration: 20 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Apart from the above questions some puzzles and DBMS questions and a few basic C questions were also asked. We were given enough time to think and answer.
Tips: Do not be in a hurry. Think properly what you are going to say, whether it is right or not and then only answer.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The HR round was a good one. He tried to test my thinking capabilities and reasoning capabilities
Tips: Answer every question honestly.

General Tips: All the four rounds were elimination rounds and the final result was announced based on cumulative performance. So, be patient and give your best.
Skill Tips: Try to answer every properly
Skills: IQ, Basic Coding Skills, Problem Solving Skills
Motivation: The company visited our college campus. Also, one of my relatives in in Ericsson at a very high  post and is quite happy working here.

Skills evaluated in this interview

I appeared for an interview before Sep 2016.

Interview Questionnaire 

16 Questions

  • Q1. On what technology you have worked?
  • Ans. 

    I have worked on various technologies including Java, Python, AWS, Docker, and Kubernetes.

    • Java

    • Python

    • AWS

    • Docker

    • Kubernetes

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  • Q2. Case studies of daily operational activities?
  • Ans. 

    Daily operational activities case studies

    • Case study of optimizing production line for efficiency

    • Case study of implementing new safety protocols in a manufacturing plant

    • Case study of troubleshooting and resolving technical issues in a software development team

    • Case study of streamlining inventory management in a retail store

    • Case study of improving customer service processes in a call center

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  • Q3. What is project management?
  • Ans. 

    Project management is the process of planning, organizing, and overseeing the execution of a project from start to finish.

    • It involves defining project goals and objectives

    • Creating a project plan and timeline

    • Assigning tasks and responsibilities to team members

    • Monitoring progress and making adjustments as needed

    • Ensuring that the project is completed on time, within budget, and meets the desired quality standards

    • Examples ...

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  • Q4. What is financial and cost control during project management?
  • Ans. 

    Financial and cost control is the process of monitoring and managing project expenses to ensure they stay within budget.

    • Developing a detailed budget plan

    • Tracking expenses and comparing them to the budget plan

    • Identifying and addressing cost overruns

    • Negotiating with vendors to get the best prices

    • Implementing cost-saving measures

    • Regularly reporting on financial status to stakeholders

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  • Q5. What is resource management?
  • Ans. 

    Resource management is the process of planning, allocating, and optimizing resources to achieve organizational goals.

    • It involves identifying the resources needed for a project or task

    • Allocating those resources in an efficient manner

    • Monitoring and controlling resource usage to ensure optimal performance

    • Examples include managing personnel, finances, equipment, and time

    • Effective resource management can lead to increased p

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  • Q6. What is 2G , 3G, 4G call flow?
  • Ans. 

    2G, 3G, and 4G call flow are the processes involved in establishing and maintaining a mobile phone call.

    • 2G call flow involves circuit-switched technology and uses Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) for voice transmission.

    • 3G call flow uses packet-switched technology and supports both voice and data transmission.

    • 4G call flow uses Long-Term Evolution (LTE) technology and provides high-speed data transmission.

    • All call fl...

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  • Q7. What is single RAN?
  • Ans. 

    Single RAN is a network architecture that allows multiple wireless technologies to be supported on a single physical network.

    • Single RAN stands for Single Radio Access Network.

    • It enables multiple wireless technologies such as 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G to be supported on a single physical network.

    • This reduces the need for multiple hardware and software components, resulting in cost savings and simplified network management.

    • Sing...

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  • Q8. What is VOLTE?
  • Ans. 

    VOLTE stands for Voice over LTE. It is a technology that allows voice calls to be made over a 4G LTE network.

    • VOLTE uses IP packets to transmit voice calls over the LTE network

    • It provides better call quality and faster call setup times compared to traditional 2G/3G networks

    • VOLTE also allows for simultaneous voice and data usage on the same network

    • Examples of VOLTE-enabled devices include iPhone 6 and above, Samsung Gala...

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  • Q9. Difference between LTE & VOLTE?
  • Ans. 

    LTE is a standard for wireless broadband communication while VoLTE is a technology that enables voice calls over LTE network.

    • LTE stands for Long-Term Evolution and is a standard for wireless broadband communication.

    • VoLTE stands for Voice over LTE and is a technology that enables voice calls over LTE network.

    • LTE is used for data transfer while VoLTE is used for voice calls.

    • VoLTE provides better call quality and faster c...

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  • Q10. What is transport network?
  • Ans. 

    Transport network refers to the infrastructure that enables the movement of people, goods, and information.

