Those who all are booking the rooms on walking they are hiding that much of customer to get money personally Business head santhosh cheating company & Clients
He have seperate team to cheat and add more in room bookings to hide company side and clients side he doing some business in the name of oyo
The work culture
No holidays
Nothing streamlined
No leaves
They need to know all your whereabouts
No sense of personal boundaries
Unnecessary pressure
No planning of work
24/7 work culture
They will always be a start up because they don’t believe in changing what’s not right
Office culture not good not supporting staff not supporting manager ❌ any work self abusing word every stop and colleagues angry man working culture is not certified not humidity work pressure and above
Work life balance was good previously, but some managers do not give you work life balance they want you to work 24 hrs and 7 days a week without taking any leave.
Have to spent money from the salary if target not achieved. Poor service and hotel facility from Hotel side and still have to achieve target. Within 1 year the target will be high, monthly they increasing target. No job security and politics is high. Only team leads and heads are benefited by exploiting lower teams.