Production, Manufacturing & Engineering Department
• posted on 04 Sep 2023
for Salary and Benefits
Salary and other benefits
You came with experience in one particular field, but here they put in a department where you have 0% knowledge, again you have to learn from the beginning, personally o didn't find and work satisfaction here.
There is a lot of politics and the management
Dosen,t address our issues salary is decent but career growth is slow there is a bond of 2
Year's before witchyou cannot resign on the job training is not given to new joines
1. Seniors make you feel dumb & always want you to leave the company , even they forces you to leave just because of their personal benifits .
2. Sale is simple because product is demanding, but your DM’s & STE’s &SSE’s make you mentally harrass to leave the organisation that is the worst thing in a Market leader company.
3 . Company is old cultured & should be advanced with time .
4. No employee respect , if company will not respect their employees then who will respect them (* their competitors for sure )
5. Company policy is good but should think about their all designations .
Compensation is good enough
Brand Reputation
Learning in industry
Long hours expected by middle management
Primitive company
Can't expect basic mutual respect from manager (depends upon manager)
Poor work life balance
Blame game & office politics