Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee

Roorkee, Uttarakhand

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee Placement Interview Questions

Updated 17 Dec 2024

11 interviews found

KITES INTERN Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 30 Jul 2023

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Less than 2 weeks
I didn't hear back from the company

I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed in Jun 2023.

3 Interview Rounds


Resume Shortlist Round

Pro Tip by AmbitionBox:
Keep your resume crisp and to the point. A recruiter looks at your resume for an average of 6 seconds, make sure to leave the best impression.
View all Resume tips

Aptitude Test Round

It was simple aptitude questions including image matching, selecting similar images, pattern finding.


Group Discussion Round

Be calm, stay on the point. Don't say anything unnecessary. Be sure to take turns and speak and lead the group to a final conclusion.

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KITES Intern Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 13 Sep 2022

I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed before Sep 2021.

3 Interview Rounds


Resume Shortlist Round

Pro Tip by AmbitionBox:
Don’t add your photo or details such as gender, age, and address in your resume. These details do not add any value.
View all Resume tips

Technical Round (1 Question)

  • Q1. Resume based questions - basic questions about internship and finer technical details of projects

HR Round (1 Question)

  • Q1. Strengths and weaknesses, preference for working in remote locations, examples of leadership moments

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Just be confident, know your resume well and have basic technical knowledge about your branch
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user image Anonymous

posted on 11 May 2017

I was interviewed before May 2016.

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: This round specifically looks for a decent resume. A good resume always begins with good academia and decent extra-curriculars.
Tips: A student should alway

College Name: IIT Roorkee
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user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: They have a resume based selection in the first round. After that they have a group based case study. They have a very limited no. of these case studies and you can browse different interview experiences to have a prior knowledge of these case studies.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: In the interview you have to dazzle them with your core knowledge. Anyways they took the two guys having highest CGPA. They selected 2 out of 5 and one of my friends interview went very well but to my surprise he was not selected. They asked mostly about quality control tests, slump, compaction factor and some common sense questions related to civil engineering.
Though I didn’t get into ITC, what i feel is that they are looking for people who are good at academics but also have certain amount of extracurricular activities to their credit. They want people who have had experience of working in the field and in a team. For them it is very important that you have very good team ethics and extremely profound leadership qualities.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
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user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: The criterion for applying to the company was based on the CGPA. They looked at the CGPA and over all profile of the candidates.  After the first shortlist there was a group discussion round.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There were two rounds of interview. In that they asked me HR questions and some core field related questions. The HR questions were on the lines of:
Tell us about yourselfQuestions related to long term/short term goals/Where you see yourself after 'n' years?Question about relocation/working on weekends/frequent traveling/working in rural areas etc.Questions about motivations/upbringing/ethics/moral dilemmas.The core branch related question was from thermodynamic cycles.
Finally they asked me which movie had I watched recently. I told them ‘The Dark Knight Rises’. After that there was an exhaustive discussion on the movie and on its cast and acting.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
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NA Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I referred some of seniors resume’s for preparing my own resume. Then I prepared a rough draft and mailed it to some of my seniors who did a thorough review of my resume. I received some valuable insights from them and finally I prepared my final resume. While applying in different companies I only altered my areas of interests, for instance while applying in core companies I mentioned my “areas of interest” as the core subjects.

