...ior employees about senior Executives which is very harmful to an organisation.Very importantly, providing a lumpsum bonus in the CTC. as an appreciation of good work done with a rider that it will be payable after completion of one year and serving departure notice just one or two days before completiin of one year thereby denying the benefit so offered,outrightly and arrogantly.This amounts to cheating.There are many Executives who were thus cheated by the Company.The Company sufferes seriously due to lack of maturity at Promoter level listening more to juniors.and "Khan Bharnewalen" because they like continuouss talkers in place of loyal and serious performers and thereby belittling the performers.. They don't have right to affend and send such performing employees unceremoniously.There can be a good uandshak leaaving witout hard feelings.In tact the Primoters should avoid to hand over the termination letter themselves and should do duch issuance through HRD.Head.They can avoid creating a hurt feeling for having done a good job while leaving the Company.All these are entirely due to the imaturity and lack of professional knowledge and believing more on arrogance and in comptence.A wonderful company is being damaged due to the above facts.I appreciate and place oon record for this good work being done to get feedback.I wish all the best to my Company.
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