    • Transport network includes roads, railways, airports, seaports, and communication networks.

    • It plays a crucial role in the economy by facilitating trade and commerce.

    • Examples of transport networks include the interstate highway system in the US and the European railway network.

    • Transport network planning involves op...

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  • Q11. Difference between ABIS over IP and ABIS over TDM?
  • Ans. 

    ABIS over IP and ABIS over TDM are two different methods of transmitting biometric data.

    • ABIS over IP uses internet protocol to transmit biometric data while ABIS over TDM uses time-division multiplexing.

    • ABIS over IP is more flexible and scalable than ABIS over TDM.

    • ABIS over TDM is more reliable and secure than ABIS over IP.

    • ABIS over IP is suitable for remote locations while ABIS over TDM is suitable for local networks.

    • ...

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  • Q12. Basic architecture of 2G , 3G & 4G?
  • Ans. 

    2G, 3G, and 4G are mobile network technologies with different architectures.

    • 2G uses circuit-switched technology and is primarily used for voice calls and text messaging.

    • 3G uses packet-switched technology and offers faster data transfer rates than 2G.

    • 4G uses all-IP packet-switched technology and provides even faster data transfer rates than 3G.

    • 4G also supports advanced features like VoLTE and carrier aggregation.

    • Each ge...

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  • Q13. Introduce yourself?
  • Ans. 

    I am a Senior engineer with 10+ years of experience in software development, specializing in backend systems and cloud technologies.

    • 10+ years of experience in software development

    • Specialize in backend systems and cloud technologies

    • Strong problem-solving skills

    • Experience with large-scale distributed systems

    • Proficient in programming languages such as Java, Python, and Go

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  • Q14. What are the experiences of your previous companies?
  • Ans. 

    I have worked in various companies ranging from startups to large corporations, gaining experience in diverse technologies and industries.

    • Worked in a startup where I was responsible for developing a scalable backend system using Node.js and MongoDB.

    • At a mid-sized company, I led a team in implementing CI/CD pipelines for faster and more reliable software delivery.

    • In a large corporation, I worked on optimizing performanc...

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  • Q15. Why do you want to join this company?
  • Ans. 

    I am impressed by the company's innovative projects and strong reputation in the industry.

    • Company's reputation for cutting-edge technology

    • Opportunity to work on challenging projects

    • Positive reviews from current employees

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  • Q16. What is your notice period? Is it negotiable or not?
  • Ans. 

    My notice period is currently 3 months, but it may be negotiable depending on the circumstances.

    • My current notice period is 3 months

    • I am open to negotiation depending on the circumstances

    • I can provide examples of when I have negotiated notice periods in the past

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Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Submitted resume online through portal and received the call. Technical Telephonic interview was scheduled.

Tips: Resume should be as per the desired profile.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: In this round interviewer asks basic technical questions based on the previous experiences that was mentioned in my resume.
Tips: Study all the points mentioned in the resume very deeply.

Round: Technical Interview
Tips: Given your answers to the point. It should be in brief .

Round: HR Interview
Tips: Conversation should be in proper communication. Try to convince the HR for joining. Negotiate the salary as per the profile offered to you.

Skills: Technical Skill, Communication And Confidence, Team Working Ability

Skills evaluated in this interview

I appeared for an interview in Mar 2017.

Interview Questionnaire 

8 Questions

  • Q1. Basics of networking
  • Q2. Data structures
  • Q3. Sql
  • Q4. Introduction
  • Q5. Final year project
  • Q6. Why should I hire you?
  • Ans. 

    I have the technical skills, experience, and passion to deliver high-quality software solutions.

    • I have a strong background in programming languages such as Java, Python, and C++.

    • I have experience working on complex software projects and collaborating with cross-functional teams.

    • I am passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends in software development.

    • I am a quick learner and have a strong...

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  • Q7. Why Ericsson?
  • Ans. 

    Ericsson is a global leader in telecommunications technology with a strong focus on innovation and career development.

    • Global leader in telecommunications technology

    • Strong focus on innovation

    • Opportunities for career development

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  • Q8. About relocation

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test which I wrote was based on cocubes. quants was easy, one can easily score 50 percent if they refer rs agarwal and logical was easy but it takes more time and verbal was neither easy nor tough. One thing I want to advice try doing verbal first so that u can save time and then go to quant and logical. After the test we got the results out of 160 students 51 cleared the test. I was one among them.
Duration: 45 minutes
Total Questions: 45

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Keep ur cool in the technical. people are friendly. Think before you answer twice they may ask u puzzles as well. So be prepared for it. Final year project is a must, they are gonna ask u the details how you implement stuffs in your project. After my technical out of 51 students around 30 cleared this round. I was one among them.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Don't be scared guys. Hr is just a casual one. finally around 15 were selected from my college including me. I am very happy with the result. best of luck guys. Do well!!!
Tips: Keep your cool. stay confident that's all I can tell. Once you clear technical one can easily clear Hr round.

