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Progressive Water Engineer Pvt Ltd New Delhi Salaries in India

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Salary related reviews for Progressive Water Engineer Pvt Ltd New Delhi


Rated by 1 employees for salary & benefits

Finance & Accounting Department

  •  posted on 23 Apr 2018

 for  Salary and Benefits


I am working with an Agriculture Company ( Sugar Company) Located in semi arid Areas and few Kilometer of about 1 to 2 from Indian Ocean,Extracting Fresh water from Borehole was a problem. We had to curry out extensive Hydro geophysical surveys and drill several exploratory Boreholes to determine fresh and saline water interface. The company had to invest in modern Technology to ensure we meet deadlines. Team work and working for more Hours helped a lot to improve my career experience hence seen as important Team player in the company.

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i love my work and i enjoy it , found it interesting and i do it in best way to avoid dislike.

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