Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow
Your seniors at Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. 🙏
Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow
Your seniors at Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. 🙏
I applied via Campus Placement
I applied via Campus Placement
I applied via Campus Placement
Has the Modi government created the impact that it promised to?
Tell me about yourself.
Why you chose HUL? Why Sales & Marketing?
What would you prefer if two options are given- to increase the quantity by 100 MG and price dove at 70 or reduce the quantity and price it lower than now, somewhere around 40?
If I give you 10 crores, how do you plan on spending it. You can do anything with it. Give me the action steps. You could even travel round the world.
I applied via Campus Placement
Case Submission.
I applied via Campus Placement
I applied via Campus Placement
Company interaction.
Be attentive and answer as many questions as possible.
Interview. Tech Case
I applied via Campus Placement
A small software company trying to expand into emerging technologies. Discuss ways to reduce fixed expenses.
Can you guesstimate the reduction in rent expenses if the seating arrangement in the office is changed?
Can you Guesstimate the reduction in rent expenses if seating arrangement in office is changed? Evaluate the accuracy of your answer, solve it with different approach.
A company has developed a new payment technology that will significantly reduce the time per transaction. Explore possible clients (supermarkets, fuel pumps, etc.) and choose a pricing model Fixed charge per machine, a fixed charge per transaction 3. Some % of the transacted amount. Evaluate these options, comment on possible + and - of each strategy, and choose the best one.
Can you guesstimate the market size (in INR) for this product according to the chosen pricing strategy?.
I applied via Campus Placement
Choose the best option among the five courses of action for Corporate governance.
I applied via Campus Placement
Tell me something about yourself.
Have you gone through the JD?
Do you have any questions for me?
Tell me about your work experience and your role?
Tell me about any one innovative project you have done during your previous work?
What will you do if a customer has typed the wrong pin code (a false Pin code may lead the courier to the wrong location)? How will you rectify this problem?
I applied via Campus Placement
Case Based GD
Discussion on a particular chinese mobile phone company's plan to start their operations in India while being the market leader in low cost mobile phones in China.