Skills: Communication, Technical Skill
College Name: JSS Academy of Technical Education - JSSATE

I appeared for an interview before Mar 2021.

Round 1 - Group Discussion 

Round duration - 15 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

This was a group discussion round where we were divided into groups of 10 and we had 15 minutes for GD.

Round 2 - Face to Face 

(6 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

This is all about how good you are with the fundamentals. Out of 10 I would give it a 6.5 on difficulty.

  • Q1. 

    Reverse the String Problem Statement

    You are given a string STR which contains alphabets, numbers, and special characters. Your task is to reverse the string.


    STR = "abcde"
  • Ans. 

    Reverse a given string containing alphabets, numbers, and special characters.

    • Iterate through the string from the end to the beginning and append each character to a new string.

    • Use built-in functions like reverse() or StringBuilder in languages like Python or Java for efficient reversal.

    • Handle special characters and numbers while reversing the string.

    • Ensure to consider the constraints on the length of the string and the

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  • Q2. What is a deadlock?
  • Ans. 

    A deadlock is a situation in which two or more processes are unable to proceed because each is waiting for the other to release a resource.

    • Occurs in multitasking environments where processes compete for limited resources

    • Can be resolved using techniques like deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance, and deadlock detection

    • Example: Process A holds Resource X and waits for Resource Y, while Process B holds Resource Y and wa

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  • Q3. What is a thread?
  • Ans. 

    A thread is a lightweight sub-process that allows concurrent execution within a single process.

    • Threads share the same memory space within a process.

    • Threads are used to achieve parallelism and improve performance.

    • Examples of threads include the main thread in a program and worker threads in a multi-threaded application.

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  • Q4. What is the difference between Multiprocessing and Multiprogramming?
  • Ans. 

    Multiprocessing involves multiple processors executing multiple tasks simultaneously, while multiprogramming involves multiple programs sharing a single processor by switching between them.

    • Multiprocessing utilizes multiple processors to execute multiple tasks concurrently.

    • Multiprogramming involves multiple programs sharing a single processor by switching between them.

    • Multiprocessing is more efficient in terms of perfor...

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  • Q5. Can you explain the process life cycle in an operating system?
  • Ans. 

    Process life cycle in an operating system involves creation, execution, termination, and resource management.

    • Creation: When a process is created, it is assigned a unique process ID and allocated necessary resources.

    • Execution: The process is then scheduled by the operating system to run on the CPU.

    • Termination: Once the process completes its task or is terminated by the user, it is removed from memory.

    • Resource Management...

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  • Q6. What are the differences between Windows XP and Windows 7?
  • Ans. 

    Windows XP and Windows 7 are both operating systems developed by Microsoft, but they have several key differences.

    • User interface: Windows 7 has a more modern and user-friendly interface compared to Windows XP.

    • Performance: Windows 7 is generally faster and more stable than Windows XP.

    • Security: Windows 7 has more advanced security features and updates compared to Windows XP.

    • Hardware support: Windows 7 supports newer hard...

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Round 3 - Face to Face 

(6 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

Technical round with questions on DBMS and Networking mainly.

  • Q1. What is the difference between RDBMS and DBMS?
  • Ans. 

    RDBMS is a type of DBMS that stores data in a structured format with relationships between tables.

    • RDBMS enforces referential integrity and allows for normalization of data.

    • DBMS is a general term for any system that manages databases, while RDBMS specifically refers to relational databases.

    • Examples of RDBMS include MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server.

    • Examples of DBMS include MongoDB and Redis.

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  • Q2. What is an Object-Oriented Database Management System (OODBMS)?
  • Ans. 

    An Object-Oriented Database Management System (OODBMS) is a type of database management system that supports the creation and management of objects in a database.

    • OODBMS stores data in the form of objects, which can contain attributes and methods.

    • It allows for complex data structures and relationships to be represented more easily.

    • Examples of OODBMS include db4o, ObjectDB, and ObjectStore.

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  • Q3. How do you find the number of unique values in a SQL database?
  • Ans. 

    Use the COUNT DISTINCT function in SQL to find the number of unique values in a database.