Round: Test
Experience: The company first gave us a questionnaire similar to our standard campus CV format. The questionnaire consisted of some general questions as answers to which we were asked to specify our extra-curricular activities, our areas of interest and so on. The questionnaire also consisted of some questions which we were expected to answer smartly. The company also laid down a minimum CGPA cut-off criterion of 7.0. On these bases the company shortlisted some 70 candidates out the 400 odd people who applied.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The third round was the interview round. The interview was a technical plus HR interview. Previous year the company had conducted 2 rounds, however this year the company conducted only one round. The first question they asked me was to speak about myself. I started making mistakes from the first line that I spoke. The interviewer pinpointed every minute mistake that I made. This interview was kind of a stress interview and if your very first interview turns out to be a stress interview you are quite certainly going to end up screwing it.
Then they asked me about my internships. I had done two internships both in a company called Tractor Industries. My work during the internships was related to tractor driveline. They asked me some technical questions on the work that I did during my internships and also on my projects. I was not able to give suitable replies to any of those questions. Other technical questions they asked me were on priming of the pumps and fluid mechanics. Next they asked me to specify my subject of interest, to which I replied ‘refrigeration’. Listening to this they asked me to design an air conditioner for the room in which interview was being conducted. I was doing everything just perfectly fine, but then again interrupted and I lost all my coherence and confidence and consequently I ended up screwing in this question as well.
Further one of the interviewers asked me to specify my second favourite subject; I defensively said ‘small hydro power’. The interviewer was an alumnus of IIT Roorkee and one of his electives was small hydro power. He was a pioneer of the subject and grilled me heavily on this topic. I was left flat footed at times. I was not able to answer some simple questions he asked me about the turbines used in small hydro power schemes. Somehow they were convinced that I am more oriented for a marketing job than a technical job, they also upheld a notion that I would quit the company sooner or later and go for MBA. I tried to convince them that further studies was not my agenda and would never be and also that I want to enter into the industry as a technician. They still seemed quite reluctant.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: ITC is a very well renowned FMCG company in India and has a significant presence in the Indian market. It is known for its emphasis on technical questions asked in the interview rounds. The profile is related to their production/manufacturing line.
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NA Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 24 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: ITC had a standard form that was to be filled by all the candidates applying to it. Apart from the standard academic details, the form required the candidate to answer some HR questions and also mention a few extracurricular achievements. Though, according to me, the form isn’t very important, but you should still make it a point to answer the questions asked in the form in the best possible way. ITC does give a lot of importance to the candidate’s CGPA for short listing them for the next round.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The interview was a mix of technical as well as HR type questions. I was asked technical questions from my engineering stream only. The interviewers wanted to test the understanding of basic engineering concepts.
The interviewers asked general questions regarding career goals, hobbies and how do I pursue them. They wanted to know about the motivation behind the activities I indulge in or the hobbies that I pursue. I was also asked 2-3 very small case studies. In one of them, I had to discuss the factors that should be considered before setting up a new mineral water plant. This is related to the course “Facilities Planning” (which is a part of the Industrial engineering curriculum). I believe that it was mainly because I was able to do well in these case study type questions that I got short listed for the next interview round. Some of the questions asked were-1) What is Six Sigma?
2) Questions based on control charts.3) What is TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) and TQM (Total Quality Management)?4) Why don’t you want to go for an MBA?
In the second interview round, I was asked questions related to my BTP project. The interview panel also asked a lot of questions about my internship. It is very important to be thorough with your projects and internship.  Also as my BTP project was based on Capacity Planning, the interviewers asked a question “How does Facebook do capacity planning of its servers?”. It was more of a discussion and not a question.
Both the interviews took about 20 minutes each.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: I attended the pre placement talk given by the company when it came on campus. I also talked to a few seniors about the work at ITC.
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NA Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 24 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: ITC has an application form which needs to be filled. It has questions related to your projects, incidences that you consider important and information regarding your other achievements. They also pay attention to social work.
Tips: Be truthful about what you write in the form. Also emphasize on what you did rather than what the team did.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The next round was personal interview. There were two interviewers in the panel. The interview began with a simple question asking me to tell more about myself. They asked me about my background and my home town (Bhopal). They also talked about my biggest failure and why did I want to join ITC.
They asked for my favourite topic in electrical engineering. I had studied Power System Protection recently so they asked me questions from it. The only technical question that was asked to me was the difference between a switch and a Thermal Relay. They further asked can we use a fuse instead of a thermal relay and related questions. The interview got over after the technical questions.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: ITC is a reputed company and is the dream company for a lot of students in the campus. I searched about its CEO and also read about the products that ITC makes. I also asked my seniors regarding their work and job responsibilities. They were working in different divisions across various manufacturing units of ITC across the country.
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NA Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 24 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I had a standard resume for this company as per our institute placement cell norms.ITC does focus on technical stuff. So I did make it a point to briefly describe my projects and internship. I did mention my academic achievements as well.
ITC required all its candidates to fill up a standard form, which apart from the standard academic details and extracurricular activities, had subjective questions like your career objectives, why would you want to join ITC etc. Candidates were shortlisted on the basis of this form. Almost all the candidates shortlisted for the next round had a CGPA greater than 7.50

