... pharmacist at Tata Steel,career growth is a very undefined and unclear process.Salary is divided into two types.1》being paid to pharmacists in steel wage-is quite a good and handsome one.2》being paid to NS grade pharmacists is not so lucrative.It is barely sustainable. No scope of travelling as job is restricted to its hospitals and dispensaries in and around jamshedpur town. No scope of innovation.You ve got to dispense the specified generic drugs as adviced by doctors of the hospital.The pharmacists here do not get exposure to new medicinal molecules or different fixed dose combinations or branded products as in case of a large retail outlet.Hence learning process is slow.Work is hectic sometimes when no. of pharmacists is less due to absentism or leave or being transferred to other location for work.Where each pharmacist in his individual drug counter dispenses an avarage of 250 to 300 prescriptions per day's shift.
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