    • Use the COUNT DISTINCT function along with the column name to count the number of unique values in that column.

    • For example, SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) FROM table_name;

    • You can also use GROUP BY to find the number of unique values for multiple columns.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. What is the difference between a hub and a switch in networking?
  • Ans. 

    A hub operates at the physical layer and broadcasts data to all devices on the network, while a switch operates at the data link layer and forwards data only to the intended recipient.

    • Hub operates at the physical layer, while switch operates at the data link layer

    • Hub broadcasts data to all devices on the network, while switch forwards data only to the intended recipient

    • Switch is more efficient and secure compared to a

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Can you explain the different OSI layers?
  • Ans. 

    The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model is a conceptual framework that standardizes the functions of a telecommunication or computing system into seven different layers.

    • Physical Layer: Deals with the physical connection between devices. Example: Ethernet cables.

    • Data Link Layer: Responsible for node-to-node communication. Example: MAC addresses.

    • Network Layer: Manages routing of data packets. Example: IP addresses.

    • T...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. What are the different protocols supported at each OSI layer?
  • Ans. 

    Different protocols supported at each OSI layer

    • Layer 1 (Physical): Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth

    • Layer 2 (Data Link): MAC, PPP, HDLC

    • Layer 3 (Network): IP, ICMP, ARP

    • Layer 4 (Transport): TCP, UDP, SCTP

    • Layer 5 (Session): NetBIOS, PPTP

    • Layer 6 (Presentation): SSL, TLS

    • Layer 7 (Application): HTTP, FTP, SMTP

  • Answered by AI
Round 4 - HR 

Round duration - 15 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

IF you make it to the HR round you are selected. All 28 that attended got selected . It was more like stuff for formality. The usual questions.

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteriaAbove 7 CGPAEricsson India interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures, Algorithms, System Design, Aptitude, OOPS, DBMS, OSTime required to prepare for the interview - 4 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Must do Previously asked Interview as well as Online Test Questions.
Tip 2 : Go through all the previous interview experiences from Codestudio and Leetcode.
Tip 3 : Do at-least 2 good projects and you must know every bit of them.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Have at-least 2 good projects explained in short with all important points covered.
Tip 2 : Every skill must be mentioned.
Tip 3 : Focus on skills, projects and experiences more.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

I applied via Company Website and was interviewed before Mar 2020. There was 1 interview round.

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. Write a program on bubble sort ?
  • Ans. 

    Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent elements and swaps them if they are in the wrong order.

    • Start from the first element and compare it with the next element

    • If the first element is greater than the next element, swap them

    • Repeat this process for all elements in the list

    • Continue this process until no more swaps are needed

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Define Turing Machine ?
  • Ans. 

    A Turing Machine is a theoretical device that can simulate any algorithmic computation.

    • It was proposed by Alan Turing in 1936 as a model for computation.

    • It consists of a tape, a head that can read and write symbols on the tape, and a set of rules for transitioning between states.

    • It can simulate any algorithmic computation, making it a powerful tool for theoretical computer science.

    • It is often used as a theoretical basi...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Explain hash function
  • Ans. 

    A hash function is a mathematical function that converts input data of arbitrary size into a fixed-size output.

    • Hash functions are used to index data in hash tables.

    • They are also used in cryptography to securely store passwords.

    • Examples of hash functions include MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-256.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Interview was lengthy process some questions were difficult to answer and i tried to amswer a few questions but i didnt clear interview process

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. Questions based on previous written test are asked. Most common being to optimize the solution further

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The quantitative section was tougher than usual. There were tricky questions from Trigonometry and Mensuration.
3 Coding Questions were asked. Any programming language including pseudo-code was allowed.
String Manipulation seemed to be a favorite topic
Tips: Go through formulas and shortcuts for the Quantitative Section
Duration: 120 minutes
Total Questions: 40

Round: Test
Experience: 3 Questions. 30 minutes for each. This test was at the company premises.
Tips: Try to have more than one approach figured out.
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 3

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Nice and Interactive interview. Interview to test flexibility in approach.

General Tips: Try to communicate well with the Interviewer. Don't hesitate in asking for feedback and advice after the interview is over with.
Skills: Coding, Problem Solving
College Name: NIT BHOPAL

Interview Questionnaire 

17 Questions

  • Q1. Tell me about yourself?
  • Ans. 

    I am a software developer with experience in multiple programming languages and a passion for problem-solving.

