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McDonald's Assistant Manager salaries in Kolkata

Companies similar to McDonald's for Assistant Manager in Kolkata

McDonald's Assistant Manager Salary

(AmbitionBox Estimate)

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Company name Avg Annual Salary Open Jobs
Burger King Assistant Manager Salary

1 - 5 years exp. (3 salaries)

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₹2.9 L/yr - ₹3.9 L/yr

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KFC Assistant Manager Salary

2 - 8 years exp. (9 salaries)

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₹3 L/yr - ₹4.9 L/yr

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Domino's Pizza Assistant Manager Salary

0 - 10 years exp. (8 salaries)

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₹2.3 L/yr - ₹3.5 L/yr

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PepsiCo Assistant Manager Salary

5 - 11 years exp. (14 salaries)

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₹6.1 L/yr - ₹12.9 L/yr

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11 job openings
Amazon Assistant Manager Salary

4 - 11 years exp. (10 salaries)

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₹8.3 L/yr - ₹13 L/yr

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Xiaomi Assistant Manager Salary

5 - 9 years exp. (5 salaries)

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₹9.1 L/yr - ₹16 L/yr

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LOREAL Assistant Manager Salary

5 - 8 years exp. (5 salaries)

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₹17 L/yr - ₹23 L/yr

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Tommy Hilfiger Assistant Manager Salary

2 - 9 years exp. (3 salaries)

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₹3 L/yr - ₹5 L/yr

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McDonald's Assistant Manager Salary and Career Growth



Assistant Manager

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0 - 8 years exp.

Restaurant Manager

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5 - 12 years exp.

Disclaimer: Our data limits the visualization of this career path at this point. However, other roles and opportunities might be available within the organization beyond what is shown here.

Top skills at McDonald's for Assistant Manager


Salary related reviews for McDonald's


Rated by 7 employees for salary & benefits

Full Time


Customer Success, Service & Operations Department

  •  posted on 15 Dec 2024

 for  Salary and Benefits


1.Getting 2 weekly rest. 2.ontime salary. 3.good for learning about QSR in a systematic way.

  • Skill development - Good
  • +2 more


1.too much pressure but salary is less. Rm getting 35k, store handlers 22400-30k 2. there is always shortage of managers and crew. 3.Not getting support from the higher ups when needed. 4. Rude behaviour of Area managers. Use abusive language while talking to Managers. 5. Unachievable targets. 6.no peace at home either. Too many calls from the store regarding stupid stuff most of the time. 7.No empathy for the team. Even when a person got into accident highers ups is asking why did u got into accident , now u need to come on shift no matter if your leg is broken. Just have to come. What an stupidity. If u can handle all this. Please join McDonalds.

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  • Salary - Poor
  • +1 more

Full Time


Food, Beverage & Hospitality Department

  •  posted on 17 Apr 2020

 for  Salary and Benefits


Competitive salary package , work life balance is stricted means u can get plenty of time to hang out because of 2 weekly off, & thats the plus point. Work culture is based on the operational consultants, that what the want from their patch (procedures, extra works, etc). Differ from OC to OC and area to area. Overall best place to learn and grow

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  • Salary - Good
  • +5 more


Overtime doesn’t not paid by company to any manager

Full Time


Operations Department

  •  posted on 07 May 2018

 for  Salary and Benefits


The Training Department is absolutely wonderful. Company provides you enough flexibility in terms of Work-Life balance. The culture of the company is really good. You always feel confident about your job & the opportunities you get in the company.

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  • Skill development - Excellent
  • +4 more


Compensation part is very bad as compared to the workload you will be getting. Career growth opportunities are very limited as there are many employees working since long & waiting to get their due promotions.

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  • Promotions - Poor

Food, Beverage & Hospitality Department

  •  posted on 25 Feb 2022

 for  Salary and Benefits


I have 7 years great experience with this company. i am totally satisfied with employees skills development and learning. very safe and respectful place specially for female employees. as a female it is very easy to make a balance between the work and personal life. the company allows two weekly rest for the management level employees and one weekly rest for other employees.there are no night shift for female while male employee has to do the both shifts morning and close. there are less chances for taking a career growth. about the salary the company never delayed there employees salary. we always paid by the company on started dates of every month. but one thing i want to say that company should think about the salary wedge as it is very less according to the employees hard work. at the end i m very happy to be a part of this company from last seven years..

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  • Salary - Good
  • +5 more


salary package of employees which is very less according to their work hard.

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Assistant manager Department

  •  posted on 29 Jul 2019

 for  Salary and Benefits


Team work is very good is following the rules in strictly and good DMs and OM

  • Skill development - Excellent
  • +3 more


I don't like in salary was not sufficient and work also to hard and some time poor training and pleoples are less to run the shift sommthly and some times better and some time is very hard

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McDonald's Assistant Manager Salary FAQs

What is the notice period for Assistant Manager at McDonald's in Kolkata?
According to AmbitionBox, 55% of the McDonald's Assistant Managers in Kolkata reported a notice period of 1 Month, 27% reported a notice period of 2 Months and the remaining reported other notice period durations. This is based on 11 responses on AmbitionBox in last 2 years.

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