C Programming Questions and Answers
How will you free the allocated memory ?
Answer:Option B
What is the similarity between a structure, union and enumeration?
Answer:Option C
Point out the error in the program?
struct emp
int ecode;
struct emp *e;
Option C
Explanation :This type of declaration is called as self-referential structure. Here *e is pointer to a struct emp.
Point out the error in the program?
typedefstruct data mystruct;
struct data
int x;
mystruct *b;
Option C
Explanation :Here the type name mystruct is known at the point of declaring the structure, as it is already defined.
Point out the error in the program?
#include < stdio.h >int main()
struct a
float category:5;
char scheme:4;
printf("size=%d", sizeof(struct a));
Option B
Explanation :Bit field type must be signed int or unsigned int.
The char type: char scheme:4; is also a valid statement.
Point out the error in the program?
#include < stdio.h >int main()
struct emp
char name[20];
float sal;
struct emp e[10];
int i;
for(i=0; i<=9; i++)
scanf("%s %f", e[i].name, &e[i].sal);
Option B
Explanation :At run time it will show an error then program will be terminated.
Sample output: Turbo C (Windows)
c : \ > myprogram
scanf : floating point formats not linked
Abnormal program termination
Point out the error in the program?
#include < stdio.h >#include < string.h >void modify(struct emp*);
struct emp
char name[20];
int age;
int main()
struct emp e = {"Sanjay", 35};
printf("%s %d", e.name, e.age);
void modify(struct emp *p)
p ->age=p->age+2;
Option B
Explanation :The struct emp is mentioned in the prototype of the function modify() before declaring the structure.To solve this problem declare struct emp before the modify() prototype.
Point out the error in the program in 16-bit platform?
#include < stdio.h >int main()
struct bits
int i:40;
printf("%d\n", sizeof(bit));
Option C
Point out the error in the program?
#include < stdio.h >int main()
struct emp
char n[20];
int age;
struct emp e1 = {"Dravid", 23};
struct emp e2 = e1;
if(e1 == e2)
printf("The structure are equal");
Option B
Point out the error in the program?
#include < stdio.h >int main()
struct emp
char n[20];
int age;
struct emp e1 = {"Dravid", 23};
struct emp e2 = e1;
if(e1 == e2)
printf("The structure are equal");
Option B