At Oz Infotech, I liked the work life balance only, as I had nothing much to do there. There were big promises made at the time of joining. Promises to acquire big businesses and to add multiple LOBs. I had a tenure of 11months in this company and there were only discussions in place, nothing was getting executed at any front. It is a multiple manager company with the environment of shifting expectations. One manager would overule the decision of the other as they are not at all calibrated. Everyone wants to run the show, however with their own different ways. The younger one is a self proclaimed "I am the best kind". He has a long way to go. Hard to decide, "WHO IS MY BOSS??" The statements like, "I will take you out of the company" and "you may leave immediately" etc are the common thing here. You may be told to pack your bags and leave in the middle of the shift as, with no valid reasons or clarifications. This company does not have any job security. Talk about Process improvement/new suggestions, are not entertained here. The moment you initiate one, you would be pushed down immediately or would be given unrealistic timelines.
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