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 16 students were shortlisted for the interview round. The interview was a mix of technical as well as HR questions. The interview panel had two people. One of them focused on technical questions while the other put up HR questions. They first asked me about my experience during the group discussion activity and why would I want to join ITC. The panel then moved onto my resume and asked questions related to my projects (based on power systems). Since I am pursuing Electrical Engineering, I was asked related questions like Laplace and Fourier transforms of standard functions, filters, power loss in a transmission line, use of circuit breakers, use of integral and differential control in control systems and their industrial applications. I was also asked questions based on Power System Deregulation as I had mentioned it as one of my areas of interest. The interview concluded with the HR guy asking me about my family background, interests other than academics, the kind of work environment I liked and my expectations from ITC.
There were supposed to be two interviews, but since I wasn’t really prepared for a core electrical based technical interview, I made a number of silly mistakes while answering the questions and couldn’t make it to the second round.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: ITC is a renowned company. I had a few friends and seniors working there and had a rough idea about the work and the job responsibilities. Also I attended ITC’s pre-placement talk.
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user image Vivek Murarka

posted on 10 Jan 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Initial shortlisting was based on resume. Everyone above 8 was shortlisted.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Our GD was about an old man which died on a Christmas eve. Roles of various individuals/groups were given and they had to be arranged from the most responsible to the least responsible.Some of the roles were like:
1) The old man didn't save enough for old age and didn't had insurance. 
2) The doctor didn't attend a house call as he had a 70 h week. 
3) The hospital administration didn't admit the old man in the morning because of lack of facilities. 
4) The taxpayers didn't allow a bill on better health facilities because it would lead to an increase in taxes. Our GD turned out to be a cool one because almost everyone supported the same order. The total time for reading and discussion was 25 mins but we concluded by around 20 mins only. We spent most of the time discussing how the roles could have been to prevent the death.
Tips: Try to develop a good vocab and fluency for GD. 
The key to any GD is to put as many ideas and to discuss with the group. 
Don't try to make it a monologue or just sit there supporting everyone. 
Try to rationally think about the topic. 
Starting the GD is advantageous only when you have really understood the topic. 
Otherwise, try to listen to other speakers and understand the topic. 
Even if you speak 2-3 times for reasonable length of time and put impressive points, you should make it through.
Duration: 25 mins minutes

Round: Interview
Experience: It was a technical plus HR round. 
This was how it went:1) Which other companies have you appeared for ?
Rio Tinto.
2) What happened there ?
I screwed up in HR.
3) Tell us something about yourself.
Did so. Told a little about family and campus life. Try to talk about things which you wish to be interviewed upon.
4) Why not family business ?
Convinced them about my liking of corporate life :)
5) You have an intern and your IDD Dissertation on optimization. Did you have choices in these?
Said Yes and explained why i chose optimization and also explained the projects a little. One of the guys had worked on electrocoagulation and was impressed by my understanding :)
6) Explain any other project.
Told them about shale gas project.
7) What's the distribution of shale gas in the world and what's its composition?
Told them.
8) Why do we have flaring of gas when we take out crude?
It depends on the amount of gas in place. If the gas in place is low, building a pipeline to take gas would be costly, hence it is flared.
9) Why do we flare it in petrochemical complexes?
Greenhouse potential of methane is higher than that of carbon dioxide.
10) How high?
Err....90 times.?!! (actually it is 72 times)
11) How would you calculate the efficiency of a boiler?Told them. Try to use bookish language in your answers.
12) Laws of thermodynamics and their statements.
Simplest Question :)
13) How do you relate the Clausius Statement with the Kelvin Statement.
Explained with a diagram.
14) Tell me about your learnings while working as a team leader and as a team member.
Told them about Cogni. Tried to explain my role but was asked to be specific on learnings.
15) Why ITC ?
ITC being an Indian company has gone upto the standards of global giants like P&G and HUL in terms of quality. You have the best people working for you and its easier to learn from people rather than to learn from books.
16) You want to work for an indian company and just appeared for Rio Tinto ?!!
Umm....Sir, it has just started working in India !!

General Tips: I started preparing for placements by the start of November. For ITC, the first step is writing your
resume correctly. Don't write things just to make your resume attractive. Write about things in which you are really confident. For interns and projects, write in a manner to clearly indicate the aim of work, your personal contribution, your learnings and the final result. Read relevant coursework to your projects as it will help you in interview. Prepare 3-4 subjects really well as you might be asked an area of interest. You need to be good in your core courses as ITC pays attention to how well you can recall them. Try to go through as many subjects atleast once.
Think about 3-4 companies that you have a good chance in. Know their procedures and past year questions and prepare accordingly. It helps.
College Name: IIT-ROORKEE
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