    • Experienced in Java, C++, and Python

    • Strong knowledge of data structures and algorithms

    • Proficient in web development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

    • Familiar with agile development methodologies

    • Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Define Automation framework?
  • Ans. 

    Automation framework is a set of guidelines, standards, and coding practices used to create automated test scripts.

    • It provides a structured way to develop and maintain automated tests

    • It includes tools, libraries, and reusable components

    • It helps in reducing the time and effort required for testing

    • Examples include Selenium, Appium, and Robot Framework

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Difference between High severity and low severity with example, what is important as QA point of view?
  • Ans. 

    High severity refers to critical defects that impact the core functionality of the software, while low severity refers to minor issues that have minimal impact on functionality.

    • High severity issues can cause the software to crash or result in data loss.

    • Low severity issues are cosmetic or minor usability problems.

    • From a QA point of view, high severity issues are more critical as they can significantly impact the user ex...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. There one form where username and password and remember-me field is given, write the test scenarios?
  • Q5. Around 5-6 more questions
  • Q6. Automation architecture?
  • Q7. Difference between class and interface?
  • Ans. 

    Class is a blueprint for creating objects while interface defines a contract for classes to implement.

    • A class can have attributes and methods while an interface only has method signatures.

    • A class can be instantiated while an interface cannot.

    • A class can only inherit from one class while it can implement multiple interfaces.

    • Example: Class - Animal, Interface - Flyable

    • Animal can have attributes like name, age, etc. and m...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. What is static keyword?
  • Ans. 

    Static keyword is used to declare a variable or method that belongs to the class rather than an instance of the class.

    • Static variables are shared among all instances of a class

    • Static methods can be called without creating an instance of the class

    • Static blocks are used to initialize static variables

    • Static keyword can also be used to create nested classes

    • Example: public static int count;

  • Answered by AI
  • Q9. What are the different access modifiers and what is there uses?
  • Ans. 

    Access modifiers control the visibility and accessibility of class members.

    • Public: accessible from anywhere

    • Private: accessible only within the class

    • Protected: accessible within the class and its subclasses

    • Default: accessible within the same package

    • Used to enforce encapsulation and prevent unauthorized access

  • Answered by AI
  • Q10. Difference between interface and abstract?
  • Ans. 

    Interface defines only method signatures while abstract class can have both method signatures and implementations.

    • An interface can be implemented by multiple classes while an abstract class can only be extended by one class.

    • An abstract class can have constructors while an interface cannot.

    • An abstract class can have instance variables while an interface cannot.

    • An abstract class can provide default implementations for so...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q11. Write a program for given login scenario using defined automation architecture?
  • Ans. 

    A program for login scenario using defined automation architecture.

    • Identify the elements on the login page such as username, password, and login button

    • Use automation tools like Selenium to interact with the elements and input data

    • Verify successful login by checking for expected elements on the landing page

    • Implement error handling for incorrect login credentials

    • Use a modular and scalable architecture for maintainability

  • Answered by AI
  • Q12. Take an array, store the numbers and print the numbers using arrayList?
  • Ans. 

    To store and print numbers from an array using arrayList.

    • Create an arrayList object

    • Loop through the array and add each element to the arrayList using add() method

    • Print the arrayList using toString() method

    • Example: int[] arr = {1, 2, 3}; ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>(); for(int num : arr) { list.add(num); } System.out.println(list.toString());

Answered by AI
  • Q13. Write test scenario for download functionality of a songs website?
  • Ans. 

    Test scenario for download functionality of a songs website

    • Verify that the download button is visible and clickable

    • Check that the downloaded file is in the correct format

    • Ensure that the downloaded file is not corrupted

    • Test the download speed for different file sizes

    • Verify that the download progress is displayed to the user

  • Answered by AI
  • Q14. Difference between cache and cookies?
  • Ans. 

    Cache stores data temporarily to reduce server load while cookies store user information for website personalization.

    • Cache stores frequently accessed data to reduce server load and improve website performance.

    • Cookies store user information such as login credentials, preferences, and shopping cart items.

    • Cache is temporary and can be cleared at any time, while cookies can have an expiration date.

    • Cache is stored on the us...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q15. Solve the aptitude questions(2 – 3), she wanted to see the approach?
  • Q16. Make a 3*3 cube where you need to fill the numbers using 1-9, rows, columns and diagonal sum should be equal to 15
  • Q17. One more puzzle
  • Interview Preparation Tips

    Round: Test
    Total Questions: 2

    General Tips: Interview Experience was very good
    Skills: Algorithm, data structure
    College Name: na

    Skills evaluated in this interview

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